Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, October 02, 1952, Image 9

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, | section. You walt patiently while a couple of youngsters wearing
Largest General Weekly Newspaper Otrculation in the Ares | white belts shepherd a flock of still younger small-fry across
. THE UNION PRESS-Q0URIER [| ees, me hie’ memes in oo at ea so:
: ; | brought this matter to our attention, and paraphrasing his story,
| Patton Courier, Estab. 1805 Union Press, Estab. 1038 | doesn’t It smke one smile when we realize how meekly we
| Published ev Thursday by Thos. A. Owens | Prank P. Cammarata, grown-ups obey these young safety patrolmwen— just as meekly as
Press- Courter Bullcting, 543 Avenue. entered as . Shee | H they were strapping six-footers in blue aniforms.
| ond class mati maiter May 7, ; 4
the Act of M Hy 1079. at the at Pateon Ps.
Thomss A. Owens. Bditor : Doesn't it raake us rather proud, too, that we are an example of
FRANK P. CAMMARATA | the fundamentil, law-abiding nature of the average citizen It
eA WEE TR. ciiciinsiis . {would be fully easy for us to take advantage of these young
| crossing-guardians, Perhaps we could even assert our grown-up
| prerogatives and just wave them aside 80 that we could speed on to
| our adult destinations. But we don't do it. And it isn't altogether
{a fear of “the law” eatching up with us that deters us
Obeying the pint-sized safety patrolmen has become a8 in
grained American custom Bke waiting your turn af the burber
shop. And me wonder. The safety patrol movement has been
going on a long time. Sehool safety patrols had their first start
$7 years age. And they've been in ifieet In our communities
for many yYrars. There are more than i milion and a hall patrol
On ¥
| boys and girls working ever our country each srboel day.
ol On Patton Assessments : The school patrol youngsters are a “lesson in citizenship.” It is]
ian actual, pratical exercise of citizenship -- the acceplance of respon-
Eons As perhaps every property owner in Patton Boro knows, during | sibility work for the common good at considerable sacrifice of time
most of the past year, starting last November in fact, a movement | and effort, and without thought! of reward In these days of dark
Bas been underway to seek something like an equitable {ax assess- | horizons. it is rather comforting to think of this vast army of bovs
ment in Patton real estate values. The local taxing bodies, both the | and girls. And it is good to think, too, of their millions of school |
. Council and the School Board, are supporters of the movement, mates who are learning so young to co-operate with duly constituted |
‘which likewise has had the co-operation of the assessors. The move- | authority. It is splendid training for future responsibilities . ; | per cent
ment started with the seleéfion of a number of locsl men placing | | About ominfiourth of all this year's’
Emma aa A Sa is
agreement to ceriain values for assessment purposes, and the two | Eh wa a]
Assessors being giided to a great degree by the figures. Originally | i
the thought was engendered: by the Patton Chamber of Commerce, | LY POLITICAL | {°¢ ena
Whose members nalised that something should be done to correct a | ae en sr
bad situation. :
Because Pitton's real estate nssesaments were far from | JOOOOUGIIUUAIAS AS PASS SSIS SANS ANAS AS SSSA SASSI SR | te As | See It’ ’ STATE SENATOR | Near Cars :
Children and in
The result of the registration haps the thought entered some JORN J. Liquor Agents Nab !
Cars In Raids
In State This Year
i cam on the part of civic minds tha! by fagistering in an -
jons in Cambria County opposite party the desired resn slementary
organs the state and nation, would 4 sccomplished even al-| Last week we referred to the in the liven of our youlh high school classrooms in (he dis |
certainly has been productive of though thw law specifically pro- | conduct and efficiency of certain’ Altogether we find one bly | trict will be admonished Ouse
some results in Cambria County. [hibits change of party between pounty officials. This week we wheel of fortune turning CORNTIRG. | re : dangers of en- |
sven the taxpayers were primary and election dates in would like very much to talk ously in the right direction and | tering streets from between park- |
subjected to considerable expense nayIvania about our own community Pat. the various elements mentioned od cars in the monthly mfely
in maki registration places con- Then. tao, there's the case of ton shove are important cogs in that campaign for which the Johns |
venient for meet everyone. But [some other folks who weren ! sure We wonder how many of our wheel and each must play its town Mater Chub supplies thelr
with all the cum publicity, | whether or not they were still on | home folk appreciate the progress part to bring about the donired teachers with safety educations
there are thous still who did [the registration books Couldn't | that has been results ; materials
not avall themselves of the op | remember whether they voted in made In our JEEEE——— § Then last but not jeast, we .
portunity, and who will have no | the past two years or not. They | ommunity dur- § should kneel in prayer and show
rsonal part in electing the next | Agured one way to be sure was to | ing the past 7 I | gratification for the religious free. |
President of the United States register again. It could be that or 8 years? {5 dom which exists in Patton onr
About 51 percent of the total [some of the feild registrars even While most | [priests ani ministers, of out.
lation of Cambria County grog Sham 10 4 this. g I | standing Mon Fabri
: | unty tax would now 0 vote tte likely ures ven " ! i terms and jesding their flocks a
——_——nt Jw. {he us naturally fall at a jow rate. [nw Js Fated 88 Cog en cited |aut by the County Commissioners’ |state are deter | [Ghelr own way to eternal naive.
8 hasn't been fair to other communities that have had fair Office the other day represents jjorating. our IB | tion.
21 years of age. so that In the ast about as nearly an accurate orTnunRity has ! So those of ax Who are com:
last analysis, roughly approxima- | siting as is humanly possible. Be- | ipelled to travel throwghou! the |
ting. there should be s potential | cause of the hewvy ‘of the ; I gtate amd country to ears our |
lists in the spring. the Dernocrals , { Hivelihood an always say, show |
decidedly made a net gain Over | phe the town that looks like hom, |
Perhaps re the Republicans in sctual regis-|one | and the answer will be “Patton.”
taneous results from the in-|irations during the recent cam- tice Sen. Halosks SEN. JOHN J. HALUSKA |
dividuals themselves this time Pn ~ : :
than at any other registration ire are about 7.700 more]bave been to have left town some
ork Democratic registrants listed in!years ago. when we were al a i
period. Party workers likely were |, "nev than blican, but | low ebb. and then return at tnis | Arthur Koster to Direct
| when one ‘considers that there are | modern day and make ome's own |B _o__} Blood Center |
106,000 people registered. this analymation. Only by doing that | Regional
margin t amount to too|would ofe realise how fortunate wa
much. However, any edge always | are our town folk Ne or par of Alexandria: |
will question the number of field is an advantage to any political We were fortunate to overhear . —° oo oe
registrations with the total that |5¢ the state do not show. tht | fobmer residents Who left Patton | Hood Center Red iro pe
lated on the booka It ate ow that | fo SHIR ' (Cvoms to succeed Robert Senythe |,
finally was there is any particular Republican [in the year 1915, moved to Fort | o. _ resigned jaandren,
4 : | where thete are
usual, there were & {rand and, in some of (he nea Wa Ind. snd rets 10 her
who were J counties ihe Saari ane. i. nd veturned week Mr. Koster. who has been Wilh cause sometimes
| for s brief visit, ‘Red Cross since 191. has been pation with play.
w regisratons dy. Mra, Eiaabeh Dow. | EVE 1% Sinisiant, egenul i, [ate he sine Sn bet ee
i ly wa to i er Pes b sip . veh
iran, as well as 10 the oid, that - t : he Has worked in alt af an oncoming car.
the fact that one is «ligible to ee “OH 1 CL "It is the "8 responsi-
‘votes ‘won't amount to a thing un- <n | During ‘World War II he t bility to his in order
rn A Soe intentionally vd |. oR giro your privilege ; rice ; Re wverseas as a Red Crows to stop | any and cond.
would-be regisirant. In an at- | reneral election ia Tuesday, | oi fhe rector tion” Nr. Docherty said
to change party label. per- | November 4. y : : fy. | 1m ———— A
Last week, in this series of that a workman who was totally
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