Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, June 03, 1954, Image 12

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    A a TB OR ARB i es i
‘number of terms:
8 2
pm ———————— A ——
P. L. Westrick Submits List
Of “Red School’s” Teachers
: patrick, Stella Askins, T. V. Abel,
H. T. Wentz, Frank Hipps, J. B.|
Dillion, F A Westrick, Dan
Kline, Ellen K. Tulley, T. J. Pfis-
ter, Katie Lantzy, Bessie logan,
x . : . Frank Strittmatter, Mary Mur-
Westrick, Cambria County Treas phy. Bertha Wilson, Tena Warner,
rie ’, A eo TERY and Minnie Dunbar, B. J Overberger
etal his efforts in connection Emma Otto, George Lied, John
the “Little McCoy, Olive Ford, P. R West.
With the story about F Tws over, Oscar Weakland, FW
Red Schoolhouse” and Eider P| Lumadue, Clara Moran, Felicitas |
sehools in general Dennis under- | Mor
took : an. Anna Kline, Ella McMul-
quite a task to "dig up’ for len, Albert McMasters A. F
ws 2 list of teachers who had Baker. John Beck. Elizabeth |
tmught In. the “Cownani Sosrict| REN olin mua: Gace Bock
5 y a
ad up to the 1953-54 term. Allg. Margaret Burgoon.
few names may be missing oniReArney. Elizabeth Huber,
the recorded files. but the jist is| RAR. Lucy Urban, A J. Stritt.
: " imatter, Agnes Kline, Ella Urban
Bs complete as could possibly be [rene Annas Max Becker, Francis
obtained. E. Kearney, Mary Bills. Edw. A
Holtz, Marie Anna, Charles Eck-
for 1881 and from 1885 fo 1891. .nrode Gertrude Kline, Marie
For Mr. Westrick's helpgwe are Yeager, Agnes Yeager, Marie
truly grateful | Donaughe, Otto Strittmatter, Ed-
Mr. Westrick himself. has the na Walters, Carrie Rhiner, Hilda
most number of terms to Bis cre- Ott, Pearl Jones. Arieine Karl
dit as a teacher in Elder District, heim, Helen Ott, E E Irwin,
with a total of 18 He aiso taught Mary Johaman, Helene Quinn
in Hastings Borough | Dortha Yeager, Fran Crotfers
ition to a list of teachers | Genevieve Wea a Kel
pi Addition submitted to us a :Luells Byrne, Helen [. Westrick,
complete list of Cambria County | ‘Mary Li Hudson, Kathleen Dona-
Schoo! Superintendents, from the | Bue. Agnes Gilday, Mary E. Kline,
1854 Of the 16 men Who! ‘Mary Melvin, Theodore Ott,
this office. Martin S Hentz Helen M. Kollar, Barbara Yahner,
Setved the greatest number of Henrietta Yahner, Mary Weak-
terms from 1911 to 1988. land, Mary Hanvak. Edith Siro
hrmer and Anna MeKivigan
The list at hand shows the fol.
lowing to have taught in the Ei- Co. Superintendents Since 1854
der riet schools, some for a County Superintendents since
18 are 38 Jaliows:
rt L. Johnston 8S
Teachers Listed for Elder Schools ™ oCormick. Thomas A. Me-
August Glasser, 8. P. Diamond. Guire, James M. Swank, Wiliam
Peter Sawyer, Ellie O'Noel, Min- | A. Scott, Henry Ely, (The last
Bie Wirtner, Peter Glasser, Thos [four named during one term,
H. McMasters, Ids Grimes, F. E 11861-1862, J Frank Condon,
Hh. A. J Noel, Edwin J. Chapman, Hartman
R , Lewis Strayer, W. J Cra
cL. W Leech, T. T. Gibson,
: , Herman T. Jones, Martin 8. Ben-
E. Kinney, itz, and Arthur M. Stull, incum-
We've always found Dennis L
Names are miss on the list
AN oe
Libby. P.
Abel, Philip B. Abel, A. Kirk- bent, sérving since 1936.
| Donahue-Holtz
Nuptials Held Here
| Last Saturday
Fake Arthur J. Holtz Ms Mas Mais wes 8
+ Bother “Native Son”,
ast on Ma
Solemn High
Wha sh Was united 13 mitringe
William Danshue in St
who | Bernard's Church here. The bride
is & daughuis of Waiter Holtz
of Hastings R. D. snd the bride
is a son of Mr.
i fh iak :
fel it
Bessie |
i i She
| Ehter
| Houck
| reported
Kathieen { for duty with
i writien
i 8
| St.
Hoitz, president:
M. Camilla Houck
Lieut. Commander
A Hastings girl is one of 15
Regular line WAVES selected
i this Spring for promotion lo the
| rank of Lieutenant Commander
is Mary Camille Houck, daun-
of Mr. and Mrs A J
of Fourth Avenue
The 15 new Lieutenant C
i manders were picked by
jtion board which first
| April 27. The board went
a mele
tthe records of 94 eligible officers
to pick the fifteen
IA Cdr Houck is now
as Regimental Commander
Recruit Training Command
a! Bainbridge Md
of the
i Mrs
{ Bunday
Mary Mar
nesboro and Ernest Wright of Al
verda were visitors here Sunday
at the home of Mrs Josephine
Mr. and Mrs Dick Karl of
Pittsburgh announce the birth of
a son, Mark, Dennis, on May 20 |
Karl is the former Mary
fou Nagy of Hastings Congra-
it. Cdr Marie Kelleher
Washington, D CC, and Lt
Cammille Houck of Bainbridge, |
‘Md. were at the latter's home
here over the week end
Mr and Mrs Joseph Houck
their aon, Donny, and Richard |
Houck of Smithport came here
to visit relatives and
of |
Following her graduation from | were accompanied home by Mrs |
Beaver College, Jenkintown, in the
spring of 1543 Miss Houck at
| tended Naval Reserve Midshipman
| 8éhool at Northampton Maas
where she was commissioned an
Ensign in the Navy Aug 27,
that year The next month
Washington, D COC
the Chief of Naval
In December,
officer received her first
ton, that of lieutenant junior
grade. Two vears later she was
given a spot promotion to lis
tenant in the UU. 8 Naval Re.
1944, the young
‘serve, and in IMP she was trans
ferred to the Regular Navy wiih
permanent rank of lieutenant
From Washington the act
WAVE went to the U! 8
School (Naval School of Justice)
Naval Base, Newport. R. I, where
she remained until March
vear, when she was
to her present station
The new lieutenant commander
is a "True Blue” Navy gal! "I'm
very lucky.” she says,
I chose the Navy 1 really
my work immensely
f ® %
Class Valedictorian
Is Miss Patricia Veil
Recelving highest honors Pal.
ricia Veil was valedictorian of
High School at commencement ex-
ercises held Wednesday évening
of last week in Moose Theater
here. With second highest honors,
Nancy Udicious was class salula-
Waksrrunskl who was
Worlds to the class song were
by Patricia Veil, Carol
Madis and Barbara Frycklond, to
the music of “In the Mission of
Aligustine."As a motile
those: “The Rosd Called
Toll leads to the City Calied
Success.” Class colors were
and white and cisss flower
the Yellow Tearose
Claas officers
were: Margie
vice-president. and Carol
clang loft
heed my trip to Washington, D.
Athletic Awards
orc vars:
Athletic awards were swarded
fast week at Js annual Junior.
Twp. High Sehoot as follows:
Seniors: etter,
row Be
she |
ive |
of this |
Lin this vicinity
“and glad |
the 1904 class of Hastings Eider |
over the week
Award winners were Carnelius
the Rimsselaer Science snd Ma-
{ thematics Medal, and Emilee Yah
i ner, who received the Bausch and!
| Lomb Bclence award
Tom Kolessar,
Madis. |
(Mlare Houck, who had vised in
town the past week at the Henry |
Mr and Mrs William 8*ritt.
matter of Ebenisburg were visors
in town on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs James Tatters|
snd daughter, Linda, of Pitts |
burgh t the week end here
at the William Hugill home On|
Bunday aftenroon Mr. and Mrs
home and with
‘Tatters, Mrs. William Hugill and
Andrew Rusnsk
commencement exercises |
(at St. Francia College. Loretto. |
Mra. Louise Tatters, Dorothy |
and Fielding Tatters of Barnes |
bors and Mr. and Mrs
Weaver of Morrisdale were ghests |
pl the William Hugill home in
| Enst End
Mr. and Mrs
Westfield N J,
George Greso of |
vigited relatives
the first of the
Miss Vie Houck of Westfield |
N. 1. i» spending some Lime with
relatives in this vicinity
and sons, Billy and Jimmy, of
Newton Falls, Ohio, were at the!
Lumadue hame here for the week |
Mrs Betty Houck and Miss
Gaynelle Houck, R. N., now em |
ploved in New Jersey, were here
with relatives over the wesk end
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cooderham
and daughter. Linda,
R. DD, visited here Bupday at
the E MM. Weakland home
Miss Nancy McNells, &8 mem
‘ber of the high school facuity af
St Mary's, was at her home here
Thomas Charles Anna,
Mr. and Mrs Henry Anna
this place, was among the 300
members of the class of 1054 at |
Indiana State Teachirs
who received al com- |
I mencament exercises ast week.
Mr Anna received 3 BS in sec
ondary education.
Thia year's senio”
HEHS dediestet the final is
sae of the Tmikwall to three for.
‘mer high school members who
were killed ‘while serving their
three yours
| country in the
| Fred Clecotalll,
i dlention, we'd aay
We Jike the HEHS Inkwell '
‘cover for the class of H4--quits |
Land Mrs. Arien Madis
| After visiting here with reia-
tives, Mr and Mm louis A.
| Fors and Mr. and Mrs Ls
South*™ have retumed to Chis
Eider | officers
: and Mrs ” Sylvester De- | daughter Fleanor,
‘Clonna and daughter,
(garet and Joan DaBelle of Bar-
Cdr. |
other rela-’
attended |
James nd
and Mrs. James Dumaduoe
of Patton |
son of
Urirh and
Pete Kosturs. A wonderful de
Victor Constanza of Washing |
| om, D. C.. waa st his home here
of Houtsdale
visited Sunday at the home of
Miss Marie Miller in Kast End
Misses Kathryn and Sue Gill
of St. Lawrence ware guests on |
Runday at the Niebuuer home in| the
East End
Brother Marcian of Bt. Fran.
| Cis, Loretto, visited here Sunday
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs
{ John Niebatjer.
Father Cyprian, OSB, of 3
| Vincent, Archabbey, Latrobe, and
Arthur Commons has decided
to build 485 feet to his
and install s new bowling |
alley just as soon as possible. |
Dr. George Baldwin is having |
residence he recently
{chased from A. J. Noel on
ver Street remodeled which will |
add much to the appearance of |
the same when completed
Roy E. Wheeler will
hate from Patton Monday to
ke charge of the New Central |
Sister Serenus of Look Haven | 13 tel
visited here over the weal end at |
the Yahner home in East End
Mr and Mrs Morris Wyland |
and son, Joe of Cleveland, O.
| were guests Sunday at the Dave |
| Weakiand home in East End
Mr and Mrs. Charles Tyler and |
| daughter Patricia of Erie visited |
at the Walter Hunter home over
(ithe week end
Mr. and Mrs Francis O'Don-
nell and children of Harrisburg. |
children and Mr. and Mrs Wal.
ter Farrell and children of Phi
| iIndelphia visited here the first of |
the week at the
ithe vicinity,
Mrs. Paud Easily, Me I M
| Don Dumyn were visitors in|
“ Johredown last Thursdsy
Sisters Clertrude Holtz, OSH
and Many Pena Holts, OBB, of
ives $2 on 1
We have ben informed that |
(although three HE HS studentr
| collaborated on obtaining data |
for the essay on Hastings’ history |
Lin the contest sponsored by Cam- |
brian County Historical Society, |
(which entities each fo a share |
lof. the $20 first prize, the essay |
{was sctuslly written by just one!
Ardeth |
| of the students
| Brazil,
Raiph Holtz visited nn few days
this weak with friends in (Cleve.
Fifty Years Ago
Rems ‘talon from me Rr
Jane 3; if News
The game of basshall on the
‘home grounds Decorstion Day
‘between the second teams of
Carroiitowr and Hastings was
‘witnessed by a good crowd of
i fans TH score wap 17-8,
vor of the home team.
A. C Roger in building a new
{ restaurant puliding near his pro
iperty on Heaver Street and will
poon serve the bile with that
“which plesses the fmer man
The third annual picnic of the
{Hastings UMWA on Decoration
{Day was nn financial muccess and
| all present seemved to wnjoy them.
selves immensely. Hall james,
dancing. shooting contests, music
added to the day's hilarities
D. J. Bouck had business
Johnstown on Thurmdny.
Monday s new schedule weni
into effect on the PRR. whereby
the ger service in and out |
jot this place ia twith: more iat
factory oi tran the fact that a
threw-coac) with mail serv.
After about a month's shut.
the Pu. Coal & Coke Come
known in tis
and Mrs. Omer Holtz and |
P. O Hote,
home and with other relatives in
visited with reis- | vie
ares over the week | Drivi ng Park, with a choir of 400 Rotary Club Luncheon;
in fa
Band, Stull’s
Clearfield Plans |
Daily Program
| Of Sesqui Events
Herewith is a thumbaal list of |
the daily activities of the Clear. |
| field affairs for Sesquicentennial
| Week
Religious Participation Day
Morning: Paliedoge Onmpmsssns
‘ation Day. All Churches, individ. |
Kline, Mrs. Don Parrish and Mrs |
ual Church Homecoming. After
noon, at 2 o'clock: Dimiviet maxes!
Flag Day Ceremony,
Ritz Thea-
‘tre, Clearfield; Early Evening. |
a Union Religious Ber
at Grandstand, Clearfield
{county wolces and Congressman
Walter H. Judd, speaker
Labor & Management Day
Homecoming Day for BCI area;
Invitation Lions Club juncheon:
Picnic at Lower Witmer Park. '
public invited: Raft chris’ ming.
Raft river tours: Opening of the
midway. Vaudeville Show admis |
sion; arching Parade, reviews |
(at Grandstand: Preliminary exer.
i cloes at Clearfield Driving
| Coronation of Her Majesty,
| Clearfield County; First presen.
tation of historic pageant,
ul Sto
at Jlenrfie
square dance at
Park; |
“The |
Coronation Balls
come | 4
Governor Fine
and Veterans’ Day
| Combined Womens’ Club Lun
icheon, al 12 noon, Gov. John 8.
Historic tours; Rsft river rwerrel
|m ghey Building. Midwna
i v i y
| ans Ground-bresking Clearfield
| Area Joint Nigh School: Puss-mo-
| bile og Ret Pet parade; Vaudevilie:
Legion Clonrfield: Band
nue, by Command
| or Selecky and National Cham
pion Twirlers: “Sesqul Story i
| Award dance at Exposition build-
Hing, Clearfield Driving Park: and
| street duncing.
Agriculture Day
Oscoolis Homecoming
Bois Homecoming Day: Horie
| Parade st DuBois;
at Browncrest Farm; ay
tours: River raft tours; Midway;
i Bicycle race; Vaudeville, Gram
n Homecoming reception, with
ra Gov. Wood; Old-fashion chile |
{ken baroeque dinner, bond cone |
| cert. Knig ta of Columbus di
iner; LiL Wood, speaker
vious to “Besqui Story”;
| Class reunion; street dancing and
Roam, Clearfield
Gond Nelghbors' Day
Same an other dave
Auetion Day
| Jenkins and Mr. and Mra
Shooting Fest, at DuBois Rifle Zimmerman.
and DuBois.
+ WE ARE NOT 150 YEARS OLD, but we
are one of the oldest businesses in Coalport.
Many are running under the same name handed
down, but Greinader started this business in a
small way in the old Bolinger Building, next to
Mr. Albert Welker's, then moved to Coalport to
the Old Brady Store Building, now occupied by
Vignie. Later this building was sold to Abe
Kauffman, and I was compelled to move, so I
built the store that is now occupied by Newberry
Company; then sold to N. Kaufman, and bought
Rugs, 9x12 ft, |
Floor Covering, 12 8. wide,$ 11. wide, cut to ft eum, 3g, To
Ed tN A rd RE ES tr ss a hans
- Big Section Better D
apres ot yr SIRI
SE Tey
Rh alld... .... 00000 nnn
a rr rrr ar
. oo ; x :
mit a a
SRL Erxsa remiss s tn ra resis n eRe. wi