vaty Mutus! Fire he , Compan h 2. 1954. in the church ent, Carrollitown, Pa. at A M. for the election of tors and one member of gommittee for the Year: also anv other coming before the meets 4G H DUMM, ry ——tt) _ Clasified Display 2 Used Car * Bargains! | -dupoe Sie + | 1952 CHRYSLER Wind i of July, 1841, The Court of Common Pleas of | Cambria County, ‘ has fixed Friday, Rr a - SS _Notiees NOTICE! aber eno The Commissioners of ( ‘ambria | County have agreed to sell at) Private Sale ithe hereinafter de 2¢ribed property for the sum of | $195.00. to Francis Kupetz, under | the Act of Assembly of the Com monwealth, approved the 29h} day of July 181. FP L 600 The Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County. Pennsylvania hus fixed Friday, March § at Ten o'clock A. M., in the Court House, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, for a hearing on the Petition for confirmation of said Sale. The i Property to be sold was assessed Mocham in the name of Joe RKupetz Est as 1 H 2 L--Property No. 04- 0431. was sold to the County on Octo | ber 13, 1980 : The total amount of taxes, mu. | i nicipal claims, penalties. interest ! and tosts due is $9TIAR BOARD OF COUNTY : COMMISRIONERS, BY Maurice A. Springer. Clerk So NOTH hr The Commissioners of Cambria | i County have agreed to sell at | Private Sale the hereinafter de | i scribed property for the sum of {$500.00, to Carl H and Margie | {Bmith, husband and wife, under (the Act of Assembly of the Com. | mosiwealth, a fuved the 20th dav 600, Pennsvivania, Mareh 5 1954 Bor Day Foe art a ‘ fvania, for a hearing on the Petition for | confirmation of Property to be sold was assessed | in the name of John CC 8mith | as Property No. M0201, 1 house NCAT Ea 1854, | in Bamesboro Borough. and | said Sale. The! NOTICE The [following i been examined and passed by me and remain of file in this office for the inspection of parties in- [terested and will be’ presented {10 the Court for comflirmation snd | ailoseance on Monday, March 1 454 1 Final sunt of Taiko Administrator of : Huras 2 Final Hanlin, Exe Pialt 3 Partial John F Alex aceon! oof Helen utrix of Herbert 8 mretunt of The National in the Fatate of Wagner 4 Finsl aceount of Sarmuel T Glacken, Administrator cia of Samuel E Clacken 5 Final Account of Martin Vrabel, Executor of John MM i Vrabel or John Martin Vrabel or John Marlin Vreabel 6 Final account of George H. | | Lethey and Catherine : Cartaugh, Adiministre tors of | | Catherine Leckey 7. Final asceomnt of Frances Connor, Executrix of James | Prtted RB Final Account of Mary Kusiko Administratricx of Steve Kuska, or Steven Kussko | 8 Final account of | Whited, Administrator ‘Voita 1G. Final account of Johnstown | Bank and riist Company, | i A Administrator of Bamuel Vidish | 11. Final account of Mary | Jacmenovich, Administrateix of | {John Mattan i2 Final pecomint of Ruth B Myers, Administratrix of Clara Bost rom 13. Final | Samuel Harty E Erment | of Kari seoount of Reginald Davis, Administrator y 182 Irom Street. in the 14th | eta of Dorothes Leahey Davis Cambria Chun. | tvania. and was sold to | ty Peony & County on October 13. 1830 The total amount of taxes. mii nicipal claims, penalties, interest | and costa due is $2205 2% : BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, By Maurice A. Springer, Clerk ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE mi oy yale of Frank Frye Re rings of Glasgow in the | County of Notice i. hereby given Letters of Administratation in| the Estate of the above named! Scant have been granted to the | bv indebted to said es tate are od to make pav- meni, and t having demands against the same will make them known without delay | to CLAYTON I. FRYE, Administ ator, 435 ML Vernon Avenue Mangan or Toran Pennsylvania | Evans, | rg for Administrator, Building 212 Masonic P31 Cambria and State oh} Lind A. deceased. 14. Partial sceount of Robert {. Gerbeim Executor of Florence | Martin Gerheirn, or Florence M. Gerheim, or Mr Robert LC. Gerheim 15 Final aceount of Anna HH | Kane, Administratrix of Henry E | Kane { 16 Final | Chirdog of Robert Chirdom, Mabe! BoveRnt and Oiga Exscutlors of Amabile Bernazzoll, or Mabel Bernazsoli or Amabil Bernassoli 17. Final sceount of William Lioyd. Administrator of Joseph | IS. Final mecount of link, Executors of Phalen Bhern 10. Final account of Everett |B Custer, Executor of Etta | Custer Capstick 20. Partial Margaret secormint of the claims or | Moxham Nationa! Bank, Exeentor! LL. | of Frank G. Kellar oak: Final sccount of Hugo i Ditlisvobbe, Executor of Bersrdo | DiGincobbe i 22 Final scoount of Phmer | Dewey Adams. Executor of Ak | fred Milton Adams 23. Final scoount of Olgas M. | | Fovenyesi Kawtoski., Administra. | trix of Alex Fovenyesi 2M. Final pscoount Deseatt and of John 27. Final account of Norman Wagner, Administrator of” James | A. Wamner. Notices | accounts have | £ Bank, Trastee Mi eC that | Donald Connell and f Micha | 100 OF Bast 1I4TH5 feel to a; Patton Aute\ Wreckers, Dr Rich [able in cash to be paid for with . Notices I NOTE Notice is hereby given hat the | {Chm ners of Cambria Coun t partnership lately suhminting be |] ity. scling as the Commissioners | taoen MAURIS PA HOR Lioyd Wensel, oy Ader (of the Cambria County Institution [and DeBALES FF. SWITZLER | | Cipatias Barnesboro, Mrs. District infend to acquire by pur ander ihe firm name of WEST. | Shortencarrier, od chase the following described real | RICK MOTOR COMPANY, wilh: Ottamo > Ahmocetl Eroeigh. [estate Situste if Cambria Town | ils principal place of business in Ie Ebensbury ahip, Cambria County, Pennsylva- | the Borough of (hrrolitown, | | Wagno: ar en Mrs | nim, bounded and described as County of Cambria asd State of | 18 Luther, Harnesboro; follows: | Penneylvania, was \ Saatnd $ ™ { the Ist day of January ‘ k A | Beginning yi ns ty ar bord mutual consent All debts owing ro. Bleve Miller, Spangler: Prank | ne ht wie 3 marge ; oie i to the sid partnership are ta be | Beliaila. Madmffey, Mrs Harriette Thomas snd right-of | by said DeBALES FF Fink Patton: Joe way of the Pennsylvania Railroad | gyros of 4nd ail demands on | | Company theses slong the rhe. he said partnership aes tn be {9 ay of aid hier dy ny a. | presented to him for payment g La ¥ iS & 8 tr 118 rR WTRIOK We minutes East 247 2 font io 8 MAUR E IKK | post. thence alomp same North 58 bs ; p25 8 degrees 21 minutes East 20044 _ 3 feel to a post. thence slong same | I North 34 degrees 50 minutes East | (A360 feet to x poet. thence i Bouth 88 fegrees 18 minutes East | (68.35 feet to a post. thence Bouth | 86 degrees 14 minutes East 12065 feel Lo an iron pin om line of land | ST x Joss. Kazmir Yank Hast. {of David T. Reese: thence slong | ** SRK a temtative millage of 15 7¢ oveky. . | Bore ings. Rowse Bereth, Maat. line of land of David T Rees ify Sor Hemera - urpos |e fey B.D 2 Rose Marie Futor Bouth 36 degrees 11 minutes East | * ted By Any Int tarested ti. | Patton. Timothy Dietrick, [288 0 feet to an irom pin: thence | FORE the Borough af the a | Springs: Mrs. Helen Na jam along line of same Boutlh B34 the Secretary butwesn { jeg reen 55 mination East 1861 13 » of 8-00 A » snd 4 fu pi | penbowy Joseph Koewaeh, Bames Jou bes . pout, Dance a along I M ee. Banday, Treen Thurs | bore; Mra Ethel ine same degrees 08 xs Ta i ia : ‘ minutes Weat 29613 feet to a da February ix ta March 1 jushors. | ¢ 1 pont rans, oe rs Tae | HASTINGS BOROUGH COUNCIL I tame Mciwmn, Cherry Tree: | 847.38 feel to an irom pin. thence | 3 Clair J. Urich, Secretary. | Gordon Collins, | sbong line of lane of Elvin L ] | Myrick South 0 degrees 52 min | | BIDS ror scHoor. se FrLIES {utes Went 69.88 feet to a post. The PaltonChest Twp Joint | thence South 89 degrees 13 min. | Shoo! Basrd wili receive seu I bide for Bchool Supplies for the | New (utem West 141208 feet to a post 1956-1988 school term [on Beech Street. thence along | © er further information call or said Beech Street North § degrees | _ in Mr. Jesse W. Cogiey, JF. 18 minutes East 23847 feet to » | Supervising Principal, Pstton. Pa post on Country Chub Drive: All bids must be i the hands thence along said Country Club | 0 the Secretary om oF Sefore | Drive South 80 degrees 13 min | Maren 5 1954, planly toarked ules Went 360.34 feet to a past | “Quotations aft Bohol Suppiien on Pine Street. (hence slong said | i, Baard reserves She right 1 | Pine Street South 5 degrees 18 accept or reject any or all bids minttes West 3017 feet 0 an VELMA K NOONAN iron pin; thence along Hine of Secretary. Cambria County Institution Dis-| Paitin Penneiivania trict North 85 degrees 08 mine 4 ! ules West 2002.94 feel to a post - thence Nirth 03 degrees 28 min CARD oF THANKS ules East T0080 reet to a Pant We walk 16 express jon line of land of George B. and thanks anf appre ath os Harriette Thomas: thence along | Patt tan Volunteer Flue Co ine of same Bouth BR degrees 36 the use of (heir ambidasice; NOTICE “vid Shwlick, Cis 1 Nitice is hereby given that the | Mingle Smith, artis NOTE The Budget for Harlings Bow ough, Cambria County, Pennsyiva- | nia. has een prepared petting forth the estimated expenditures ard receipls for the venr 1054 and | town. Elizabeth Galinis, Barnes. | Barnesbore. COernldine Barto, La SOB el 3 MA VB AO 5 bun, Robert Kitts Nealen, Nick- da : Ronald | Kitchen, Mahaffey R. D 2: James "TB Kane, Evensbury RD. 1: George ANKR | Fetterman, Aivarda; Joseph Pres- post thence still along line of ard Murray. Pelton sed 16 adi Bakerton: Martin Wolfe, Nick- | the | Dysart: Mra Mary Phiflips. Bar | Johnson, Bar| boro: oro. rains Barto Ta. | Jstors at the heme of Mr. and | 2am. Neotth 12 degrees 10 min- | who assisted | dia: ules West 675 feet 6 an bon fing Joe Bobal in his recent aul > | h ipin, the place of beginning Con- mobile accident {Mrs Felon Kitchen, taining 84.2 acres. more or less | Mes. Katy Bobal & Sons SIRTIS Said pares] to bw purchased from | Hastings. Pa Robert Kimball and Mary Low | ~omosmmm. ime Kimball i i Under and subject fo the ex- { eaplionn, reservations oonditions | and restrictions as more fully set [forth in and in in any way in sid NR BSR The following is the list palionts admitled and dcharge all the Miners’ Hospital, | from Feb 14 to Feb 23 WMEDICAL ADMITTED i pan for the ($2,000 00) pay- bag George Hurd, ric rR TDL X Mrs Mary Cenchiph. Care rolitown: Janet Chverchis, Ash ville BR. D.; Mr. Mary Milder, oe Benedict: Daniel Rodirgane, Mar A#telinr. Jomeph Haluitks, Has ings: Mrs. Elizabeth Dwvidieon Hellwood. Miss Lillian West, Bar neshors: Mrs. Mary Supp, Patios BR DD: Rebard H. Barnes boro; Frank ChigeGy. Marsteliar: Mrs Biunck, Westover R D.; John . Barneibore, Mm Owia Anderson, Barnesbore 2. D 1. Mra Martha Beiells, Alverda; Gust. Apderson, Spangler; Iva Alessi igh: larry Joh N Conner, RD: «1 pichaeld Burbs, Arcadia: Labut, Barnesbors: Mrs. Eliza Hamid B Kerr. Barnesbore; Mrs. Ethel! Johnson. Barnaboro, Mrs Mary Boring, Cherry Thee BL D 2. Prancia Wolanin Hastings: Adam Urban Hastings: Robert Merryweonther . Barnes fo; Bah - ard McGlynn, Hating» : Mra Virginia Poop. Barnes. it bro; Anthony Paldule, Barnes bro; Kemnelh Rodgets Oise doe BR. D; Peter Adomites. Has | tings: Robert MeQuire, Ehens- | tal barry. Milans Mallony Patios R D.: Paul Kenseth Miller, Patton: Jomeph Patterson. Clymer BR. D i { ji if 3 fi # [Efi ll if i i mothers Mrs. as Chureh held (heir 3 he week end at the home | last dining room. ARSE ng of Harrisburg | the church dining ea business aston Lieb. served by Mrs Frank Toskin Mr. and Mra Ray Lieh Jr. of Cleveland. Ohio, ware week end Mra. Ray Lish Sr Mr. and Mrs sil hit