Spangler Moves Into First Place In Industrial League Tops Cardiff, Central City In Week End Tilts Spangler team of the Cambria County Industrial League into first place last week end one-half a game ahead of second piace Lilly. The Northern downed Cardiff. 10-1, moved into the first place. Cardiff, 10-1 Victim Scoring almost at will, Span- gler limited Cardiff to only seven | hits as they held them to a 10-1 week at | posted two count In a game last Spangler. The winners runs in each of the 2nd and 3rd innings, then three runs in each of the Sth and 81h to easy victory Paul Shabbick, on the mound or Spangler struck out ors and didn't issue a fwalk during the game and Puvch shared for the losers single | i seyarndd dite moved | Cambria outfit’ but lost out to Central City, 8-1. sithough they " ison, take the on 12 bat- | Hohmann | {hits of the game. tain the By FRED OWENS cy SPORT SPOTS By FRED OWENS Double marked the only extra base hits of the game Benny Kay posted two-basers for Spang ler and Comeron and CO hit doubles for Cardiff The Spangler team collected 11 Laoiastic hits from the Cardiff pitchers Hastings Hohman struck out 3 and Puyeh, os 5 pee 3, as Hohman walked 5 and the sa of relief hurler, only one OTROS field totaled five Spangier was error-free but the teams at the most There will be josers showed four miscues Yar- al jeast eight leama compelling i ko and Kay of Spangier each had top honors ths year, acoorg ia stolen base ng to Clair Urich of Hastings The summary FDvtrict 6 PIAA secretary-t Cardiff -Outets if 14 Cook ss oF and supervising prin 1-3; Bracken Ib. 1-4. Siko of, 1-4 Hastings Elder Schools ‘ a &-1 Frank, Ib 0-4 Comeron of 1-4 Tah ¢ 1-4 Hoh | man, g 1-2 Puych pp 0-1. Maslyor iam 0-0 Pursky, Ib 0-3 Seott eo O} | Ando, if. © Spangler Yarko, : 4 3-5. Ben and iets sixth annual District 8 haseball (ournament al Athletic Field (his mon ted to atiract 8 record entries. In the past five The {he # FORNIY spr | of {he ams of s nN goge OO Mall Of Homer City ilLaura Indiana County owns secutive tit Centre B Ander. ped the 1949 and 1950 1-2. K And- Homer {8ty will probably he fon 6d: : Hl ara. 0. | back in the fold this year Othe {3 1:3 Bertot of o.1 entries are Moshannon Joint of £5, H. 1. Skinky. 3b 0} Maoshannon Valley League. Span | Cardaft 0 00 Wot 1 gler of Inter-County League, Cen- | Spmagter 63 G0 m0 11 9 sep Hull of Centre County Lea gue and Philipsburg, an independ Nl th & 10.2 record during the recently ry pleted COMPRigs The Bedford County d Tri {County a CBI PB MAY COT Deel 8 "on Crown " f. 8-3 Spangler Takes Over First Place | i Although losing to Central City | ‘%-1 Inst Bunday, Spangler look aver the first place in the Cam | ‘bria County Industriai League j one half game ahead of second ‘place Lilly. i With Henry Salvan holding the | home forces to seven hills, the | winners pounded out eight bin- | gles and scored one run in tae second, four in the sixth snd three | in the eighth Salyan fost his | shutout in the fifth when the lea: | gue leaders pushed over their cn- | ¥ run, Kay during the honors. | ! Pollock of the winners and K | Anderson of Spangler each hit » | | two-baser for the only exira- base A stant driver performing at rg Fairground Speed. way ast Wednesday evening with the Tournament of Thrills outfit, was injured when he fell from a moving satomobile dur- ing the program. He is Wil nme Dollman, 18, of Roamoke, Va, whe was admitted to the Miners’ Hospital, Spangler, at shout 10 p. sm. Extent of hin in- Juries were not serious. St Francis College's 1954-58 t hasketball team may assiame a ma Clamsification nex! w.nter MoeCombie and Shabbick did the | if Wayne University and Lawr. pit for Spangler, "McCombie [ence Teth are sccosded the same with the loss. McCom- | recognition The Frankie ach 2 and walked 3 and iedule, as announced in last BnadbicK straock out 4 and inured | week's edition of this newspspey 5 walks as they both together includes nine games with left go of 8 hits Spangler hac opponents 16 men left on bases a Centrai | roll 2 Bt City 8 The summary: | Temple and a ih eh mn. | Haghes' club, under NCAA rules | vast pay half of its games wilh Sai. | Major rivals lo oblain a similar classification oes pint Dagueane 2. John Car Bonaventure 2. Iona, itlanova. Coach Skip Price. | The Red Flasher of Loretlo are i sinted to face MM collegiate rivals Warne ix on the card for (we gaines while Lawretce Tech is) for a single lest at Altoona | in the Jaffa Mosgue. Should hl and Lawrence Tech be | in Lhe major category, the | Kies will play 1 upper Bracke! teams and mest the Juels established by the NCAA ; organizalion 8 rues oul that border-line leams under the 50 ent jevel) 3 be placed in the major ranks if! their overall schedules warrants it's altogether possible ihat St Francis could break the barrier on | this ruling. In addition, the Red Flash have their 1984 National Invitational Tournament lo back them up The State Game Commission has invited representatives of all sporlsmen's rganizations, the a the. Pomona Grange, Pennsylvania State University and her interested groups or dgen- to a meeting at Ha on June 30. The purpose is to ob- | nil 5 3 oF iE if Iii i } ¥ For thon of carried the resulls and | Borough Councilmen a | Regults Feil, i the power ‘as UNION PRESS. COURIFR complete results of these gam. es throughout the season, This year something one might call “unique” in the way of fines has been adopted by the North Cambria Pony League Before the season opened officials asied pt whether we would give the leagie publicity this year We said we would be only WW glad to io #5 Then the members of the cague turn around and vole a fine fo anv not turning in results. of games played In our estimation 18s# is surey a unique way of making sure each individual team in lhe (#a- gue gels publicity. We never be- fore heard of anv ruling in any Kind of league qu like this une Bet we assure vou if is a good Slomeone’s thinking ahead in area Pony jeague! Here and there-Carrolitowa’s fittle Boys’ League this year will see the facilities of the John Carroll Athlete Field in Carrolftown for their official firld. Announcement was made by Carrofltown Sebhool Board this pant week. . . . North Cambria High School in still seelting a team to play on Sept 17, only open date on the 1954 football card of the school. The new area Class A team will go afield for the first time this coming season. . . Mins Jayne Kiedlin, chemistry in structor at St, Francis College in Loretto, Inst week exchanged her books for golf clobs and made history at Sammit Coun try Clab, Cresson. Miss Kimlin scored a hole-in-one on the 126 yard No. 6 hole in a foursome, She send a No. 7 iron. Nhe in only the second woman from Cresson to makes a hole-in-one. team te ye the Playoffs In Carrolliown Bowling |: Lean Is Becomi By B D (Barpey) Beanier Conrier Rowling Editor Well how's everyvome his fife WMOTning. Well - folks playoifs of Lhe men's Bowling League is out Io be very instance the the Carrell Shaughnessy own Fire turning exciting, by gum fas! Thurmiay's odi- Union Press Courier of the Carroll town Firemen-Falton Eagles con fest which the Firemen won by the small margin of 21 pins, and now last werk we rolled five mare mate hex Last Monday the Pation Bev erage fonk the Patton BOI ove 2322 too 2.159 Rieve of the Bev. erage team scored a MT single and then ended with a 515 series | 10 pace the Kegx and cases while FLotsie paced the BOT with a 454 followed by Charlie's 452 The [very same evening Rody Wente's | t Hotel apset the Moowe outfit from Hastings paced Rudy's with a 314, followed by Pat's 507 Balko became Big” Moose when he rolled a 501 jeries 16 take ihe laurels fram Peeler Now Wenlas's Hotelmen don'i work be Hind the bar Nope, they do their work in front of it. Still Monday it's eiling late, but Westrick file's are ng the Pontiac, 2.121 paced the Council 453 louis and Ben snd Lacey were behind the ball instead of on it as were Maurer and Platt evening | and the playoffs were reduced to Then came Tuesday une match Bender Electric turned they wan 2.142 47, ing scores from Ned again paced the Pontiac out fit a nice 201-514 Thursday night ages light went and company Z2A14 to Patton Bever layed them team iremen with his 92 ANE By Alon Maver the AWAY | understand that! the ard time | and Coun- | 2008 Ned pulled a 202 and [514 series to pace his Dad's tesm 3 while Miller iwith a 454 followed by Gene's | on Westrick Pontiac [© to. 20894 A shock! Doe paced Bender's with & | the other four Benders’ roll | $02 to #49. And] out when Flip bow | 0 392 It was Flips 236 and SEZ that did it Asashon roll 483 oo sad 328 for three to jeand the Carvolitows enty's crossed bats | $ Agnin, 2431 to a 214 and 543 KO’ Laussee to Returnto T.V. Tomorrow Night | Production Record New York (Special Eduards! “Faye” a Holstein at Cambria Lausse., hard-punching middle. | County Home Farm, sel the lop weight from: the Argentine, meets Milk production last month, ac- the elusive Joe Rindone of Bos- | cording to a report of Cambria ton, in a scheduled 10.round bout | County Dairy Herd Improvement tomorrow, Friday, June 4 as the Association release! by Herbert regular wiekly feature of the|C Terndrup, county agent [Gillette Cavalcade of Sports The | The cow produced 2.244 pounds program will be featured locally (of milk--204 pounds more than over WIACTY, Johnstown. at 30] Ber nearest competitor “Bonnie” & p.m (DST) | Holstein owned by John Hoover Lausse. i newcomer lo the air | Cresson R. DD. Other animals Lat. od among the top five in mull Ways, gained a host of followers | uetio and thelr Owners ars fn Ris recent appearance against ; ; Chico Varna Apparently sens ‘Duisy” a Holstein ownud Ly mg That he was on the short side | Lewis Jones, Fhensburg R. D. | of the scoring through the sixth 2.084 pounds: “No 38 a Holstein Eduardo displayed the kayo "Wned hy Noel Bros, Munster prowess every fight manager 1.914 pounds. und “Fran” a Hol dreams about in the seventh to stein owned by Mr. Jones | 8856 gain his 15th straight victory. His | Pounds quest for world honors started in “Duiny” produced 1080.8 pound [1B and to date “KO has an; of butterfat to carry off the top impressive 39 kayos in 47 wins honors in butterfat production, : Rindone, with his bobbing | “Nig” a Jersey owned by Mr. [wenving style and ability to take | Jones pinced second with 84.8 a punch, could well prove toc | pounds of butterfut. Other ani much for Ris opponent. Joe's! mals incheded in the top five crouch and love for infighting | In butterfut production are: will be of definite advantage “Goldie” a Gurasey owned by aguinet Liusse, who prefers the | Mr Hoover, and “Pom” a regis standup Rind of slugfest. The ered Gurnsey owned by James ring know how that Joe han com Leamer. Dunio, each 82.8 pounds piled in seven years of pro box- | ind “Bonnie” 788 pounds ing has stood him in good stead | Herd owners with five or more against Joey DeJohn, Pierre Lan-| snimais on the honor roll last glois and others asx he has am- | month include the Cambria Coun assed a total of 32 victories ty Home farm, 28. Bill Sybert ® Portage R. D_, and J N. Griffith “A want ad solves your need. | & Son Kbensburg R. D. 2 « | cech; Eldred Giltings, Ebensburg RD, 9 Mr. Hoover, Mr. Leamer urd Farabaugh Broa, Loretto R 19 Stelia Smith, treasurer They were Judy Sinclair. elected at a meeting Tuesday of | this wes, { In other business at last Tues days session, “New Horison” cer. | tes were awarded to various | commitives for outstanding per’ formance in the Mrs | Margare! Calvetti was initiated as | a co-worker. A lunch was served | by Mra Mae Claravelia. after bring tioned for a year, is Spending the home of his parents. Mr and Mrs. Richard of Lor etto R I 1 He wis a member of & madical unit while to duty in Japan and served aon | truck difiver and mechanic while in Korea The soldier holds the Combat Infantryman Badge. A NA SK SIA Si SALER PARTIES ; Twenly millicn women attend sales parties each year Many of | the housewives make good mon. | ey by arranging them and selling | to other women in thelr spare time, seach: Noel Hr. wh : i Mr Jones 4 Tractor Contest Rules Changed Cambria County Young Farm: ng Bit Exci ting Oh my. I simost forgot Wed (nesday night which is or was indies might. Yeu the girls are going rood F. Sis Attention. Note! Im portant! AR league bowlers are urged to attend a meeting this Friday wight at the Alleys at 208 pm (DST). See you next week and then we will Wt vou in on the (final mateh of the Bhaughnessy League Playoffs. 1Jntil then, Bo-long! |*vent by allowing heavier tract. Oh ves the summaries follow | 5's to be entered in the Nght | Westrtel Posiine 2111 medium and heavyweight divis- SE aay | JOUR : 108 148 soni Laghtweight Dl I 41 iM FT | pounds, now up whale $ J $ Jig > ha a oi iat | weight formerly I Ror gh Connell. ie i formerly A800 pounds 1s N Veckier ue to NX O0 8 Yeookiny in Bumiet N. Miller bs Totals wing made several rales for Hs sanual Lng contest held in conjunction with the Cambria County Fair The action was taken mit wider participation in (he | cha nes Me rer M FPF Westin 0 Plat formerly io 4.500; 4.100 ew 16 ie 4 ais Raymond Cronaner Ni iii LS ilo be used in the pulling tontest. In other action, voled 3100 toward construction of & new grandstand at the fair grounds and voled te change the! Wenty Hotel 1347 3 a 8 a ea es | Sie | wl i jrociation-awned pint it was reporied. .| Barnesboro Moose Women Install { Mrs Thressa Bonatesta will! zis | #TVe Ss senior regent of Barnes | 30 | boro Chapter 484, Women of the Moose, during the coming year. She was nominated without op | position al a mweting Tuesday o. nat week in the Hame WT | ae El me nie a 38 45 a nu Evelyn Abernethy, who automa Healy will become junior gradu ile regent. fiw opposition are Mrs. ama Florence Samana nein THT - iw» Fy Bosuuey Poms Wiw EH and sre Association last Thursday ev | tractor-pall- | to per- revediamn | 5.306 pounds, | ip to S200 amd heavywsight | ap : Law- 4 rence, Was appointed chairman of | 8 commilise to construct the sled ihe assccintion rule covering the borrowing of an | 3 | Mra Bonatesta will succeed Mrs | aa a £ i { : i § i | B.C. L AREA A JUNE 13 TO 19 FOR THE BIGGEST . BARGAINS IN 150 YEARS | COME TO --- | RuPP'S FURNITURE — APP ANCES Mam Street i iB fF g Re nares Other officers nominated with- | B CI AREA Week of June 13th to 19th, 194 843% 55 ETERS Baezzse espns a