Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, December 04, 1952, Image 7

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    Christmas Lifesaving Plan
r or ged for Happier Holiday
cold be even
traffic denths
the four day
end Inst veanr
i persons, the toll
higher than the
[reported during
{Christonas Week
The National Safety Dearborn warned.
mr has annsunced a nation- | vel is especially heavy ove
wide savings plan to long holidays, which encourage
accidents | traditions] family get-togethers
every American will join even when members must drive
this Sings plan before the hol 2 considerable distance. The fos
id yuletide lonus, that | tive spirit of the season, plus
of puma lite, wi b will be . paid’ said | the normal winter hazards of bad
council's | weather, slippery roads and lon
! t. iger periods of darkness create
‘has been joined | added danger.
byl more than 160 naticnal orgah-| For a safe and merry Christ
ations, and by city and state | mas, the National Safety Council
officials and civic leaders. suggests these precautions:
will unite in creating an | 1. Driving or walking, put the
asvareness of the special holiday Christmas spirit of good will to
husards, and will enlist voluntary wards men into practical use by
from every American | being extra courteous to others
accidents to 8s minimum And take your time
2. If streets are icy or slip
ipery, keep your speed down and
: i your vaution up.
yoar; 1 Dearbe 3 KH you imbibe Christmas
‘cldents annually mar he cele | Lapirit in liquid form, stay away
bition in thovuands of homes. | from the steering wheel of a car
Traffic scoldent deaths on both’ 4 Avoid home hasards, too
Christmas Eve and on Christmas Dont’ use candles, be sure tres
Duy are about twice as high ar oen's and wiring are in good
the annual averuge. and keep gift wrap
This year the holiday con- pings away from the fireplace or
sisting af four days for many other source of heat
Ebensburg oman
Loses Eye In Crash
i An Ebensburg woman lost an
{eye as a result of an aulo aco
ident on Igy Middie Avenue,
| Johnstown, on Saturday night
“| Police said Mrs. Jessie Craw.
o ford, aged 41, of South
ion Sunday. Her condition
| ported an fair.
| Mrs. Crawford was reported to
{have been thrown out of her car
in Te
n | When it skidded into an iron post | dy cardboard, strong cord, wrap |
| ping paper, and
the right {Deis Then mail
[ages two or three at a time II
F you wail
: once,
state Rk corn | Shortly before 11 p. m Saturday
She ] of | Besides the injury to
: | eve, she suffered a cut of Uw
o | scalp and bruises of the body.
| Ohio Hunter Finds Human
| Skeleton In Windber Area
"| fled Windber Boro police that he
had located n skeleton while deer
| TD. pear that town,
{the pemains of Pete Guia, 63. of
_-~Eirie County ranks first in the
28 counties... re-
‘and Christmas cards by Dee
: Street. Ebensburg, underwent an
g | Operation for removal of the eyr gestion is made
sid the skelelon may be |
| AgO,
| ployed by ihe PRR for 40 years. |
joent gain over the previous de
| Postmasters Give
‘Mailing Tips to Aid
In Fast Deliveries
- » .
Time of Mailing Said
Especially Important
Postmasters over the north of
the county believe a werd or two
to the wise will help make Christ
as as merry 5s it should be.
The 1852 Christmas season
officially under way. At all of
ithe postoffices there is an enor
mous job to do. Naturally the
main concern of postmasters is
the delivery of all gift packages
There are about 154,000000 pe
ople in this country loday More |
than ever before More people. |
More Christmas mail. That means
of course that a helping hand
from the public really Is neces |
8 Postmasters want to explain
what can be dome. As for all ol
our local postoffices, they're get-
ting ready te do a good Job |
Postmasters have briefed their
employees on what to expect. Rt :
is predicted that the Christmas
mail this year will set an all-time
record, exceeding even that of
inant vear. }
Time of mailing is especially |
important, and the earlier the |
better. Postmasters smphasize it
is everybody's business to follow
the timetable for Christmas mail
ing. Parcel post mail to service
men oversens had Dec. 1 as ils
deadline, and for out-of-state, Fri
day of this week is the suggested
deadline. Local and state delivery
should be mailed by Dec. 10. It
would help a ot :
Since there are Jota of folks!
who still want to send packages
to loved ones overseas, the sug |
thet all gifts
now going abroad should be sent |
by air parcel post, and all holiday |
iCards by :
air mail
Stock up on suppines of stur- |
parcel post Ia
your gift pack-
to mall them all at
congestion Increases.
An Ohio hunter Monday noti- |
Gallitzin, Now 91
{hunting in a wooded area in Ogle |
Frank Homauer, 113 Main)
Breet. Gallitzin, retired employee |
of the Pennsylvania Railroad, ob
= served his $1st birthday on Tues |
"day of this week. No celebration |
‘was observed for the ocossion, |
Until his retirement 20 years
Mr. Homnauer had been em- |
this year, Mr. |
. the for-|
e has five children, a stepson, |
4 grandchildren and 10 great-
" Has Several
| Other Functions
| when they gel wrist drop
their lips.
tritional deficiencies
| company alcoholism,
‘and pelisgra.
‘Hard On Alcoholics
Alonhab of gre in a bad way
They can't raise the glass to
Wrist drop and fool drop are
manifestations of sleoholle neu
Neuritis as seen in heavy drin-
kers is an Inflammation of the
This condition is not directly
due to the alcohol bat to he nu
which ac
Neuritis does not sppesr in all
‘alcoholics, Dot only In some of |
| thous who do not eat when they
i drin
[way inadequate.
or whose diet in in some |
Vitamin deficiencies. the effect
of sativitamines and vitamin .-,
balance, all are implicated In a) |
cobotic teuritis a
It has been shown that indivi:
[duals may tske massive amounts |
of alcoholic beverages and not
develop neuritis, provided they eat |
Alcohol, itself, does not Cater |
neuritis of this type. i
The sume symptoms may bel
found in cases of malnutrition |
The vitamin content of alcohol.
has the caloric value of milk, and
wine the caloric value of soft
Treatment of slcoholic neuritis |
consists of vitamin replacement,
care of the medical and surgical
complication of the alcoholic con.
dition, and physiotherapy
The prognosis is good for mild
cases of alcoholic neuritis
Plan you
favorite tune.
That wes a HAPPY
side efMects of the
in feeling
{| anes hesiologrist
. alleripies
(tory pecslarities
F Qual evaluation of the
That patient who upon
‘drinking himself delay
om lremans clas 8 fiy-
ng ghinkas needa 3 of ¢ Rein
‘Meet Your Doctor’
Pays Dividends
Prior to Operation
“Mra #H i
fie tiom
ng iq wi
ab Knew her
Mre H was
opers tion,
hat she was concerned shout whe
going to miminister the
! anesthetic
Bh wanted to know what waa
going 1o be done by the anesthe.
stologrist, how much 11 Was going
to hirt her, and how she would
feel gfterward All of these are
tof importance 10 a patient who is
aboul, to be operated upon
There is oomgiderable py
patient for operation
tion has four desirable
First, to allay apprehension
ond, to decreases pain. third
| suppress andesiralily reflexes and
fourth, to counteract undesirable
next hesia and
3 is
anes helic agenta
The visit of the anesthesiologist
vith the patient before
Foperiition doses them both a lot of
{ic beverages is low, sithough beer | pe » ;
good It tends to lessen the pat-
enti apprehension and gives her
of conficence
gist has opportunity
patiant and to re
enit'y history or previ
the au Ft
fo study the
ent th i
Maris with a
Per ya |
guargmesd up
For “Him"™' 9%
or “Her.” .
Y onr choice,
Nechischear $ 50
let. Gift boxed.
= Girl Hurt In Crash
Near Carrolitown
A Portage area girl was injar-
He thus ad injured Mrs. Clams |
iat Thursday nuht in § Twos
povident on Route 219 hear
Lots Long. 19 Poviage F 1
a patient mn Miners Hespatal,
Spangler, with back injures waa -
fered shortly before 11 ("check
A SS Ne ots Bn Campin rs
whet the car in which she was
rir rpatediy was sdeswiped|
by sothisr aulowmoblle
Hiospitiid attendants Bat the
givi 8 condition as Setiainetory. the
Lidronr i the oRr Was
Lomg girFa brother, Raymond, 5
staresD cases
: (PNS)-- When &
| cache of 1590 Sywunits caps WW
| uncovered of St. Raphael's
Long, their mother, ale was a | here,
Dovihibe alice.
Chrome Snish.
Fully gusranteed.
Xx Ls $
S matching: | 2%
gt package.
src sx nl BEE RA TR.
A Si
17 jewels
Radi dial 2 ]-75
MNboelk pret,
mz 297
Ablaste with
furry ntones.
[agar anny
faassen 1