= i oe a | ulin will be by another i designated by the Office i This increase in the Blood Pro-| | gram cosl and the proposed addi-| services | | tional expenditures for wo the armed forces represent the only significant increases in the] | National Organization budget. | The greatest amount, $39.204.- i 300, the Board of Governors ant:- provide Service to Forces. The increase in this sum of $1.500000 over last year is made in anticipation of a specific request from the armed services for the Red Cross to expand its recreational activities in behalf of the men overseas The work whieh A the Red Cross is today indicates that no more wo - ie could be made upon the generosity of the American people, for these peopie constitute the Red Cross FCC Okays 13 New Television Stations The Federal! Communications Commission last week authorized | for fractionation into serum, construction of 13 new oommer. 3 and gamma globulin. | cial television stallions. gma Globulin is a spall frac-| These raised to 157 the number of the human blood contain- | of new TV stations authorized’ ro wieh Hitiag the since the Commission lifted its go tion s i polio | freeme five months ago. alth informition re- | The grants included: | indicate that controlled : a : i WITH-TV. Inc, Channel 20, at ve immunisation for | Baltimore, Md : yelitis ifr bein carried ; In various research centers. Chautauqua Broadcasting Corp. | | Channel 17, Buffalo, N. Y. Ethel H rman Blair, chairman | = Saston Publishing Cc, Channet | lb bg has as-|97, Bast " raadeast 1 or the on ng Co. Inc, re ont 1ot | iredrscnt Hazleton, Pa. bulin purposes. But the' Piedmont Broadcasting Corp | of the gp , glo- Channel 34, Danville, Va / the Susguchanna th of the Red Cioss have , advised by E Rolaad Harri- iden? of the American Red Cross, thal the 1853 } Fund Goal is $83,000.- his net fund goal allocates 000 for National erganiza- and $45,000,000 for the 3.727 of the release Indicates requirements for the m is estimated to Of wpecial import- is the additional £7.000,000 is needed inasmuch as an pent emergency request from office of Defense Mobiliza- remilts in plans fol steppl ihe blood collections for de . Increatied blood iz needad too, In order may be availible to be RIO ies The very best of Holiday % Wishes to all our friends, extended in warm appre ciation of your good - will and patronage. MERTENS BAKERY Patton, Pa. EE —_- exaiaraissor Nhs RASA = ency | of De- | | fense Mobilizations and not by | cipate to be needed in order to) the Armed] | The woman sighed. CHEER BAMA RT RE Dorothy Boys Kilian TAN RAYMOND. seated In i white starched loneliness at the hall desk: of Ridgedale's ten bed community hospital, stared disconsolately at the tiny table tree which she had just finished trimming ‘Would it be just foe much to ask you to take Christmas Eve duty for me, Nan’ Grace. the other night had asked her some days ago I know you aren't going to be able to gel hame for the holidays anyway, and my family is town The urgent ringing of a bell broke in on her lonely dreams the handbell of the patient In room two “Old Smithers iong-winded complaint pow.’ Nan groaned She opened the door. “Mrs Smith, every grey hair in pice was sitting bolt upright in bed “I'm expecting a visitor tonight Where is he?” the old lady snapped “If anyone asks for you of course I'll bring him up.” Nan forced herself to answer politely. “It's almost nine o clock, Algernon wrote definitely that | make it for Christmas Eve.” Mrs Smith glared at Nan enough being here, let alone trying to celebrate alone.’ “Tm not celebrating either, Mry nurse, 1 wonder what she'll have Smith." “Oh, you--you're young strong. snd well this ix your job “How witll 1 remember Christrnases when | was your age! Bit down a minute and I'H tell you about the time we The oid lady ignored her excuse The time we invited the chureb choir to supper and to help deco rate our tree before chair prac tice." she went on “Well, sume- eomtnt | CHRISTMAS ih i g 3 right here In | the package.’ | he had written and | he'd home. two blocks away the glow of having at last, ream | in Area Af Present “It's bad UNION PRESS. COURIER By Reyce Fields HE JOLLY SANTA, ringing his bell in an appeal for contribu tions for the grinned Mis thanks as Dick Slater dro bil the kettle The was a salute tide spirit tortune He had » home, a wife named Jean snd 5 srnalier reproduction of himsel! named Pete What more @id a MER want’ Ome fieedy oped A into Somat nat only to the Yile goin lovely bast to Prick s owe other thing made this » great day for Dick. He was on his way to fulfill a dream. While were still engsped. be had bought a #trand of simulated pearls for Jean Somehow the feeling had grown on him thet until he could replace the phoney baubles string of real ones, he would they 3 success in the eves of his haired. brown eyed Put this card on the outside of he told the clerk who wrapped Mis gift. On the card TO A REAL PEARL-A STRING OF THEM! It was begining to get dark when Dick got off the train in suburban Rosevilie where hw He started to walk briskiy t owed his Happy 1 Jean lived real ized his cherished didn't sée the figure i dark alley till the man stepped o ort and thrust the inte gun | abdomen and | ax he remembered he had “This is a stickup!” the snapped hoarsely Turn and get your hands up!” A teeling of relief! flooded Dick $ret thug around | most of his money on the necklace | Then the thought hit him the ! peckiace itsel! was in his pocket! body began a carol as he tied a | popcorn ball to a branch, andl. do | you know, before the last apple | was hung on the tree, we had gone | through our whole blessed pro gram." “Did you the top of your tree? “Oh, my. yes" Mrs smiled what we did use for decorations Let's see, now, popoorn balls, chains . . ." When the doorbell downstairs rang suddenly, Mrs. Smith brought herself up in the middie of a sen- tence and chuckled, “Thank you for listening to an oid bore, my dear. Now you just go see if that isn't Algernon.™ A young man, bare headed, with cost collar turned up to meet a and cranberry tousel of sandy hair, smiled 3t her | “Are you the | through the gloom. unfortunate gal who's taking care of my Granny Smith? he asled An imperious voice called from upstairs, “Is that you, Algernon?” The young man grinned at Nap He efi LL : Smith | “I'll tell you just exactly with his Jeft hand a1 sbout wheres i he thought the gun There were the | : Methodically, be continued | everything out always put & star on | “Listen fellow.” be pleaded, over his shoulder. with the gunman i have a Christmas present for wife In my pocket. Take money. but leave me that The boodium didn't my ny AnSWer tax of Dirk 4 As his hand started to remove the poe Rely | precious little package. Dick Slater § | stepped i : went wild! He whirled. slapping weiild be He nothing. The thief merely back and brought the heavy gun crashing down os hid victim's head 8% THE DARKNESS 4 sway, Dick became that he was in & bospital Gradu ally. he realized Jean and little Pete were beside his bed. “Of Dick!” Jean half sobbed half laughed, "T've been scared! The doctor says you only have a slight concussion. though and you're going to be all right” As his head continued to ¢tlear, caught cleared | the realization of bis loss over whelmed Dick The thief merely stepped back and brought the heavy gun crashing down on his vie- tim's bead “1 had a present for you, Jean , ."* he began. “1 know, Foolish,” his wife cut in. “and you almost Jost your life trying to save iL” “But it was the string of real pearis I've always wanted you to have, Joan. You know how much they meant to me!” “Yes. I've known the silly obses- sion you've had about my wearing simulated pearls.” Jean said alk most sternly. “It never seemed to occur to you that my husband and little Pete were the real pearls In my life!” “Well. this is going to be a bum Christmas for you.” Dick said ghumly, “and 1 thought it would be the best yet” “It's going to be.” Jean told him. “Look! She put her arm under his shoul der and lifted him to a sitting posi- tion. In one corner of the room was El a he and Jean hud wrapped for ttle pearls! “Yes,” Jean said, “my pearls, ¥ Part age aware i * ¢ Brdiend iene i potited the Firat i Cat : the {hiya STUDENTS st the Thompson Elementary School In Washington BC. eriseh on the floor of thelr classroom during » mock omic bomb raid drill which included all government buildings In the supital The alert sontinued for ffteen minutes (Intevagtional Sesudghens) that Prag Bis ri he disease only In oak in thie far the foupid BoCally aithough while sucapt ible Bight ei Heved Bow Ihe story om fs ie wilt locally | that all poasitie menmires have been falkten to hal its spread. Mr. Zerby said 0h y y planned to have draws eosvipleds Cole’ © Outbreak Here fhe sradication work before the year What 1858 will brine In Woods At Portage (wn guess dangerous of {fy An ' thy eo 5 ¥ os Pevaevivanias $y sisadie eddy OME 8 SprYey Gunty operiEting Airport, Was miner Ls spol in The other five ine the Gallitzin dis Blair County. The was reporisd mare pre valent in Bedford county whire ott red en Eires were La PAK iit fret this su font pnd N Feu factod spots In iret were In fine nnd sim iar wen With | Ae oniy kent frees work Hisense nrust be KORN condition cue to 1 rendy providing wilt etre of spotting the confined ta he been Missinsinp Keane has { Was growmg wat BANDITS TAKE 3.4m Philadephia (PN) Three have paeuliis two of whom Wers arm §.T and Brandished revolvery rod. Pint #8 offive here olf b 54 #0 in which wax being propane bank deposit. One of the ner south of thread the manager. Ale: Ming Bp the money than ran one | 3 wraiting autorpobile and fect plague : REGIE IN Blair GUthreax Io have CEnbria Se oache il iNT fF pe : Dats | oda wails jisat a] Indiana anty fim Krave gtbrenk. Wilt be foal Bd $f 8 TWoad ] rel oak four mw borotigh had was ais tract of les southwest of PICKED UP BY FBI Pittsburgh {PNS-- Two teen age girls have been appreliended be FRI pp ants on templing to sxtort | money posinessren herve. The FE in one instances they E000 ax the pride harrsing three children the men of : . i General George Marshall foriner secritary of defsvise Was ern in + Unicatown, AI i indiana It wag Here givin that wit Cie Was have Deed for some years be wan potted by! said an Indiane told him that hb ER aby ive Years ago Between 10 and 00 per cent average hardwood Rand i» and about 30 per cent of red oak Mr, Zerby said that a may Fore from I aaid EYP the farnplers hime ne Zarby fAVTeY foil of ine most of hot Lying ER SAR IE Calling All Last {ICS ROSARIES MIRACLLOUS MEDALS WATCHES CAMERAS BINOCULARS * GUITARS LLECTRIC APPLIANCES ACCORDIONS MANDOLINS VIOLINS MOUTH ORGANS v RU LELENS Marie by ST AN BOGU 8 & HIS ORCHERTRA FRIDAY NIGHT, DEC. 26 [inner Starting at 9:00 Bernie Wellies Oreh SATURDAY NIGHT, .DEC 8 Danese Stan Bogus & His Orehesten Fish charges of at-: demanded with ‘special’ wishes for o bright and happy holiday $0GS0N. AMES STUDI BANK BLDG Patten, Pa. FIRST NATIONAL Phone 4651 OVER 100 LAST MINUTE GIFT SUGGESTIONS! USE YOUR CREDIT! BUY NOW!...PAY NEXT YEAR! UP TO 12 MONTHS TO PAY!-—