UNION PRESS COURIER a al RAD fs A FES 5 4 School Districts K of C Memorial Miners At Galitin | £,376 votes in the coun \ 15 ard ve. He wes Dolado i | Military absentee Riots will | | be counted this Friday. in 25 years of play | Mrs. Anna McGee Pronk Official County's record-shattering vote | iii the Nov. 4 presidential elec ton waz completed nt Ebensburg Courthouse on Sunday. lndly the same as the unofficial | tabulation completed the day fol- | wing the election. Ballots were | cast by more than 89.000 of the | county's 104.527 voters. The official tality noted that | Judge Harry Montgomery, who was defeated in his race for jus- | tice of the State Supreme Court, gounty. Judge Me county. Ju on ry #d a total of BOKRID votes, Pe pore than were cast for Adiai BL Btevenson, Attorney Wiiam Shettig Ren ohn Pari tep. ho P yior of | of | OW, “gained 8 margin i DI Lov LB pst or SU 0 FEV, 9y 1 | T 123 Ay tabulation of Cambria # m (R) official count was mater-| Heylu er in the! the Democratic candidate for president, the next | The computation board started i the official count on Friday The | complete official figures of the | vote are as follows: President Eisenhower (R) Stevenson (D) } i U. 8. | Martin (R) { Bard (D0 State Supreme Court 37.339 50.810 38 882 50,304 Renator 37.921 50.367 i Arno (R) | Montgomery (D) State Treasurer 37.986 40 842 Leader (D) Aunditor — Barber (R) Biatt (D} U. 8 Saylor (R) Shettig (D) State Senator Thomas (R) 38.887 Haluska (D) 49.97% Assembly, County, 3 Elected Michaels (R) 26.554 Nolan (R) 20.458 Binder (R} 26.481 Rovansek (D) 33.165 35.885 Farabaugh (D) Lopresti (D) 33.17 Astetunty, City, 1 Elected 11.419 11.071 15.570 14.003 39.002 , 48.977 Congress 42.39 46.675 MecDermit (D) Amendment Yen No 2.931 24,611 Steve (Clay) Was re elacted to his a. pied oN dent of CGallitain Polish Socaty at 8 meeti the Polish Hall, Gallitzin. alcon vice president; wics, treasurer; sky, financial Malusky, recording Walter and Joseph and Thamis Clay. trustees; Peter Nigboro- Alvin Grabow- secretary. secretary Szynal and Charles Pavioe, door men. Boy Scouts of John's and St Eraaon and mem Ear and Mr. charge of Little of handied Little Lea- Pee Wee Football Langue. home, FLO, | evening | Lawrence, [ters: Mrs. : Gee, 1s alse survived ! and t brothers : Bt : Patton, Jones Funeral Home Land funeral services weve held on Tuesday i made in Bt iat Bt || At Goltz Elects By Youth F Sunday in Other officers are Steve Pigza. | hart, Judy Kingston, Paul | | Bandra Nigborowict | Char! lea Longosky and John Nigboro- wicx, bar auditors; Charles Mos | ney. sergeant-at-arms and Steve i Kin ily Cash donations were given to America, St ‘s Homes in| the : ports committee. Walter | Mosney were in Baseball | Malosky and Walter! £borowicx | Frank Gondak and son, Mr Fie Basketball activities for the organization. The unit also Yonat- cd football suits to the Gallitzin | Expires At Patton Mrs merly Anna Martha McGee of Aloona, died at 1001 Brown Avenue, at 7 o'clock last Saturday She was born in St Nov. 10, 1881 a daw ghter Job and Martha Ann Kline) Stephens Surviving are her husband, Lou- is J McGee, and these daugh- Ella Miller. of Altoona; Mra. Grace Harris of Baltimore, Md: Mrs. Margaret Lidwell, of Ashville, and Miss Bionie Mo of New Rochelle, N.Y Ehe by 26 grantdchil 16 great grandchildren following sisters and | Mrs. Laura RBechirf of Carrolltown: Mrs Hilda Kelley Daniel and Gerald Btephens, all of Akron, Ohio Mra McGee was a member of Mary's Catholic Church, of and of the Altar sand Ro Baocisty. Nhe formerly was of 8t. Let's Church for. her Pat- of dren and the ¥ sary a8 member Altoona Friends were at the ARoona received in morning with a requiem high Nass in Nt foa's Catholic Church, Altoona Intermumt was Augustine's cemetery Augustine BEAVER VALLEY Party Held Youth Fellowship A masquerade party, sponsor. ed by the Adam Glas Youlh y | Fellowship was held on Tuesday evening, Oct. IR, at the home of Mr. and Mrs Gus Traveny. Al tending were the following Blanche Gales, Loretta Ever Nancy Les Freida Dixon, June Shope, Kephart, Harriet Kings | ton. Jill Everhart, Anna Shope Ethel Fletcher, Nancy Traveny, Mary Shope, Doris Everhart, Irene Gates. Beatrice Traveny, Anns Marie Ke rt. Bandra ston, Verna Hemaky, Bever- raveny, Sara Sneath, Louise Shope, Janet Hemskey, Clara Me- | Kee, Mary Lou Traveny, Harold Dixon, ror Traveny, LeVern Kephart, fehard Dixen, Paul Lester, George Fletcher, Melvin Dixon, Fred Lester, Vernon Shope, Mrs. Rosalie Kingston, Mrs. Clarissa Fletcher, Mr and and ter, Mrs Thomas Keith, and Mr Mrs. Gus Traveny. sp mdny callers &t the home and. Mrs. Bernard Kingston of On Building Site West Branch Site Has Highest Number Points Formation of a [four-district Northern Cambria Obunty joint school system faces further delay because of inability lo select & zite for a proposed JUNior-senior high school [rireciors of the four involved. Spangler smd boro boroughs and Susquehanna Townships another unsuccessful attempt select a school site 8&1 & meeling in Mardteller last Wednesday ev ening A site must approval of the four fore a joint district ia formed Spangler Borough and Barr Twp previously signed a jointure cone tract hut since have agreed to operaie as separate districts pending the outcome of present plans for the four-district Purpose of last Wednesday s meeting was lo tions of 10 proposed sites vimies by representatives of the fou boards on Sunday, Oct. 28 West Hranch site, in Barr Twp received the highest number of points ander & sC01Ing iat rics Rarnes Mme Atul Prince receive unRmmons beards be Kysten for the site 13 points than the second -high Hellly site. located in ough The Bary ore Of two hoards to Righes haf Spangler Bor Township submitted by the county school directors for ita The county board flatly the Weal Branch mle that the terrain not an and that there is a possibility future coal mining under Brea The nite finishing total of site wi the fain Bosra approval re jedied in third with a viously proval Mickey McKotch Week," $3.00 County directors appro val of the North Bpangler loca tion primarily becatibe of its cen tral oeation When no agreement ed’ last Wednesday, directors de cided to shelve tevaporarily Went Branch and North Spang ler sites and attempt to select sibmitied for county ap “Bear of the wikeedd » was reach (mite from the remaining locations propoged Reilly Shaft site and the Steele located in Barnesbare | ‘Paul R. Bradley Corner site, Borough, will be considered nex! Boards will discuss the tracts a! tented | merverd setup : beth : Roy compare evalua. | Falher 1 R presented to Lhe audiences knight of FP Attarney i trivt i talks I'he foiir boards scored 66 podnis where (iE taken i muniany expiy i Bless An stating | 3 Ble i the | P Bone t tha | hoy | Smith of P Elizabeth ¢ Ramuel Long the i Unable to Decide Event Held Ti At Spangler Churc Barneshors Knights of Colum: bus and many friends attended x Memorial Mass for deceased | members Tuesday, Nov. 11 in St Ktunislans’ Catholic Church N Spangler. The Mass was followed by a Communion breakfast nearby social roomie of penBara Connect Bev. Father Thaddeus Kolodzie] | asmistant chaplain of the council | was celebrant at the Mass Dur ing the Mass all names of decens #4 members rend from a peantiful framed acroll which was complied the Histers of the congregal in A large the by St. Rianikans John Laniay tema raster voweR the Bar a PBS yy number of breakfast which was Boxlnlity members of Parish. Attorney | of Spangler acted Two well rendered were sung by Mra Kirkpatrick, accom poaribexd hy Mra A : GENE af Spangler Flav ye rather Kline of Newry. Fa. Rev Kaotodziet and Rev. Father teicher! of Spang WN Koni ght at a’ we pix va * { iement J Ee Ray E and | Harreaboro Council, and | Allin My Donaid din | deputy. gave appropriate The principal speaker was H "a ts Hlearoy of ThiBoia stale feputy. His dincosirse was on (odd, people and communion That Card canserned there Grail irl when inte: the Pooes fos. he anid in part After the inne Fath Reichert the mux BANK MWTICH Shortencarrier, gr 3 3 no nati ras ho] fin BY tence € ou Recent Deaths Lawrence Long 47 points was the Norih | Bpangler site. second of fwd pee Laas Ri reed 3 i Mar Ebernabiiry awrende Long 8B of Hin Rampie tieel on Sunday Nov. 9 He was born on IR88 & sews of Danie! iK#ilh: Lang Mr. Lang i survey gral two sisters tavnenbors BD fLoulis of Altoona af Alverda gervites were held at yesterday 8 the First Chipreh. Ebenshurg Martin ani Rev interment eis Ces at Mar anc bo 5 of MM ar M Lg] fer & & DY A Mra Funeral « Pp mm, Chrislian Bey H E King and Molin x hy Wm was mee In wiery, Indiana Oh Gallitzin Maal BK Bradley | price ia fall | maid Fthe Week." | bargaining agent, i ited Mine Warkers of Amara God! | gt, Caline Caretl) ana; y Lajd Off Monday Pennsylvania Coal and Coke Company at Gallitzin has EE ed an employment cutback al te No 1 mine there Fitective on Monday of this week miners were luid off and reduced the operalion § wors king force to 108 men Harold BB Wickey, Cresson, now 3 i we in the | president ard general maniiger of 8 Fie § aid the cutback ie fhe reneral SCOROTe fico that exisis in the guatry “Tae (06 increased and the ability of the market ts take the added cost on the af eonl we find we tan no 16 Mine with of man” he is due ie ach comin rm onsta ha bos enger operate No complement Mrs Eimer Hoover, “itar of £3.00 Wickey reported the Mid off on & seniority ba after conferring with (heir Local 1004 Un Mr. Were ein. ma Aiba nti Lucky 14 Coofiétte Installation Nov. 10 Ruth Wyland and Certrude MeCahn afficers of Cootietle fab 106 of Aloona, were charge of inutaliation of officers I at the regular meeting of Cont atte No 420 Jacky 14 Club st jarnesbove held Monday of this vesk at the Barmesborn VIEW wie ihe fv stalled Mrs. Helen Jewell, ck: Dosothy Flasco, ady Dorothy Fryer body lous, Wive sonskd. seratoher, Nora Crenmion ibe ice] Rew ogi pias couse. Katherine PIVATE, {THIN my louse: Mary Grace Shatty louse hunter: Sarah Blake Mad- and Mary Floucha Hehtwads: Catherine Birrithars. rustling louse and Mary i {rick pH sibiiiy Br atorian Twelve visiting membeisn of Al Loans Cootiots Club wens guests Following the business teeling a inch Was served flags were completed marty fo be Held at the fhesting. La Rat VEFW Home Korean Yet Now dicwing officers were chief gray- stile | ima “SITE New 8 for a next reguiag Bar. yeabero In Army Hospital Mr os wid *e Charlies ard Mra Fr. Krag, son of Thomas Krug of mo es was Mr. Meamutty's first Kay, De HP A WARS Spain A AB apne ARIE oc ARR COME TO BACHA’S at the thme were Joo a their respective meetings and re . a 4 | gan port their findings “y the next ™ Mitte owe, Pu. died at 7.20 ta 8 om oon Tuesday, Nov. IL at his Ki joint meeting at 730 p.m. next . fr rr. and Mrs. a Mr : T Any, Nov. 18, in Hain shore } i One He wis born on July § Pls Krug. who suber the Lahville hae been admilled as a patient to Valley Forge Army Fe wpital in Phoenixville, Pa 1M Me and Mes. Ronald Gillis State Salinge, ; RIAN a a CHEST SPRINGS HR nA BR wy { town: Ray, Society of Jesus, Wat 25th yf crdant on i 4 Rien Mr Rosai rotnbile ye | pun flown to the tosalia_Trombley of Por. ind Mrs Irene Burger, Mrs. Mar | 19. Je. was Sous Ww ihe Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lenhart of dey «vening at the American Le- | | Catholic Chaireh, Middletown and | ; Blair McAnulty Scores Buftslo, N. Y. the | It was announced that the pare | Chetremen Country Chub inks The regular monthly meeting | ties of the officers. The Spangler Rome Julia Burley ‘on and family of Lewistown : { 1R0G in Callitzin . Fo Jack Kimberty and dau. | High School. I iD rans || marries ix September. 1151, land, ghter and Mr. and Mra. Charles : | Mr Bradie v at Suman, WHorem, ihe | ¥ is survl ed by his | Mare 27 He was woinded on and family, atl ol | widow, former Laura Buck ated] 4 4 wikile fighting with the Valley. (hone chi Ug. He Lighting wil § ver Re) [these children James, Middle-| rjih Infantry Regiment of the i Baden C(dllege, Ind; Christine | vaitey Paul and the week end here with his mo wife of Francis Dougles. Midale “Afine dave later he Wai eva- ther, 5. Rhudell Gates and | | town, and one grandchild. He wits | ated by air to Jagat: and on a Mra a iprandpas- ia brother of John of Piitsburgh | ner : : GM Gates |... was clected presiden he | | United Stat reivi st Valle Prat Presidents Parley | | fuerite Kelly and Mrs. Pauline | Farge Hospital, Oet 5 : big and Mra Tom Storm” and Irvona were recent callers with bria County American i om | KRY, all of Cleveland, Ohio. Po Prior to enters thi Aervice hy. } Mr. and Mrs. Harve Lenhart i y ARON {A Reqivems Mass will be su | We png " a c Auxiliary at a meeting on Thurs Pe. Krag was employnd by his at § a. ma tomorrow In BL Mary's | o.iher working oR the tarm. (gion Home in Spangler. Other of | \omains will be removed to it floors, ard_Mra Mary Lacy, 2 | Patriecy Catholic Church, Galfit- | {ry o Windber | 5 own, vice pfesident; M Hin to be viewed af J p Wm wo | | Oltham f i 6 0. Dimond Br. «of South Fork, | 'Feiday, followed by additional i Hole-In-One On Sunday : BE with Mr. and Mrs ¥ § 7 For | spot Barnhart and family. | secretary - treasurer, and Mrx | service in St. Patrick's Cemetery! A Barnsshore lumber desler | Leo Gates, who is emiployed in Maude Sheshan, Cresson, serge-| in Gallitzin. | achieved his biggest golfing thrill | pent ant at arms { Inst Bunday with a holedn.one on here among friends nnd relatives | " I Mrs. Ralph Gates nnd John ley now has 70 members. | ner Cherry Tree i Sneath were recent callers with | Mrs. John Whaler, a member of | Biair McAnulty. playing xa thelr mother, Mm Ermine | the Spangler Auxiliary, and dis , foursome, 1 nit tthe "ew as the Ne who has been {ll for some | trict dierctor. discussed the Qu-|.¢ yp, wy. w. G. was held at the af re Cortis O'Shall of Smoke Run unit served dinner for the pas: | Nov. 10 Refreshments were sme was a Sunday caller with his] presidents. ived and plans for a Christmas parents, Mr. and Mrs, William! Members provided gifts to be a . O'Shall. presented to Mrs Zuma Gentry, program y _ and spetdy recov- | who resides at a Legion home in The annual Vesper Service wis Mrs. Harve Dayton, Ohio. This is an snnuai| Pod at the Calvary Baptst who has been (ll for the pre-(‘hristmas custom of the or Shuteh on. he afternoon of No. i tion. Mrs. (entry was 3 vember in Report of the 'W aniati World War I z W. G's work during 1962 ware | nurs given. : George Degremont, of | Naval Recruiting (Services. and iss Catherine Bellaver, of ML { Lebanon, spent the week end at the home of the former's father, Archis Degremont. Sgt. Raymond Rosian returtied to Cherry Point, N. C,. after a four day visit with relatives ani | Ym. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Chester Soles i Spent Sunday visiting r. and Mrs Mrs. Clemence Lallemand and son, Frank, spent Sunday visiting Francis | atives in Lewistown. Frank Lallemarnd returned tol Columbus, Ohio, after spending four days With his mcther. Mrs Clemence Lallemand. Pa Howat De onc secminry: nlter Adamouki, re- vlected Dr John FP. Pawl- | kownki, sergeant-at-arms; Frank Malinowski, trustet for 3 ] manager. OMicers whose whos terms have not] al and Mrs. Amile Castroux, is | expired include Thomas Kortz | Houtsdsle. financial and Steve Mr. and Mrs Paul Rosian und Paviock and John Kudlawlec, | Mr. and Mrs. George Hauret at- | tended services at the Wesleyan | was propriviress ket there for many years, anil is y | well knows to many area peaple. | ere wa | WARE mte! ~ Sl.