Page 6.0 Sr Ae ~ Hastings and Vicinity : i : § Time marches on and in its] passing, the cycle of years brings many changes changes which so | often merge to an initial point. | of groups of each Spring's graduate we no- | through an alley as a route of tice resemblances, we count a; As we scan faces certain number from the left or! night of a picture, then look for & particular name ten we are amazed to find the reason for the marged resend lance we saw the youth is a de scendant of a former schoolmate | of ours: the lass a daughter of a former playmate This vear the Cover Picture of Baturday's Johnstown daily holds tspecial interest ffor us The four Patton-Chest seniors present a heart-warming sight, because three are direct descend ants of former residents of this vicinity In other words we knew their parents when Kenneth Trexler who has serv- ed as president of the class Quring its four vears of high school, is a sog of Thomas and Elizabeth (Simén) Trexler A | Italian Rhubarb i what we maw And hose of ‘ome here knows more 80 former resident of this pisces Mrs. Trexier was a schoolmale | of this reporter at Hastings Hi The ciass treasurer for the | past two years, Viola Lann is 8} daughter of Harry and Viola {Stoltz} Lann Both Mr and! Mrs. Lann at ohe time lived in| this vicinity, the Istier being a “next door” neighbor of ours. as it were. The Kirk, Stoltz and] adjoined in Eider Township. And, tally, Mr. Lann is & nephew of Mrs Trex- | , mentioned shove. ; The third member of the youth «48 8 descend of St She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Theodore Ott. Born | in St. Boniface Mr. Ot ©» a! of the Iate "Squire Ott, | prominent St Bonifsce resident. | * ® WH i Have Leading Roles | buddy wit Us. in the person of Our N Hastings Brothers |: Phone Chapel 7-8399 Said Good Food Now, we've always known that there's some good eating each Spring along woodlend trails or in freshing meadows But last week while traveling shortest distance points, were Ke between two amazed at Down on his knees, digging with a sharp im- | plement was “Goat” (as sVery | lor | on Saturdays Post AT SPANGIET |uPbuliri mien ® om puoi com, Samer x Fit i treet ne Flynn L toll, | A former Hastings High School | From early dawn he tills the "| Supervising Principal, D. R. Lov. (To feed his stock he knows the | ette, will retire this spring at the peed : close of the Spangler School Dis | To labor Jong and sow much ; term, after being at | school helm there since 1933. Be | The chicks need feed when comes fore going to Spangler he haa served the Hastings district for And they prefer about nine years Mer. Lovette and the former An- are parents of children: Mrs. Mary Eleanor Wil | Hams of Drexel Hill structor at State Teachers Col. | jege. Millersville, Dr B. J efte, rell Johnstown, physician and’ : Miss. Doris Lovetis, ap | sistant personne] director of Bar. Philadelphia Anthony Fias Ralph, in charge of precision in| York Chemical co), digging out huge stalks of | struments gray-green growth “What in the work are you we asked “Eat ‘em’ replied Gost i | Pennsylvania Paper Co, : ven. Miss Joanne Loveile art su- | going to do with the burdock ™" | pervisor in Aspinwall High Sch Co, New col, and DD ERE Lovells senior in Temples University's den | Then he went on to explain | tal school, “We call this Italian rhubard’ and prepare it like spinach roots and stalks are best spring when they're tender” naturabged in America, is popu nr ax a diaphoretic and diuretic | and 5 a remedy for many dis caves Mra Mary Fiasco, Goat's mother, who has been a diabetic for many years, includes in her diet every edilble green she Can obtain. In fact. she has become quite an outdoors gourmet, and with epiccurean delight * % 8 US BOWLERS Wal, annudder yere hex passed’ Anudder Bowlin Season fs wal ' under the dam or sumpin' Anndder Bowlin Party is only » MEMOTY. fan week Us ‘e Wffed ourselvas al “The Cottage’ near Ebens burg. Season's results wuz an- | nounced, prizes an favors award ed mn much reminssing done Wotlta a gab fest it wuz’ A coorse, Us hed an ole gab! oil. moved to the County Seat. So! Us took her wit Us fer Ole Time's Bake. She's the same Nell funny as ever. Nen after an bour er two, in| i stida goin danccin after dinin’, | A Kegilers. ' duckpins down fer seven months those ns seemed to weigh did. Bat Us fnully Your reporter and husband, A [and jast Thursday | Becker, Barry Sward Union (J, were puests | evening : Courter office in Patton at dem- | Mary Jo Thomas : onstration of the Scan -A-Graver were Mrs Maurus Thomas Mrs | 00 : Cadet, marvelous new piece of ida Fishel and Miss Bridget Mec | Ohio. upent the wank end at the equipment installed last week in| Glynn Patton's modern newspaper plant | - A full description of the new | Y Was given equipment Couriers ing known, at the Apri} etch ap : [inches to top quality engraving | for Los Angeles ‘in only 27 minutes. Almost ful | their Ivy satomatic, itsslf off when “=| New Machine moa we to moe | iewed By Writer | We watched the magic needs Friday for Pitisbungh of The Cadet, as ihe machine in day the young mother and her) to 48 suare | youngsters boarded a TWA plane The Cadet screen plate 8 finished For further particulars on the! pow Bean A-Graver ito articles printed Page and aiso on Page 3-C {this issue Miss Marie Chura | se Weds George Baker, =. the art and craft work of ‘surely a marvel | recent inventions piease on A pretty Sedahity double-ring ceremony preceding | Hhere geese are pictured in flight. | in : Bernard's areh turday of § a mm. when Miss] Printings Chura, BR. N. became the | And of George Baker is of Mr the nuptial high mass Given in marriage by her fath- or, the bride was stlired ue R3 - if i Hi i ell Eig nkie-length gown of white taf face and net Her x if former Lock Ha- | in A efilion, the machine seems almost magic. which one can only in operation 0 really appreciate ‘In other words, “Seeing is believ. | M the plastic in the feid of | transferred from Pittsburgh 10 | the First! Bhe and Mrs | ters, handbags and wallets, ete R ; UNION PRESS-COURIER - wa - - ¥ 3 | Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, jubilee of Father I. A. Strittmal- tiests who left the hospital n e | Mrs. James Dietrick and Phyllis, ter, Hastings native. who is pas- | Mn Elaine Everard and | Thoms were visitirs in Altoona tor of Bt. Aloysius Church, Sum- | Mu t ot! | on turday © Mr and Mrs MP Mr and LT . Hourls Strittmatter. Mr. and Mrs A J and children have | Dillon, Misses Mase Strittmatler ter take | b 8% and Bridget Dillon, A. J. Steitt- Mass in St. Ber- sutter and Hilary Strittmatter Paul Helfrick of Akron, OO. =» Mrs. Thereas Beik was a visit. relative Who Was here for the or in Altoona on Monday i veeekend, alsy was in the party. Mis: Betsy Gueguen of this place. who is employed in Clevesd Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphy land, Ohio, has been a" surgical snd daughter Cinda visited rels- | patient the past week in Minery' lives in Homer City on Sunday | Hospital, Spangler . Messrs. Joe Uhron. “Hasck™ Paul Dillon. employed in Akron Holta “Skinny” O'Rourke, Wilfred Ohio, was at his Bome on Harvey Kibler and Ray Jansure went Stree! for the wwek end fishing over the weekend at their Miss Anna Miller of Akron, O, camp in McKean County was at her hore in East End Paul Bednar of Lock Haven was at his home in East End for Sunday. over Bundsy Miss Rita Angert, employed in Cleveland, Ohio, wis at ber home Mrs loretin (Byrne) Weak. near town for the week snd and. 88 a witer of Mra C J Miss Dolores Elden of Pitts Bearer of Hustings R D. died burgh was at her home on Spang- May 8 at her home in Lovretlo jer Street for the week end Interment was in 3t Monica's Mr and Mrs Hersard RBiritt. Cemetery Chest Rprings on Wad: nesday [amd have a youngster bring Mra Sadie Crothers of Patton the Houck home on Fourth matter and children of Pation visite! Sunday ut the home of spent the latter part of the week |A0¢. No charge! here wilh her sister Mrs Wal | Mira Klizabeth Ktrittmatier in ter Lapmadne | Bast End Mr. and Mrs. Frrd Fasly and : som, Waddle, Mra. H. J. FEasly Miss Louise Weakiand of St . and Miss Ann Eunly were last Birnard School, is confined to *n at Miners’ Hospital, Sunday visitors in Ebessburg. her home in East Bad this week where a new clase of Myr. and Mrs. John Dvorehak With & severe atlack of mumps for nurse helpers will begin : r and Mrs Clyde Kirsch and ont Monday May 17 children and John Easly of opm to women between the Spangler visited Sunday 2t the of 18 and 30 home of Mrs H. J Easily. i Miss Clare Ann Bearer. daugh- ter of Mr and Mr Harvey Bearer of Susguehanns Twn ship has a perfect attimdance rec. | fermi. Ber senior year sronting of Mr member of Barnesbore High of Hast. Bchool fargity. will be one the of faculty members to EY (he senior Clues OB 8 Fp to New York Oity on Spring { mit, By Gertrade M mit ty ters here, the 830 a m aard’s Church and Mr. and Mrs Francis Andrew and children to homme in Harrisburg, sfler the | the morn, Yeiuger. the golden {His turkeys horses. and his goats Each like a goodly And then if there will be no drought, {| The seods will germinate and | He prays that God will send some rain bring good thes § share of wif utlens he be a willing Mr Low visited with relatives Te crops, abundant 3 oF [pot card and drop i in the or write it an a piece of Bee if you can supply missing words and Ld * » d Thomas Feted Eighth Birthday Mrs Fussell Thomas enter itained a group of guests Sun. tday afternoon at her home on | Hastings BR D_. in observance of | iher som Bernard's Sth birthday A merry time is reported with games. music and a nice Junch featuring i {Children present were: Marie | Raiph. Richard Carol, Caroline | Margaret Fishel, Roster David and Press | Martha Woodley and Phyllis and | Also present | Jr. » Indien plan Cwanied course of study 16 be Alvin Alrhart of Paton was a Foeat Sunday st the Yahner home i» East End Mr and Mrs William Johns tom and children of Youngstown, ord Ibis Redly of Johnstown were Mire RT Kelly, Mr Arthur Gwynn of visited the Kellys on Last west when we Wm tHe Rosse of the lady'y parents fand Mma louis Chura ings. R Dy CO Mr sand Mra (Cosmas Elder, Mr snd Mrs William Strassier Mr. and Mrs Robert Weakiand, ounty Hastings Mother bot | Te Reside On West Coast Bike | After spending two weeks here, Mrs Marie Ladenberger and som, met | at the home of her parents Mr { Robert. duughter. Mary Catherine, | {and Mrs Bert Elden Mra J C | were area folks who visited relss ¥ (Jean Elden: and two tives in Chest Springs Sunday Wendy and Terry, Jofl | yw snd Mra Gitsrd MeDaopald Ssughters Gwendolyn and Callan On Satur of Boston, Mass, visited the firstifirgy of Akron. O. spent the week- of the week at the home of the] with relatives in this vicinity lady's parents, Mr and Mrs Gor. "SP and Mrs. William (Dick) dom Hoover Two sons of the Murgly announce the birth of Hopver's who are with the U7 8 a son in the Spangler hospital Navy at Norfolk, Va. William on May 4 and Joseph were iso Bere with Mr and Mrs Patrick Lan the family for the weak ond announces the Bich of a wm May Mir and Mrs I M Kline Mr 5 in the Spangler hospital ian Mrs Dosald Parrish and For the t of the "Young daughter, Karen. and Mr and Une™ who expect to blossom out Mrs. Donald Dumm motored to in airyfulry finery for the Prom, Latnsbe Sunday where they visit. the weatherman predicts Fair wh (ed Rev. Father Omar Kine, OSB, 0d warmer” ‘Art, Craft Work of High |= woes Mary Lower Eater, ' School On Display Here N. goes to Celver each Thurs day where se lnntrects a claw silractive display may be in Commons’ Store here ac bus May 24 Mr. the | He wel Friday, May to the Dnasic card him crehestra art | children, Capt a Xan : hushamd and father and’ shuts | where they will now make their 85. | home Mr wider way olmervances Mrs I lL. It is Morgart was recently wilh relatives in York ithe West Coast pasition. Mrs Mary Margaret Accompany the Morgaris to Pittsburgh Friday were Mr. and | Mrs Ralph Fryckiund and Mrs | of Ber: Elden refer district, teaching at St Banns of marviage ware lirhed for the first time in Home Naren ander the he American ings Elder students is on dis | took | play : Included in the collection are Sane. in water color, black Sum white drawings. hand-tooled | cng fai leather goods, such as belts, hols | Outstanding. we ane & rustic ite number teiley > far: t . is the wife of of May 4 . of Altadena, Oniif. tended the school dunce which! pobore . crome the-many-mile was Bold in the Moose hall follow: suns R Sha Iams Tease. typical of our fing the concert. i { sople of D.| t Felix Catalino is terafts instructor the art and 4% the local : i sehool. } im oan this vicinity finger in celebration of the silver land Hastings RD Medical ps- | returned to their home in Cleveland ing in East End at the home of | Mrs McAndrew's and Mr. Y oy parents, Mr. and Mrs W (me of cur favorites from “Imi tation of Christ” in: No one can with safety command unless he ‘han learned well to obey: or this ‘ont: No one car with safely rule, | and Mre Walter Lumadus in Patton { Weodnesday svening of last week. | A sumber of Hastings vicinity to soll for the Attorney and Mrs. Willen | Junior Senior Prom, we fori get the word NEXT! Well this is 14 The voung folks will swing and sway of Jimmie Cartier Every now and then we notice transient molorits driving Uyough town Jooking like A for sesgui-centennial Binder and daugh- | tr, Naomi. visited the past week | Bernard's Church bere Hi i | core to mols. Come in and check the fact