/ » / rH bi 4 > i [Cresson { The Cresson High Indians the | defending champions of the Nor thern Cambria League, moved in iio 8 frst place league tie with omilitin when they defeated the {Patton High Panthers 52-29 in + game plaved on the Panther ourt. Both Cresson and Gallitzin hold {$3 counts in league action with {one gan remaining to be played The indians of Cosch Walter | Kososki were never behind in de- | font! the Panthers Friday They ope with a 15-4 first guarte. score and added a 13-9 count in Patton-Chest Ties First Place League Position : By RD. (Rersey) BREUNIER Courier Bowling Editar Good morning everyone Hope | you're all enjoving the best of | John Prebish of Cresson set the scoring pace with 11 points as tenrunate Dick Bheridan added 14 to the winning cause. Don Win ako was high for Patton with 11 so Bevting At Coralie Interesting Daring The Past snd Gene L terre wored 10 for the home sam JV team scored ver The Cresson 36-30 conquest Cresson JV's pushed ther: into » three.way deadlock with Callitsin and Nanty-Glo JV omtfita fir the first place The varsity summary the Pattor Panther Cubs in the JV Lasague preliminary game. The victory for health, so you can read all about | our league bowling and other | [matches which were bowled on | our lunes during the week of | Feb. 15 Ho here goes i STANDING OF TEAMS A LEAGUE | Wot Laowt : | Beiro. As to our local A KAR A an Bo HE a A SR * mt wisntion thelr scordh my they have five scores a—————" Te ee thie dliey. The BO 1 Monday might sememsberger’s to life to down the Buick downed Main Street Gu | from Hastings, 34 Libello rage 4 to nothing and sre now ing the bell for the 801 resting on ihe fop rung of the his MT and Selewtok leading "BY League ladder, | point above Moos: by the antlers with a Westriok's Pontiacs. Robert. mofl- (Oh my. what a night, ing a lovely 221 and 547 to you we what I mean pace the Huleks: Grimes leading Hotel 4 FOE. oueh Main Street with his #47. Now jag the Hotelnue | the second period to hold a 28-13. | {lead at the intermission The wn faery’ added a 15-8 margin in the ‘third period before relinguishing in Del the closing ohapter to Palton, 10 : i 3 Whirton 4 i & 0 8 Tinnick The Indians made eight of 18 #9 Semmivberg fouls apainst nine of 13 for the Tivtale home team of Coach Angelo La- |. 13 13 Patton yf 9 ¥ T Patton 0 8 Wake ! J 31 Behwad | ° 5. 5 f & Whe ee SPOTS By FRED OWENS we winner of Districts 5-8-7 at Pitt i Field House, Pittsburgh st 5:00 i Final on Saturday, March 27 Eastern va. Western Champion at Palestra, University of Pennsyi- i vania, Philadelphia, 7:30 p m CLASS B 8 sifif a ® weeNeee 9 32 3 ds 06 05 Totals #50 B 18§ = i Fe » 3 urito gd 1 : 4 gh 2 Ee 2 we go over to slieys 3 and 4 followed Harry's snd see what we shall see. Oh | sour 3 ves, Westrick's Pontiacs vessel x S34 Hey "Burney the Borough Commweil team 3-1 | ingom Fore” What does Louie 2oming up with a #4 0 mean” Now comes pace the Councinmen while M. P| longus for the paced his Pontiacs with 8 192 aude : al the onset and never Were ingle And 478 series followed by | Ca. # kurta Sunk Beaded Lally Loy the opening Aon Ned's £75 | the 8 folowed ® ¥ fs » if £18 ‘. by to if i fest as Lilly went out in front Lo iit sesapifel if 4 3 4 4 i Ww ¢ B83 43 BANS ; k champions? This question was yod net later than March 15 come close to the wire to finish District 2 vs District 4 BCI High School, Coalport, roll! F ll Vi t T L:ll [ / Ww h Preliminary Regional will be | defeat. By gaining a crown | Districts count in the sscond thapler, They {the ¢ t ul : irerten. The Final Regional game will | made as yet, BCI will lng of 34. The highest rank-) Srmetibergers muir Woh Lost dis. | | round, 14-17 ax Barnesbore fook| Nore: Ain winner of Districts 2-4-12: and | 1Fict elimination contest likely represent the isague Bervapn’ Council Lily bowling team town ¥ a % - ; " kt. . y crown for their seventh time las | Iaiders Down Hawks, 57-51 the Lop scorer with 17 points for ye JM The Final Class B game will be another game last week in od Hastings High Hawks by a|ll points respectively. Frank |g, io gas the Benders with A summaries follow: sth Champion In a game in the 80-47. for a third place rating of Lilly took a 22.18 first per od] ih M4 points This match was scheduled for | Interdistrict Who are destined to become the 1984 high school basketball | asked time and time sgain as the Interdistrict games must bel season rolled by, and as all teams district commitiees are injoff the season the 1954 champs * Sed perm, |e mot "| Hastings and Barnesboro Both District 3 va. District 11 For the sventh straight vear! ings an ne ro District 5 va District 6 od to the Moshannon Valley Lea- District 9 va. District 10 gue title with five wins and one | : 1 4 ABHOro | on Friday, March 19. The | under their new coach, Joe Mores | Both Hastings and Bare : yed 1 vs .y ner of Districts | konich, the Wolves of BCI have 6! victims of Lilly High Red District 6 Class B eliminations | Tom the Mainline section ended period, 21-11 and added a 13.5 isbn : : : : Ee . r 34. and Dist T= Although no mention has been | (Ne season with a third place tat ix; the second ar STANDING OF TEAMS 8 Leacoe | Paul rolied a 518 * he a «18 I» atl halflime ; ; wong Class C team in the Northern The visitors grabbed the third i | Saturday even we had a» be played on Tuesday, reh 23 | meet the winner of the Northerr ™F : p y . : own | ; Cambria League, the Raiders will | : {ONT Jest none than the Winner of Districts 1-311 vs the Cambria er n the first {most : the closing chapter, 14-11 aie winner of Districts 5.8.7 ve the The Wolves wrapped up th | fn Class C District 8 sliminalions Ran Zells of ithe Raulers was | CAI out in front a & Am ; Lito Lilly's 2.887 winner of Districts 8-10. week When the Lilly took the first of their two BE leam with 17 points as Geo - : nd / they soared a sound. ANY Loox 1 ; nd Ca Tuesday night Bender Blectrie! Well, #0 jong foike see you played on Friday. March 28 with ing 75-23 win over Houtsdale wins nit week when They defeat. Re a ampagna indded 10 and |, oo CVF. Oo, 40 Bede! come Thursday next week the Eastern Champion vs. West. n - A 41 | {Sonny Frostine of Barnesboro : Moshannon Valley League action, | Rarrow ST-51, score in a game nn the game's lending scorer | 96 while Johnny did the ssme | B LEAGUE Eastern part of the state Reade Twp. upsel Moshannon Jt. | Hastings for the Firemen with his 477 | - Barnesbora JV tem Broke im i CLASS C 33 lead, but the Hawks of Coachi,. 0. on Ol Mier sight Feb. 23 but since Mr Westrick 1 games must be | Doing & bil of research accord: Felix Outalino came bark in the . wiis leaving for Florida hi yed not ater than R a ue % 12. The district committe. | tabulations. we arrive al Uh) to knot the wore at 31-31 at the MIy JV squad, 22-13 The war. sre sa#83 588 : ; #3 2 “a 4 : Fahey Friday, i ta official PIAA enrollment second (unrter with a 138 count Siraignt SAME what they Jowhed date (he match was sdvanced to Friday. the 19th and hold and | Kis benald. but Semelsberger’s Bulecke rolled over Westriek's Pontiacs 0 Tommy only rolled 2 gocies for the Buicks, but leading them off with his 195-201 scores for 2-game total of 399. while Ned paced the Pontises with hie 440 Oh MP told un he was taking his bowling ball with Mm to us a a sinker when he'd go fishing. { Morrie. we Bate to see you leave, | even it is only for a shot time. but don't go fehing in too deep water. We all wish you and yours s very pleasant vacation Now this is Wednesday and * what, none of them here and believe i or not, but I'll not be hare long either The reason. | well, it’s » cinch party and that's | F where we're all , 58 District District District a . vs BIE wae 3 4 5 » a 0B iH 2 Bear Kill of 195 The tabulation of bear kill tags mailed to the State Game Com- mission since the IMIS season has been ¢ The final count shows that bt 303 jegal bruins | were taken by hunters during the fast season in Pennsylvania, The of bears er one Year : gt i old im 3 was 381 in thin state | going | m——— {iui dino was low compared to Thursday Barnesbore “Hoot” other recent years. when (he av. Owls tock four from the Patton longue baseball ampire | Lo 3 1 - STREER wis about 400 legal bears Beverage hoys Miller, knocking 8% . & season iover 543 pine to pace Bames Set hder 14 13 11 14d #iii & charge of arra Rents question that of BCI won the | intermiasion. The Raiders opened | iY Bary Distriet Moshannon Valley Class B tithe another atisck and grabbed the arr BEN District 12 then Reade Twp. undoubtediy wil' | third stanza, 15-11 and fisished | S0ENE 0 1 710 Breatine District 10 represent the lea in the Chwi off the win with an 11-9 fourth | oan = va Distriet 16 £ Sasnpatition Here's why: En period score | Belts x « Prelimina fonal games| Oliment figures listed by IW | pon George paced the Lilly | Korine: are set for W ¥. Marsh 17 PIAA show that schools are clas | oo oon" 42 points as -y Severin District 11 vs. winner of Districts | Sfied as follows: Class A. 300 0! | pgiey (a ns, Sloan and Zefls | roca 1-3, and District 2 va. winner of [dumped in 121% and 10 Pots | Lung Districts 4-12. : © respectively. Dan Bills was high | ‘ The Final Regional games are *|for Hastings with 15 points and set for Monday, March 22. Win | Clmir Abel scored 11 to help the ner of Districts 1-3-11 vs. winner | home team cause o Districts 34 and Winae | Lilly JV team ev a I. if Districts vs winner ¢ lain in the IV preliminary game Districts #10. 218, Class C These four team : he varsity ar ’ # i The Pinal me between the Make up the Moshannon Valle Eastern and Western champions will be played on Friday, Mar. 3% League. Reade therefore is th | ranking Class C temn as Houts | dale &idn't win any league gamer | Jhis past Mwason Houtadale tool | the C C crows last year Northern Cambria’'s only big Seupyes Baste: Ssuwves Nuynaoes AT min i EFFEC BEES JENENs BE ESE repurfed to Barmesbore Soffers 1-44, Defoe °F" = 00 In Florida where = The Red Dragons of Barneshoro | grt py rol ; | wuffered a 81-46 defeat by Lilly in i game al Barnesborg last Thurs day evening. This was the fine’ | be wy for the Raiders : 5 west down io thelr ninth straight sigue de Pep-P a a a ERT CRAROTIEIN Ford steals ar a : Hog Be 4 Fy ae Lie 12 i. : ; 1! 7 Lg of 1 . mm srenigh twice workd's feath. iplon-~has one of Ls 2 ie 2d A : oh i i be ais i 8 gf i ; g i s2a2f tlh J Agnin this year, all eyes are on the stunning sew 1934 Ford. Its long, lpw Crestmark body coatinees to set the styling tend . . . its completely new interiors are a decoestor’s dream come true! Irs new Ball. Joint Front Suspension is the greatest advaiice in chassis design in 20 years. And Ford's new deep-block Six and V-8 are the most moders | poy low. friction engines in the industry. All in all, you ger America’s low-priced ime car when you choose the 1954 Ford. 5 ule F iE if fi i i iy i RE ir I i eridf : i ER E {