Bndcky, [Patty Venesskev, Annie Bender, Mollie Bwitzler, $ Mary v Year's Party Year's Eve party was Wentrink a ; iris mad Tow Malloy, all he Shame of ri San Carraltiown; Goacle of Laois and Laodiss Shere alt of nig t Everyone enjoy- Benedict, and Jim Latiney and a bullied E: games Lao Glass of Cresson. 7 moet of al) they 14 e a . ££ » ringing » {he New Year me: Don Gil. Victor F. Scott to Wed . on! Woodbury, N. J., Miss a. Joan Donahue ob Jean, Eddie John Linda . . » : i all of Me. -% Mrs Kenseth Dick Gooerhasm, Sliter of Woodbairy, N. J, Floyd Kelly of Chest nonce the engagement of Eiaine Brunnigan, Rebs | deughter, Liane. to Mr. Victor apd Devolhy Eyer. ol! geott som of Mr and Mrs. M. Beall %, © menior at Jan Bucknell University IF.YOU ARE A Your Birthstone is the regal Garnet. You are Joysl, underganding sed live the beauty We think a quality Of couse, there are many other dustinctive * srintry — re 10 soit your taste and persosality § Piss Poss Settings pried rem T2973 Fold Ter baud, of Patton. Miss Siler Don hehmier, Jerry Hipps, Bckenrode, | Fall wedding is planned Jerry Behe Ned of Trwato and ge ard w Ar their ¥ M. | Press-Courler | of the University. Mr. Beott, who | rently spending a 20-day Kye Li : | he {the Presbylevian Church, Walter § i i held 3 he served { fomily of Lancaster visited over parents, Mr. and Mrs John Zern | i -ispent the New Yea- 4 resident of Homor Houle and & ington, D Ca and Mr. and Mrs. # tau Prestatorien Church mt or tow 12 cs © 1 3, Sd Pe Prin of the Christian Association. She | Mins 638 a Wm. Sunday jan. hampion | Empire Producing Company. | E riey, Supt A oi lis spending nome time with av | BW Fp £5 m Weminater | serving on the Christian pron Po recently returned from Wa. | (wT tion Cabinet, and is a momber of Shage. Canada. Thum hn 30 pom, 2 Phi Lamda Theta Fratemily A Mm Eimer | dor » p mm. Week of “ Mra John Green . Y and Mrs. Louis Polka | cures od ‘of Bakerton were callers al the home of Mis Raymond Fagan nxt Wednesday evening The Pattopn-Chesti Twp 0 Ahly | Ween he > 2 or the Church semed! Albwight. Opesddent Wedneaday. Jan 13--AnnNusl Diner oti be | | pegntionai PTA mrved st 800 oclerk The EN {a todlow the dinner i Chere of God Chapel Lavi 0 Corse Pastor love | Suindeiy, Jan. 10 Bible Sehoot Bina Mrs Baral Blake and Mrs | Ll une ‘Mary Cionfiiddo and children og Services at 1] 52 m visited friends in Pittsburgh. Co- isunl Winle Lessons ot raopolis snd West Virginia over |o00f Feopies the New Yenr bolidays id Ainge Mr and Mra Warren Watkins a Tey m and danghter, Donna. of Mass ag st the home and Mr and Mra William Sku ! paka and daughter, Sharon, of oe SOrdiRY oe Fou ne iO Spangler spent Christmas at the = Sh Friday snd snjoy the Cone home of their parents, Mi: and : Mm. John Watkins Allen Dietrick resumed his stu- er He 3 dies at Philadelphia Drexel In stitute of Technology. after spen- ding Christmas and New Year's with his parents Mr. and Mrs W J. Dietrick ! Mrs Helen Burn and Mra Joan Montag of Johnstown visited &« the homes of Joann Cammarata Traity Episcopal Church and Rose Dotahue on Saturday Ray C Cooke. La Mra Leonard Hollifield wom oo... +s Fr ree Detroit of Washington DC, {Emon wu IN 3 = oh returned home New Year's Day _ Susdey ~ Prt Sundsy alter after spending & week with her gaonety iMorming Prayer asd =. oo Misa Nona Willlamaon, tre- Darents, Mr and Mrs Omer Hi a = : amiver, Miss Nancy Auertach was Wharton Mir Holkfleld slected to serve na pinisist and | spent the holidave Bere Miss Barbara Cogley, assistant pi- = Mise Helen Wharton of Wash. anist ington, D C., spent the holidays » Lo and week snd with her parents LOCRARY, TO MEET TOMIGHT on Ross Avenue Installation of officers will he Mra Paul Cresco and at the meeting of (3 p the Johnny, of New York City spent | ICBU. this evening at 7 "0 p the holidays st the home of Mrs | AY mm. AL the Sons of Italy Home. Gresko's mother, Mra Oecrge gmeinl cholr This i» Following the meeting lunch will Raptucei The ny rr Phat Mata Bill and Mary Prosser. who are a emploved in Cleveland, Ohio, vis Mra. Anpa Cyveresek underwent ited on New Years at the home TIret Baptist Church, Paiton major oneration last Haturday of their parents, Mr. and Mrs | Jol8 T Deury. Pastor wt the Clearfield Hospital Her Aaron Prosser | Aan a =m. Sunday Seid condition is satisfactory | Williams RB. Miller. AL3 left Gifhes ¥ ap oT oy - Blass arel John on Monday for Whidbey Island | ar and} 139 am ah von Cverscekk spent Tuesday with Washington, after spending a 30. | ties, Mm—. Sermon On he mother, Mrs Anns Cvers- | day leave al } Mott the home of his! rn -.. Pa | al the Clearfield Hospital | parents. Mr and Mrs William | | Mieting "and Rures tion Sung Paes Ralph Pukey. who is employ. Miller pny od at Cleveland OO. ment the Fomald A. Miller. AN, spent | sh mad Christrans Bolidays with his par-: 8 TZhour pase over the New Women's ents. Mr. and Mrs. 8 V. Burkey Year holiday visting with hin | and sles with his son | parents He left on Banday for nee Mr and Mra Dough Zern and ® ¥x-months cruise in the Medi- | | Meeting. terranean FF % 9 Plc. Lawrence Volk On 20-Day Furlough wishes to thank ail who patron. Private First Class Lavrence J ized the dance which they spon: Volk, som of Mra. Marie Volk. of sored on De: 290 at the Mons! M7 Kerr Avenue, Patton, is cur jHome : “Cs 45 - with his family and friepds Pile. Volk entered the service in Janudry. 1953. and received Ris training at Fort Campbetl Fort Benning Ga. tecoming | Jods He 0 parachutist in July of He is now serving with Bat. tery OC. 544th Airborne Field Ar. tillery Battalion. a unit of the! famed 11th Airborne Division. al | Fort Campbet] Prior to entering graduated from School. Presbyterian Sunday School Elects Officers On Sunday morning. January 3 | the annual election of officers | was held in the Bunday Siehool of | Children 438 2 =m a TE p om ver atid Praise See std Teushers Meet. of Ceorge W Onl. the asrvice Patton High Way of Truth pro. WYAM, Altoons radio in Yulee and e- workers of ary sponsored Hy programs Be Chore of God wn Paton Burkey was chosen as superin- | tendent: John I Barnard assist. unt superintendent: Miss Cather. | T 10 MeTYS AR maTelary. and & ¥ » nn | The Trinity Methodist (hureh Bes De J BE A Bucks. Pastor o 2induy, Jan. IB Ohwreh School st a aw ow. | Tn 28a m Pastor wh speek on “MOB ge Peso a the rasGage 4 Joan r. Jealer. The Hye Sag Servier wi Se > pom Pavorice Ryrnas and sierra On, | Youn m * & ¥ 1 2 ~~ p Wm »N pp = REILLYS Shaty Beas or Chath © Banna of matrimony were pub- | Liabed Sunday for the first time | in St. George's Church for Mix Mary Elizabeth Yeckley, daugh- Ry JOAN BPELATTRE ter of Mr and Mra Gerald Mim Hida Davis of Altoona Yeokley of Chrvelitown RD. and | (pent New Year's Day with the Lewis Haluska, som of Mr. and Guy Dwvis family Mra Steve Haluska of Mcintyre’ Mr and Mea Joo lLechene an Avenue. Their marriage will take i nounce the birth of a son on place in Bt. Benedict's Church Jan 0 at the Miners Hospital Carrolitonn, on Salurday, Jan. | weighing 7 he, 14 n Mr. and Mr. Tony Rematt Honita and Carol Lee Dietrick | and family of Spangler visited at’ of Baltimors, M4. visited over ite Rome of Mr and Mr Frank the New Year holidays with their | Celis on Friday. : rents, Mr. and Mra W. J Bob Miller and friend went’ . ‘ hunting widcatsa in Center Co | the wosk end with Mr. Zern's! and also among other relatives Mr and Mm Often HH. Der. inger and their sen. Clifton. a stodent at the University of Ma ryland, spent the Christmas hol days with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mm Mark Brown, and family at Erde. They holidays Mr. and Mra Mike Ruman and Mr. and Mra Ceorge Kline and sm, Randy. spent last week vis | ling Mr. and Mra Kenneth Hor. | ‘tm in Pittsburgh and Mr and Darcy Mow. Mike Roman and family and hi the Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sawnscin. | Mr. and Mrs a 1 Hew Year and weak vad at the |attand Sumity of Dutron : an of Baltimore, Md. Mr} of Mrs Duareys { Paul Bleck and Mr and Mrs | Mrs J. C. Donimp of Chery | Mr and Mrs. Cart W. Forsoers Vitliam Blick of St Benedict | e, Mr. and Mri Lewis. Mr and Mrs Robert “Jerry visited at the home of Mr and | : { Districk of State College | Mr. William Blick of Philipsburg | "a “Sonny” Hoover the New Yeur holidays with the as Sunday : J. 8B. Army. stationed at intter's parents Mr and Mrs John Humeniek Jr. of Detroit, | , Polk. La, returned to his! . EB Bwope { Mich. spent the holidays sf the : | Miss Betty Gardner. BR. N_ had home of his parents, Mr and as her guests last Saturday Mrs John Humenick : «| Catherine Robinson of New Beth-| Mr. and Mrs Hugh Whiteford | lehem, Pa. and Miss Dorothy and Mildred spent Sunday visit | “| Rolinson_ of Pittsburgh. hg al the Robert Plummer home | Peck Gardner and ha flance, | i Portage ; Mins Lovett Gormely of Phils. Mr. and Mrs Pete Pokash of | Coutetaport spent the holidaws tint the home of Mr and Mra! Aobert Miller. i i Mr. and Mra Emile Castiau | Miss Clemance Bolette, Mr and | oF ME aad An ape Sucenln Mills visited 5% the home of Charles Brasser on Saturday | sftarnoon. Mss. Bob Miller, Bharvn Loe | Cowey and Mr and Mra Pots | Pokash sr Seturday a» the | and Mra Martin | : { : i i i d Yo i ] FE 228 £5 Ji i i iH i fa ; i i i ; | I Iie x key f i 2 : of i 2x £ { ] ; gif i i155 i SpiEi ERE hx 5 it KES % : $ i th gf, pelt i in “heir parents, Mr. and Mrs J Sheahan Mr and Mra Joba Erb » ii hi x I Mrs Poirgh Was a i he hone | Busunis st 10 5 Wm. Preach | : Faatens Hose Sicilian Meoting st $45 p ® | § Services FC Minerw § hme ited Mew Year's afl he home of | the CF lensia Adios : Adama Feream so often taken wilh jor 310.500 from 4 “ d i Akross, Ohin the hone of Mra Annie Sihorten- | § | amrviey - § Lary jehntier has arived | | iBome ont a furfough after ¥ img two years in Japan in visiting with his parents. Mr. and Cletus Lehmier, Upon oi] retire to camp. he will be sta § tioned at Selfridge AFR Michi- | § TAR : Moa Haley of Pitts |} week snl guest al of Mr and Mra August 4 ; and | af New srk visited al the Jamas Flora | ha # recenlly Mra Nicholas Lebedatt and | : Bildron of Long leland N.Y. wre visiting atl the home of Mr ind Mrs Thopins Hecker Thomas § Hecker ia a surgical patient at § Hospital. Spangler Kathryn Gallagher of Pitre: burgh visited at the home of Mi amd Mrs Rov Gallagher recently. | Mr. and Mri Robert (Callahan of Davies Obio. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs Lawrences | Callahan Steve Long of New Jetey vis ited at the home of Mr. sod Mrs Vaienline Controchick Mra Steve Pobick and daugh- ter. Debbie. are visiting at the of Mr and Mrs Thomas Enjoy a FISH DINNER Every Friday, ae] DANCING Every SATURDAY, from 10 well ACES OF RHYTHM DANCE, SUNDAY, JAN. 10 from 9 te 12 ACES OF RHYTHM Celebrate New Years Again January 13 JACK BAKER and ORCHESTRA HATS — NOVELTIES .- NONEMARERS ROSA P YA SAT Naomi Kathryn Flora Helan Vallery ST. AUGUSTINE Mrs. Margaret Hoover, 71, Dies Dec. 30, Homestead Mis. Margaret Hoover, 11 vears of age. formerly of 8 Augustine died on Dec. 30 at Homestend | Pa. Funeral services were held on Saturday, Jan 2. with a Re guiem High Mass a2 908 o'clock. Attending the funeral wers Mr and Mrs Gerald Hover and iaughters,. Mrs Greta Burkey and Janet Hoover Mr. and Mra Maurice MeNalty, Mr and Mrs Paul OTetry and Mrs Mangan Leary # a Mis Bdgar Shetlig af Angie, N. Y. vis * Mr amd md femily tasty 's parents, Mr und Me Mr, and Mrs Raymond Ryan of Bessemer, Pa. spent the boli. day at the home of Mr. und Mrs Bernard Ryan Alice and Edyvibhe Davis of New York visited over the holie divs ul the bone of their mother Ma Barsh Davis Mr. and Mrs Edgar MelDermott and daughter, Gall, of St. Mary's] spent the week end the home of Mr and Mrs Ned Adama Frat Adarss, who is with the tf. B Aly Vorce, is spending a B-day furlough al the home of Bis parents, Mr. and Mira Ned DO YOU KNOW? : Weight Jor weight, potatoes contain fewer dalories hein breast. amd i is the gravy, buller and LUXENBERG'S oA Tn 8 SHOP potas toes hal naiven Them Suttening. The value of all Pronets of iparsely settled Pike County is only about $700.0 ou. Ee sit oe ss WE, AT STOLTZ Invite You TO SEE TO RIDE AND DRIVE THE BIG BEAUTIFUL LOUIS A. STOLTZ, MANAGER THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 8:00 A. M.TO 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY: 1:00 P.M. TO5:00P. BL 10 NEW FORDS FREE Come to the showing and get your free chance on the beautiful New Ford Cars. Read the ad on another page of this newspaper for. full details! * REFRESHMENTS! * SOUVENIRS * DOOR PRIZES! SRR ig COME! BRING YOUR FAMILY AND F Soe MOT .