HASTINGS Kegutar Hastings Letter on Page 8-B Mr. and Mrs George Clark Bnd Mr. and Mrs Melvin Routch to New York last week Mi Mrs. Routch returning Sun- While Mf and Mrs Clark ing a few days in Phila. €. Bob Routcn employed in Cleve andl O. had a guest, Gordon Oliver, of Cleveland at his home ’ for the week end While at Work last Thursday. Bob received & painful injury to his left hand of Elder Twp died at his Bome in Patton Monday, is a first Cousin of U R Kline. 1 M Kiine Mrs. Elizabeth Strittmatte 5 Miss Barbara Wiser of Ridge- MAY Was a week end guest here at the Melvin Routch home s Mr. and Mrs Tom Anna of Seveiand. O., announce the Birth SE 8 daughter, Carol Lynn Mar Mr Anna is & former loca) life March 18 at noon She born April 12 1884, and was ) te John Overberger April , 1903. Her husband and ast in- nt child survive. Also her pas. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kline . Charles Gibbons visited friends in Patton Monday Squire Anna is Yory low of bicod poisoning. at £ David Walker. Frank Gible. W Kibler, Henry Stull Mat: Carl Erickson and Otte returned home Saturday N.GP. inspection al Clear- at that place a feat suc- "| employe at the (salary of 3215 ry : and ii mevy esd the farm who wogsld Bis hone Hiram. has One of Citic ns pay a dollar fon paper. recently = ni $51.75 to =» city man for infor ation how raise turnips In a few days he received the following Catch bs the tops and pull * John Baker will residence on Beaver spring A. J contract ments bridge Velo Guadago is having «iad stantial stone wall placed under his building Beaver Rireet Stephen Grasberger will com mente the erecthmn of an »ddi tion hiz residence or Spangler Blrest It is reported 8 new will be Buti Be TIER Creek on Third mer Joseph Kibler this week for a Bpangier Street ise ID. J Houck had Fhensburg om Monday Dr and Mrs. D 8 daughter. Mary were deiphia the first of Simon Btrittmatier Drotriet og of the Grove Hotel will build several dwelling houses the Erove this stirrumer M H Nagle nas moved 14 Spangior where he will & restavyrsnt Many of wWilnespend 5! Picture and £m Ht ort build a Fee Rtireet thas thy aul Avenues land has received tC erect the »tone for thi Th oy tn iron bridge Biba los Avernie this sun broke new gnd Eriegnd residences on Sixth Ave business ir Rice ang in Phila the weak in conde the jife scenes to the ¢ Oenial evening en tertainmen’ sre lite ie Ways of Bagitians and amulets fairies and lamps of Aladdin. the shoes of swiftness and rays of bright. ness. If the luxuries of the bur denis of life have made You wos fet yourself drift with the Current. Go and see this match lens enlerisinment The and the brilliancy there will Lif: Your spirits. The light and shade interast to be found {her aré prophetic of mirth and music disbursing the sordid and shrivel ing thoughts tha! bye wionial Moving | brauty | ent have repellec | sc much brightness in your Jife | and laughter and complete satis faction will supplant them There “A Also preserted high class and refined vaodeviile acts Hastings Opera House, April 9 (Reporter's Note: Wow' What a flowery des cription') Adds Ey A Te oe Cambria County Commissioners mm Monday ihe county the salary of another Pat Weakiand Ashville RD Courses May Be Offered In Evenings, Saturdays Nt Francis Weg ef fawekin uN Ed ert ified prepure hoe ¥ s § # teachers for work elErrien a Bonota ’ disoge Stats { TRY Fine fini Ra beer ertifingd Bb y mini] of Exkeestion inde by The Re X vier TOR. president of 8 Francia Notification of tha MROOIS approval was received FE Beifert meretary of Comme] of Edu ation the fing WES Crowley {ard Hiate olowring schon 8 president CUTrSes may the receipt of the cortification. the Leorptis Si that the firm be offered this sum mer We have received mary requests 10 install 8 curriculum for the preparation of elementary teachers Fr. Crowley sald He omlinged A study of this pres wr shows that the need is great at present and will become great. &r In yemrs to come. It is vitally necessary for the preservation of tar Americar way of life to have these teachers well prepared We re happy to fi perate in this way, and will pue all oer re sources to work to scoompliah fils gos The Loretto president expisined that a ocomplets inspection of the colleges plan’ and resources was msde by the Biste Oouncil of Education several weeks Ags and that approval of the college's extensive facilities was received with the srnouncement of the MARSTELLER By MRS. FRED SCHROCK Mrs. Wiliam Seeley is a» pat in the Philadelphia Hospital 7 obmervation ? Kenneth Tavior is back ifler bang a patient in the ‘rs Hospilal Bpangier, with heme Min bi 1 John Miller of Ajloons vieied Wednesflay evening al the home A his mipter Mrs Lewis Finis: Mr. and Mrs Walter Mole cand and son of JoBnsiown visited | parents, Mr ‘Mr i and Mr added one person to | iilended payroll and increased | Navy spent Was added to the payroll as ar | per month. He pre county farm at » ; viously had worked there y a "1 ng Wednesday in the church din- ! BE room. A hineh Was served by | Mra. Harry Kellander AT LUXENBERG'S a A SS PSA NNR week end with My ‘dames Tavior and Mr Richard Hanwell |w i At $ i A A A ANP OAD SOV RAAT Poe 5 ‘unviay al the home of the Fmt x and Mis Fred Seb. = M: and Mra Harry Kellande: antl Mrs Henry Keilander and Mrs Fred Kellander the funeral of Edwssd ‘Kuhn in Osceola last Friday Raymond Lindahl of the past vith his parents My Car! Lindahl t Ladies Ald of the bocal Presbyterian Church held & meet the UU 8 week end and Mra James Horner of lLorsin Ohic | FRE 8 mY evening visitor at the Lewis Fowler home and was companied back with his wife nd son. who had spent the win. ler months with the lady's paar enis here Mr. and Mrz Robert Hanwell of Cleveland, Ohio. visited over ithe and Mra ard Mrs Fatima Pilgrimage Bamesboro Set Sunday Afternoon In keoping with the spirit of the Marian Year by special devotion and observances St. John's Catholic (Gr Rite) Church of Barnesbore will com- duct a ; i: Lay ut Fatime. The pligrimage will begin from Immaculate Conception Church, UNION PRESS COURIER St. Francis College Certified To Prepare Grade Teachers tile ges pers te fwrriweten 1o sdusent pon Preset the college 45 mr dents for teaching rentary fields Howey or Ee Ran ng been prepare ieachers dary field. A large percentage of he soliige's graduates have an tired the tesching profession Many off these are members of wend hieh schosd rd sdminitirative staffs Jon W. Powers assis ant fencer of edacstom af 8B Fran C3 Wil sesame lemporary charge of the new department ta be extabished a Loretto Mr Pow ors, who heads the cekinge’'s de partment of education will out fire Lhe siernenlney progres During the past several vears the laretio oh Bas ox panded the college's sdocation CErrieuium and In ressed the number of Bt Francis graduates entering the teaching field Atcording to Mr Powers introduction of an program a! St Francis wifi meet the demands for more slemer Lary teachers and help relieve the serious leaching shortages in he slementary field Classes in elementary edu ation ray begin Father Xavier snnounced eg will be offered fom ihe benefit of and if the noni Ring and Sat be offerad for # ® ex und ELETHERNT AT Ear iy iT she SE AT repare 2u the ole Be © ortifind to fowr the secon faruition ¥ Drs a the thin savirvey that this summer present leachers Warrants gay oourses ther next Eee wil fal 2 Cambria County Youths Have Roles In SFC Production Lenten Play Scheduled Tuesday, Wednesday Two Cambria County students piay leading roles in Barter the 1904 Lenten play which wili be presented al 31. Francis College in Loretlo on March 36 and 31 Kenneth Cooper Gallitmin wh Will graduate fromm St Franc in June will play the part of Jabel in the piay and Mss Pal ria Litminge: Conemaugh. wil Pay the rode of Nis duughte: The play. is under the direction Helen K. Carroll. Cooper one of the most setive student: tn the Loretiin campus. having been 8 member of the St Fras tis Glee Club, managing editor of the college newspaper, The Lore! 10, & member of the NFOCS. na bLomal Ostholic organisation the als, and member of Theta of played the part of bells in "When Slakespeares Gentlemen Get Together,” General Fritz Von Handelmas in “The Silence of © King Herod in “The 8t acts Story of Christmas” ast Achaz in “The Upper Room & During the summer of 19863 Aer Lhe "Old of ipaling In the pre-Easter pro- fram is Patricia Litzinger of Onemaugd. Miss Litzinger das- hier of " and Mrs Bovd A tringer, Comemaugh. is a so Jihamors al the Loretlo col al television viewers had opportunity to see Miss dart the recent the . Madison Litginger was capladn of an of Francia cheeriesders learn which = elementary | non Co e—— ed people attended the pasion which was cslied to acquaint the farmers of the peasiibility of for Wing & fo'perstlive thus beng moa position to establn 4 ran ery 10 car prodGode thal an eos adaptable to the soll of the ares Nastasi Named As Head of VFW At Barnesboro Enigene Nastasi wis harned as CORIRn dry sored Cornelics Pavieck at the annual recrpumies- Cm meeling of Lewis B ie her Past 343 VIFW, Bsipesbors an Dussdiny evening Al the sare Lime (he post's Tee association retained ees. ard Pamare for a second Wire as president Paul Cherubin: was named pot Riar vite commander Ct her VIFW officers elected are us fol. MowmR Michael Gi irRre der Partermasler pidge advocate: [wr BE sargeen. and Robert irawiee three years Mr Paiflock was nssed hap in Delegates ts county cotamedl are A J Nastas Cherive Woed. Bemd Fobert Woodhead 12shert Tuyior Mr Papare svg Mr Pav. Ont Dmiegatos to [strict 26 are A I Nastasi Charles apd Robert Wornthend Frank latavier Jos spl Waartiosky Michael Mondiek Horace Keith Andrew Cray Mi ‘Bael Naas Mr Tavis Mr Pavlik and Mr Pasarn {her Wires Kesceintiog tire Mr Pavioek Sret vice Sen? Mr Tavior sword vee wenident Michael Naptad pevre ary CRaries Wandhesd tressor Fr. #60 A J Vranas trustees for Arse: Teale (fficers wil be installed 3° a weetinge of ® pb mm Tuesday Ape 13 Bn the peat hermes County Farm Group Sets Up Calendar The Cawbdrisa County Bemior Extensirn £3uh csthinst ta LH (grEm of activities for the coming Yer a! a meeting lav Pridavw might in the Ebesabury cont howe Activities, scheduled by tha, ure as follicw April: Tnsarsnce scdacalion pase. Ung. May: Tour to Pitte®mrgh or Pennsylvania State University Jane: Wiener reas? elections of officers. and budget meeting: Ja. iy. Basics pice at Portage An ual Hayride and ioe cress av HORE ral oe Sepleamber wr Hetabhey Li Fray pT Vie Wondbead A. Biyvroes Weondhead {ha ries Feomeguly for 4 oficery freon. Tour to Gettysburg Or tober Wikiiite fra‘ersmity December: Christmes party Ja- Banry Bosicess meeting with an- thority om imcosne tax deductions and exemptions. as speaker: and Februray: Anwoas hangae With the sxception of the April Insurance ecduoniion meting the specific dates for the various ac. Uvities will be anncunced Luter The insurance education meet Will be held at 8 pm Thursday April 22 in Evensbury YWCA Meornbershis in the semior ex. tension clad i» open persons are arg 4d 10 gt in loch with County. Farm Agent Herbert C. Terndrug at the Cotirthouse Litzinge: in fquare Garden Miss § CApril 1 and 2 § ciomnion Intlerented Sunday visitors at Mr and Mex Marshal ’ Mr. and Mrs Merle Fry and chil dren. Bruce and Kathy of La Jome. Mrs Ed Cusick and child ren. Danny, Connie and Jack and Miss Mickie Cusick and Mr and Mra George Dick of Coalport and Mr andl Mrs Tom Tyler and son. Barry, of Glen Hope Mr and Mrs Keith Bloom snd some. Richard and Danny, of Erie amd Mre James Amdrew of Coal por: snd Mr: and Mrs Sam ware week end visitors with My Biogen of Irvons Mrs Harriet Clark. Mra Han nal Kuhn Miss Clara Beers. Miss Cora Glass and Mary Glass of Ellen Wilson Rebekah Lodge 568 attended a meeiing of the Past Naobie Grand Assn. at Clearfield Friday Mrs Harriet Clark was mtalled an president of the PNG Assointion Miss Erma Jean Green and Miss Jane Sherke! were week end visilors in Pittabargh Harold B Caskey of Coslport pent several days in Pitlsburgh his week 210 Bisiness Mr und Mrs IL. C Hegarty of Coniport spent the week snd in State College and Philadelphia Mex Bertha Severs was Chrmrfieid vinitos Friday Mr and Mrs Leroy Caskey vis ed in Lajos and Mahaffey om Thursday evening Miss Sandia Jo Pobinsss sad Miss Joan Wilen Ames of Irvons were SRatarday callers a Pitts Derg Hugh Caster who is moderator of Mountain Top Instriet of the Presbyterian Westminster Fellow. ship. allended 2 council meeting in Willawaburg on Sunday : Miss Imogene Davideon visited wilh Ber mother. Mrs Mildred Duvidsos over the week end Hob Salen who is a sLudent 31 indiaza STC spent the week end #L Ihe home of hs parents is Irv Ova After farvice with the Army is Alaska Pe Chester Sinclair ia add 2 15-day fardough with Bis wife and parents Mr snd Mrs Earl Sinclair Al he end of Bis leave he will report to Camp Campbeil Kerturky Mrs WW Wilson Mrs Leroy Casicey and Mra Bown Phillips ailended a luncheon and board Meeting at the Presbyterian Home in Hollidayaburg last Thursday Mra. Gladys Boulton and son Bobby, of Moutsdale visited on Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Harry Killion of Rosebud Mr and Mra Robert Myers of Alongs visited over he week emt with Mrs Myers parents Mr ant Mra Gwrnne Liowadt Pe. and Mrs Chester Sane" and Mrs Earl Rinelatr vie te® an Thursday with Mr snd Meo Pos ort Bowiton of Houtadaie and Mr and Mra Guy Diehl and Mr and Mra. Alvin Caldwell of Glen Hove & Alloomas on Saturday Mr. and Mrs Robert Ginter of Emirs. N.Y. visited over the Week and with Ns parents Mr end Mr A ed 4d Ginter Mr. and Mira Bernard David som and daughter. Betty Ans of Johmstows. ana Mise Jowse Mae Davide of Alcona spent ihe week end with Mis Thomas Dwvideon Mr snd Mr Charles Curry of Mrs. Ed Gremader @ mending A Week visting xr and Mrs Larry Glackner in Pittsburgh Mra. Joan Sinclair and non, Dick, were Thurscs callers in Alsons Pte. Chester Sinclair. whe re cently returmod froen a tour of 0] Nis wile and 5 Bart 8 FRIDAY and SATURDAY. March 26-27 RHONDA FLEMING. FERNANDO LAMAN, =» JIVARO A TECHENIOOLOR JUNGLE HIT — Abe DEBBIE REYNOLDS. BOBBY YAN. Ia AFFAIRS OF DOBIE GILLIS SUNDAY and MONDAY, March 28-29 JACK CARSON, ROSEMARY CLOONEY, PAT CROWLEY, GUY MITCHELL. ia RED GARTERS ITS A SUPER-WESTERN COMEDY ! ALS) — WORLD NEWS AND COLOR CARTOON £ 5 jE TUES., WED., THURS., March 30-31, April 1 ITS ALL TRUE: SEE UNCLE SANS MEROES IN ACTION, IN CEASE FIRE ALSO — 3 NE COMEDY CAR Cash Nites—3 Days! ranLLIS : the home of | Tyler were ra IRAP Ronicriionts ward J Heriine sad Mosgan W. Evans The commiltes recommen ’ . ded that ten of the volumes aN ta be aeed for debilors one creditors. and one for satries The commerittee sated i ite port is an to ster into a coBTPRSt with the Pusmell Indey Cosppany nt Fittaburgh. to buy 17 indexing a volumes in order to comply with he Uniform Conmereial Code spending four months of LEWYTY TE “0 BUS BAG 10 mrery VACUUM QAM Grvis YOu automatic 8=-NNRY rug cleaning! Jove work, see your wen. we! The sew Po Mose dem cogn 4 wigs with peery orale! Come with of tomlin for Roor teoeeil =g dwoming Poni os "Cooler Toph” | hk i. han Mg Dust Beg to Logey! SAVY $24.93 ™eS wal OMLY! NURRY WN TODAY! RUPP’'S FURNITURE & APPLIANCES COALPORT EA and setae Wt Faw Bowed “0 wd Sag Ment rol ARR BRS AA Er A Ro SE NAA A AA PW 0 14