Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, March 04, 1954, Image 14

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    SERB wR Oh li i Ee fs RG
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| Voeal selections by Mrs. Dien | | her day Mix Harry Ream returned to! [ons. Mr and Mrs Joe Symons
| included: “I'm Forever Blowing | evening at her home Attending her home here aller spending the | | gecompunied her hotne
Bubbles,” “1 Don't Know Why, | were Stanley Carroll. teacher. past six week in Coalwood W I Mrs TH
“Jealous,” “H's Been A Long, | (Too late for isst week) Mary and Judy Stoltz, Barbara | Va Mrs Vincent Ream and child | By WANDA PANEK | Ronnie, and Mys. Donald
‘Long Time,” “Careless Hands ' | Mr. and Mrs. James Boyer of Carroll, Agnes Stiekier, Ewvelyr ren of Coalwood W. Vi. are vis Too inte for Ist wel’ {and daughter. Renee. of Balti
“April in Portugal” “You, You | Johnstown visited Sunday withiand Gloria Knarr. Marge Svm- ling here With her Mr and Mrs Gervase Panel More d. are visting at the
You” Accordion solos by Mrs | Mr. and Mrs James, Hunter . oms and Karan Anderson Metro Karol attended hs un- and daughters of Ashtabula, O., | Some of their parents, Mr. and
| Stevens were: “Darktown Strut-| Mrs. Mike Glova and Rosemary, | vigitors at the Joseph Symons cles funeral in Berwick. Pa. on wers week end visitors at the NM Adsm Benone |
miscellaneous shower was... Ball” and “Peg OO My Barbara and Michael, attended ance were Mr and M 5 Josep Saturday hemes of Mr and Mrs V. J | Mr and Mrs Roy Fletcher and |
Bl In honor of Mr. and Mrs Heart” The piano solo by Mrs j birthday party for Sharon Beno | Symons Jr, and family of On g Panek and Mr and Mrs. Roy family of Paulsboro, N. J, visit. |
Hound of Coalport re- mui was “Memories. isky, daughter of Mr and Mrs |yille Ohio: Mas Viv 524 pp
; 5K : Vivian Bvymon Gallagher, ied at the Thomas Fletcher home
lunch was served and The purposeand use of Foun. | alter | enosky, in Lajose on |. Pittsburgh Miss Marve Se How would the sehool kids Mrs Thomas Harris returned Ver the week end
received many gifts | ; : read from | : as . motir of Btale Coliege, Mo an ke to change places with moth- | hove after a visit in Orrville O Visitots at the home of Mrs
: : ; {ders Pay yin Day | Miss Lois White and Chios! Mrs Grant Strum and sons er? RBhe does homewotk all day at (he home of her son-in-law and Camilla Columbus recently were: | ;
1 ota | he Se Heil / | Ream jeft last Sunday for Phils-| Mrs Jen McPherson of All Servi dasighter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sym.
rs. Bill Shomo and dau-| Phiet dy Mm. Tel | deipht where they have secured) memo smi kin ii —
ter, Barbara, . Ted Hamil- | positions at the Philadelphia ' :
In and Ty, Tah rs | Mrs. Oscar Lovell, who hasig, io Hospital
; Fry } family. M Jim | Deen seriously HI, is much im-| sf, and Mrs Jake Btoltz and ® bE FLOP FAMILY
Patty Mayes, Mrs Denver Proved at this writing. Her many | joughter. Jackie, spent the past 1 VilL § : oo
Rie ' ; i sh her a speedy re-| ’ ‘ a Cpt cul J nL Ii A Ah TU IY FV ABT OF an . :
Mn and family. Ms | (COC Se” thanks everyone (oF | sat: Me. and Mra James Huptsr| | PRULANOER |)" ONE A.M. = OoNT |} (UH SARC err Nava
. YON, ie : ey ET . es : } ers :
Kriss, Mrs. Eimer Kaith, their kind cards land Mrs. Mae Stoits. WAKE uP! TELL ME THAT 4oUNG| (29 Ban) No
. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Weld and! G Si ek) ot TT
i and Russell Keith, Tom : . iss Georgeanne Stickler, 4 HTL. DovaN
, Ad Russ Keith Carl 3008. Larry and Dale. of Pills {ant nurse at Indians, spent i . TAERE / 4 1 .
: burgh, visited at the home of Mr | ou ond with her Sy i ' Sige
coy i rers, | sinter ond \ s 4 \
MT ae Mees. and Mrs. Eimer Keith on Sunday | family, Mrs. Fred Switsler A :
b fiton and Mr. and Mrs : Mrs. Clair Shomo of this place | ay William White entertain il
C visited at the home of Mr. and: 4 ihe members of her club last
Ss dir Mrs. Chick Lucas Sunday. week. Those present were Mrs AN Medi oO a
: | Mr. snd Mra Russell Whittaker! ., Berringer. John Emerick. : % By
’ PT [of Coalport visited at the home| p... Heiko, Jake Bilko, Bernard
Schools A {of Mr and Mrs Arthur Whitfak- Be Wm White and Hilda
“ h
Meeting Jer recamily Bradford
| Misa Nellie Oasperi of Pills
Ee : { Bud Bradford of the I! 8 Navy
i Flinton Schools PTA held burgh visted with her sister. | o: Bainbridge, Md, spent the
ithly meeting Feb. 11. The! Mrs. Rachocki recently | week end here at the home of his
Mrs. Louise McMillen. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Frazer of | niher Mrs Hilda Bradford
sided The president was the | Alexandria visited at the home of Mrs George Miller in a patien
| Speaker followed by Mrs Mr. and Ms James Stine recen’ | in the Miners’ Hospital, Spangie:
bell, Mrs. Rafacs, Mrs. Co | IY Her condition is somewhat im
Le Mr. and Mrs. Snyder and fam | proved ba - E——
ily and Donna and Lois Glass of Mrs. Harry Nehrig and Mrs | | Fao . : He
ow York visited with Mr. and | Fannie McQuillen of tion visit , eZ . 3 A
by Bylvia Diehl, M Mra. By Glass over the week end (od last week with Mrs. Nor “uf a
Stevens and Mrs. Jeanne! Mr. and Mrs Ray Ben of Beil- | Feighner : ———
: {wood visited with Mr. and Mrs| Mr. and Mrs Leonard Manse! : ANDO STAY GRETA'S Bod FRIEND LU
{ Rex. Keith recently. {of State College visited friend: A HOURS AGO, p
Mr snd Mrs Joe Kephart and in town last week ouUT / PHiLANDER ~
family o Cain visited with! Francis Willmms of Cleveland \ yi’
Mr. and Mra I Kephart on! Ohio, Edward Williams of Cur . tT
Sunday. | wensville and Charles Painter of ;
Mr. and Mrx Henry Lovell and | Elmira, N.Y. were callers in
family of Romey visited h Mr | town on Sunday.
and Mra Oscar Lovell Sunday. | Mrs Harry Painter entertained |
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Conrad of her chib on Thursday evening ;
Conlport visited with Mr and | Those presen! were Mrs George | Pp. “nll i) . \ —
M:a Charlies Hamilton recently | Jackson, Mrs. John Lidlington Jr. vi ed is aga Er
A FAR { Mrs. Verio Berringer, Mrs. James ! | ; ih \ - ie -
Our advertisers are your Hunter and M+ x Lee Lawrence d JN 3 i : fn
friends and neighbors © Oarol Jean Hunter entertained F "\ A ~ ©, Hg v
Sat Marg {| MenMwrsS | TessMard | Wed Mar
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