Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, June 10, 1954, Image 13

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outs Expecting
60 to Camp to
On Monday
. Camporee Cancelled
"Due to Bad Weather
An important meeting of Boy
Troop 71, Carroiltown, wi il
it held next Monday evening at
E88 p. m. (DST) in the base-
Went Scout Rooms of 8t. Bene-
@iet's Bchoo!
. Mthael Michrina, scouimaster,
need at a meeting of the
Monday evening of this
that all boys who plan on
this summers week
trip at Roaring Run
Bt Reservation, must be pre-
at next Monday's session Al
| time the scoutmaster and the
Members of the troop committee
will £0 over the troop roster and
¢ what boys, who showed
cooperation and aclivilies
ni past, will be permitted to
the summer ouling, high- |
of the scout year
Michrina said that only
three weeks remain in
to make plans for the sum-
: stressed the
i ¢ of next Monday's ses-
. Boys eligible to attend sum-
camp must have their par-
} permission to go by Monday
. Michrina also called for a
of the troop’s Green Bar
& mt. Sunday at his home
10 etzel Apartments, Main
He sald all members of the
fireen Bar should be present. The |
nesting will be short
Oliver Stolz Jr. asc--ant scout
rg reported that last week
pad camporee was called off due
the very unfavorable weather
He announced, tloge-
; ‘with Mr. Michrina, that the
will plan an overnight
p in the near future, at which |
an out-doar troop court of
will be held, and parenis
3 to attend i
Sf Reports on the Scout-T-Ramas |
Hate and it was announced |
Racoon Patrol will be |
of next week's meeting. |
Walters, boy scoul of |
Sn was present at
and has a
on 7 requested |
ier said that he
iuse of the stadium will
| offer
=, mm.
Phone Fireside 4-830
Little Boys ema
Well Pleased With
‘New Diamond Here
Snow Fence Markers
Placed During Week
Carroiltown’s Little Boy's Base- |
evening of
their ;
jocated |
ball League Tuesday
this week opened play on
new official plaving field
at John Carroll Athletic Field
The new little league diamond
was put in playing order this past
week. The field was rolled by a
heavy roller by Mike Glova of 8t
Benedict Several sections of snow
fence were acquired and placed
in the athietic field, marking off
the little league field from the
remainder of the stadium and
also about the diamond itself
Members of
charge of the Litt
stressed the opinion that
je Boy's League
the members of the Carrolllown
School Board who so generously
stadium facilities
Ted Lapina, league commission.
the games during the
season will open the rules set up
by the commillee in Lhat no one
is permitted beyond the limils
of the little league field marked
off by the fence. R. J Wentz
league president, said he feels
sure that this new venture in ihe
be very
successful especially after local
residents see just what work has
been done in such short a lime to
i give Carrolitown one of the fines!
Kittle league diamonds in this pari
iof the county.
A ial vole of thanks was
by the commillee to lhe
| number of local gentlemen who
{ helped
in getting the new dia
mon ready
Only the gate at the intersec-
tion of Lacey and Campbell
i Streets will be used, and cars will
be tted to park inside the
stadium. No one will be permitted
to cHmb any fence to gain en
trance to the field A policing
force of commitiese members will
be on hand al each game io en
force these rules.
Commitiee members plan to
issue 8 financial Matement in Lhe
very near future. As Carrolltown's
Little Boys League is a commun
ity project, commitiee members
12 Carrollfowners
dotes of Carrolltown
the commiliee in
they i
are very proud of their new field |
and again wish to publicly thank
i mumbes Ht
i in State College on Monday
gave them permission to use the |
Ropes everyone
ical engineering
of Carrolitown, and other
3 Week
MM: and Mrs Edward Churan
Mra Charles Shuss is recover
ing from a two weeks [lines
Yesterday, Friday and Satur
fay sre summer Ember Davs
Mr and Mrs Julian Burkey
Pinxsutawney and Mrs U A
Stole ’ this piace visited Sunday’
in Bt. Augustine with the ladies
brother Cyrus Wharton
Mrs Hosetta Donahue and Mrs
Don MeNel s visited in Phenshurg
Baturday with Mr and Mrs Paul
MeotGuire. attending a birthday
celebration of Patricia Thomas
wha oheerved her 11th anmiver
sary. Mrs Donahue is
grea l-grandmoler
Mr and Mrs Irvin Bearer, Mr
and Mrs M A Westrick and Mr
and Mra Francis Bearer, Mra
Bose Bearer Mrs Grace Malloy
Mrz Posetts Donahue snd Mrs
[om MeNelis attended the
wedding anniversary
Mr and Mix E
Barnesbors on Sunday
Mrs. Ann Kayvior and Mrs Es
ther Biam were last Tuesday visi
tors in Clearfield
Claude Kayvior of
: I, C. visited over
—_" with his molher
B J. DILLON JR. § or
f Mrs OO FF Swizz visited las
| Friday in Harn) slourg with
F Marian Mei And
i Miss Ruth Satu
» 'a
They ire Bernard James Dnlion | | Rota va . Mr
Jr som of Mr. and Mrs BE J sme Mine with anys
Dillon. and Miss Juliana M. Fees | MeGanaga) wha Is of
daughter of District Attorney and | "Mrs . ne
Mrs Fred J Fees | MoGonegal
Mr. Dillon's
Jim Dillon, Juliana Fees
Students At Penn State
Mra Ann Kay
Two Carrolltown residents re
ceived bitchelor's degrees at cere
Penn State University |
where they
the mck
ree iS in chem |
Fhile at the uni |= Dr
he was member of Phi
Kappa Social Fraternity Tau |
Beta Pi Sigma Tau, Phi Lambda
Upsilon honorary fraternities. and
member of the student council
He his been granted a fellow
ship at the University of Deln-
ware for graduate stody for a
master's degree in chemical en
gineering. He alse is a member
of the 1. & Naval Reserve.
and Mrs F E Arde is
Grier School. Tyrone, where dur:
| prize given by
| also won second honors
{ tended the recital at
| inst Friday
i Mrs Fred Farabaugh
ford was 8 visitor here recently
Kenny Fokeonrode, 6 year-old
som of Mr. and Mrs. Viecent
Eekenrode, is being treated by
a Johestown eye specialist for
an injury te ks eye sustained
recently! when he was strock
by an arrow.
Mr and Mrs Charles Glasser of |
Poston, Mass, spent! last week
visiting with Mr. Giasser's par.
ents. Mr and Mrz Charles Glas
in Altoona al the
nnd Mra Elmer Mill
or. Mr and Mrs Glasser will visit
this week in Chicago IH
the lady's brother, Lewis Bert.
Mrs Ester Patchin of
Mr and Mrs HP. Bearer of
i Pittsburgh nt Sunday with |
Mr. and
Miss Fees science degree is In
education. Bhe also was very ae-
| tive at Penn State, being art edi- Fred Fees and daughter
{tor of “La Vie” dent of the Mariyn Murphy, of his
Alpha and secretary LC
Campus Chest,
District Altoraey and
ince Reel
i naturally they
FP dey today. hap
i the »
ft yance of the
{tables and
| cupboards and
A | SR A
A wmier
his mother, Mrs Ba | Strittmatter, he by cablnetmakers The ne. Cab- | vester and Colestine Buck.
reia- | inetmaker Was a very,
{ portant tradesman, and he oon- |
i ! Mrs James Callahan returned tinued to be for at
Aw ees ta her home here after = ending : century after the founding of
’ in Astoria, N with | Ar
lem Naif a»
When a young man and young
contempintad raarrisge.
planned for Uhewr
first home just the game ax they
they had to make
wadding dale A
to the cabinetmaker was #8
Here they ordered ther
eds and chairs ana
sven Pee Bing
| chairs, and ap they progressed in
the marr age "ale
they coming
#4 to add io their furnishings, so
that the cabinsimiaRer Was a one
Patricia's |
Cand Peter Birittmaiter
ieph Behe
Sth |
receplion of |
M Bonder in|
Waskingion :
the week ond
Mrs |
daughter |
srdny they left for |
spent |
Chariotle i
if 8 mister of Mrs |
Miss Suzanne Arble daughter
spending & summer vacation st
mer home She is a stodent at the |
ing the past vear she won & plano |
Jane E. Roe and |
m her |
i class. Mrs. FE. Arble. Mrs. Rose |
Arble and Mrs Fred B. Bock at- |
the school |
of Bed |
sor. The Glassers were guests last |
with |
Mra Earl Sharbaugh and Mex |
PB J DABlom visited Sunday with |
Cherry | |
gs & Ri
She was listed in “Who's in the | exercised at Penn State Univer- |
sity Monday, when Miss Julianna |
j Fees was given x 5 ]
Council, State Party. Intramurals, Mr and Mrs B Dugion, ey
tory Coun- and Mrs. Tom BS
this te, Miss Vivian at -
st 1. Mrs. Aime Marphy
of Barpssbore, Anderson of
attended commence
ment exercises Monday at Pesn
State University. James Dillon re-
seived a atl the cersmoniss
Mra. Cletus FP is com
valesing at her home under
Mr and Mra Visceni Malloy
are spending this week visiting in
Philadelphia. They expect lo move
to that city in the near folure
Mra. Rowe
od the members of her club om]
Ligouri Lacey and Mrs
Parley Dinner
of the County Leg- |
jon Auxiliary last Thursday.
Master tT. and Mrs Juek |
Jacobs of Washington, D. C., vis
led recenily with Mrs. Jacob's
mother, Mra. Ann Myers
* Father Germain Lieb is
the week at the home of
parents, Mr. and Mrs A A
Mra Flizabeth Wastrick re
turned to in after visit
“some time with her son-
going surgery at Mercy Hospital|
a Johmat
Sharbaugh entertain
Sr, attended Ihe!
stanlly busy man
Perhaps the first cabinetinakers
n ihe community were Francs
then Ad.
George Trinkley, Jos
John Hogue Paul
Henry Behe and 8yi.
am Stolz
very in|
| dependable’ and enduring, and far!
surpassed anything that can be inetmaker was mostly always the
considerably in ad |
repainted and rembellished kit
‘pride in his work,
fashioned bureau. the ancestor of |
(early settlements that was quali- |
taking business. The result was
{furniture and regular
no enviroment of the country
| became a profession, the average
| mst continue to be a furditare
| denier
: that
| artist
| orodacts today are bringing really
| Mg prices in the antinue markets |
| and mnstly the places are strong
: ang substantial to this day
[that Still remains in Carrolitows
§ Forum ihe
| years
Jo. the turn of the century, was
ase a rabinstmaiger
| ron
looked apos the ‘abinetmaker ad
Rag be i Se iy Sa
ura amd id en
The furniture these cabinetma- |
Fof varied cost, depending on the 8
wood used, snd the particular | furniture of ©
embellishments thal were wanted |
But every stick of the furniture maple. of whatever
thal was gonstructed was sound wood the customer desired
And. as stated above the cab of
hstight today, for wearing dura. loeal undertaker, an well But not!
fom a
The three-cornensd cupboard. |
for utilization in the cormer of
ihe kitchen was one of the stand |
ard items of the day, and there
are likely many of these same |
cupboards. made 75 or more years |
Ago. still reposing in cellars. and
even in kitchems of Carrolilown
today, handed down from a few
groerations. There are dozens of
chow; chairs Still Aes
condents of the earlier devs even |
now doing yeoman duty about lo- |
eal households and just as
stromg and sturdy ss the day they
were delivered {0 the own
er's grent-grandfather and
ma. The cabinstmaker re |
past age built well and took
and he fash.
ned every conceivable kind of
household furnitire. The old. |
the modern dresser. particularly
was his pride of achievement
Quite malurally. the cabinetma-
ker was ihe only man in the
fied to make 8 coffin and de |
canme of this mos! evervome of
them also embarked in the under.
even when factorvy.made
stores became part of (he busi.
Furniture and Undertaking |
were always linked tossther Foon |
‘after modern embalming methods
same into play, and the business
corticiss presumed tos hat he
Cubinetmakine wam't a trade
wis hastily acquired The
old-time tradesman really. was an
in hs line Bome of bis
Portaps most af is» fir’ tore}
eaxbinstmaker produc.
| Lion was made bv other the firm
in Monthi .
to and after 1900 by My payments
| Henry . Adm Stols grand
| father of Postmaster O FF Stein
until his petivement shortly be.
of prosin.
-t re. and wis largely pat.
The residents of he carly days
| perhaps ome of the most import:
ant and ewmentin] of all trades.
men And they rexlly were While,
33 thetr prodocts took considerable
| |. a
More for your money thon ever before
More for your money than ever before! Keep food
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Only Ford of the low-priced cars op IiS power=
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most modern V8 in any car regondiens of price’
For ride and handling ease that no other lvw-priced car
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it's another Ford
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Ford styling has set a new standard for the American
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Ford's value will be higher.
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