54 Trout Season Opens 5 a. m.- Next Thursday Morni 9 rout S " Ro igs '0 Again Be Favorite Haunt Limit Again Is 8 Per Day, 6 Inches Or Over; Fishing License Needed By Everyone Over 15 With streams stocked, and gear ready, their fishermen will come into Pennsylvania's own again next Thursday morning at 5 o'clock—the opening of the 1954 trout season With the season and creel limits just about the sane little trouble is expected by fish wardens with Isaac Waltons do not know For the past several weeks, the Pennsyivania Fish Commission, in cooperation With area sportsman’s or- ganizations have been busy oeking streams with trout for the opening day. majority of however are all ready for whe fishermen, the : day” although a number of ext ‘big he angiers will be rushing about | ednesday evening gelling | iieir equipment in order some- ihing they should have had pre! pared days before hand. Even our isrea educational Wee a lack of students Although open for the final day before the ~ panusl Easter vacation, and 0t ‘tan be safely stated that a num- ber of the younger anglers will be absent next Thursday. In addition to the sought-after brook. brown and rainbow trout other legal available to ‘the openin ony rock bass otherwise : crappie or calico bass, yeh . sunfish. bluegills, cat- fish. suckers, chubs fajlfish. carp and eels . Muny area anglers will the famous Spring Creek in Centre County or other favorite siretimis near their remote mt. pg lodges in the central ially the in thelr Chest Creek and its tributar- species day crowds will he S21 oF Possess ails i as red-eye or goggie-eye | MeIET without a permit issued bn iT | time for bait-fish or institutions will! the law. Ne Frog Hunting Sundays Among other items in the fish. ing laws are prohibition of usng any species of goldfish for ba to sell any species of 1lroul bass, except striped bass or roc fish which may be sold if 1X ches or over in length. use of ex plosives or poisons, placing ob structions in streams (6 preven the free migration of fish, use of any other devices excep! two rods and two lines and hand line for game fishing two rods and lines with not than threes hooks allached to each fish-bait shoot frogs on Sundavs or to lights in taking frogs . ¥¥ RK n £ and more £4 ij se “CONSERVATION PLEDGE {pollute any visit | jeg. or in streams running into | ADd the majority of the fisher men most t onés of follow: y machines on (he i 5g is 383s 3Ef i £8 will use worms as bait, the | i § is | extensive. tier colinties of Penn. | BW, rule or regulation Beit the wast majority | oie Fish Commission. Har. | burg. mainly | Clearly defined 1. give my pledge as an Am eriguen to save and faithfully to ’ defend from waste the natural resources of my coun try-its soll and minerals, its forests, walters, and wildlife It also is unlawful to sell or possess nels larger riane than mm 1:8 the state Fish Commission or waters by refuse from sutomobiles or traders The Fish Commission suggests fisher. men immediately report pollution of a streams wherever it is ob served, All fishermen should note tha! if they are in doubt as to any rerning 16 the BHnEY) fishing, write Pa. and the law will ® Dogs Cause d To Wild Game Wild birds and animals en counter many hazards other than taken only if six hunters’ in ther them are lifetime the ele guns ments, predation. disense, and the event * highways and be scheduled for a Friday afier- be N. C Rl PRESS. cour, 3] By FRED OWENS a a iF North Cambria Tra ck Teams UNION PRESS COURIER A Begin Pre-Season Training Patton, John Carroll, Spangler, Barnesboro Coaches List Talent wo 657d t& f ambtia gern i iw rast week » the high edd teams this Year spGnsoring A John Barnes. Patton ¥ ard ready started ris Hastings Fd gerd i till not eertasn backing ab a squad : Cone John Nevins fas’ings sated thal there of fialding a tem this dee on resis almost Bove who want to trae He sald at too many hows Rave the Spor The other faur comches the area stalled that they hoped Hastings would fiald a tam this var 10 Keep the revival of track in this areas rn HOYER BE Track Mest This Month North Cambria most likely be this month scovording B. Green, athirtic direct. John Carroll High Mr has been chabrrian of Lhe reat the pest vears due the fart thet the Carvoiltown Stsd {um guarter-mile track is the one iv miilable track available in this ren Mr. Green said he will oomtiact the cfher tosches of the area so that a dats can be mt He ss:d it a hv A Hen ah of 3 sorne Tai the Fi Bea RON entirely participate resent rent hea in ryt -~ 2 * by Tha fae X held John al Green annus] preyed wil ater ix ar * £y Not much can be dane to’ Room ihe latter part of April these risks. thers to The uncontrolled, the roaming sibilities. Free running dogs des bovs 8 troy untold numbers of young wildlife. The of Maran on deer, loo, is affect Revolted game protect: wished lax dog owners wi them to bear the and see the torn ren lo earth by on the loose ha in var. ¥ 5 ¥ Last yess met proved a huge is one unnecessary success wilh interest among Ih wild cresturés.—the Tans becoming greater than in the roaming previous years. Spangler High won the IRS N.C mel. dog 20 Thin-Clad« Training For PCHR Coach Melvin Brown of Palton- High reported that 2 re now in training at the nests and pytion Athletic Field. Mr Brown indoor sessions were #aid several held srl when weather condi’ ions were favorable the team practiced cutdootrs. Patton began practice on March 31 Don Lauver, whos #t the N. OC meet last season, heads the list of riturning vet. on the Panther team sr boys taking part in the field events are: Rob Carretti shot, javelin and also the 's mile "iin running events: Jim Petrun- | Gabriclson, shot put and javelin: | & yak shot put and discus: Phil Jin Schwab, a freshman. who i» in on the javelin and Baker, 5 freshman, High though the rather conl spr thin-elads indoors on several occasions sehonls prported took honors | Nehoonl track wis wifi ta thm and another Brey we hood 1x still newspaper thal more class Only one John Woods returns frown wears crack outfit Mr Keenan said that =a though his talent is rather green he Team is shaping up nuoely Woods won the 53 NC ter mile event His roach # only a spphomore and is mr good Joe Kine, aiso a sophomore. is the 4 mile runner and asl sea son came in 8th the counis meet. He is a very strong conlen Jer. Joe Yediosky anciher phomore. is ihe fastest! man the nd and will do the and yard work. Jim Sherry sccording to Keenan, looks good in the 3 mile This is Bia frst season. Jim Dunchak, a senior. |» back from the 14 mile relay leam and Jim Btewarl is showing very good form. He mest Lkely will run in the 3% mile Mr Kesnan said he expects Russell Hula, Joe Tinnick and Louis Kirsch to be good prospects in the dashes and sino help make up the 3 mile relay team Tony Valenty, a jun jor and John Keith x junior and Ed Kline, senior are showing up good in the mile. In the middle distance runs Jim Luteh John Morella and Joe Previte are ale although they velearan CARY QGraar ES Ve he rath i 80 Ji¥ fer the most Phely will on the 55-man team, showing the most promise are: John Frontine senior, Mrong on he shot put; Frank (the javelin. jooking good ia both shot and high jump Bll Paronish. Jack Deni — Bill Gray are mow likely boys to handle he shot pu” and discus chores and Jim Nagle also showing adge In the javell field event Barneshore Training 24 Boys George Maguiick, Barmseshoro High coach, said that 2M are on his team lo date Practice began inst Monday March 29 Eleven boys head the list of prospects to. handle the HEHE lenm chores Nis year In the fed svents Alble Sediock will take the board jump and Vic Paviiek will do the shot and discus work Vince Wargo and Tom Sickon (are the javelin prospecia Making up the relay team will be Sediook, whe wil ales run ihe YW mile: Don Rehovieh, who (ales russ the 440; Glen Craver, whe WHO is also a 100 yd dash man shot nd Jos Pawlikowski, alse a Francis miler. Frank (Boany: Frontine in the mile and 5 mile runner. Miller will corapete in ‘ihe 220 and Bobby, a freshman | tion of approximately {is showing fine form in the 220 [and 440. ] * «Snyder County has a poyuls- 22.000 (hegre Lo shine warms flowers degliin To bloom MAS SH Area Streams Stocked With Over 6,000 Trout Well over 6.000 legal sieed brown and brook trout are awaiting area anglers in the streanss of the Northern Can briana area. At jeast that is the rom bined totud of those stocked by the Patton and Carrelitown sportsmen’s organizations over the past few weeks Patton Sportsmen's Associ tiom reported the following streamm stocked-—apper Chest Creek. 1.798: Duclos Ran, 428: ower (hest Cron, 1.706; Kilthock Hun 450; the Sports men's Dam, (formerly Craver dh, RO Besides this the Patton anit stocked over 600 Federal trout various sirens mentioned. The Car refltown od & Gua Clad Inst week stocked TOH treat in both the Render Run sad Shettig Run, Fast Carrell Twp. In addition there are how tront “lft over” fromm last year, together with their off. spring, ® SPORT SPOTS By FRED OWKMS ITs sproaglime, or at jeast its sxid to be and ss the baskelball season snd 1 is pow the irack and basebail tame. To say the least this Ume of yeur always pats s Bille push wo almost everyosie an the sun : and the ln another story an this sporis page vou Wall acts that sur ares track leant are now afield in preparation for the coming sea sot. This track sport has cer windy gained vanes interest amiong shorts fame in the North Camis ares. Ji ia the up-and com Ng spring event Thien again, sa Sreck go afield our Baseball teams are aigewty on the decline To way thir leas! 1 has been a Tug and pull affair to Rewp our hgh seivoeis iriteresied in Baseball In the high schoa! hasebull cir. oil, we see that POT High oi Coalport will fold » teams, Then teams Laghin in the Inter Elwood Hah ard AVR Fig minn Sina sito High sow Ld aehall nen. ae Fh uw a FEIT aa 3 na Bewnil font TV rose Aes #t least 58 Cinpc hes parts of (his iste and four from other ales Rave gpuiied for the Bb Tie sew Tyrone mentor may bw sicked sex Toews Momt a Mary's Collage of Emmitsburg, Md, i» sogling for a basketball series with Bt winter ¥ aa eters # nomic 3 SL OPR & ni The Mason-Dison LaSalle colinge ar SA conch ane of 21 wate athletic srganizs- Struction I * thin week site of . A or tions whics ooes mt limit the wurmsber of games a4 aun may pley during the regular basketball pesson A limit of 27 games how | : yr sver, governs the AL. (Dis the rash of this pe trier Ti rommonly knows as the | went mouth, something A v wil : home of Pennsylvania's schoolboy! be added te the Press. champions As Bt Francis cols Courlev's iege listed Dasehall as weraiched ares from its books as an incollegiate Ing sews sport, the Loretto school's arch the area rival, 81. Vincent College of La » really trobe, this week announced tha! our the Beartals will field a baseball | possible. Be team thin vear after a three-year: od ayofl The sport was suspended we Francis College HOW TO MAKE SURE YOUR WILL CARRIES OUT YOUR IDEAS Tell yeur lawyer exactly what you want m your Will. He will draw it up to make your executor. Our trust officers are spe- ciahsts in handling the many intricate and sure it 1s legal. Then appoint this bank as perplexing problems ansmg from the han- dling of estates including taxes. Consult with them soon. There's no obligation. 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