Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, January 21, 1954, Image 12

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    a —
| ue. std Mes Regie Long of
astings and Vicinity |
The Contract Foursms= enjov- ie
“for-Blood”’ ss asion at
ed 8
: home on Spangler
—y evening of las |
who h "a high |
A recent por revealed that
a popilation of over a thousand |
ay completely ger
and so
Grand. Jury was damissed
Arial$ booked.
A blind man cart
eyewitness veporter
be a good
neither can
a main blinded by prejudice paint |
a true picture.
Quite 8 number of the locw
“young ry” .we hex. are already
busily occupied preparing their
. “Batch” of valentines
setd eatalogs and other
mall order books proving of grec!
Mrs. Margaret Gallo and day
spent ihe first of
week with relatives in Cleve
resident, 18 reported as seriously
1 infection at
LB baby hoon last year
yerord Jevel, nearly
topping the pre
. 3.700000 in 1947, and
tatal population to
” William Woodley |
af & son
in the make 'em-yoursel! |
Fhe Chapel 14134
cone little candle than to curse
the darkness
Miss Marien Owens, daughter
Jroeer passing
fing position at Mercy Hospital, |
free over! Altoona. from where she gradu. |
the | ated from the School of Nursing materialize.
No |
Officials of Nerth Cambria
Pony League will hold a meet
town in the North Cambria ares |
desiring to enter a team in the
agus this coming SeRson
Robert. Sabella of Bar
nesboro or send a representative
to the meeting. Age Nmit for the
league is 12 to 16 yeurs. Hast
irgs held membership in the
agus last season.
Hastings rooters were elated
last werk when the . Hawks
routed the Barnesboro
on the floor.
“Coster” Abel and Den Bi were
Hastings Junior Varsity
rounded cut the Hning with a
36-25 win over Little Dwra-
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Roundley |
: Punxsutawney
make thelr future home. Mr,
Rounsley is manager of the new
Wolf Furniture Store opened in
Punxsitawney a few months ago
Jarmure of
Mma .
Mrs. Rounsley is the former Mary
Watters of Bar.
[oy They are Sylvester
Sponsky, vice president. and
Thomas Kinney, recording secre
tary. Mr Sponsky is married
the former Grace Martweci and
§ it
- state board |
McMullen County In Texas with examinations. She holds a nurs. movie house will open
ing Friday evening at 7:80 ini
| the Barnesbore Moose Home. Any |
[me fem at
John Stitts, former Hastings | ol, players in the 58-33 victory. |
| Summertan were st the George
in East End the
| ita , the week.
Dick Murphy employed in
| Cleveland, Ohio, spent the week
lend here with his family
Mr. and Mra Harry Garrity
of Hastings and Mrs Mary Gar |
| rity of Patton were in Wellsville, |
IN Y.. Wednesday and Thursday
of last week, where they attend
Margaret Bolam
in the
near future with screen showings
sevepnl nights a week, if plans
Officers for 1854 of the Hast.
| ings Fire Company sssumed of-
ifice st the recent January meet.
ar Dillon president
arian Owens, BR N., of
Altoona was st her home here
the week
After being a member of the |
U. 8 Air Force for four years
Robert J Kiine last week re
ceived an hoporable discharge af
Sampson Air Base N YY, and
returned to his home here He
i= a son of MP. and Mrs BR A
Kine. “Bob™ held a sergeant's
rating when discharged
near town
i= 3 son
week end were three Marines
Charles, Cp. Ed
(die Cool and Cpl Herd Barnes
all of Quantico, Va
Mrs. Gertrude Dreager
Misses Joan
were visitors
‘Businessmen At
| Hastings Elect
ed the funers! of a relative. Mra CPRlenarians
According to rumors. the local
is Confraternity Sun | :
and |
and June Cremauer |
in Altoona on Bet- |
“held Friday evening. Feb
| Contenarians Again | US BOWLERS
| To Receive Plagues ot ust
Anyone living this vicinity that Ye
fwho or will coon be 100 yours the jackpot. But the finul score
Por the seventh consecutive the nesrsst she'll ever git
| year, the Medical Society of the’ Cert's new red bowl fool.
i Btate of Pennsylvania will pre | ware dident seen teow help this
sent testimonial plagues lo
dents of the state who a tyfved har. She ever wus regust-
‘od wit her offspring who wuz
Relatives. friends and family fot up ter par. by gum
doctors are requested to inform Pore A
the Medical Society of the names | Us afraid she'll
lof those who will be 100 during Lintrovert. That'd »
1954 Hand. lettered framed tes. switcheroo.
tivooninks will then be prepared Res is #0
End presernisd tn the cenlrnarians | the rem falls
by officers of the medical society Sees
‘of the county in which they ve. | a Bo wus the tall Jerry ‘at
Namen, addresses and Sie ot | Srument there. She wuz in the
birth of those residents Buckeye: State Us were told
Mate who will be 100 years od { Tasha pice ts but U's Jer
this year are (0 be sent to THe! pias must strike
| Medien! Society of the State of | hot er sumpin.
i Pemnevivania 230 Rtate Street,
Harrisburg, Pa
&. & =
Sportsmen Name
Officers for 1954
al Us sxpectin
Evan the lit-
=m sdorad ar
Us took tew
games in spite of the dummy
‘mark Hee, hoe, Bee!
. Our Caps Toss bring results
[jist wun after anudder pin top
ples willy nilly “Mayhap
pur helped. But Kay's coronas
jewis pruved the real pep
At the January meeting Fri
doy evening in Moose Home here, | perupper sd Sr thon. 4
Has ingw SHOT a Asworintion | Norma looks so thet
; irs | 0 Ted dre that Rae wears.
in Lowi fit. t
vice president. P. N. Cro | 2 extry ve bt Bey
{ mADer, secretary treasurer’ Merle! per fab the foist
| Yoager, delegate to Cambris sounds That's afftite Reed Uy
| County Federstion of BporuamgR'S jent spoafin’. Sumtimes the tim.
Clubs, Inc Robert Moov | bers fest won't timber.
i terante ‘Is they ia or in they & fe
Members 10 pervs on the gume! | Question tay a
i fish and other various com | Saimts Us sit But ladies ail
{ mitteas will be appointed st the The Us sumtimes ditch the ball
next meeting of the sseociation | “pant for glory, “tain” fame
The Hastings loyal Order of gp © a He Yams
Moose hoids membership in Ihe
ambria County Pederation of
Sportsmen's Clubs Ine Fred
{ Bolamon being the lodges dele Ka
| gate.
| Girls Phoning An
Outstanding Event
i Active Grace Cunningharns, po- |
ipular prefect of St. Bernards |
| BVM Sodelity, and her committee |
{are boosting patronage for the’
annual Sweetheart Hall to bet
12 = |
| Moose Homme here With prelimin.
| ry plans completed the girls are
{ extending efforts to promote x |
satisfactory attendance Lie :
events during the past yours |
Pave proven particulasly popular |
and the young ladies hope 10)
mnke this year's dance an wat - | ond trip to New
standing affair (peest a the Metropolitan ‘Opera
(T've prownisnd you this tres! for
| Caw
i mad so accobding to plans
[the wapderful week end is ant.
Sipatad San nat St the mont:
! What an exciting
ao doubt prove
io come
Tain't fair! Only fwd pins of |
(He Boout would Mt
(war only 137. Tew bad-piobly
esi- | time. Her secund totul sure mor |
feels so inhibited |. iadnem and sil thet makes}
ter a
| trying to,
unconscious Diessing {oi
| Goemn’t prevent banks from Raw
Ving Wiles
tha iran's
form of Dallery and
tow |
¢ padding dish
before the Civii War,
#5 Jel's Make it » reality |
Is sweeter than homey
Doesn't know anvibing
il omens :
Has no romn for "Bad Jook™
in hee vocabulary
Attracts onhappy people Hie |
bees sround a Tower
Ee Tuk arauinant for Sook
life worth ving
Does people good wit
and in a constant sad |
* 0»
That mosey talks but that
| commumied by fire mamy years
ARS. ax well as the Mathadd |
That sometimes a matehlems | now occupied
beauty falls to make s malerh
That when a gir] i» sot pretty | shop sracture )
her mofher shways Insts she! Fire osned comiersble Saw |
jocks like hey father ‘Age bv the fan house at Ne 6!
That when a man isnt giving "mine in Bast End about 310 a
to his wife Be In shelling = Tommday
out : Mrs A
That because sympathy doesn’t George. returned on Saturday
cont anything is mo reason why | from a vist in Jesnmnetie
it should be wanted Bernard Lioyd had an attack |
That imitation is the sincerest of In grippe and was confined |
often ac- fo Bie rooms Baturduy and Sune
conden when ong nality fain day
A Southern Peach Pie "<n.
Down South. thet ix, below the | Jobe Hobart has socepted & yon!
Mason and Dimon Line, & peach | with Lords Matholdi as bartender. |
pie is usually called s pemch: Jt is reported that a sleigh. |
cobbler 5 ing party from Callitsin to Hes |
It iw not baked in a thin (He tings this week got stuck atl
pan, but in a deep enrthenware [Patton and 5 teams Bad to be
It is made of Ihe Rired at thal place to bring the
whole pesches without being party to Hastings and then re |
homed, ax the ones are #ap- | tern to Gailitein
posed te give Mawr to the pie The Republicans of Hastings |
Al jeast so the old onlored cook [will Mold & primary slection to
will sssure you morrow Between 4 and 7 p om |
The peaches are peeled bul not Two school directors. & conmcil- |
sliced. as is dome in the ordinary man and (he election bomrd sre
patch ple For one family cob- (te be slected
bier or Southern peach ple. use Arhar Commons will open s
£ quart of rich yellow peaches | pool and Billiard room = he
Sweeten them to taste, and add | buliding recently occupied by fur
a piece of butter | minhings of J Commons & Sons |
Line 3 deep earthenware dish | “Horse biunkets bob sieds and
with rich pastry and fi with hand sleds st Binders
the sweetensd Out. Dust & Dt We are
of flour on top and cover With Ofte will erect & residence nesr
pastry top. Bake in a moderate the Yahner saufhter house
oven about one hog | Samos] Meredith has
This was ss favewrile dessert hg position as ohief
the new Me *
B Chark and son. |
herve. We ave sorry To learns this
- rr Ww
Fifty Years Ago
: NT Herts Cami ay | Sunday friends x town
Janunry TI 1908: Antry yrosived S6000 for
Last might the passenger train he Lafayntte Hotel not neh |
due here at T odlock ran Into bar fixtures snd stock
An open witch af Eckenrode’s | Philip Yeager haw sold Ris in
Mill and the engine was derasled terest mm he meat market at St
and upset over the embankment. Boniface 3 Mra George Beir |
The oniv one mjured was En- iets of that place i
sia H RB Hibbn, wha was | Stall's Orchestra piaiped for a
| buibdong. ewig the \inrge area dak
informind that Christ |
olf police |
et cu i ie]
morial Building and the portable Patton
JAN SAG TE of Mawes
oltege. Sevanton, Pa, "8
she B prociatmed a
sy ivasas Cnlloge Queen
| in New York City. Buta