Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, February 11, 1954, Image 2

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otes of Carrolltown
{ motion pictures of a recent hunt.
(ing and fishing trip to !
{ Canada
i :
A Scouts Soap Sale Successful
A At a short meeting preceding
reports |
of the soap sale conducted by!
71 [Troop T1 were made Mr. Mich |
Monday evening's event
boys were invested as
and several;
[rina said the sale was very sud
Cotirt of Honor for a an] | censful and he wishes in this way |
Scout Troop 71 Monday ev- {to publicly thank everyone who
of this week in the base.
Bcout Rooms of St Bene- |
's Parochial School :
: of the boys pinned the
badge awards on their respective
fla who received the second
and star scoul awards ! . :
; ‘ Satiirday, Feb 13 beginning st
i Boys Yetuiving g Fring Teed 100\p m. in the basement hall |
i RAehmés Buck. rt of 8S: Benadicts Church The |
William Bradley. An- | patronage of the general public |
a oy will be appreciale
GA adnk, Yeday Ears. go toward the Troops summe?
Bender and Francis Bur. Comping trip
JCHS Minstrel
sae | Varieties Planned
rims | ENd Of Month
merit badges to members of | The music department of the
troop. i John Carroll High School, Carroll
1 Sri Tenderfoot pools | town. will present a Minstrel
Varieties show an Feb 25 and 9
Announcement of the tril
winter musical show was made
today by Charles Petro. choral
directer, and Michael Karichick,
‘band Erector, of the John Car
oll Joint School District
chasing soap
It was in error last
this column when (1 Was anpount
a Gake sale las! Saturday
advanced to rank of |
stout and also received bad-
were: Charles Mikula, Will
Houk, Robert Molnar and |
sented] A matinee will be held on |
Thursday afternoon, Feb 25. in
| the Music Room of the high |
; gehool
gents. On Thurniny srenng Feb |
Bx st 800 o'cloe inst rel
arieties will be presented 3% the |
Carroiltown school for the gener.
al public. The following evening.
{ Friday, Feb. 26 the show will be
ted in the auditorium of the
Bakerton Grade Behout at 8:00 p
‘mm. Donation will be cena
in attendance | The music directors stated tha!
hn same 35 students of John Carroll
High will
icipate in the pro-
will feature pinging.
Minstrel Varielies
not adhere strictly to the old
fashioned minstrel pattern. It I»
something different
The general public Is sardialiy
to atiend the event i
proceeds will go to the John Car-
roll Music Department fund,
. »
| Girl Scout Leaders
Northern |
helped pd the scout cause by pur
week in|
ed that Troop 71 would sponsor |
hake sale will be held this
Funds willl
in Carrolitown for sta |
Years On This Car
A Carroiit~wa asute firm and
and a Carrolllown resident
will both agree that there's
one batfery made that was
well worth every cent it cast
The Jocal resident. who re
quested his name not to be
published, four years ago last
May purchased a large battery
from the Westrick Motor Co.
now Switzer Buick, for hs
sutomabile. Just recently the
battery was replaced By a pew
ane after almost 4, years of
service. One coll in the oid
battery had finally gone bad
In the records of the “life”
of an saute battery, this one
cerininly can be listed among
one of the best avery musde.
Polio Fund Drive
Nets Nice Amount
Besidenia of Carrolllown last
; on ributed 3377.21 16 the
} 1964 Mar: ff Fries
i A total nS $140.20 was collier.
lua vig envelopes sent lo ai
i month
residents of the community. Five
A her farms of collect ing Ware
aise used] in the fund drive A
breakdown follows
Britelope retiring jie
Mareh of Mothers 97
Bx PBepgedict s Benoni 4
Coin Onntaliners x3
Card Party 4
Organise ions i2
Herbert Jankovich 8
rota srr a
The local drive, headed by Mr
Ligouri Lacey
Post M8. Carrolliown Mrs Dane
| mailing HEL
Herbert Jankovieh, of
i podio victim,
acted $8.00 for the fund |
The legion Auxiliary In this
WAY Wishes 0 publicly
| en and every local resident who |
contributsd to the suoress of the
» * »
Boy Scout Jeep 21, Carroll
town will hold » ke sale this
Baturday. Feb 13 instead of the |
fast Beslurday date which was
published in srror in these ool
umns. The sale will begin at 1 00
m. on Saturday, Feb 13 in the
semen! social hall of BL Bene.
dicts Church. The palronage of
the general public Will bs appre.
tinted Funds will go towsrd the |
troops summer camp fund
* * »
On Feb. 17. at 8 p m.. 8% Hen
edicts Church is sponsoring ao
card party. Cinch, pinochle and |
bridge will be played. and there
will be prize Ra, as well aa
& door prize | will be serv
ed by the Altar ry Bociety
Admission $1.33. The. benefit is
for a community center and rec-
Jor the purpose of raising funds
Brig¥port. W. Va. visited over)
the week end with Mr. and Mrs |
Dennis Bender of East Carrall
Township and with other relatives
nn this vicinity,
Mr. and Mraz Paul Ot and
past week end wiih Mr Otts.
mocher, Mrs Harry Ott of Care
Mra Mstilda Dietrick of East
Carroll Township wisited last
Junday with roid Catherine Ben
ler of this place. Mm :
and Mrs. Dietrick were Firat
received i paert Shen they |
74 years in Si Benedict's
Church. Carrolitown. |
| visited in Johnstown on Wednes- o-
| dat with Mrs. Martha Huber and the Free Hospital in the Quaker] hn. Aion
was sponsored by |
the Legion Auxiliary to Fox-Peale
sid MeNelis was in charge of the | several days al their homes here
Duteh |
Three performances will be pre | Valley Farma East Carroll Twp, High School in Altoona on Mon
helped with the | da
drive. Through his efforts he coll
{ atieonded the 251th wedding anni
Mr. and Mra. Paul! Bender of
family of Pillsburgh spent the
AR acu
wagh spent the week end at Phe | iday, snd the Hmited ay he re
hore of Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Con- ceived meant a limit food sup |
nell ply. He arniinged an safing sche |
| Mrs Marie Holtz and son, Al- | dule which consisted of one full
an, of Hastings, visited friends in i meal & day supplemented with
town on Friday evening | oranges (the ripened fruit
{Vincent Malloy. who is employ
‘ed in Philadelphia.’ spent rap lost | could be obtained for 28 cents
week ond al Wis home {a pail The combination of oran-
Misis Sumanns Arble dnughter | Ko ik, fresh air And MInARine
of Dr and Mrs. FE Arbie a | With 4 Minimum of giresieal ef-
studisnt at Grier Se hood : Bir. { fort worked wonders and within
mingham. Pa. spent the week end (2 year Dr. Flick giined 60
at Ra? Horne : ; pounds and complete reccvery
; That simple Treatment. rigidly
My and Mrs William Valentine | } £
became a standard prac-
wit Wh and Mrs Warren © | tice throughout the medical world
Thecus A
jand proved a boon to countless
Mrs Edna Vosberg has been | thou nds ef tuberenlonis suffer.
confined tO her room the pastors after Dr Flick proved its
weak. suffering an attack of | worth
pre imonia {tients He returned to Philadel
Mr and Mra H M Mohler, Mr | phia resumed his practice and
and Mrs. J DD Mohler, were call | read and studied every book and
tres Baturduy at the home of Mra | sumphiet available about :
H M Mohier's uncle and sunl | ions and Became convinved the
Mi. and Mra Albert Dowey. of | sepvgiont theory thal the disease
Highspire. Pa. They also visited | oo hereditary was wrong His
oY y if .
Mm Bob I atana medical colleagues were skeptical
: iB he proved his sin: in a
wh Pa. And in Terre HH), Pa i practical fest in + Fhiiaseiphia
with Mrs Mary Springer. and |. where olin Hd re
Mr and Mrs Maurice Blatt lisease Was attachad io aku
Sunday. Mr and Mrs H M | . in Sn ah ;
Mohler were sponsors for the: in. | Jiiner thas a the families To
fant som of r. and Mrs Mau prove his point he made smiar
ricsp Biatt Robert at Terre Hi slatien . . the a RerESen of
Pa Mrs Bisit is & niece of Mr Ot IRCiOsRCe < Amalipox, ly
and Mrs Mohler phoid, seoriet Tever and diphthe-
Mra Hose Arbile Mrs ¥F FE
Afble visited in ARtooma on Fri.
Mra Rowe Bharbaugh and dan.
ghier, Miss Virginia, Mrs Aman
da [tolx, Mrs Gertrude Grief!
ami his
He then took the next
step an demand for special hospi-
tains for the f(reatment of tuber.
Cuiowis, aml a3 couple of
were afforded He helped found |
Mis Ray Feasler
James Dillon. Gary Mesamer,
and Jerry Bender, Rave returned Henry Phipps, Pittsburgh steel
to State College after spending Magnalies. hecame interested in
Dr. Flick's progress and the two
Miss Julisna Fees began her gentlemen wenl to Europe, and
stiident teaching at Keith Jumior ft was them that the Henry
Phipps Institute for the Btady
snd Prevention of Tuberenlosis
br and Mra Bernard Flynn was conceived with Phipps’ mil
attended the 20th jubilee celebra- Hors snd with Dr. Fick the guid
tiem of Mr Flynn's brother, ing lHght Out of # tuberculosis
White Haven Banatoriaom
thank | Rev. Father J. FP. Flynn, to the truly became a conguerable dis |
ease and Dr. Fhiek's name jasting |
fait week
Mr. and. Mrs. Bernhard Flynn
Priesthood, at Newry
ved it medics] history
Jespite his censelés offoris in
he batlle to wipe out tuberen-
Flynn's brother losis. Dr Flick also found time
indaw and sister, Mr and Mrs for other interests He used 10
IRC Crosser, of Beilwood on jike to visit in Carrolltows from
| Baturday, Feb 20. Their wedding time to titne. and his particular!
| caremony was the first suplial hobby was a #fudy of church his
i Muss celebrated by Mrs. Cross tory of the Catholics in Anverica
er's brother, Rav. J FP Fiynn and of the history of the Bene.
| verry shortly after his ordinalion. dictines in our own sma Hel
Mr. and Mrs Richard McDev: wrote several anthorititive treat
il srmounce the Birth of a 489 ues and was one of he founders
fines at the Mercy Hospital i and for years presidant of the
"itsburgh. The McDevitts reside’ A arican Catholic Hutorica! So.
in Wilkinsburg, and Mra Me: cee
| Devitt is a daughter of Mr and
| Mon OF. Sto cational © institution edie
Mrs Rose Sharbasugh and dau groupe. a Nadieal
| ghtler. Miss Virginia. visited Bun- |g. ghout his lifetime In feet
day in Barnesboro with Mr. and ot not skepticism, marked
Mr Bob McCormick. and in Haw | yo Tater life
tings with Mr. and Mrs A. Ji auvhe thers reals
| Houck. Mr. Houck returned home | oo co” al FO
fram Mary Hospital Spangier. | most outstanding native of Car
hire been & medical Po | rolitown. To our minds it jan
* ¥
Mrs. Mary J Farabaugh wns’ 3 Had HU y a Ruryiy
adinitted recently as 8 medical |g, Wo punity lf over the world
PN Dr aritugh 7. Bo | Oy Mir od
! fond Mr. and £77.70 Tank through the agus above |
iversary of Mr
He won many honors from edu
CAB be a
came the
rr" -
| Faraba on Saturda [any Jocal Cambria County nstive
Mm rs Hoover ay ted on | and sch 8 man surely was Dr |
Sunday to the home of her som- | Lawrence F. Flick. who had hi
| Burida: and daughter, Mr. and primary sducation in Carroll
| MFs. Gerald Springer. after spen. ‘OWNS parochial schools; whe
ding seven weelts With her sons. | ASide from being un out standing
in-law and daughters Mr. and | Physician. Riso was an historias |
Mri Dan Baker of Besver Pa. 20d & top-bracket Catholic lay
Mr and Mrs Louis Hollander of Man.
{Beaver Falls, Pu. Mr. and Mrs.
Lowis Koontz, of Penn, Pa
Mrs Louis Koonfz and som. i NCF
[Pagl, and Miss Geraldine Good, |
iof "enn. Pa. spent Sunday at the |
home of Mr. and Mes Gerald |
Mrs Lena Blgiz was a dinner |
} an
Seven. Cuirraoldl sown
| of Seton Hall. Greensburg, i |
sending severn] days with the,
| Pani Kelly and John Buck fam. |
. She is 8 sister of Mrs Kel- |
§ 5 estaszssey ses
free to worlkersi, and milk which |
adhered to by this Carrolitown |
lof Altoona visited Sunday evening | native
ont himself and his pas
tain TE
tuber. | $18 John OO Kelly, Carolitowsn
rig Results were aimoal (he same
theury was vindicated » yy
2 i
of lee Charge. BOB. Churches | 1 a Mm
Tussdny, Poh 1
Peveomo 14 M. | Pellowslit Mp Rall
at 990 BUR Cinarch "ith
ro ionic Anna opt | ender s
© Pienginiie "Sundes
i Irvin J
9 Thomas P
To Richard Barnes
bon. Prayer
4 Herman Beck
208 Gomin Damen Wek
ihe wo 5
7 Merman Carl. Mastings ne
"8 John - ng
X00 “es Margure? Beh
116 Dr s FP Coober Patton
111 Wikies MeClellan, Glasgow
113 John Orverherger Mastings \
#13 Mise Catherine nt Patton B D
Id Mrs Apna Uronasusr Nestings
313 Mine Burk COarmditown
216 I A Westover Hastings
217 Robert WN Hineos Patios
119 Birver J Dietrick. Pution
I Clem Hoover, Baas Unrest! Twp
1 John Bckenrode Ebensing RD
213 Jpmmem J Jak: Buneers 108
05 Pert © Nagle 85 Ax Rn
8 John Feighner East a wrrod]
5% BR 2 Nishmuer, Hastings
IMG EE Whited Barneahos
IN: Wiltred J [Vetrick. Pation
CC Lovell, Coal
0% Mes. Rone Jrankiia Mastings
TW Ben avin Mans Pation,
a Martin Pastock Be
20 Charies Carl
35H Mu Monior | a
TH Tolbert Davie fi
35 Augosting flaurite. Psion
738 Pred Ronian. Patios
Afrtoart. Pation
TH Mrs Katherine Meloy, Ashville
ESR J Weats Carralltows
30 Andrew Jolhnvan, Hastings
MN Henry T Anse Wastin
¥Y. Hammond Spe wr
them | 30 rues E Pera Casrolizown
Ib Wey Father Hupess Stadtmilier |
Rupert Beil. Carmlitows
City and became president of the | 348 Pred Veil Hastings
24T Cheater Vepmwiy Carrclitows
ME John Kalle Nastings
M5 Lawrence Kilne Patton f
290 Sister lrovwns Catherine Wubes ©
(ER. Carvolioen :
County Retesting
Bangs’ Disease
Ira Mitterting district |
Toi veterinarian, says that
Cambria County is being re |
tented for Bangs disease cont!
in ail those townships operating
under the area plan Dr. FF WwW |
wo elien
* production
Macey of Indiana is scheduled od
item Blacklick and Barr Town.
(ships Dr Ceorge Espey, veters
parian from Alcona. is sasting |
{| Washington pred Cresson Town.
| Ships Dr. Wilhar Clarke of Gets
town is testing Adams Cone- |
msugh and Crovie Townships
i In addition to the re-testing
(iwo townships are now petling |
their initial test for Brucellosis
Allegheny Township & almost
completed and West Carrell
Township should be in the pro.
CoNE very soon
A. C. Termdrup, county agent
stated that if the Mvar pew «on»
townships White. Deen, © vol)
gin. Portage and Jacks whi
(are nol tested would complete:
sign-ups for testing. Cambris |
County would shortly be accredit. |
ed as brucellosis free. WN |
(ers oould be sure that all cattle |
Lin the bounty sre free from this |
| contagions dinense. Most of the |
| surrounding counties are certified
and with Cambria County tested |
and clean. this would make a
(solid block of counties that are
free from brucellosa NI Means |
that cattle men can be sesured |
that the pomibility of Bangs dis |
sane Coming In contact with their |
{ herds Ee ry Sa
| Extension Dairy: Meet
Carvolitown, Feb. 17
The Carrolltown Fire Hall will!
be the site of a meeting of ape |
ein] interest lo Sairymen next |
Wednesday Feb, 17. at 2 » :
The lopic will be quality "mite |
Ivan Parkin dairy specialiat ed
State University, is going
on hand to suggest several ln
that Cambrian County duirymen
can do to increase the qualiey |
of their dairy products As
added factor. nt of ne Mo
.l | Service at TH p mm Youth Helpers ing
Bi Sandey School x0 8 | Rome 7 Wariad Cy
mm. Chirles Cree stipe -
~Bundey Schoo! st #0
Raymond Jeckson supt Evening | Nitiody ever got
around waiting for
Seripture by Jubilee |
Cart Kero diversion : (0 come along
Interesting tacts | OAKS Mim happy
Jenkins sind Pay Hanns | Warry is one thing you
CIS eos “ SI x | rend betwen the lines on
— Witiiame : |
Your Reet chonce Vo we
sc stars inv 3D
dg Se Cries Pr <eur EOMUND GRANGER
mae LL
SN io gst