I I rh CR AAT A A A CAMEL Ha HER RUMOR RB N 8 coun UNION PRESS- COURIER = Thomas A. Owens, Bdttor P. CAMMARATA eo Puginess A. OWENS JR. danagin Bat NATIONAL EDITORIAL P. Cammarsts, entered a8 sec Pa. under sm. ¥ ad § | } } i : { | i air has cooled somewhat lately, but around about Lincoln's | ERY, there surely must have been a jot of citizens who were! ashamed that this Republic has the type of so-called that are nothing more than malicious blabbermouths. | Clinic must regard h offict i i i $ “As | See Ry ... STATE SENATOR JONN J. HALUSKA It” At the conclusion of ast week's story we informed our that we would of the late Sek. Tobey's investiga tion which is Being conducted by 4 Ph & special chun mities namely Benedict F Fitzgerald Rel ative Hoxsey Mr tO nh Fitzperaid sued this sia tement which became a pibii yecord at ik nation's capitol iI have vary carefully pod £4 Sen. Fiadoska Federal and State Courts of Dal readers | reveal the findings ft he gud the rourt i records of three cas tried in the | wie i hand They SIN YyY It that a great adritied coud cae # ported inciuding TANCER an and others in treat froan ! ihe CEnRTEY CR alli parts of Kmpniheant 1 minibar of the that Xray thernpy FRBOTT This vin OY meloRl panies Wien! of * bag fa ir Pile ee Soc tors the magaiin parhliahed By 1 cor Rociete Mav ines of 104% i 54% Sere I i hhing of sire font fhed Bane the i Ktate Fanos 1 HE { the in £4 # Ti $ FLW $5 ROCESS BY abe and fotermined by patho oF » SE reat many ina whnily dlsentinectod HMawmry Cancer Clink they were miftering from I ¥en of CRnrer Lexternsl and following they testified they were cured FET that ins. Texas A running fight has been going on ) Dr through the Journal of thal org anization. and the Hoxsey Cancer Dr. Pishbein contended that far above the good of cur nation Statements so false medicines employed by the Hox. be ridiculous always have » Kick-back. Fortunately & 1 3 £ { 3 ; : : y Lies of articles so This decision during the trial of a Hbel suit there are Py Cancer Clinic had no thera peutic value. that it was ron by a guack and a charlatans (This clinic is manned by a staff of over 30 emplovees including nur wes and physicians.) Reprints and | circulation of several million cop. ed in Ntigation thereafter intervened and sought an Imjunction to prevent transmission in interstate com. It is intstusting to note that the Trial Court. before in hear the witnesses in two differ. ent trials. it was held that the so called Hoxsey method of treating CABCOT Was In some respects supe ierior to that of X-ray and surgery and did have thers peutic value. radium The Cirenit Court of Appeals of the 5th Circuit decided otherwise was handed down $5 the District Court of Dallas. Tex by Hoxsey against Morris Fish. (bein. whe admitted that he had never practierd nm bs Be and had never had a rd medicine one day which resulted in private patient, & verdicl for Hoxsey ans against Morris Fishbein. The defense admitted that Hox. | sey could cure external cancer but contended that his medicines for internal cancer had no therapeu tic value. The jury. afier listen. 3 Kad can therapeutic vale, as Dr. Fiahbein. brought to + Court the leading medics! jentints. including Pathologists between officials, | especially Dr. Morvis Fishbein of the American Medical Association | the red result | Government | the | Judge At- well. who had an opportunity to Burger Teins £ Barr bh EY 3 A Jodie { Byuadions Cell Na 3 Tossa a. EOE En ree Mees BOB ARdepnoRrciname. ip Mire Eimer Semith Maiienant eins Mildred Jager 2101 Pallas. Teuse Melanoma A GG Burgess 34 Pains Texns Plaid it Pe SR rYy ira Posts Yeuse Faas) Pm ibrey WOE Herson Prickles Coll Carmcingmma, ten : Mra I A Bobb Wear Seetosd Basel Coll Drcinoma Lye Mra. lossle Hester oabhbasek Aderovsrcinnme of Deri es rer Mrs Lots Barasil Aderoemretintees of DY peer | E ¥ Ses : Texan BFD WG | enw Truman syn Cell Vigd cu Cheap » Pyrvinl it Eine Howes Pu roe ie Prickie OO» { SEL Wares Texas Eee Tenas nee? etder Maulbgnan: BR MM Matte rt fa al {59h Toe Ooliles (ett Cardddnsss : L. Renin aft Carelcipns Ihe ander i Mw Jd BB Douglass Poss | 'Pewaa Dhartoeel Te Eee Me ROE Taras Llssdnoens. Cieade 3 Mra © BH Maliory Sousmous Carelnome OF aeBeer Mrs Mersan Thomas S25 Maren By Imlise Tewssn Mednsies cing (IFDe cRnTers iif WH fina, i Bey. Horace Pale Reuwie Tetanad Mme. ive canon Therefore on previoas i We REve Riven hwntes who have tes? ified that heen cured this dissnee By the Housey lrestment We have in ddition {hereto Careindens 5B re a) 3 La CROTON Mer Rey TE SRE: Meariiey. Towss Kpwreded Cel Tir So f On Band Mullgn- &« Meg amirsty Tyee Gatieee Bevin PTE ow Malignant ity froin. West Maitonsat HErasions of people they fron I given our readers and the public | informes- members of shail refrain, | Meet 4 (which is now emploted by the themanives AMA trent A% a whole frst hand tiom pertiini 3 f tio OWA Simity &; | names. if possibel. from mention. ing any mole sames of Pwho have submitted fo hts thes wurscaious * ins ASA Giferent | tls internal and | treatment | iE. Hanarahle William Cartician wrillen hy wo | Connolly flier In 1 SHOE 1 Bogie [a Cambria Count y Paial Las wi That there can be ad misupder. | slanting : bmw | dreadfal | Urge That Complete Investigation Be Made a A TH AT * . = BBO ANS ESN 3 fi Cambria Medical Society Backs Sen. Haluska’s Stand February 20. 1904 A Crvrna Ky rH rleres? pent on by the ar AEN 18 ar Coli wt The Hossey Caneer {ine wr Rena? Hahualtu # fem hay shed et Fey VE aml ale i Bg ve ¥ Wwe, of Medica: Society Jaslive 1a ihe Seve, Ihe Po zation of Hern ty We the Camnbivaa $ounty fowl Lhal, wm all public whom we Nf Speaking for ares, shpulid be made the Dhl redgisenling nw paper he of a eller sent by Langer ihe Eh ah Mt oF i Er Gran ihis yous tf Ee ee lone iE 1 SOrrespondent Hahska add etter mail stated WE Renator ae EP roel hig FYE * iwi fonE tin is Sincerely Cambria Mestical “ Freely yeu {only Rewrite y W Raymond MD Pres iihen? Phe Capsteis tes fodiens Fehraary XN £ lLanger Offen Building : 3 f° Willtemn Mea ety wu EB. Langer Cd tl. BR Washington Dear Sit Dusring there hav this Rennie the past several nppeEgrea In Gat ries weekly Stile Zssaior of Caspar i Pennsylvania. in aie i Clinic of Texas has Ca RCer The has asked in a thal an investiga SONS Pay the Medical Asner iam Hoxaey Clinic he ard that faelz comcerfing wet hoods trentment Pa fade AvYailabie pride Hines Resssitor Heslushka (8 the administrator of sn ascredited which seviral of oar are stlached the ha. gimimad for the Hosxsey Cline y affects wane of ouy members we of lhe Medien! Boviely our potion oles wire ls BEYER » John J Hansa County he Hoxaey Yihich 3 HEE Das treats Besalor als» at Ihe by American against tide $ ha ¥ hogn i 4 1he mini beers {y= of make - Men? Bat we will continue telling far readers the moves Thal are cenieompieg by powerful groups fo curtail the Trealiment Rn cer by medication In our next weak's este we will point out SEN. JONN J HALUSKA SR RHEIN WA ER elitiomne of vari Lhe ply saci | Therefore ii 1054 | pews DED | amd since AAA NPI The Cambria County Medical Society has gone on record as whalrhrartedly endordag Senntor gation of the American Medial Lssacintions’ “conspleney” again the Hoxsey CHinle. We have gone sven further and are now asking Pyonr to make public the results of | Cletus Lohimiier, district Benutor Haluska, that an onpart- | pre said a esly be assigned the task of ol A mvesligiuting the mailer fully and : BA Huluskon's proposal for sn invest). | | individually of making 8 full dietlosure of the results of tha! investigation Wel care of the opinion that, on the (basis of impartiality and of iqualificalions, the investigation Cambria | should Be conducted by the U. § ducted » i It was reported that the Ne any such investgat on for we are d the opinion het Sf such vital meaning thst Bad vind # she Ia import. of all the Bete If the method of [treatin used by the Hoxaey Chimie is anecessful as has been piaimed, 11 in the duty of any investigating body to make svalls able suffering humanity the disgnostic and clinical used by the Hoxwsey siaff. Further we believe that the method of fopemtion of the Hoxsey Clinle shoald be dlaciosed ao that, ir Lihe Howsey method of treatment 15 in saecessfal. other clinics may be the #i-up in other parts of Leoinlyy le remove the threat of the dread killer cancer Ta retnove the possibility that BEE | [RnyY investigalion would be (ele to Ihe charge of hing or partisanship, we would suggest in aovoriance with 3 a ‘Bamesboro Lady Ninety Years Old { Mra Hebecoa Boring of Bar Fr RD observed her Sith thirthday Toewday in the hoote of § har soncdin-law and daughter. Rev wd Mera Martin Thompson, with whom she resides Me Boring a Seallh Tor her age Shes spends eine of Ber time reading and helping her daughter with house. Badd chores The posagemarian is & of Free Gospel Mission inn Green wich, Henry Harasahoen Bev Thom pecs pastor of the ehagrede Mra Bering wae born Feb 213 1884 in Indians Consty duughler of John and Jane {Shankle Stumph She has re sided in this srva since childhood i re very good ue Her husband, James Boring. diel Dec. 1, 1040 i Mrs Boring is the ix childrens. They are: Mrs Or phe Conner. Indiana. Earl Mare I steller: Bdward Cherry Trew i Mra. Ressie Koh Barsesho as R iD 1; Mrs Julia Thompeis, or | newborn R [There are 30 grandchildren, 43 | great-grandchildres and 2 gread- | groat-grandchildren. % (ERY. sincerely give ‘youll find today one really best days ¥ met Bir © the guestion the public { should be given & full disciostive matter will recive vour prompt methods | i dividonlly or by (fore amy investigating group. and the views of member | PD. and Lercy Erie | S00 Ad Lhe pevekskry | metiis clin be made We giscsrely hope this, Ihe ¥ few months The next & atiention snd we wish io assure | you hist we will render anyiHome at 745 p mm. { ansigtmnte we can possibly give | March 5 8 ined only to voi, bat also 10 any that i Over County Vinvestigiting body involved We ! (are on ivcord ax being willing tol personally appear, cither in {fo coopiirate In every way possi (Me in Bringing out the trwe facts [for the bemefit of mankind Kisverely youre ; Cambria County : Medical Society Le Joseph W. Ravmond MD | President. i 1 EE ¥ 3 i ! business from i — She previomsdy was [ Cleon Wyland, Barneshore post. | i mater, was appointed chairman | af the organisation and exten | af #8 3 home sconomist by Pet Milk Cosnpany sion copumitive of North Cambria County Boy Seout District at a} if all women decided to just as they think of unraade beds and sinks Moll Hiuhes ho meatiog Thursday night in the of Hastings VW Home Plans were outlined for a cub.’ hing training ovurse of T30 p m | Monday, Mareh 8 in Bt. Ber nares Church Mall, Hastings Ac | chin Leiner, lenderihip training | chairman of cubbing in the dis. | trict, said the class tv open to all adult seat Jesdera . { . Three district roons have con | DANCE DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 27th From 9:30 0 12:00P. NN. MICKEY LOKEY. | Round & Polka Dance Every Saturday Night IE