a i Owens, Mrs. Rube LTOWN eT JRENS, sh Alred Lieb Honored | day At Stork Shower stork shower wan held in FE of Mrs. Alfred Lib ast evening, Nov. home of Dr. and Mrs 33 a Mrs. Bharbaugh was the event Gifts were placed in a basket | oted as a bassinet in blue and | with an unbrella over the Guests attending the party hp the following: Mrs. Herman MeNiulty, Mrs Hipps, Mrs Frank Bel ol, Mrs. Tom Owens Jr, Mrs € Eckenrode, Mra. Bell. Mra } Mangold, Mrs Herman | pier, Mrs. Richard harbaugh. . Charles Feigh. Miss Pauline Be Mrs Martin Mrs Fred gvens. Mra Robert Lieb, Zim, Mra. George Klas ‘wick, Gladys Palka and friend, — Fred Mrs | — | Ethel, Mrs. Eddie Lieb, Mrs. Paul | Lieb, Ars. John Kuntzman, Miss: | Mary DeSalvo, Mrs. Don Shar- | baugh and Mrs. Alfred Lieb, | Cinch was featured entertain- | i ment and prizes were les Feigh. A delicious lunch was | served. ' Special School "Assembly ‘Marks Education Week | The John Carroll High School i observed Education Weel here with a special assembly held at § a. m. last Friday at the high | school The program included: Readings “John Dewey,” Boyd | Btickler: “G. Stanley Hall” Judy | Regan: “Meaning of Education, | Jack Farabaugh, and “Freedom | in American Schools, Bwitzler Poem, “A Freshman | | Looks Ahzad.” Gabriel Bodenski. | Readings “Horace Mann Fri | end of peation.” Eleanor Hov- | tan; “Home BEoonomics Home- | stead,’ Margaret Gobert, and “Booker T. Washington,” Rose ‘Mary Crimalkdi. Song, “Alma ' Mater,” by the assembly. 7 SRE + a ay AI srtiser or on First Page, re Section RON SA rs , See If He Doesn't Tumble . . . | Duwi: ROOM SUITES, from $169.95 M SUITE, from $179.95 - $119.95 CJ LAMPS $4.95 up { Mrs. Fred Owens and Mrs. Char | Helen Romane Weber, : | Jo Mangold, Evalyn | Campbell, Jeruting ithe Miners’ Hospital, Barb Wiser and Shirley ‘Barbara Butler Feted At 6th Birthday Party A birthday party was held in Butler's sixth anniversary last Saturday after- noon at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. George Butler Games were played and a Hinch was served Miss Butler received many gifts, Attending were the following Ann Maric Bender, Mary Jo Boslett, Fannie Bradiey, Mariam Buck, Beth Ann Campbell, Carol Ann Farabaugh, Pauline Fars. paugh, Veronica Kline, Linda Lish, Carel Owens, Margaret Rietscha, Carol Sarafin, Bharbaugh, Agnes Btevens Nammna Millie Svidergol. | Venesky, Arleen and Christine Yablin shy, Barney and Nancy Bender. | Peggy Lehmier Honored At Birthday Party Sunday At Ci girls, one for each year. | attended a party iast SuNaA) ev. evi ening, Nov. 16, in honor © 11th birthday anniversary of Peggy Lehmier. Miss Lebmier is la daughter of Casper and Hilda | Lehmier. Many games were play. ed and hunch was served the following Donna Lapenna Patty Mulligan, Janet Serafin, Ann and Mary Buck, Peggy | Cathy Holtz, Mareen Kelly, Barbara Jodon and Shirley | Himmel Mr. and Mrs. Richard Connell | and son. Donnie, Rosie Behe and | Jack Cunningham, attended a hockey game in Johnstown last | | Bunday Vincent Malloy, U. 8 Navy i stationed at Bainbridge, Md, is a 14-day furlough at the | Mano his mother, Mrs. Niece i lay. Mrs. Vincent Parrish is regup- following an operafion at Bpangler Miss Shirley McNulty was a | Sunday visitor at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kirkpatrick. Edna and Patty Kirk trick, | eNulty | | motored to Punxsutawney Bunday | where Miss McNulty remained to | winit her uncle and sunt, Mr. and Mrs J. E Burley. The remuinder ‘of the group returned to Carroll town Sunday event Master Sgt. and Pasquale Freda and son of Washington, D.i visited the lady's mother, Mrs Annie Edwards this past week. ‘Also visiting Mra. Edwards was another son-in-law and daughter, Pet. and Mrs Thomas | and Pvt and Mrs. Bill Gillium of Tampa, Thomas and Gillum reported to {Camp Kilmar, N. J, Nov. 12, for [overseas duly with | Army. “Duateh™ Florida. Privates the U. 8 st Dark | Bob and Dick, are Spending his po and Mrs. Robert Wonders ia family of Johnstown spent at the home of Mr. and Bearer. Visiting this week and Mrs. Don Sharba Mr. and Mrs. pnge Bender und Hobs arabangn, 5s ey spen y in Bedford wi Mr. and Mrs Fred Farabaugh. Rana | Donna Mae Springer, | prizes were awarded A} Attending were Lane Edith Hunter and Mra. Jack | and Mrs. Charles Shar at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, in Loretto Sunday. i A number of local people at-! { tended the Cambria County Boys Football League banquet at the | Oriental Ballroom, Gallitzin, jast evening. Si. Benedict's Parochial football team, was numbered] among the 10 teams in the coun ty honored a! the event Mrs. Bam Jones, who under: went a major operation at Min- ers’ Hospital, Spangler, last week is very much improved Mrs. Urban Luther and sons, Dunne and Patrick, and Mrs. Ro gnd Mra Herbert bert Kelly of Ebensburg were in| Johnstown on Monday. Patrick sustained a fractured arm while plaving football last week Mr. and Mra William Springer and family spent the week end in | Lancaster with Mrs Mary | Springer, and Mrs Maurice : Blatt and and Mrs. A F Mohler Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs William Sides of Colver and Mrs. Seth Stephens of Ellensburg were recent visit. ors af the homegof Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Krug. Mri. Elizabeth Hancock of Al- Kilo: of New Kensington, were recon’ callers at the Gilbert Kru- mensiker home Pvl. Earl Ramaey was a week Kirsch William Rsrnes and Clarence | Westover of Haslings were Sal- urday visitors af the home of i Mrs. Lena SBehilerath. A PP. Kirsch shot a wild tur kéy it St Lawrenwe on Saturday Misa Jane Lieb of Cleveland, O was x week end visitor at th: home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lieb Mr, and Mrs. BJ Altea were Saturday town Mr and Mrs GG RR. Lovells and won, Dick, spent the week end [visiting with relatives in Wash ingten, DD. C Mr. and Mrs Lotz Ragley at tendud the Agricultural Exiension banguet held at Ebensburg Tuesday evening Mi. and Mra Babe Lieh anid Me and Mra. AP. Kirsth were recent visitors at the hewne of Mr and Mrs Louis Lieb in Lireilo . My. and Mrs Darrell Krug and and Mrs. Tom Gray, left forgo jy were Sunday visitors al {Camp Kilmer, N. J. after spend-| spp pome of Mr. and Mrs Irs ling a two-week leave wilh his Krug: | fy Barneshoro overseas duty in Germany in the ™ | visitors al the Rome of Mr and near future Ple. Gray is 8 mem Mra A. P. Kimich on Thursday ‘ber of the Paratroops. evening. 2 TT, | Mm Amelia Hoover and two a0. snd Mra Wred Pleister and pons, Wilbert and John, and Mr. _.. prascie. of Mings Junction | and Mrz. Carlisle Gillen of Bum epi vinited with relatives in merhill and Mraoseph Galardl, , oo. cor the week end visited Sunday with Mra Mary 0. 1. Hoover and children | Hoover and Mr. and Mra Gerald of Elves Obi pent reversal Springer day hers fast week at the home Mr. and Mrs Milton Bearer of o hor father, John Kline Akron, Ohio, visled last Satur. .. % X - day with Mr. and Mrs Herman — oh bot Baal in : Bearer 4 * hs ap 3 Mrs. Mayme Bearer and Mrs Spangler Monroe Hesrer attended the fun-| The following ladies atlended eral of Miss Maude Lather in Eb the Bane SCOBOMNICHE Christmas ensburg on Tuesday i mieatang nd Rhbansbusy bast Pues Recent guests at the Hotel 50% ™ 4 Ovelle. Mra Bearer with Mrs Mayme Bearer Tube 14eb, Mry Adrian Puters, and Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Bear. Mr. Ray Lieb. Mrs. G. A. Lich, er were Mr. and Mra H ¥ Mrs. WW. Kirsch Mrs. Martin | Bearer. Mrs. Kennetah Shaw and Smith, Miss Lovie Krumenacker, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monahan, all and Miss Isabelle Dumm of DuBois; and Mr. snd Mrs Mr. and Mrs logis Ragley and John Foust of Akron. Ohio daughters visited with Sister Mary Anasetus FSM. at Owr ST. BENEDICT == = iss NMirs. Merle Kirsch of Carroll And Saunier Margie. spent the y.nip of Mr. and Mrs Harold Lady of Lourdes Convent, Al ry and Mrs. Harry Painter oun spent Friday evening at the in Off Oity visiting with | poo op Mr Mr frvin Fokenrode and daughter, Roselyn, of this { place, Mra. Irvin Leslie of Bar neshore and Miss Dally Telerico {of Pat g spent the week end in Norfwve, Va with Mrs leBloy Rok .nrode Mra LeRoy Ecoken- rose will leave for Japan in the vy pear future to join her hus band, who iz stationed there Visitors at the home of Mr and Mra James Callahan last week were Mr. Callahan's sister Mrs. Agnes Rander of Pittsburgh land Mrs. Callahan's brother, Her man Btolte of Akron. Ohio {| Pfc Tom Gray Jr. son of Mr Peigter of visitors in ast and Mrs C A. Burley of Bunday callers in Stoltz. Mir Mrs. Mike Glova is spending & | Altoona were ow in Niagara Fails with | a i atet Mr. and Mrs | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Farabaugh elo Lizzio. mpd aaugtitar, Linda, of Wash ratudations are due “Ma” | ington, D. C. npent several days Hunter, who will observe ber - : Sith birthday tomorrow } Melvin Anderson spent last week in Moween at Andrew And. erson home. i Bob Hunter who has been in| the USAF for past four years oft for home last week and while | on route was stricken with an attack of appendicitis. He was re- moved to an hospital in Alabama and operated on. He will arrived home sometime this week Bill Knarr of the U. 8. Army, | stationed in Aberdeen, Md. spent | a few days at his home here i Grandma Bilko left last week for Altoona where she will spend | the winter with her daughter, Rose Bilko. Mr. and Mrs. James White of Bradford visited here over the | past week end | Bill Lesiie of Altoona visited Sunday with Mrs Mse Stollx 1 Mr. and Mraz Chester Wiser! visited in Kittanning Sunday. : Rebecca Jackson, Mary Han. mah, Danny and Mr. snd Mrs! Simon Kline motored to Pitts- | bu Sunday. and Mrs. Clifford Martin | im-| and family of Houtsdale spent | Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Pat’ Malloy. TR oA 5 HS AE SRT A ‘at the home of Mr. and Mre. Ror | ena : . Bob Hann ited nr ¥ Lend ‘visitor at the home of Mr | and Ajines Weber, of Carrolitown, vis-| and Mrs. F. N. Susan Dumm of Ebensburg vis Cid with her grandparents, Mr. | and Mrs. RG. lieb over the! wire end recent busineds caller in George, William and Jerry Kru menacker and Joe Dumm motored | ta Centre Cowply where [hey are hunting ber Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Long] and family of Bummerhill yor: Sunday visitors st the home of Mr and Mm Rube Fresh i Marty Kirsch spent Monday ut the home of his grandparents Mr and Mrs. Walter Weakland of Carrolitown Mr. and Mrs Clarence Karl pivimn visited with the Indy's par ents. Mr. and Mrs UU. C. Kline, of Sunday Mra. George Byrne and family of Patton BR. DD. were Thursday evening callers at the Louis Rag- ley residence MARSTELLER By MES. FRED SCAROCK The ladies’ All members of the Jocal Presbyterian Church Beld their meeting Inst Wadnis- day evening in the church Jining roc. After a very busy semsion 4 tasty Junch was served by Mrs | Harry Ketlender and Mra Frank Tonkin Pete Boggio a on the sick list the past few days and is com ined to kis bed Mr and Mra Harrison Persiec- ides and family and Mr. and Mrs William Jones and family of Cor tralia Park vigited at the home of Mr. and Mes John MacWilliams recently Mr nnd and son, and Mrs. Jossgh Me- Melland of Johnstown were tors at the home of My. 1 Mrs. Fred Schrock recently Mr. and Mrs William [Fowler and daughter, Connte, of Apedio visited over the week ond with Mr. and Mrs Peter Boggio und Mr. and Mra Louis Fowler Kenneth Richardson, why had beent 11 at hix home for & few weeks, is again Back at work Miss Ariens Davidson, ter of Mr. and Mrs pons, has accepled a position in Columbus, Ofte. Ronald Tavier of the UU. 8B Navy. spent the week emi with his parents, Mr. and Mra James Taylor i . Fomniture, esapecially heavy furniture, will always look belier if placed somewhere else in the hie at the home of Mr. tended the Holmes ] Lambour, | ciation Mining Ted Kirsch and Kenny Miller jental Ball Room in Gailitzsin on of Cleveland, Odo, spent the last Saturday «vening. {toons and Mr. and Mrs Dick Mo | week end at their homes hete. i $ i Paul Coney of Greensbu nr [family wets recent visitors with |C and Mra Walter MChell- | imag : Jack David REILLYS ly FIRANORE GOBERT Mr. and Mrs Louis Fiasco at-| Adee | at the Or Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and My. and Mrs. Guy . Janice, visited relatives in Portage recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thic and Mr. and rs Gavige | Hauret. FRIDAY & SATURDAY — NOV. 21.93 Burt Lancaster, Eva Barton, in the Technicolor Vat Charles Starrett, Smiley Burnette, in “SNAKE RIVER DESPERADOS” SUNDAY & MONDAY -- NOV. B94 BING CROSBY JANE ETHEL BARRYMORE NATALIE WOOD, in “JUST FOR YOU” (In Tnehaicolor) Also Latest World Newn, Color Cartoon TURSDAY & WEDNESDAY — NOV. 35.96 ALEXIS SMITH, WM. HOLDEN, EDMOND O'BRIEN. in Amo . . . World News & Special Shovt CASH NITES BOTH DAYS THANKSGIVING — NOV. Shs CARTOON CARNIVAL MATINEE — 2:30 PM. with your FAVORITE CARTOONS $ ALL CHILDREN MUST HAVE A TICKET! Srey AL HOt IDAY FEATURE: CORNEL WILDE TERESA WRIGHT. in “CALIFORNIA CONQUEST” {In Technicolor) Ale . . . Splectod, Short Subjects EVENING SHOWS at 7:00 and 9:00 P. M. students need good light Good Tight iv mle gd nd Cond Ut mb wrk of faster--saves energy for other setivitien. 5 Above re seven ypod Iamp siyléad MBngements It eaey reading sind study! The) table lamps use a 150-watt bulb ip diffusing reflector bowl. The shares are at least 16 inches in dinmeter with the lower edge 13 inches shove the work table. Wall lumps are used in - bpd el a 1 he ee Your deukr hat 8 wide section of impo thet ep Sabino. Ba abu. See hes 44 ro dele, :