t School gh anued from Pirst Pape) Of work under construction. BW. Cogley Jr, supervising BS, me! with contrajors State inspectors at these Say meetings, and was of in- KEsistance to the com- of the entire project from very A complying with state Bs during the application and while the work was way. directors of Patton hip Joint District are well pleased and proud of ling program. They the work on the two the’ stated that buildings was needed, insofar as the health and safety of the oc- BRtS of the schools, and the over-all safety and upkeep of the S were concerned Me. Cogley Tuames Statement Cogley, in a statement 8 Rewspaper, concerning the work on the renovation of the two schools, said teamwork among everyone! coneerned was excellent “Phe one thing that has im- prejasd me about this whole pro- SRM has been the wonderful 54 Ht of cooperation among all SBE groups involved” the school Ngpe said. He continued by - t is only matural that Sieh a large undertaking, tine is bound to be Sat cheerful manner in which the 1 have accepted Deing f from one room to an the distraction of workmen classrooms, i B of the project. | eontractors - involved in 'k have shown their under. beginning in preparing | | modeling is 100 percent on mene in the old building approaches ils ern in a standpoint of the Grace Urich, a teacher zation program is $ruly It is really wonderful Jenkins, janitor at Ward bulking stated: “I think the work iz fine, and certainly big improvement When complete fully we will have one of finest and nicest schodis in part of the county.’ Concerning work the Second Ward Yvonne Yerger, a Edward the school, teacher, maid facilities and the heating system which adds considerably to Feomfort and health of ren” Nick Smith the Ward school janitor tefmed work as "OK", He said, “The better the It makes a difference all Wey around.” Reépresentatives of the firms in charge of work, and the stale in apecior on the ob also viii favorable opinions the remota tion program. H McNeel Beils Landing. Pa during the course of the project said: “This is the first remodeling type job ever altemplted by (he stale, and the work is surely jo ing nicely. There has been very good cooperation between Lhe contractors themselves and with myself. And the school climes were on schedule with no days missed.” Ned Btokes representa- tive of H F. Lenz registered engineer, of JohnMown. said the work was completed fast and at the same time according to sprei fications. Mr. Blokes was this newspapers informant In ex of eo plaining just what had been re i movated at the schools. Benjamin i Stutzman, Johnstown, head of the firm in charge of the electrical contract at the schools, maid “From top to bdtom, the wiring is new and the most modern.” He also gave our reporter a first. hand account of the work his company had completed Open House Will Be Held Directory of the Pastton-("heat board announced that howe will be held at First and Second Ward buildings sometime before the new school term begins to show the Jocul re- sidents wha! has been com. led. open house will be after the two buildings have been completely repainted and provements are finished A thirty-year-old Irvona man lost parts of both Inst ¥'ri- day in 3 shovel ex > » mine operation at Camp Cardy. nenr Mahaffey and prob Nis life to the bok ot Me . shovel - ae eth EE aa a The rick of Irvona. He was rushed to RB be GAA OR end, the school will be very mod- | i heat, light and ventilation” Miss | in First Ward school, said, “The moderni- | ‘swell’. | an open both fhe redecorated inside and other im- | The injured man is Niek Du- | § durick. son of Mra. Mary Dudu | 1 i i i i i si ie clan Firat ai the | this | i completed at | Miss | “1 am very well pleased with the | work, especially the fine hghting | ithe | the child | Baeomnd | the i re- | if | stale inspector | A — the Prunes physicians amvipy- al the ankle Adrian Hospital a iawney, where tated the right f and the lef! jeg above the knee His condition has since been porfed as satisfactory Dudurick's companion Clinger, of Corsica. Jefferson Co Oa ne thinking after the explosion ping off his own trouser belt Clinger used 8% Aa on Dudurick's left jeg. placed the Rip My is 23 to the hospital at Pursisutawney 18 miles away The explosion 440 a of the Stinard Coal Co by Grampian Clinger, operator, and Duduriek. shovel oiler, were working slone at peeirrread saben! started the shovel engine sume work, Mr standing on the gear box said the engine seemed on “sing up’ and ax he started shui it off the explosion ooouy red | Dudurick was struck by of fivin io metal Clinger was unin any cause for the exposition District Mine Inspector E Gaddis, of Clearfield whe vestiguted the accident. said two men had just greased shovel, and apparantly was started somelbing frose broke in the motor run at excessive spead and to build up pressure A cast ron Pressure plate about 2 inches in thickness and 18 to 20 inches in diameter broke loose from fhe left knee. causing his rs COMMERCE BODY IS BENEFICIAL {Editor's Note - The following articie was published in the Rat. urday, Jan 18. issue of the Kas tom (Pa Express entitled “Tn bule For Scranton "Alb American’ City" . injuries. Slead of the central government emoluraent, take a jook st Scran ton, which has been parsed one of the 1053 “All-American cities by the Nutional Municipal League in co-operation with Look Magazine The full story will be told in the Jununty 26 editions of the maga- sine. Boranion is honored for out standing citizen action in saving the city from “ghost foeen’ trests on the heels of the anthracite de: cline, "Scranton’s businessmen, Jod by the Chamber of Commerce, are L ingenious trial life into what seerned s dys They are landed for ther of attracting 55 new aftorke, and encouraging 75 new phinl expansions which bave Bnemployment from 460. ancial £1 oundwork for the indus ng shify, anion toy now mak lingerie to : avery n lingerie a Coutport Redbart | tamirnigquet | injured pass in a truck and raced | mM. atl a stripping operation | of near | the shovel} the | time and had just finished Junch {1 Mr. Clinger reported that as he | re- | Pradurick was | Clinger | te £ Fe ured. Clinger was unable to give | Perry | if Eye the when i] a i cRiteng iL tol the motor and struck Dudurick on the | § | Relatives of Sgt. Joseph Mo! re i lomo frven the hospital where he © FP FF has been a patient for some [ime j *RY ~tonditions warrant fou | “For a lesaon in self-help. in Mr. and Mm —__ _ | Coalport-Irvona News Box By MRS. DOROTHY PHILLIPS M: Aire ¥ L roses n Ween 8 Altewyna Tim ora probably saved his fe by his fast | and Mra a Bren 7 bas were Baturdav (Charies Enshronner Mr and Mrs Jobin Me snd daughte Debra, of visited Men Father Mollas t1tabville on Sande y and Mem J Jr rediaents of i hake been ring X Has iffering Sverning of {SREP oy i Mr [fort § forme Fenda, wh 5 P Ewe £eurw mr he VRE Brigit frvows Pos Be | Worne recently moved in they Mrs wie & A Hwa re T heir residences Bers $i{aten Jars # AY Pwesin ¥ v5 ovk nf i 5 Predes i : y fe pial 10 and Me I J e Bothy Ben agi § wl Peis Plank gerinasly ol treatment write Mo roomy of fonding Io Ad rere 5 1H nbn who recently iis slowly pecovering Cran Ras ales from an aliack A mesling ihre i { Wind po Bad a Beart sttack MM Me. suffering wd HW My pletiviey EE of the 1g of the Trvonma Presbyterian Charen was Bald on Tuesday eve ft RSaE at 8 a'chek Flav was in charge apt 57 Laomaiiiay Cnrvey have learned of his McGarvey is 8 foo ident of Irvena and is now jtioned st Long Bramseh NJ | Mr ard Mex Btewart [and Mr snd Mrs A. Kephart rer sg LL jepent the Christmas fwith Mr. ad Mra Harold hart in Norfolk Va While (they had a family celebration in ihanor of the 81st wedding ar iniversary of Mr. and Mes J A Kephart Mr. and Mra A 1} finer, Mr. snd Mis 8 ihrenner and Mia TT W lof AMomma were Burnday [With relatives here Mre Charles Cordon few days In Oakmont | week Fauben Uhier of has tome hava In father Andrew been serioved vy buirg hospital Day 3 i Mra Tom Henderson entertain ied her 00 Clob st Ber home inst Weddneh Prize awards were given to Mra Harold Forts may, Mri leonard Adam and Mra. Fred Opdenhoff. The ladies enjoyed a delicious lomohen served by Mrs Henderson PL. Biaine Holze Jr recently spent a foaek with his par ents, Mr. ard Mrs Hlaige Holze Br. Pvl Holes t¢ located af Fort Jackson, 8 Mr. and Mes Russell CAH and som, Russell 11. of Buffalo, N. Y. visited over the week end with George Hollings SR Kep- rpeent this pas ber near hier, who has iH in the Philips since Christmas RO ROLE A ie | New Atomic Tests for another series of tests for atomic sod probably hydrogen weapons st the Eniwetck-Bikini van mapviile | Bis | : LEY fatal vi | WARY | going 7 Hrink * holidays there | 2 { after frvons | P Yiaie OCBy and fractured and din __UNION PRESS COURIER ‘FLYING SCHOOLROOM’ AT HEAD OF ITS CLASS | been | Year. i standing work Pennsvivania | lesrned | partment t alten the aly testing unit | spokesman LATEST THING In trainer planes is this two-place version of the Alr Force F-38 Sabrejet, shown a»! » Californias base where it is knows as the “flying schoolroom.™ The craft has dual conlrols and » fuselage five feel longer than regular fighters. Gunnery practice is made possible by instalistion of two 50 calibre machine guns Tryouts showed that the plane can make 630 miles an bour. (International Soundphoto) While here the Gil Me and Mrs Gill wee Rypeday dinnsr gussets of Mr. and Mra © CO lowell in Coalpor! Mrs © CC Lovell Buffalo with Mr and it with them Mra Esther Skupine her home in Blain of last week from Min. Hospital, Spangler. She win akon to the hospital Saturday wrning. Jan 8 in the ambi ance oweed by Irvona Fire Co she slipped on the ite In Aorth fam. Yana Mr ¥ init City Tossday a | her loft arm and wrist Check With State Police Before You Start Motor Trip ppl fu Riel Br Peon Harrah thon Map epowy sHtn News ire rive it ood ne state” in $i PONSs is YRRT a: this lime of chalk State ¥OE3 why Are ad wip Fok pat Police on and get a conditions report where Migh hii | the returned home | refurmed | ifs i first with! wor your local pod fe ata i ’ you're | i Jts as simple as that and the | [regson is that 120 such jocal anil State Police stations are getting he word “opt na Riga throughout Police thal regular i constantly on highway | the tats | told Pennayiva | ‘mia News Service this week teletype broadcasts are made pric to 5:30 2 mm anil it p mm each day gency information when high | Emer. | im transmitted | Bermeovar af soon as it is received, | This “highway weal net. work” is made possible through | he conperation of ment of Highways municipal police, and the U 8 Weather Bureau Als. informsan tion received from nearby stale) teietyped over the sslwork. Here's the way it works: flebl | personnel of the Department of Easbren.- | 8B Ena Inghan | Callers i piped i ake " % Highway Eat hers the Depart. | State ami § ¥ § : information i which is relayed to State Polics | Communications £ headquarter | in Harrisburg. From thers it in| oil ver teletype network Take Time To Winterize Heart i thy Pransyirania Hows Herve) Harrisburg i may sou pmewhal odd but you'll probably | five Jonger and happier If you will take the lime to “winter. oof” venir heart | The Pennayivania Heart Asso | dation this week warned Penn | ivivania Naws Service i “Invigorating as the crisp wea: “her may be, if brings with it tw lighest incidence of heat ot | acks’™ : It was noted that deaths cans. d by dismses of the heart am dood vessels rise from the mon. | hiy average by approximately 1 | rertent during December. Janu. ry, February and March This in due for the most told, largely to the pneumonia. bronchitis and othe illnesses during this period The increase is also attributed to winter activities. which call 3 not be subjected to a work load than that to the Pernsyiva. | ¥ i i part, PNE wan nee of | Aske bata aoa on > en + ons Aa OR AVE 55 PS SRS P1151 2 SH Winter Weather In Freak Class By Pesinsyivania News Service Harrisburg It may sound sur prising bal Pennsylvania's of winter weather almost the Kevatone Blate in (he clans A Pennsvivania News reporter, studying these odd wes ther conditions which = preeail found thal the acorthern par?! of the stale approximales the afi tude of southern New England while the southern part of the stale experiences the potably milder climate of Maryland The average annusl snowfall ® only, 30 inches in the south. sustern "portion of the state bal up north” slong the Penansyl vania border it is almost (wice as mth Ady, dave Ai Testing Unit Does Good Work {BY Penrosrivanias Sows Servier Pennevivania's IRE ar mobile air testing laboratory. which has in operation just about a appears to be doing ot Harrisburg air polation Paces freak At lems? Laut the word News Barve week fron the De Health, which oper. Raid a Was ihn of “It was the first such be put in operation by any state and the resis haves been most gratifving Actually the ent coneiats rumen! Automet sy amount of Xile in point of unit io alr lesling quip hasieaily of an in known as a “Thomas with registers the poisonous saiphur A the alr and locates isd arignn # result 8 constant | the numbet COWeTs the average when snow of This rorord are ANE cn bel dioxide in the stmoaphere | ston from which the alr | in moving towards the sampling | | #tation Pil BB eving and the speed at which | The tracing and evaluation of | sotsrce in highly ewmentinl sinte the source of any air pol | tion must be found before rec. | ommendations for abatement oan | be msde i "It is exported that the travel | ing laboratory, which looks some | thing like an ugly ducking. will Belp prevent recurrences of the fatal Dosvwrn smog of a few TEATS ago atifi fresh in the minds of people in the area news! ANNOUNCE BIRTH : Mr. and Mrs Fred Rosian Jr | Wf Reiliyas announce the birth of | a daughier on Wednesday morn. ng. Jan MW at the Miners Hos | pital. Spangler Joan BennytoWed oe ad easier . better! { ptate, range | Bereive | i frown | potithern ; peaches a depth of from 30 te inches in northern tier counting READ YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER ‘we mach © on practically one-thivd of the Your - Tentiperature-wise, the Ianuary temperature sptithern border is ten revs higher than along the line where Pennsvivania touches Now York Exvept along the cunlsin ranges. [he depth of frome 8 in the heart of winter are i inches in } No thivd of the Hate f Lin northern counties a» matter which affecls the , of tives land may be alts scald won FEED MILL LEVELLED , Foamentown. A roaring five he ont an able sesist by of , ! irvelad the Hess Pood i hme with a loss estimated at $7T5.000 Three racks were removed from the flaming 100-year-old str ture, witich had only recently een filled with grain RT, SAS A OE : , : Hy i cores EEO TR Our readers read the ads as thoroughly as they read the Because advertising helps them decide what to buy . .. how much to pay...and where to buy it. Advertising makes buying « « local business t JOAN BENNY, 19, adopted daagh. sounced in Rellywaod. Calif. that she will murry Seth Baker (be low) 28 New Yors flock broker. they will live in New His Valentine to Cherish! THIS YEAR SHOW HIM how deeply 1 you care for him by giving h'm a fine photo § graph for a valentine. Our experts will capture 1 your charm for him to admure. "HVIZDOS’ STUDIO COALPORT, PA. | tt : R } »