iis ol cent 8 sit Sve RAE Hel and Louk nde ons arse ps sprees n hE i nd J pou y commons ino? y iat us MUCGS AND SKEETER - Visitors at the home of Mr. and : : rs. James Lyohis last week were “Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller of 3 Pa. and Mrs. George Conrad of Califiyrnia. Le Lae 1 or of ~~ Mrs. John Emerick Jr. is a : gi’ th. | oo Caries Hagen, a Jw Patient in Memorial Hospital in : - | Paul Ruan ORL, Bini 1 tthe Johnstown, where she underwent : : : : gion, Blandburg, DY dept 23 an operation on Tuesday. 7 2 : ER : meeting held ; ueBaay 4 Fp g ' 8 Gon ; of ; : when announcement was made | he Ladies’ (lub of St. Bene ; ga. that a joint installation of newly- | dict attended the Ice Cycles in Co 3 elected officers of American Le BNR, SAL Jesh. Rm i : ; ion and Ladies’ Auxiliary to the | ohnsiown they ve ‘ost. will be held Oct. 2 : en dinner at Demento’s in ihetallation was originally plan- | gs. Those who went includ ned for Sept. 30 but had to be ed Mrs. Leo Berringer, Mrs. Jake : cancelled Ei to circumstances 0, rn, Ro. Mis 8 gr gl mi RE i : g bevund the local post's control : . re. William ite, ji Cain ib : / " : : - he. Members voted to hold Armis | A Clyde Bradford and Mrs} B58 H° ey IL tice Day Bupper on Bunday. Nov. | John Emerick. PE : : X 6. at the Legion Home. Members | : ; ; - Mrs Mike Glova served a spa- : : nm of the Legion and Auxillary will Mr. and Mrs George Spencer Mertens Lapent the week end at Spring ttl dinner to members and 2 2 Bd i ; . he potified. The 1063 membership | of Janesville and Mrs Clifford Mra Oobert was feature] as 8 Crask 4 ds of the cinch club last| = ae Vi BM [drive for both the Legion and its | Hollen and Mr. and Mrs Preston | persorality in this newspaper &i Georgy Degremont, YNZ, of the saturday night. Those who at- bw Laas a i auxiliary is underway. The aim is | Hollen of Holletitown visited here few months ago tf RB Nivy Recruiting Station in » . | Pittaburigh, spent the week end at were Nir. and Mrs lee to get members to pay their dues | recently 3: Kee, M ME and MS he he ESTABLISHING THEIR OWN bi-partisan policy, Borden Stevenson, sot of {early | Mr. and Mrz Boyd Thompson! Mr. and Mra Gens Hockeniat-! ihe hone of his father, Archie Cee, vr. andi Mrs. "Nuh" Ber- a tad Shar Ba HT vd Dinsrothy Ware and family of Almansville visited! ry of Dry Ran vigitedd the laddi's: 1 ry § : » Democ Presider candidate Adlial Stevenson, an wrth y Bn 3 ; P Prego vermin. ringer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pain- mocratie dential ea . AS i #5 : . * @ . : ] 9 . 1 Warren te ShIW the : Air Obsery tion at the home of Mr. and Mra brother-in-law and sister, Mri Midred and Hugh Whiteford fer, Mr. and Mis. Jim Hunter and Yen, Smugivies of Rupa : - Gov. Earl Watren, are ai ikiaghiind | Reade . » Francis Thompson ast week and Mra. Gordon Kirkpatrick and] sivmsded the Penn State-Purdes Mrs. Rebecca Jickson, dated at a swank Hedlywood mga Sp. « tine rraat | Group Is Organized Here 1 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fortacy family over the week end College foothall game st State : lhe Air Observation Group of | And family were recent shoppersi Mr and Mrs Charles Hrmuier | College last Raturday LTR vi i t © Mrs. Margarit Kost, Mrs. Ellen were no differences of opinion between tHe parties. (International) Reese of New Jersey drove Mr. | seme and Mrs. Robeit Day home after ® g§ a couple of weeks in t state Reade Twp was organized at al Alcona. | visited last Wednesday with ihe; Mr. and Mrs. George Kine an- Ee u tty in Biland- | lady's parents. Mr and Mrs Ane | nounce the birth of a son on ers, Soft Coal Operators I tear Legion OIE. l REILLYS | ile Castes of Houtzdale t Hept. 20 at Miners Hospital in Plans were made for erection | Mr and Mes Joseph Bailey of | Bpangler. Mr. Kline as the fore as in Philadelphia : t M d of a tower and officers were elec | : | Lewistown and Mr. and Mrs (le. | mer Miss Betty Roman of this 3 U. 8 Navy in Philadelphia, : Sign ew ontrac on ay ed as follows: Fred Korman By ELEANORE GOBERY [ei] Wise of Mifflintown spent the | place $5) SPE t the weeli end in Chicago, | president; TG. Sani. secretary. | Mrs, Victoria Gobert week end with Mrs Bailey's won| in bets d f | P33 spi ies {oll Lp aul Fohert Newton tresimirer ! indaw Wel daughter Myr sunved | Mr. and Mra. Cari Johnson of 10c Boost In Royalty erators’ Asgociation, signed the| Chief observers appointed were | Marks 88th Birthday Mrs. Gerdon Kirkpatrick sod] Colver pe visited with the Oscar An- Agr ; : ¢ the [Robert Newton and John Me. Mra leonard Lac : u | family tb Pras « perrie dil nd 4 : 1 fl Ladue was hos derson family on Sunday Is Part of eement Meflan of Hiandburg : " \ i proved unani- | Charl Be Charles ftess at a surprise party last Sa Mr. and Mea Albert Lagranmde : ’ & eo - i 0 § ol ha od Bra Co AAA EN Fr SE I Henetox and ries Wan of as af ih riettria | announces the Birth of a dunght i EB . NER ashn LL. Lewis snd northern od i ? furday afternoon for Mra Victoria | announce the Birth of a Glragniel J MINE TOWN TO GET 51.500000 J msstiy by 1h Hui.man policy | Mountaindale and Glasgow, John if saad + Ty : gh oP 4 4 3 a. ar is 8 ies Pi m ¥ a5 b ; aad i. . wold BODE VER) . { Gobert who celebrated her B8Lh Sept. @F at Minery Hosfilal in Perryopolis ( PN8)- This coal (coal operators signed a wis’ United Mine | Jenkins of Fullentimber, and Bud | pihday anniversary that das ! commutily is just about contract in Washington on Mo I BEL Thal i Btovens of Flinion Mrs (3 di SET # a ¢ Ea & cid bs } ; y 4 it ' _ FAR | - oie } Johiert received many use | former Miss Theirs Smith lente ailnutied and dise Fy i Inkreit $1% Hgition. tort | gay of this week, but the North aides (he $1.00 hike bringing Another meeting also was held | oy sifte A nice lunch wax served | Miss Mildred Whiteford nd | the Colyer Hospital for the past the citizens of the town by the ) ' aler al the proposed site of the |i. the following who attended | Marjorie Maran of Ashville al-| week ower on Hopkins Hill near hes, Arthur Werry, Mra Flora tended the lee Cyclea in Johns | A : Ww of a cos] mining operator, | TH Group's spokesman said the | the basic dinly wage of miners to oi Pu i ee in say Boost couldnt bw § , the apresmumnt « mil for ’ ‘ y ; . Mk Mary Prizier who died in| 3S) 5 Hay } : th Re I en Moun. Lanoys, Mra Julis Urbain, Mra | town Thursday evening [| lata Stromer, Ann Dishmiek, | aindale e EToup expressed 118 Lande Mertens and Mra Agnes Miltrest and Hoek Whiteford | Dorothy James, Antoinetie La-: 3 i | Spangler. Mrs. Legrande is the! Following! is the list of t- aE at; $8 at the age of 53. Six cou- | paid the miners until approved! jhcent.a-ton boost in the om of the lad) contested the will | by the Governments Wage Bla dover paid production royally fematitude to Charles Powell for ; i sina the money to the com bilization Board. 5 bh finances the union's welfar his financial support of the pro : : Lewis and Harry Moses, presic [fund ‘The rovally now hemes | eet i ——————— w— — Ah conte a tof ss Mr. and Mrs Waller Garman ; 4 bas written ail his asso ani family were callers in Al A WEEK END OF |cintion's members that any pay | ‘Gna on Saturday FAR increases pid withoul govern- r and Mrs Frank Ww iticinmon ment approval would be “at” your snd children of Wallaciton visit- ON si the Fred Wilkinson home on GWH riRk Bunday Moses' letler said if the WSE Mr und Mrs. William Wilkin fdoes not act on the Rew Pay 0-1... and family of Templeton vis. at the crease by Oct 15, when the PAY lied the Fred Wilkinson home checks containing the higher | renently FRATERNAL ORDER OF | woke are normally due he will] Mr. and Mrs Ralph Diehl of advise the union thal "We Cah | Westover visited atl the home of not legally pay the incremses until} Mr. and Mrs. Harry Letcher on the approval is forthcoming . Sunday. | This raised the possibility of a| Misses Irene Letcher, Jane Wil- jiams Verla Wilson and Bhirley ts “ Be NRE —— Meanwhile it was learned that | conl strike in the northern soft . coal mines on Oct. 15 if the high- Jean Nash and Robert Matthews AERIE 1344 PATTON {or pay rates are not paid because ty Alona shoppers last Sal Say Ws AY fi acting on the Raymond Conley of Columbus hy dsabuih Ohio, Charles Conley and Carl i Lewis, at n news confernece Conley of Niagars Falls N.Y D e Fish Di with Moses after they signed the apd Mrs Preston Hollen of Hol . .e mner sgresmien] Halll {At he wis nigh Jemtown visited here last Satur ‘i ; a 34 \ ry i. i) : AY Eratitieg Bat ne 3 2iday Muxie by THE ¥ A TRI | been negotinted without a strike Miss Betsy Gwin of Mountain. : dale visited here this week. Dancing FALLS FROM SCAFFOLD Me and Mra. Rivard Latcher | Carl R. Firadford, 53, of Span-|* r. and Mra. Harry Letcher i gler was admitted to the Miners’ motored to Fultom County Sun- Hospital at 5 p.m Tuesday for duy. ; re - treatment of a possible back in- Sha Men Sar gia oRRa 8 gy {jury suffered when he fell from 4 net, © NOONE (4 SUESDAY BYENTYGS Jor al while constructing & | Huntingdon, visited here Sunday home His condition was listed as Miss Irene Letcher visited in ' good. Mountiaindale this week and som, Joey, and Bill Nelson of Flinton and Mra Olive Witherow of Hollentown visited in town on Sunday Misses Joyce Wilkinson, Nancy Evansikey and Betty Ann Spaniak visited in Glasgow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nash and daughter, Judy, and Dave Nash motored to Riggles Gap Sunday. § Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Douglass apd sons, Dale and Benny, and 6 daughter, Debora LaRue, of Beli : wood, visited at the home of the ndy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nash last Sunday Mrs David Nash and Mrs Margeret Britton and Lester Briggs and son, Lamoyne, visited in Roaring Spring on Friday. Favorite Fall Fabric REGULAR $54.95 —— # before . . . perhaps mover again . . . wW | BIG PRIZES! | rn ENTER! IT°C LOADS of fare + =. vethaps aver sain . - - will you Ind SO IT COSTS NOTHING to ENTER! IT’S LOADS of FUN to PLAYI nny 1 PRIZE ma FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES * . : * 4 The judges of this contest, In MODERN HIS BEDROOM MCTUNRE. CAN TOU » el pa ns ae " lt 2nd PRIZE That's off there isto BM Jun tout your CONTOUR chaervation and WIN your vhare of LOUNGE CHAIR the $10,000 in prises! Fil in 10 errens in the satry blank below . ond 3rd PRIZE ober bring your arvwer Jo Yu Wore or 8x12 RUC mal the coupon below no Contit Manager. 4th PRIZE ENGLANDER ADDITIONAL CONSOLATION INNERSPRING PRIZES) MATTRESS PRIZE 50 Cdn Marchand Checks aarloh OF 4 PIRCES Wo 10 fe 4 ; : * Bridge Lamp * Smokir Werth 340 fuk 100 Credit Marchanding Chachs EEE AEE Ewe