HASTINGS | Sets Jot Record By JOANNE SULLIVAN Klines Are Honored At Joint Birthday Party Mr. and Mra. Led Kline enter- tained a large group at their home here Sunday ijfternoon at a joint birthday party’ in honor of their daughter, Nincy's, eighth anniversary, and their son, Jim- my's sixth annivermary. A fine time was reported By those in at- tepdance, the two children re- celving many gifts. Present were thi two grand. mothers, Mrs. Steve Dillon and Mrs. Raymond Kline, and these! ghildren: Delores, Kathleen and William Miller of Spangler: Carol and Jackie Barnes of Bakerton: Barbara and John Cunninghany, | ‘Helen and Pauline Lantzy, Judy and EEE Donna, An- : lity jta and onald King, Arlene | S88 | pr go oA nationally-know onl; and Darlene Easly, Ruth, Patrick; easy AUSTAIR MAJENDIE, 31- = I Ly : Of a1 the 3 Coffees of tik Sian 3 he , ¥ # *: » » @ cn | . Elizabeth Houck. Faaine iat, vic yin ap mpgs ha Ro fe : yo : - ©. tionally-known coffees, only superb A&P Coffee comes to you Judy Yeager Gwindolyn Beck, an, Rae IE 2 : » : bet th groun: Dianne Wagner, [olly Frontino | # jet when he landed at hasieicn (38 : 4 bean-fresh! Coffee in the buan os a Danny lLantzy, Lew Nevins | sirport following 8 fight from ina? } : . 3 | regardless how #t' ked roaster-fresh A&P Francis Owens, Ill and Pat] Singapore Majendie commanded A H 9 coffee ( of t's Pac 58 bu Te urall Hoover, Danny Holtz, John Mur-| the first commercial jet fight to > & x i Coff os bean—ground only when you « Nat y Fisting. Ralph lindler, all of | pe made from London to Johan. ; od E ; feu stays In tt it 8 y y . 4 pesburg. ( International Exclusive) AE Fa ki LE ] it tastes better! , Barbara Shatty train bi | SURES I ; sags Haven College, is visiting at his = : . On Birthday home here. = fa | KAR 1h 1b. Ee t Dr Rh paot | Jb. . | i Mr. and Mrs. Frunk Shutty en- Be ie the Iatter WE 0 canunt 70 3 ® Clock 1 ; T7¢ Pa Bs} Came Inst Wedneaay bvening.m|'# Jn Chicago. In £ in, A COFY FE: 3 PE» bg Ek Mr and Mrs Bob Bills of Al k wh ; of their daughter, Bar-| on™ turned home after | , Ge w ane or aun FE jlira’s 13th SBHIvE SREY A Sood spending some time at the John Bel — Aime was report and a launch BE garved. Attending were the ily} Kutch, son of Mr. and Hk / ! Ag ircle 1h. 79 ¢ & 3 Bag following : , Mrs. Mike Kutch of this piace, | a5 " | or fiene Shutty, Yvonne Legros.) pn, pus been a patient for some A LO Wallace, Dorothy Ann ; me in the Lewistown Hospital and Geradine Kline. to be in a grave con- dition. His family was called to : a i. . ib. jaret Born. student nurse]... pegeide in snd Mrs a | 1-ib. Sie Bag | Mercy Hatpital. pent Kutch remained several days to = : > ¢ . gs eal. of Hinbridge Ma J : : rx. Eugene Doslett ind child : gE a Mday furlough “is Carrolitown were visitors . Jane Parker parents, Mr. and Mrs i.e the A. J. Dillon home over the : week end. and Mra | Edgar [Dilion : ' key, “Star of Nosijor. Mrs. Mary Mra Z A. Veneakey =en=dvaite | Small Stuffed Olives == 19 - : : Attorney Lantzy : : Spangler visited in town Bundgy ’ p cod " Hu : uitain Brand ... In handy, re-usable tumbler . . bay gain pri Femkiand, mploved in i 1 mploved fn Cleve Ss and Ohio, | spent the week ond Olio, 1peht the week | with mis parents, Mr. and Mn E Ret parents. Oscar Link. I i Lant Wace e ! SR ANEY LE Dolly Holtz and Rostie Wealk- | Cans gion, I). C. spent IB lang student nurses al Altoona # with fritnds in town Marcy Hospital, spent the week 9.00 * Freda, a sudent at Lack md with thes parents hore Ne x at... = Mr. and Mr Jos Easly Quality-famous Ann Page . . . New Pac Pittabvargh and John Easly of bis ; » Nominee jer visited at the Henry dy home over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Paul Selestock ot No Th 2 4 ‘na New Jersey spent the week ¢ : : " .. with friends and relatives here. a © ears % e % $ $ Can Fhvik Br cae gee pi Tie John Ferensic, employed in Ak- Raisin ead on, Ohto, was a visitor in town ona Brand Speci hi . 1%-1b. size Sunday afternoon I B ‘es jally priced for this week Fruit Cakes ........." 1.2% Mr. anvi Mrs Edward Commons Tomato Juice . Cau » Nationally famous Libby's . . . specially priced for this Mild Colored Longhorn fy-T-Fine Puddi ngs .. xz Ji°| CHEESE......8 ib You pay the regular price for the first package and pay only Sc for the second package PABSTETT oy vet ST€ F = Bp * Petey. Do F o” Sa vings! Budg et-Stretching A&P Meat Dept. Values! S a we Sugar-Sweet Melons Each Size 8 and 9 10-12 Lb. Average ata. 11 Apple Cider ==" 45¢ = 75¢ Grass Seed To nee Ln ves earesesnres Sunshine Kilspy Ciickers a Dretieiary Dates. ........ TN Pe Treet WE Ta,