Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, February 11, 1954, Image 4

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    ont Birthday Fete =
At Yeckley ome
A joint birthviay eurprise surprise party |
and dinner Meld in Bonor
OF LA" Yekiey of Patton RF
CB his
ens end
and |
- Mr. and Mrs a Cun-
"of Ebenshurg BR. D.
attending were: Mrs
Edwards snd =n, Rennie,
a | bed at the home of Mr.
| versa
{and children, Catherine, Jimmie,
and Janet of Mineral
Doria Mr. and Mrs. Leo Moses
| and children. Rose Mary, Patty
land Leon of Johnstown: Mr. and
‘Mrs. John Lilly and children
i Carol Ann and Paul, of Cresson:
‘feo and Regina Yeckiey of Pat.
ton B. D.: Shirley, Loretta Bob,
Dick, Rita and Ethel Cunning.
R DD: Ted
of Johnstown, and Mary
Schank of Carrolltown.
$f ¥ 9
Surprise Party
For Mrs. Callahan
A surprise birthday party wu
Mra Frark Callahan in honor
of Mrs Callahan's birthday sani
on Wednesday evening.
. Bingo was
hunch served. Mrs oi
the recipient of many lovely
Nancy, Clair, Joann and Patty,
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kosto and
Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. Sut.
ton and children, Carol Billy,
Mr. and Mrs Francis Csllahan
and children, Jimmie, Carolyn.
Mary Frances and June, Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Callahan and chil
Fresh from our
regular stock . .
Reduced to a
dren. Phyllis and Philip, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack McQuillen, Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Yeckiey and daughter, Re-
, Bob Callshan and Mrs
ridget Callahan
EL # ®
Honor Roll For Third
4 .
Period at Local High
The honor roll of the Patton
Chest High School for the third
period is ap follows
Seniors Marton Airhars. Joan
Delattre. Viola Lann Carol Res.
Juniors Margaret Barrell
Donna Lauver, Patricia Leiden
William Schwab, Donald Thomas, |
Sally Ann Warner, Prikl Wins
Patty Jean Luszier, Efleen Shee
han. Mary Ann Yahner Judy
Nagle. Marjorie Ann Ropp. Mary |
Sandra |
Freshmen Jane Wharton
Nancy Cooper, Jean Blasks, Mar.
garet Bertison, Jovee Bako Low
ise Lehman. Jane Little
Birthday Party In
Local Girl
A birthday party was held In
Bonor of Mary Lou Cavalochi's
Elnine Anna,
sighth birthday on Saturday, Feb
6. from 2 to 4 p m. Games were |
played and a himneh was served
guest of honor received many |
lovely gifts
The following persons attend.
od: Mra Alex Winsko and son
daughter, Nancy, Ruth Ann Wil
shire, Judy and Mary Kay PFeigh |
Ronnie Weaver, Jimmie Toskie,
Lou Rennie. Panis Thomas,
Judith Toskey, Bobby and Geral
dine Cavaluehi.
Pvt. Ronald Stoltz
At Aberdeen Base
Pvt. Ronald H. Stoltz. husband |
of Florence C. Stoltz of 8t. Boni |
face, and son of Mr and Mr
Harry Stoltz of Patton, has ar
rived at Ordnance Replacement
Training Sestar, U. 8 Army, Ab
erdeen Proving Ground, Md,
where he will undergo eight
weaks of basic military training.
Pvt. Stoite, affilia with the
Wadia Ma war, Feasible ol
ducted Into the Army last mon
th. After. the completion of his!
cight-weeks training, Pvl. Stole
will receive two weeks leave Al
the end of hin leave he will be
the many
Army specialist schools either at!
or another Army In
Mrs. Mary Owens Has
Natal Aani
A surprise birthday party was
Seld for Mrs. Mary Owens on |
Feb. 2 at her heme in honor of
Ber 73rd birthday.
Attending were: Mr. and Mrs
Beverly Baranick,
Mra Joo Valentine and
v|¥ “Kores or Feb. 1
The WSCSH. of the
Methodist Church will
bake sale at Louis
Htore, this Saturday,
cifinning at B30 a 9m
I Women interested in having |}
their baked goods picked up are
smked 10 phore Mri. McKee,
hold a
Feb 13. be
i The ICBU will hold a oard
| party on Monday, March 1 at 8
ip. mM. at the Eagles’ Ballroom
{ {Mnch, pinochle and
ihe played. Launch will be
Donation is 50 cents Everyone
| Welcome
& »
Mr. and Mrs
{Mr and Mrs Fd Woomer
[the week end with Mr and
Paul Sherry of York, Pa.
Born (lo Mr and Mrs Clalr
{ Siherry, a son, Suhday, Feb 7. at
| Miners’ Hospital, Spangler
Mrs. Ray Humphrey wishes to
(thank her many friends
(Aether cards letters and Now
igre while she was a patient at
| Miners Hospital, Spangler
Pet. Robert A MoConneDl of
| Fort Manmouth N, J, spent a
| week end pass at the homme of
Bis parents. Mr. and Mrs William
| MoConnell of near town
Doris Dunegan and Jane Sem.
tisberger, student nurses in the |
| Altoona Merey Hospital, spent
| the week end at their homes here
| Miss Mary Catherine Young of
| Pittsburgh visited over the week
end at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Young
Mrs Fred Wallisch and child.
| ren, Ann and Michael of Pitia.
brirgh, are wviniting this week at
{the home of the lady's parents
{ Mr. and Mrs. Francis X Young
Mra Fussell J Albright and
| Mere Margaret Holst visited with
{ friends af Falientimber B.D. re
Mrs Rose [Hetrick returned
home after spending six weeks at
of her children Mr
Edward Cheslock of
Bi; Mr. and Mrs Ger.
rietrick of Florence, Ky
and Mrs Keenan Distlriek of
Van Dyke, Mich: Mr and Mrs
Camillus Dietrick and Mr
‘Mra. Leo Dietrick of Akron,
. Sunday guests st the »
iMr. and Mr Victor Coutorisux
ware Mra Julia Finney and her
| yon. in-lnw sad daughter Mr
| Men Chetty Thomas of
Mra Regiz Hitch and her dan
jiihter, Mra. John Whited left
[Saturday for Babylon, N. Y.
| where they will spend some time
swith Mrs. Hiteh's son-in-law and
{daughter, Mr. and Mrs Lewis
| Alprite
I George
the Bomen
and Mrs
| Chie: a
Hitech of Altoona fe
nino spending some time with his!
| brother-in-law and sister
i nd Mra Jerien Talara st
shore, lang Island
Mas 1. GO
and Mix
Mr. and
Were Mr
Corse h
tf DuBois
Mrs L.
it. D and Mrs leonard Yeckley |
from Pre. Leonard
st 1): 0 pom Pre. Yeckiey said |
it was 3:
pm Feb, 2 in Ko
There nave been red-breast |
lon three weeks ago. As the old |
Mr. and Mr. Lynn Getty and
children moved last Friday from
cy 1008 Fifth
Mr and Mrs. Donald Forsythe
anhounce the birth of 5 on on
cannsta will |
served. |
John Sherry and
who |
ars i
ana i
| Bunday guests at the home of |
obine seen by residents in Pat- |
Pants |
tf Grampian and Walter B Rims |
A. Yeckiey of Patton
Feb 7. at the Spangler |
Ri Wnt Pd Wore A
tice and T40 p
Brady, “Baptist
frinity Eplecopal Chareh
ar Frey a ine.
gay Morning Payer
School at
"Ta Cpenearal
ttspurgh telotiran #
the Moly Bucharist Service st § o "mm
Calvary Baptist Chapel, Relllys
Job T. Deury, Pusat
Sunday-$ 7 * Worship Ber.
rire Ho a - | Bundsy Rschool,
, w Lowe Supt
Thursday" Jn holy prastice
Class Will Hear
Noted Lecturer
Aurance 7. Shank, well-known
lecturer and former atheletic
andout, will deliver the main
address at 1954 commencement
ceremonies for Barncsbory High
Mr. Bhank, of A s90-
cistes of Utica, N. YY. wis
roved as the top speaker by
Pr. School Board at a
| meting Mond night. Com.
- mencoment slies will be held
May 28
In other action, directors signed
sgreements with State Teachers
College, Indians, for two prac-
tice teachers in the Barnesboro
High School.
Plans were dacussed for ad
ministration of the music depart.
ment next fall under of
the joint district. Tentative plans |
were outibned by Robert Gobrecht
room. Applications still are being
accepted for position of art in |
The board oO cooperate
in Duffy Da 7 Eoy
Miss Teun Scollon. school nurse,
| Presented her report to the board
Knights Confer
Deyee On Class
of irst degres of the Knights
of Columbus was conferred 1400
Bay: :
m.. FR —
and’ Semon |
of 185 patients
Attorney Alton A. McDonald of |
Ebensburg, district deputy, spoke!
briefly y i
Patients in the Altoona Vete
rans Hospital were feted on
Wednesday night of last week by
Cootiettes Lucky 14, Club Post |
420. Barnesboro, snd Moshannon
Cootie Club 58 of Philipsburg '
Several area patients were vm
od The program, in charge of |
Mra. Rose Fiasco of Barnesbore |
included a Moor show. Cligarelies
were distributed by Barnesboro |
Pup Tent No. 8 of Spangler |
The tal carries a case load
Dean Soldier Corporal
Richard A. Conso, whose wife '
Margaret, lives in Dean has
beers promoted to corporal while
serving with the Korean Military
Advisory Group (KMAG) Opi |
Congo, son of John Conse of Dy-
srt, arvived overseas last June
He is a member of the group's
Detachment G The soldier last
was stationed st Atlanta (Ga) |
Youth is the ume of life
when people are too oki to take!
Men's 16-inch High Top Shoes
Men's 19 and 12-nch Wark Shoes . . 56.95
We handle le only Endicot-Johnon Shoes.
Every pair guaranteed
JOE'S Saar
A222 8 S20
This is to mform you, our good customers, that a
been reached between us, M. P. Westrick and D. F. Switzler, Partners of the
Westrick Motor Company, to dissolve our Partnership. The purpose of this dis
solution is for the future advancement of the partners as individuals; each op
eriing his. own dealership,
friendly agreement has
Khas hous agreed thar Ms. Swiiader willicontinue bushes at tharpnen
Yotation ofthe Westrick Motor Company, and vali: te Brick French:
the name of Switzler Bick, far the sale and service of the Buick Car. It is uso
agreed that Mr. Westrick will continue with the Pontiac Franchise, under the
name of Westrick Pontiac for the sale and service of the Pontiac Car 8f ¥ lséw
Vocation at the South end of Casrolltown Whise: lias are completteto erect o
completely new building during the present year.
Therefore: the operation of the Westriel Motor Company; as such. i vic
Neeoutinued otis +
We wish to take this opportunity for thanking all of our
customers who have contributed to our success over the years since
both of us promise you our very best efforts to be worthy of your continued sup-
PL sf rent héoughout-the Years come et
toendy. and
po 1921, and