Hastings and We’ re Sorry! We are sorry. Through a misunderstanding between the Courier's management and photographer there was no one present last Sunday to take a picture of the First Commmun- fom Class of St. Bernard's Church. We are very sorry te have caused inconvience for Father Adalbert, the members and Instructors of the class and the parishioners of St Bernard's. We will strive to see that other such incidents do mot occur in the foture, UNION PRESS-COURIER Class Made Up of 28 Boys, 32 Girls [Receive Sacrament On | u ? : Sunday At St. Bernard's Perfectly trained under the] guidance and supervision of their | teachers, nuns of St Bernard's Parochial School, a ciass of 60 children received First Holy Com- | mranion at the 8:30 mass here on Bunday. The giris outnumber. od the boys by four, there being 28 boys and 32 girls All in white, the children presented a scenes as they piously pro- RE ‘Newlyweds Feted geen oe wince revert or) Af Recent Shower d first time The following | Were in the class ‘hanna Beltowski ‘D. were hostesses a! a shower {given last Thursday evening in “the Barmneshoro VFW Home for Mr. and Mra George Baker of {| Hastings, who were married here iMay 8. Bingo featured as en { tertainment and a nice lunch was served, Those present were: Mrs Fran cis Young, Mrs Catherine Kline, Mrs James Beltowski, Mrs John | Drahnak, Mrs Joseph Lobick Mrs John Gisler, Mrs. John Dol : j ges, Mrs. Mike Stislow, Mrs Judith Adams Teresa Angert Stanley Bengie, Mrs. Katherine Basista, Judith Bush, Dor | Noman Mrs Helen Kommer, Bearer. Nancy Born, Ria wy. Dun Yonkoske, Mrs Betty Torri ay oyor Hnot. | Keith. Mrs B A Baker, Mrs 2 : resco, JO¥C oe . : Kerfonta, hovi Kathleen Kas. r | Mra. Ma Mrs. Mary Kerf . Paula Kline, rhars Kuz | , Milosavich. Bontta | poioviek, Mra Julian Gisler, Mrs Miller, Sandra’ Bernadetie Molek. Mar corgon, Mrs. Mary Zatoski, Mrs Noel, Lesh Price, Gira | victoria Wajno, Mrs. Bisine Ross, Wanda Roland, Theresa 3. Mae Williams, Judith old Murphy, John Murphy, Mich- asl Murphy, Daniel Novsk, Jo- soph Owsuick, Eugene Rogal, Richard Semelsberger, Edward Shutty, Lawrence Shutty James Sodmont, Louis Scinosky, James Sral. Bernard Thomas John Weskiand Earl Yeckiey, Pulrick Yeager, Paul Yeager Semelsbarger, Cowan Mrs. M. G. Burkey, Mrs Shilling, Lovena Shully.| pegri Smith, Mrs. Anna Wargo, Thomas, Gloria Waorches- (yyy Paul Doiges, Mrs Pauline Carol Woodley and Elizabeth | porengic Mrs John Clark, Mrs : | Helda Yediosky, i Falls, Mrs. Margaret Walsh, Mra i Rose Certo, Mrs. Stan i Mrs. John Chura, Mrs Lodico {| and Misses Dorothy Pardee, Mar- ‘tha Pardee. Alice Westover, Cath- {erine Kammer, A Procession Featur ~ 0f May Crowning At Hastings Church br A beautiful ceremony took in St. Bernard Church Sun- when ¢ : the bood That purifies our souls for God -for You' Chaste hands empowered lo con vey the | The manna that sbeolves offense Us Bowlers Won't Bodder Enywon! 3 asf sigh : i i ih in i i = 1 low Mrs Louis Chura and Mrs Jo | of Hastings R | # ding Saturday | Bt double-ring Ceremony i served as best Anita | yrs Martha Killander, Mra. Paul | Philip Chura, Mrs. Albert Koval | Mrs. John Gerrick, Mra. Ken An | Mra Anne Mrs Theresa Gisler, | | and i Hastings ‘ott May 22 —— OA A A A Blood Here ‘From 1105 Today Area residents are urged to al-| at east hol hogs of ro tor | Sunday at he BR. A Kelly home time this uo y, ay PF iin East End visit xs Rad C nd ane Sr a vit oe of og | Mr. and Mra. Dominic Demento tings Methodist Church basement | ¥pent ig Says Jag vv with E Epes : 3 1k. ins | friends in Detro ich [ums oS A Al k mm Mr and Mrs John Domonic of However, 10 expedite visils 12% ford Ure oe han ro Pho! sorne prospective donors previous | o or over the weak end i ) ; to i Ww iva RB = 3 ¥ sherry ; wr ® is Sontacied Rev Bair alter SH b I A number of vicinity fisher Wi head The committer in|men have enjoyed the fishing ai Ah A ba A Fisherman s Paradise on Spring aes in order to a FANET | Creek , sear Bellefonte since anident iva Bitte | CPeming day on Friday Located a i. Shala_ require 4 he {in Centre County. Paradise ix fs this blood collec ty program | mous the world over for wonder : boven pt p be 1 net 8 : # During the past week biood de " MEALS fuming a oi : : mand jumped considerably in this local people discharged the cOUntY's hospitals Al Miners | past week uns patients from Min Hospital, Spangler. 18 pinta were | ¢rr' Hospital Spangler are Sur used A total of TRI pints were | B08: Mra Elean wr Hnstkovich dispatehed to hospitals snd the and Francis Walanin, and medi armed forces. reports reveal ear James Froggat! : Al the recent arnual slection of fioers for 1854 Farneshors | ciation continues to hold i popular games parties sach Tues iday evening al 8 o'clock {Moose hell. The weekly affairs {are open to the public and nice | awards are given and children of Bpangier } 3 if DorothyMcDermott |= Anes Siri fen Bride On Saturday Fpery Weakiand was named Sen (tinal and Mrs Roth McNelis was | named trustee for three years Mra Jennie E Hoover) Brad 8t scone Bernard Church was the of & pretly Spring wed morring when i Miss Dorothy McDermotl, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrz Patrick Mc. Dermott, became the bride of | Fred Soisson Jr. son of Mr snd’ Mis, Fred Bolsson, all of Has. tings. Father Flavian Yelinko OSB, former aamistant pastor at Bernard's, officiated at the antic City, NJ was an aunt | Gordon Hoover of Hastings {i Catholics the world over are joyful at a coming event the canonization of St. Ps X, on May 29 in Rome Mrs Bernice Madis of Wash ngem, D C. is spending the [week Al the home of her parents Land grandparents Mr. and Mrs preceding | Anthony Durnin and Mr. and Mrs at 10 Frank Walters of East End : Ertiter. | Ann Link sighth grader at 8 ICarrolitown, Was her sister's Hernard's Parochial School here imntron of honor, and Donald | look first honors in her school | Parrish, cousin of the bridegroom with the best essay in the Al man | tooma Registers Marian Year Ea. | The bride, given in marriage | say Context. Best entries from 58 iby her brother Paul, wore » pal- | parishes and two institutions in jetina gown of white Chantilly the diocese were sent 1a the a or brief veil of Lihesion was atiached to & seed | ation ipenr! tars She carried i Mr. and Mrs William GCueguen bride's minssl d by a while | and son Billy were visitors in Al lorchid Mrs, Ertler was attired | tons on Saturday i a ballerina gown of Spring | Mr and Mrz 1 COC Yeager [green with matching headband | and son Myron of Juniata, and i i carried a colonial bouquet of | Mies Mary Froletti yellow carnations. Bouquets of | visited Sunday | white snapdragons adorned the | Weakiand home in East End church altars | James Gill was sdmilied to the Foliowing the cedemxmy a re | Snangler hospital on Sunday for ception took pince in the social | poarvation ‘rooms of the church DAnner - snd M was serend at 500 pm in the! : do Putton American Legion Home. Mrz Solsson is a graduate of Hastings H School and holds a secretarial position in Wahab ington, D. C. A graduate of BL i Vincent Prep School and College, Mr. Soissom ia a pre-medical stu fdemt at : own University. They will reside In Washinglon a an i Thue j nuptial high mass L o'tlovk Mrs Eleanor at the Daw Jacr Richards the home of the lady's parenta Mr. and Mra Jobin Nwebsuer On i Priday evening Mr and Mrs John Parnish of Patton were goests at the Nisbauer home. Sos Por This Coming Sunday ‘will be in mannes | Sunday in St order Bernard Church, as follows: Low | May 21 he leaves for Camp Kil : T30 snd 8:30 | mer, N. J, where he will spend First Solemn High Mass several days before going sung by Father Cecti Dok | oul Rostere Air Force Base in OSE, at §:30, and at 11:30 e. r MASS. i ; Boe Hricko hae | | turned fromm Girard, 0, Whee atlended christening He will be ordained | 4 new er, Nancy Su (smn A t, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Vincent Airhart. Mrs. Air m.. wu i i ‘ i f of > T° 1 f oF i bs : od «bf ; 2 5 Tel Et i | i i f : : rhe H by their | recently re in the okt a A — Pn Banne of marrige were lished Bunday for the first lime in #t. Bernard Church for Paul Louis Marcuzsy of Hastings and ‘Miss Fdaa Delogier of St i Attorney and Mrs John Lantzy visited | time in Miners Hospital (the hotne of their son and daugh- Paul | the | Mrs ‘of Jolmstown tev, KI. who dind recently in Al. of ; | grandenother Lio Jolnstown nylon | bosrd of judges for final evalu | of Altoons, children of Washington, D C.. spent the weekend here al and Mra Charles Robin | visit to | Aung. wetine The in set for June 5 After being a pulient for some Spang - jor Mrs Edwin Owes returned turdity to her hbhtite here Mr and Mrs A. X. Baker of Pation were guents Sunday ‘at wedding terdr-law. Mr. and Mis Baker Father | and Bernard Ratohford of Cresson ware Visitors in town Bunday eve ming Mr. and Mrs Raiph Cordell Mrs C.J Cordell Sr. and Miss Afberts Oordell of Patiom, and Mr and Mrz Clyde Kirsch of Spangler were gussets Sunday al the Pasi Easly bome Miss Naomi Binder Mra Strittomtter and Mrx FG ger Were award winners when M PP BtritUmatier enter faired the two-fable Contract Bridge Club at her home in East End ¥riday Sraning Atty, and Mrs Wiliam Kelly spent Sunday a the BR. H Kelly home here Miss Nancy MeNelis, of the Bt. Mary's High School faculty was at her home here for the wre ers, Mrs. H. J Easy was a proud on Bunday when three of her grandchildren were in the First Communion Class Ariens and Darlene Easly dsughlers of Mr and Mra Easly and Paul Dvorchak, som of Mr and Mrs John Dworchak Mr and Mrs James Dalley of Wilkinsburg were here with rela tives {or the past week end dames Froggot!l war admitied Merey Hospital fo roedicul treatment Mises Edna and Lonise Delos. wr of 8: Augustine were guests Sunda v i: 1he Marvuzeo hame on Spangler Sires! A Writtmatter A. 3 Pont - BAP Ten | Paul ORE PEOPLE ARE Mrs ter Naomi were dinner Koren, Jobin Thomas of Hastings was recently promoted fo rank of coporsi In the service wince Nov. 1&8 1082 he has been jitthe fellow had I overseas since ast July. talon from the Sie Mar 20 19M i Mr Asron Weakinnd das pur chased the A GG Neff : ory the corner of Beaver and Third Avenue for $1.150 : Mr. snd Mra Wiliam Thomas drove to Unbmtown on Dusiness this weak Mr and Mrs. Frank Rice of Oallitzin were in Town with re slives ob Sunday While driving through Monday night Peter of near here. mstained painful injuries whens his horse ran off snd the buggy wis demolished | near Adoifasn's store was called and dressed seversd severe scalp wounfls on the driv. ers head Mr and Mrs H J Eady drove to Carvolitown on Sunday Mr France Lacour moved his family to Chambersville his wen Mr friend atlended a select ball Gallitsir Friday night nt Dr. Worred of Petion was here | Toesfay in coftsultation with Dr Brumbaugh Miss Beulah Horning, one of our public school teachers, left Tuesday for her home in Dun cansville. On acount of the B C aad Co. mises shutting down Mine Clerk R E Gutwald has been transferred lo Nanty Gio A daughter was bom Thurs day to Mr. and Mm Roy Brill ‘hart st their home here a a ER TRY the and | Dr. Ries Frank Cable and lady i . . i i i I Indder, L § 8 n pes ki mrvices morning in St. Berne Nir PFoink Amuse comm sced the erection of a new residence lon Beaver Street this week Mr Wiktiam Dillon i= setting BH an example to many of our . erty OWRNTS a having stantial brick walk place. frost. | ing his residence on Spangler that Miss Neil! treet It is said Luteher has secured the bullding by W. R Streams for her millinery store and will oOUUpyY HX as mon as snd Ten Cent Store moves Into its new ome with burial in the eharch cemetery, the Wee! SN ——— rg — — — — ING FORD... MORE PEOPLE ARE BUYING FORD! ss — = NS. I =