Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, January 14, 1954, Image 2

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Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tilkey
to their home in Rah-
N. J. Sunday morning
Auxiliary of Coalport
a. No. 1 held its monthly
Fran Tussdsy evening. Jan
President Racial Hewitt pre
During the business ses
were tnade for a Val-
party waa enoved hy all
lunch was served by
the social chairlady, Mrs. Dor
thea Dillon, and helpers.
Willing Workers Class of the
Methodist Sunday School met al
of Clara Beers and
Bmyers fie their January
with President Retta
‘week by
| residences in lrvona
Mr. and Mrs Austin Curry
Presbyterian Church will |
ihold its regular cians meeting |
ion Thursday, Jan 14. at the)
home of Mrs. Grace Bloom
The Odd Fellow Lodge
i ferred the Third Degree at its
meeting on Tuesday of last week
After the meeting the members
enjoved a sauerkraut and wein
John Humphrey was
the Spangler hospital
Malvin Morrison
i frvona
taken to
the past
Irvena ambulance
Lomire of Pittaburgh |
spent the week end with his
parents. Mr. and Mra PP. Lomire
Phii Bchaeider and Dick laing
were visitors
Sgt. Earl Ramsey Is
Back From Overseas
presiding. Nine members
visitor!) attended Fol. |
business séemion a »o
was wjoyed by all
served by Bertha |
Beatifice r. The
tr will held |
Mrs. Sue Cates |
0 of A meet.
Friday evening,
OF. Halk Re |
Rebekah Lodge |
regular meeting
ing with Noble |
od g
from the Reve |
ng at Philadel |
Whe given by
names of |
Utahville was J
Jualipstury hound
the Hou |
"Moriaon was |
ho is
Adama, vice
| Holts,
cording secrelary
land, marshal,
, Adalbert Kalsch, OBB,
icf My
| hey
| was with
Sergeant Earl J
anc Mrs George N Ram
of Patton, has recenlly re
turned from overseas to the Me
iveption Center at Fort George
G. Mande Md where alter =a
Ramsey. som
the am |
in Altoona Sunday |
| Latone visited Mr. and Mrs |
troy Caskey on Saturday. roun atton
| The True Blue Class of 2
Band Mothers
| In Patton Elect
i Mre Simon Smith was electad
president of the Patton Hand
| Mothers Asnociation at a meeting
Tusnday evening in the Jocal
{high school Rhee wmircends
| Harry Birtttmatier
(her officers are Mrs
{ Gooderham, vite presiijent
{John Baranick, secrstary
{ Anthony Thomas treasurer
Mra. Harvey Winslow
Board of fired iors
Mrs Kenneth
Jumens Houck
Mra John
ard Mrs
[ are
i Mrs
i Welahire
i hall
: Plans were comp
f Enna bangue! at if p.m
Satiirday, Jan 3, in ithe Com
i mereinl Hotel Pation Mrs Beh
iffler is chairman Newt meeting
will be held Fel 8
brief processing period he will be |
| plac ol on rotation leave During |
his leave, the reception center
will complete the processing
ied eis will | his records and reassign him at |
(some post within the continental |
limits of the United Statea
| After completion of his leave, he
will return to Fort Meade for
| urders of reassignment
Whils overseas. Bit Ramsey
the 185th Engines
Combat Battalion
James Owens was elected pros
{ident of Holy Name Society of |
"8 Bernard's Catholic Church. |
Hastings, a! & meeting Sunday |
Bight in the church hall He!
succeeds Orville Link
OMher officers are Ralph |
president Edwin
trematirer, leo Born, rel
David Weak
and Rev
pastor of |
the church, spiritual adviser
Father |
Local ICBU Installs |
Officers For Year |
Installation of
jighted a meeting
glie Benevolent Union in Sons of |
i Daly Hall, Patton. let Tursday |
tevening Mra. Delrime Shies ou
iaffice for her second term
y (yresiden!
dent Mra
ond vice president
FThomaz, treasurer
| Bheohan, financial secretary
| Jamephine Hogere, recoding
| relary
{ Mra Anna Anna. inner guard,
Mrs. Belle Brawley chaplain:
IMs. Clara Cafen, and Mrs Dew.
jothy Burkey, guards, and Mra
i Jennie Duclos Mrs Madeline
i Bherry and Mrs Frances Leon,
{ auditors
Surpsise Birthday Fete
At Della Valle Home
A muprise birthday party was
{ held last Saturday night in hon
af fiiera
officers fncliude an;
MaNualty Vite
Barbary Bearer
Mis Theresa
Mra, Elizabeth |
Mr |
Della Valle 51 the home
parents, Mr. and Mis
Dells Valle of Patton
Those allending ware Misses
Hose Marie Weller, Rita Duclas
Yvonne Dranchak,
Bloviek, Georgeann Viana, Janis
Della Valle and her bivthers and
sisters, Joe, Phyllis Ann, Gerry
and Ronsld
A delitious lunch was served
and a fine lime was 1eported by
The first card series to be held
in Chest Bprings In this new
veur of 1954 will begin next Tues
day, Jan. 19 at X30 p m and
will continue through Jan 26 and
Feb 2. Cinch only will be played
Racy prizes, 4a well aa. waekly |
and series prizes will be awa
Led and a good funch will be serv.
The series will
Plemsant Hill}
of hey |
is. Mr. and Mm
at Patton and Mm
at Scranton.
Motil left Johusiown
y snd want by plane
to San Francisco, Calif. From
week, His wile and sons re
BOS of the Trinity Meth-
Church will hold their reg-
merting Friday. Jan. 15, In
Irish Cath |
lor of the 20th birthday of Janis |
Howe Marie
will depart for Guam
Union Press-Courler
ORange 5-3161
Passes State Test
| ality
Church will hold a spaghetti din- |
| Moose Ballroom next
Gerald |
Mrs ;
awd |
peabiieily i
frei hers ©
E |
Mrs |
Albert |
Mar |
the |
Miss Dorothy Long. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Long
of Patton RK. 1. has passed
her State Board Euamination
and is pow a Registered Nuree
employed 41 7the Pittsburgh
Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss
Long is a gradusts of Patton
i High Sehool snd worked as a
besutician before entering the
Pittsburgh Rehool of Nursing.
‘Music Club Card
Party Arranged
Plans y. a cand gel to be
{held on the regular meeting night
“1 of Tuesday. Feb 2. were commpist-
od al 8 board of directors feels
ing of the Pation Masic
the home of Mrs Jesse W
ley, Jr. on Tossday
this week
Bridge, canusia, cinch apd pino-
chive will be played In order tg
rake this phrty a sucosse 1 i
hoped thal teams of two member:
each will canvass Patten so hat
everyone will have an opportunity
io purchase i ticket
family 80 cenla A
| served
Ciiher mernbers
Present at the
Meadawmies Hobert Cassidy,
Barnard, Edwin #hort, John
Bemonich, John Dixon and Edgas
Officers Named For
Band Mothers’ Group
Election of ou ficers of Patton.
Chest Twp. Band Mothers Ase
cision was held at the regula
monthly meeting held in the
Home Economic Room in the
Patton High School on Tuesday
evening. Janusry 13.
ct following officers were of
Ne Sant. Mra Simon Smith
Vice President. Mrs Gerald Good:
erham. Becrelary., Mrs John Ba
ranick, Treasurer, Mra. Anthony
Thomas, Publicity, Mrs Harvey
Board Members. Mrs Kenneth)
. Blankenhorn, Mrs. James Hauk
| Mra Oscar Thomas, Mia Jobe
| Bhissler, Mrs. William Crowell
Mra Albert Welshire, and Mrs
2 Norman Marshall
i Plans were completed for the
| annual banquet to be held
(January 30. 1954 at the Com.
mercial Hotel at 8.30 P. M
Reservations for the oH
may be made by calling any
member of the committee: Mra.
Jobin Shissder Chairman: Mrs
Ralph Dunegan or Mrs BJ
= ¥ 9»
Local Fire Ladies
Install Officers
Mrs. Lena Crooks, past presi.
dent, was in charge of instalia-
tion of officers at a meeting of
the Ladies Auxiliary to Patton
Fire Co. No 1, last Tuesday ev:
eni an 5
installed were: Mr
Elizabeth Sunseri, president: Mn
Augie Whiteford, vice presidess;
: Mra Margaret Forsythe, tfeasvs.
1; and Mra Grace Healy, Mr
Theresa Gresko and Mrs. Louise
Rennie. trustees
Cong -
evening of
funeh will
wf the
meeting wera
the auxiliary to
party al the Fire
Patton FFA at
Patn FEA Bors
1 on
| ns of Pation-Chest
Clab at |
John |
| coring
St. Mary's BVM Will
“onanpe 3058 | Have Spaghetti Dinner
Virgin Mary Sod-
of BL Mary's Catholic
ner for members at the Patton
Jan. 2) at 6:30 p. m
Members who wish to attend |
may make reservations by phon
ling Miss Janet Dietrick, chair
man. ORange 3682 Al
valions must be made by
Sunday. Jan 17
' Parent-Teacher Group
t dint
| Medic
{ Artillery
Will Present Playlet
The Patton-Chest Twp
mest in
Charel social rooms
Tuesday. Jan 19 at 8 O06
A one-art play. "The Case
| the Missing Handshake will be
presented The theme hat this
i play wiresses is homme and school
cooperiion on courtesy and
| Cpl. John Sammares
| Honor Guardsman
Cpl. John P. Bammarce, of the
i Detachment, 178th Field |
overseas, was elected bv i
| his comrades to serve on the hon.
For guard recently for a number of |
| entertainers for the troops Ter.
| ry
| Roberta Haynes, at & specisl ser.
| and Mrs Patsy Sammarce of this
vices show. He i= 8 sols of Mr
j William Fisher recently |
complatead 18 weeks basic
Donation is Mmasioids resulting
be | Teen
bose |
{ Dubay,
| Mr
+ Wioclary "wonder a ens}
| Benning.
Four senior boys of the FFA |
» ® »
ing sl Camp Chaffee Arkansas
after which he spent a
furio wilh his parents,
ard Gerald Fisher Pvt
Fishes has been amsigned to
Valley Forge Hospital, Phoenix.
ville, Pa.
Alvin Alrhart of Youngstown,
| Ohie, viniled over the week end |
&! the bome of is father W.
Mr and Mr»
Patton R DD.
rmkiers at the
Mra Hardy
Ave, recently
Mr. and Ms
dail, Rickey,
all ware sick with the measies
tnd had io Rave operations for
from the (ll
Richard Bills
home of Mr
The children
Rosemary Rohaley and ©
at the Pittsburgh Mercy Howpital
vimitel over the week snd al the
home of Miss Young's parenis
and Mrs Francis X Young
Mr. and Mra Andrew Supp and
children. lee and Bartmrs, of
Connecticut amd Sgt. George
Supp of Aberdeen Md, spent
the Greek Christmas holiday and |
Week end with the men's par
ents, Mr. and Mra George Supp
of Flannigan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phillips
and daughter, Kszen, Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Rabessck of Philadel- |
Yatton over the
at the Samuel
None ” Patten R D
Miss Mildred Ganaick
her guest over the Greek Christ
mas holidays Mise Mary Louise |
Godolosky of Tyrone
George Gresko of Oil City, An-
na Mayernick of Pittsburgh Mr
and Mrs. Paul Gresko and Bert
Swittler of Svangler spent last
Thursday a! the Gresko home in
Miss Ann Andras of Aken
spent Greek Christmas snd
week end with her mother, Mra
Mary Andras of Patten R D
Mr. and Mrs Vasil Mikula of
Flannigan had as their Christ
mas guests, Mim Margsret Yu
ba of Washington, D C and
Misa Mary Heresko of Colver
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pokosh of
Couderaport. Pa, are spending
some Lime with the latier's par
ente. Mr and Mrs
ler, of Patton RD
George “Bad” Petresky of
Pittsburgh spent the week end
with his father John Petrosky.
Mr. and Mm W. V. Airhart
spent Sunday with Me Alrhart's
son-in-law and daughter Mr.
and Mrs John Morgan in Al
Recent visitors at the home|
of Mrs. Nellie Lowes were Mr |
and Mrs. Albert Rojohn and
daughter, Elizabuwth, Mr. and Mrs |
Harold and sons. Billy
and Dennis, all of South Pas.
Ga. Priday., Jan §
| after serving three years in the
USS. Army. Cpl Karwnik served
with the Heavy Mortar Cx 3
Infantry, in Koves for 12 months |
tan of which were spent a
front lines. He in a son of George
= Cer rkof Cour
Thursday |
the Trinity Metho |
Aine |
Penny Ringleton and
4-day |
and family were
Owens of Mellon
Bille, Cinthia, Ran- |
Gregory and Terry,
are gelling along well |
Mises Mary COsxtherine Young
afire :
Who kre regislested nurses |
had -
Robert Mii :
iar Soto w Se x - ad Erares
Slat: ‘fut 0h
| Smarved i Ww Be ane
Mi and Mis Plorist Gobert
.e snnounce the marriage of thelr
|The Trimtty Methatint Church daughter. Eleanor, and Ronald
| munasy dah [Chin Siac oc | Baker. son of Mr. and Mrs.
$45 5 Mm BE raw sap George Baker of Patton Rr D.
ship Bervies st 1048 8 iW. on Jan. 4 The bride will reside
au ne stor wil nd at the home of Mr and Mrs
Joway Paces Care Bap in ne wane Bala.
Paris. lend Sharon Dewey spent the week
i a OM ery oF Mr. nd Id
Martin Hollerr.
My. and Mrs
visllipd relatives
| Friday
Sgt. Raymond Rostan reveived
14h Linoraie Sschirge Sto the
' Some Changes A} '
| Miners’ Hospital
United Stites Maine Corps foi
lowillg 8 4-year aniistment
Top Posts of Medical
Staff Are Involved
sperit 18 months in Korea being
one of 13 Marines trapped af
Chosen Reservoir, Sgt and Mrs
‘Rosian and daughter Debby
{ Lynat, motored to his wife's home
iin Patton R. DD from Cherry
Point, N. C
| Jerry Miller was visiting
ends in Johnstown recently
A shakeup has bees ordered in
op posts on the medical staff of |
Miners Hospital st Spangler
I Tis an usprecedentsl move, the |
Tretitution's Beard of 'Triotees ro |
fsctod the anna] medical staff!
[ report and gave unanimous appro |
val to 8 recommends tion valttay
for major staff changes
Mr and Mra John Tinks
Acton wan Laken af last Thurs |
Cleveland. Ohio. visited at
home of Mr and Mrs Albert
| day night's annual meeting of Ove |
| grand recently
The recommendation was ub |
mitted to the board by State Sew
myaste By
snd, ym
i hy.
Mr. and re. Martin WMoilers
"in and Mra Hobert Miller
} Sh visited at the Rome of Mr
{* re. Jou Roberts recently
pt and Mra Merle Strasser
John J. Halvske, hospital admin- | of (Jallitain visited at the home
the Senator of Mr. and Mra Henry Lallermand |
[itratby. $e what
feriaed “he Dew Iniereats of the | recently.
hoapitze and the arse which in| Mr. and Mra Albert Legrand
wore. | and daughter, Patty, and Mr
in his recommendation, Senator 8nd Mra. Esri Burley and Mrs
Halusia called for the appoint. | Full Legrand visited in AMoons
ment of four new chisfs of starr, | lest Haturday.
[increasing from four to six the | Jlmes me Jr. of Patton
member of physicians on the body | RD. recently returned from
Two former members of the Saft | Konm, visited at the home of
will be placed ir retirement (Mr. and Mra. Joo Roberta recent
, Among other chassges is the by.
| promotion of four doctors to (Be
position of junior surgeon replace. |
ing the four physicians who wil!
| become chief of staf!
The sdmintrator erplained
hat the present system Bas re |
Jon 8. Byers Farrell
{ Barbara Ann Welland Loretto
oriage on
He |
tive |
Mr and Mrs Tony Hematt and |
family visited at Ihe home of |
| Mr. and Mrs Peak Delse Sun
and daughter visited at the home
and Mrs Paul Bilis and |
8S Hahwdka Patton and
Howes Leave Ehensburg
Pittsburgh. Pa. 4
Phoenie, Avie.
Los Angeles, Calif.
Pesver, Cole
Kamas City, Meo.
Phase U 8 Tas
Big Sevioes Ou Mound Trips
tarded the sdvamenunt of many’
iof the hospital's younger medical |
staff members
Acting on the rectanmendution |
ihe homed advanced to chiefs of |
staff Des John A. Murray, Pat
ton, Arch W. Pesan Spangler. An.
drew J Silerakey Barnesbors
‘andl Samuel Early, Cherry
I Trew i
: }
They will jin Dr Harry Gar
(man, Barnesboro, and Dy Cay |
ton McCoy, Hastings.
Retiring staf! members are Dr |
B. F. Bowers, Ebetsburg. av
Dr. V. J Mulvehill, Create ;
{The board said both eteran phy-
sicians will be extended Che cour.
| temy of the hospital
x. Barly and Dr. Stlensky a)
0 Were named chiefs of
Saturday, Jan. 16 - The SERENADER
Free Dancing to Our Giant Juke Box Every
lay a Jonni
i The administrator’) recommen
[dation aise calls for appiintment
lof Dr. W. D. Hall, Glen Camp-
bell. ms chief of eve. tar, Nose sad
itheoat. and Dr. J C. Schornick,
| Evermbury. as chief of roentgen
Advanced to or mrgeons
Richard Murray, Pstton: Donal |
Shartaugh, Carrelitown: und Geo
Dvorchak, Hurtings
During the board's annual re | |
organisation, Rickard P. Todhun- | |
ter Jr, was slected to 3 second | |
tees as president. 53
thet officers are Cust MeNul-
ty, Patton, named (0 a second
tam ma vier president. Sydaey
Deringer, Spangler, slected to a
third term se seevetary. snd Den
nis J. Keenan, Spangler, reelected
to a tenth ferm as treasirer,
i Ben. Habasha, meanbsy of the
[board for the past 23 years. was
| reitained for his elevunth term as
| administrator.
| Two sew members were named
ito the IS5-membir board They
a2 dome Baeley rbot”
wad Fisanich. Span Al
'Bamesbofo Pair
Plan Wedding
| Mrsteller
i ep
fas Hpi ret uo
and Ex wee
relary at : i