| a en a Have You Made Your Annual Contribution to the Red Cross? YoL6l No. 23 Ten Carloads Of Surplus Foods To Come To County To Arrive In Cresson Within Next Week to be distributed among persons scheduled to arrive in the eounty within the next week, the county commissioners bave announced Board chairman Pat Farrell made the announcement after a conference with Joseph Smithmy- er, assistant superintendent al the ouunty home, who is handling the | Under presen surplus food will arrive in Cres son where 34 locals of the United Mine Workers of America will obtain the food for distribution in varfous Community Chest plan for distribution In : and areas the num- ber of needy outside that in Cambria County mre Patton Clay Mig. Plant To Resume Work Soon The entire force of 160 men Ten car loads of surplus food a | 5 Historical Society met with y Chest © clals on Wednesday night of this | week to work out final plans for Sistributs Bon em- . To Elect Monday The annua! meeting and elec tim of officers of the Cambria County Historical Sociely, will be heid in Court Room No 3, of the Ebensburg Courthouse, on Mon- day evening next, March 29 at 8 ociock P MM. according to a call sent out by officials. Henry M Coodevham of Patton RD. is currently the president of this body. and members generally are much interssted in the observance of the sesqui-centennial observ ance of the establishment of Cambria Counly, to take place this summer The meeting is open to the gon- eral public and particularly high schoo! senior students are asked to attend A speaker of promin- ence will give an historical talk Eight Are Called For Army Induction Eight Cambria County young men. registered with Selective Service Board 38 at Ebensburg. reported for induction into mih- tary service om Wednesday morn- ing of this week. They were - ’ AI A 190 NN IR SS RS ARS a as 4 Donald T McConnell Cresson Robert J LaBelle, Hastings Francia Fisanich, Spangler. Leniin J. Paterno. Barnesboro Prilip H. Morris. Barnesboro Robert C. Lantay, Gerald J Vasan Gallitzin, John J. McNulty, Patton Maximilian Du | man, OSB, of Nicktown, botanist | iat 81. Vincent College in Latrobe iis Nsted in the mew edition of “Leaders in American Science” . Noted for many to Arctic Canada the continued claim increase” bureau said. | sociation for the Ear meni Bonen 0 Pant eer | Instivute of North 8180 is Dated £ it arti 14 Pages — 2 Sections Serving Northern Cambria County PATTON, PA.. THURSDAY. MARCH 25. 1954 Single Copy — Te Seventy Men Laid ‘Foreign’ Guests Thrill Carrolltown’s Girl Scouts Off At Mine In Marsteller Monday | Unemployment hit (he finids Monday brought the founcement of layoffs at an other area operation of Pennsyl vania Coal & Coke Corp the second within the pant week A company spokesman revealed continues 10 slumping district cond ane Monday evening that the working force at Marsteller Mine 22 has been reduced by 70 men Dwindling Market Cited As Caos approximately | The spokesman said the layoff came a8 a result of “dwindling cofi markets and slack economic conditions in the bituminous coal industry It was reiterated that the coal firm is finding it increasingly difficult fo meet the competit brought about by coal rie slashing, especiaily in coal fields of Northern West Virginia The Marsteller mine the larg: est in developad area of ihe firm's operations, will continue with a force of about 140 men The layoff will not affect the present working schedule offi cizls said L790 Ten Daily Average Prior to the layoff. the op eration ppriad An average daily output approximately 1.700 tons of processed coal. Coal min. od in Marsteller is cleaned and treated Two railroads Pennsylvania and New York Central serve the North Cambria operation The mine is completely mech anized. Last of the hand loaders were replaced by mechanical miners about four vears ago The latest “lay-off brings to more than 180 the mumber of mien thrown out of work within a week's time al two operations of Pennsylvania Con) & Coke Corp 118 Laid Off Last Week Last week, approximately 113 miners more than 70 percent of the worki force were laid off at Ehren Mine 8 Mine 3 at Ehrenfeid, the cor poration’'s only other area opera tion. was reopened recently afte: a shutdown of 10 months Oper. ating on 5 small scale at pre seni, the mine employs only 12 Gallitsin i men. The firm's An atmosphere of realism is shown in the phote taken a1 the annual Jaollette | rofifown’s four Girl Scout Troops Sunday after moon when 11 girls from foreign countries were guests for the program of Interaationn] Friend. witting. Noa (7 ship. Ficlored. Joft te right, Gatell, Poertn Rien: Mary Vivian Carballe. Havana, (Cuba Coba, ni ow Ten of Car are: Adds . Onin; Carmen Iglesias, Nasey Flysn, John Philip Johnson Loses Life As Result Of Tractor Mishap Patton R. D. Man Probably Injured Many Hours Before Discovery Was Made Shortly Before Death A Paiton area farmer SGied on Monday evening in Miners Hos pital Spangiar. Jess thas an Bony aft or he Bad been found badly in frered UE 54 : farm tigation on 3 Johnsen ww The a dent adjoining farm ng to the brother enry Johmeon and 3 Dephew See Ered aise De | Dennis. found John iving mn the State Jobless Cla A Claims Up For Post WW I High The Bureau of nt Re | curity said lant week end it had | 41. 100 sontinued claims for un- counted for a substantial part 2 the Roast Tne Will v » in : " Lo clock [iH barn of the sdioining farm They Ohio want in search of the vietim when he Tailed to return home on Monday evening Evidence is that the mishap occurred soon after John went io the Bars sround § {es Monday morning with & trarior to Bring out os wagon bonded. with Hire haul the Beavy wag on up & slight grade in front of | Ms. Cairns, 88, Expires At Patton MRS. CATHERINE CAIRNS Mrs. Catherine Cairns. aged 88 . ane of Patton's oldest res years, dents fet af 330 ovioek Mon Se RS ne AN SN SH OPI PS the barn Coroner Govekar ssid Johnson apparently unhooked the tractor and drove it 4p the grade ante the level then walked down the grade to attach the chain to the wigon At thix point. 11 is theorized the rector slipped hack down the incline. running over the victim imprints of the lractor wheel were found on the viclim's left og. Johnson then trawled into ihe hairn for sheiter Bhaotk und exposure were given ax the iramediate causes for his death. The farmer also received chest injuries double fraciure of the right eg and a fracture of John Philip Johnsen was born Dec IS 1900 a son of John and Anna (Shultz: Johnson Me was & brother of Henry Paton R 0. Mrs Mary Mrs. John Dennis, Cy Ohio: and Mra Burton Peek, Kent. Olle. He is also sarvived Hy & nephew. Dennis Patton R PD He wis a member of the Pat ton Laval Order of Moose Funeral services will ha held mn the St Lawrence Catholic Chureh 81 10 o'clock am Friday morning. with a solemn requiem Nigh mass Interment will be in Bt. Marys cemetery Patton Cambria County's First School For Firemen Planned July 28-30 Dates Set For Volunteer Course Daten have been set for Cam brik County's first school for vol- Lunteer firemen The fourdday school . on Wednesdiy, Thursday Friday. uty 25-00. and from 9 a mu to (4 pom Sunday. Aug. 1. at Ebens- i burg Fairgrounds. will be of the fire it will be beneficial to Cambria Countian Enrolinsent foe was sot at $15 day afterncen at the hams ot nat | Mrs Cairne "ho has heen -l | resident of Patton since 1593. was born Nov 305 1885 in Sestland. ‘and cane to America when she (wes 21 vears old Her husband { Jumes Cuiras. died 31 VeArs ago Surviving are these plans to participate in the school and of the number of {iremen to enroll before Sun A meeting in Callitzin Committee members children | ‘Mrs. Cutherine Green. Gallitmin: ¢ death ‘James nnd Mary There are 19 ot | Enandehiidren and 23 great. of | grandchildren Mm Cairns was a member of | ates foun the Department of | Public Instruction. All classes will | , April. 1. Hm ed i iJutnes Studie Photo. Pestion: Marta Ample, Nieagpagon. Standing, ft to right, are: Junet Lich, Carvelitown, inter. mediate sront: Madeleine Jrelinnd, Cuba: Maria T Laubes, Puoerte Rice: Lovise Sang. (hina; Asemsin. Gustemals: Maria F. Jusse, Veneroeln: Carroiitamn. srmlor sont, Mary Amn Stevens, Carrelltown. Brownie Complete story will be fom! on Page i Misra and weont, Sportsmen's Meet Next Wednesday Fish Stocked In Both Sections Chest Creek The regular meting date of the Patton Sportsmen's Associa- than has bean moved ap one Werk from April 7 to March 31 Sue to the first Wadnesday of the month comming so Iate The sportamen want to ake action on certain mbiecis concerning the approaching falling season Li sportanen are urged to at tend this nealing The ssesocintion has annoned that fish have been stocked in Lpper Chest {ceelt and Lower Chest Creek and in the small runs in the viemity sive. The slacking took place thin Wess with the exception of Upper Chest Creel - Charles P. Kline, asterer, Cxpires Charles P'. Kline. a lifelong res dent of Northern Cambria Coun ty. and of Patton for many years died widdenly &! his home on Monday aflersoon He was bom in Elder Thwmship a son of the inte Baltosr and Catherine er: Kiine A plasterer by trade he enjoyed 8 wide aoguaintance over he Ses. Surviving are a brother. Ru- dolph Kine. of Fbdensbun and two sisters Mrs Annie La | program Bae Sibi tris Oo’ Bee Cambria 08, Subscription Susser 44 Students to Vie Bus Line For Scholarships Patton Exfe To Loretto College Enroute fo | | aenting 22 4 —— high hooks, uy gefliified thus far to compels foe scholarships in the 1954 BL Fran Leia College, Laoretio, scholarship Commingham - Paddock | of Hastings nn operatioy few weeks has applied Public Utility ( Soria | 1 Attorney FPerdimand FF Biosas, secretary of (he scholarship com. mittee. announced that deadline for filing applicaliions ix Apr. } Seholmrahips. valued at ere than $5000, will be awarded at ithe come of the current sSohood i year John W. Peters. assistant pro- fessor of sducation st the Lovet. to college, said the competitive examination will be given Satur dav. May 15 at the college and | stodents interested in compet ; ~ oe may apply through Attoreny ~~ A. B Cusningham one of 18 onax af the college I I The scholarships are awarded PTOPOmed extension would be fie on the basis of individual letters Humtigge Vis fost 8 = nancial needs of the stodents In addition to examination resul's Al present 17 area students are silending St. Francis College on- Jor the 1863 seholmrahip program Scholarships range in value from fall tuition grants to $100.4 mon- th partial grants is from Hastings = Route IN to Route 219 and them to CNN olitoen. Ebessburg and Ju ; alien ow he son of oy line has been with the PUC by the PR the concern. Mr Cunningham, § ‘gene Cunningham and Mr dence. Three runs sre now being dathy by the bus conor Johnstown, healing : 31 passengers. Mra Gerson Faden Tuesday Inquest Planned In evening resigned as president of ; laciey’ auiliary to Miners tal. Spangler Mrs Faden moved from Barseshors 10 Phensburg mst month Mra Paul Joss of Spangler suxillary vice pi . 3 a vanesd to the 3X pot Cambria County : It was announced at the meet- eph Govelar will conduct the BI ing in the surses’ home that the it at T 30 m ] dauiiary has porchased $3.000 Dirge worth of curtans for the hospi Mutiips] building : tal , youngster was struck sel Next meeting will be held Apr Killed’ By & tack Tecantly near 27 in Nurses’ Home the a Augtine school ee NORTHERN CAMBRIA PERSONALITIEN..NO. 234 George Bender Is Ardent | {Mn of Nickiows and Miss Henrietta | Kline of Pation Friends were received at late ware held AL Nae o'clock this Thursdey the y in 8. Mary . Catholic Church: Rev Father Rue pert Stadtmiller read Interment was made in ehmreh cemetery Shoot Enthusiasts Snow Doesat Defer Despits snowy conditions, over! the Mass 100 rifie enthusiasts attended She : At & meeting ft the shoot, the Sirectors discussed the andl oomstroction of = , is planned that such a strae- ginning af POH p mm on the mach range two miles sant of Ebens- : ay. Abe 11, or at the April 3 BUTE on Route 22. Lares. Lon Ciamne Waste Vote, Putanl George R. Bender, owner : Operator of Bender Motor on dynamite am the rewly construct. , ed 130-yard mange £ AER PASI. SHAR 5 Gr ¥ gE. J: i kf i