Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, September 11, 1952, Image 2

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Pas C. Zern Jr. Rejoins
'U. 8. Air Force Recently
Paul G Zewnt Jr. 5 year-old
| Abr Force veteran, resnlisted in
: B Alr Poree last week
the Barnesboro Recruit.
ation. it was snmoanced by
1. Robert J Sayder station
RE a Hr ENA BAASAH Seated RERAIS SEN SOA i atte ee ————
Kiwanis Currently
| ‘Has Two Projects
An invitation from the Johns
‘town Chub to attend a dinner at
: Somerset Country Club on Tues-
| day of this week, was received at
| 8 meeting of the Northern Cam-
‘bria Kiwanis Club at a meeting
‘fast Thursday evening in Com-
i mercial Hotel, Patton. The oc-
| easion marked the granting of a
‘charter to the newly organized
Somerset Club, which is being
s by the Johnstown unit
yi rte, Jesse W. Cogley Ir,
Cletus Lehmier, Fred Buck and |
Clair Gill represented the North-
ern Cambria Club at the dipner
and presented a. gift in the form
of a secretary's kit.
A meeting of the board of dir-
‘ectors was held Kiwanis is en
ma pb he
Unify Is Sole Hope, | M J. Strittmatter, |
Lewis Tells Labor | Carrolltown, to Be
In Annual Message In Greyhound Ads |
u When Greyhound | pom
American Labor Faces
; mander.
es its “Meet the Man’ promotion | gees son of Mr and Mrs. Pal |
a next week the star stiraciion in: {G. Zern Br of | ¥ served
Danger Era, He Says = three-month, nation-wide adver: [iy the Theater durt
iting campaign will be J | nis prior ment. le enlist
John L. Lewis issued a Labor | Birittmatier of Carrolitown
Day message on Monday telling | Htrieky as he ts known
other labor orgamizaticms they all}
| for four youl
Hin friends is connected with the |
had better unils or evenlually
. vt of the AAA He hast been |
wy would be destroyed
the hong move by Lew. | G ireyhound representative for 73 |
unite. in order t accomplish their fre Ca pec
Don'ts yd Frosar Listed By Medicos
Ebensburyg recreation | pony 4, it sor _
board has taken over the Lake
Bowens recreation site there, but | nounced by doetors at Jefferson
Medical C and m
for the time being there wom Hospital
be moch activity at the lake | Philadelphia. physicians term
site it the first major advance in
i Om the recommendations of the treatment of the occupations! Father
| Ehensburg council the recrention | Sines
I beard has set up & lst of “dents” The svitem assed. as outlined
that just shout slinainate any Si by the physicians. works this
(thrity at the state-bullt S1M).000 | way
A mnhuliser a device by which
fake site
Among the published rejoin | the miner breaths drugs into the
respiratory tract in used to set
| thoms are these
‘No swimming. no boating, up A fine
icy Meeting
Platform Includes No
New Taxes In State
{| A. Mitchell, new De-
mocratic national chairman, pre-
dicted that 1952 registration fig- |
ures wa swell lo an all-time
High, with the edge going to the
YH we get them registered,
: we'll get more than half of them
im ¥¢ urban areas.” he told a
: iste dinner of the Demo
cratic Btate Committee in Harris
: A nrdny night.
years and can take a» lot of per.
“sonal credit for a
unite in order Ub ace omplish thei ir | : pa
joint sims,
| development of a great Bho,
“American labor fatex an era
Ftation system Ax a itribate |
i his efforiz. Greyhound will devole |
of danger and of threats to ils
very existence said Lhe mensage
its local and nations! advertising |
| flalving. no Hghting of fires, ro
flew in from jos skating.
for the
| down to 47 out of 100, he said.
Mitchell said Gov. Adlai Stev.
enson, the Demoiiratic presiden-
j Penn-
in the
importants of Pennsyl-
vania in this Sietiion cannot be
said the Demo
tial amine b believes that
N 4 a? ape
Sov, geners mn
cratic leadsy
Sen. BEdwa Bdward Matitn (R-Pa)
to the states
“an opportunity
Democralic pominee op-
Af Martin's bid for reelection,
if Martin ‘truly represent-
ou egiad he
snoather speech former
Guy K Bad mshed out at
give tideland oil rights
By doing » so, sdid Bard Martin
; to
immediately with two pro
National Kids Day on
27 and Get Out the Vole
In iThe Club will meet again this
Thuan ing in Commercial
$1. Boniface Lady
Falls From Window
A Bt. Boniface mother of four
children was taken lo the Miners
Hospital last Friday er a fa
out of the window in her ssvond-
story apartment. Bhe is Mrs. Oc
tavia Connell
wife of Walter
Mra McConnell was found by
a five-year-old neighbor girl
Kathryn Louise Thomas who in-
formed her mother Mra Alvin
Thomas of the accident Mrs
Thomas summoned help and the
injured woman was taken to the
Rospital by the Patton Fire Co
Mrs. McConnell toll hospital
aitendants that she can't remem.
: occurred
Mra. MeConnell was treated for
cults of the face and bruises of
the left arm. Her cmdition is
pro- | listed as satisfactory.
faibire of
to pay & filing fee
1. Francis College
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and
grandda ters, Louise and Judy,
spent =
relatives in Buffalo N.Y
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kellander
sport a few days this past week
with relatives in Bellefonte, Pa.
Arden Anderson and Marshall
Winchester of West Virginia vis-
ited with their uncle and aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoak, a few
days recently.
The Ladies Ald Society of the
ey an Church held a
chirch Dae rooming
days recently with | fectively
issued by Lewin and the United
Mine Workers other internalioned
“There nre those politicians be
holden to reactionary inlsrests
and those who jure #il]l advocales
of the institution of human siav-
ery, who would take from us the
only effective weapon we have in
our strugjle for a better Ameri |
ca,” the message said
“There are those
corrupt corporides interests
this country who would sell
free. democratic and
America down the river in their
mad gamble for unchallenged con-
trol of the sconianic futGre of our
great nation.
The UMW statement ssid labor
union members wanted a
labor movement, but that “it
2 house divided agai (Pint laa
because various union eaders
were jealous of each other and
would not agreed to unily
“The spectacle
of. organized labor in
heaving and shoving in all direc
tions or in no
aid and comfort
would destroy us
their own modern
serfdom.” Lewin said
The atatemert sald that
five vears under whet i
the “iniquitons Taft-Hartley slave
statute” labor organization. ex
pansion has bean stopped and the
unions left “woak, disarmed
“We have fio thoice wl 10
capitulate or fight back’ [awn
said. “We cannot fight back ef-:,
without unity gingie
peas of purpose
Lewis, Philip Murray
jdeni. and William (Sreen,
president, have gone throtigh the
motions many Limes
merge forces nla a
federation. but they have
been able lo Accomplish it
ars institule
verskm of
CIO pres.
Penelec to Improve
Facilities At Colver
Pennsylvania Electric Company
recently purchased the Colver
power plant of the Ebensturg
Coal Company and will supply
area requirements fromm its trans
mission network
Since 1911 the somil Colver
plant has generaled power for
the Ebensburg Cosi Company
and in recenl years also pro
vided power for Bethlehem Mines
Sale of the Colver plant to
Penelec follownd a two-year per
jod of intemaive study of Lhe pow-
er problems involved. Pens)
dismantle the Colver plait
will erect modern facilities
power to Ebsnsburg Coal
Co. and Bethichem Mines Corp
Currently, Pinelec in pulling In
a new transmission substation al
Reviog to handle Uh power pro-
blem by the dismantling of
the Colver plant.
Penelee will
provide enough
power diily to Ebensturg Coal
snd Bethlehem Mines 10
ot the power needs of a con
munity of 10.000.
Delegates ‘Named
By Noses Group
Two aS dasegatiy to OE Nianr Has. the |
Asan. convention in Phil
meeting Tuesday evening in the
nurses Bo are
Peleg and Miss
Alternates are
pital st at the A nan State
i and
i Btrittmmatiey will
intellectually |
in |
progressive |
‘hopeful that the next couple of |
‘months will bring Mm inlo oon
unified |
‘To Get Citations
of the segments |
America |
direction gives |
who :
i free
: paid
called |
i mite for
for more without! a8 disabling mis
: i
! he
| you
: Years
i mines of Pennsylvania
of trying 10}
abhor |
and I. asx secretary of mines, ex-
i that
| Pennsylvania
Gallitzinn Lions Club Head
Appomts Commatteemen
«will |
and |
1 | Horseshoe Trail Tavern in Gallits
meeting. Committees for
5:4 Were sjacted ut!
for the next three months fo Me |
recognition and that of thousands |
ed ellow sgents by Jdesiribing
how imporiant their servicer have
beens ta the firm and to the come
Pri mities in which Uwy live Grey.
Poy ound agents as & group will
fenturad in national may axines
TV advertising ami Mr
be featured in
the greyhound fall sdvertining in |
this newspape
Mis er rude Braiton,
the Week.” $1.00
Through his work, Mr
matter is already
moat folks in
The steering committee of Civil
Defense in the Gailitzin area has |
called a meeting for this Thurs |
‘day. Sept amicipal Building. The |
| Gait Municipal dng The |
i boned members of all the
| Auxiliary units have been ade |
to attend as well as all other in-
“br. 6 persons
r #
“far of | | War II stored in the fire hail
Joseph Plisinski, Civil Defense |
| coordinator, will propose plans |
| miggested previously by the board
‘to the attending units in order |
to have a good fvction Civil |
| Defenine umit. Also to be
od at the meeting will be the im- |
mediate training in first.aid the
raising of funds to carry out an |
‘efficient program. and a final
| sereening of personnel to sid the
Supervisor of the Ground Obser- |
‘vation Corpa. Anselm C. Julian
i The steering committes is com-
iponed of Dr CG H. Miles, Dr A
IM ein, Alvin T. Buck, An-
| a uel Alex AT Mei
vin r eh Bernard
Presented At Rally | Paris DeSantes, Anselm Julian,
j Amades Raymond John Foreso
Oidtime coal miners in the | Joseph Skupien, John Rose and
area who have compiled accident. Joseph Plisinaki
records on the job will be | Catherine Conrad
special recognition Week.” $1.00
Richard Muize secretary of the |
State Department of Mines. has | F anki F
disclosed that citations will be r 1es acing
Tough Schedule
presented to all members of the |
Pioneer Club of Miners A regu.
membership is #0 yorrs |
With Ms outlook for the fast.
Approaching football season very
bleak. Come I. V. Davis of St
Francis College. Loretto, Pa’ fa
ces one of the toughest schedules |
thet a Frankie mentor has ever
Of the eight squads the Red!
Flash battled a vear a five |
have Been re-scheduled two |
newcomers aise have » to |
meet Loretto-men on grid. |
irom. Last year's three oppoments
who fail to appear on the Frank-
schedule this fall are st. Bon-
well known to
this area and ia
tact with many more new [friends |
and custoners
Pioneer Mine Men
Were to Have Been
“Blar of the
text of the comme ndation |
f¢ WSs
gitation is awarded to!
recognition of the many
vou have worked without
an injury in the bituminokis conl
“His excellency. ithe Homorable
Jolin 8B. Fine governor of the
of Pennsylvania
tend our ‘hanks and appreciation
to you for your excellent record |
It is records such ai yours
have made it pomible for
16 have the safest
mines in the United States
“Wishing for you aml yours
continued good health and happi-
Mr Maize originally planned to
present the citatioms io the vel- "
eran diggers at their rally week | on Gia 4
before lat in Elwmasbu Lf aan a
over, he was detained arrived |
too late for the meeting.
fore. the citations will be mailed
to the men
M E Sanker. president of the
Gallitzin Lions Clab, Monday eve
ening appointed committer chair.
men for the year al a meeting in
Annual attendance contest will
begin this month and tontinue
through April. Eleven inembers
aad perfect atlendance records
during the past year
“Star of the
the plan
Anthony Talerico,
South Furk, dis
Week.” 31.00
Dean Meyers,
trict goveanor of 14-L will be the!
guest speaker at the n
nual Hallowesn parade und the
Christmas celebration will be ap-
pointed al that time.
At a glance the strict re
ithoms would seem to forbid ad
recreation with the possible ex
ception of jooking at the wate
{from a distance
But this is for good reason. i
was explained The regula ose
ae not permanent ones. it
borough officials
iste realized. Under rang |
plans it is expected that reguis. |
tions will be relaxed when cos.
ditions warrant it
At present the north and wes!
‘shores of the lake are len
graded. Timothy and wheat will
af ated to provide & suitabbe |
10 4-H Clubs Have |
Exhibits At Fair
An oulstanding array of exiy.
bits By 10 Cambria County 4M
Clubs ix one of the features of
tive Ebenaburg Fair last week
Inchaded are
products entered by the
membership of four clubs -Pul-
ton-8t. Lawrence, Hastings. Rag-
ers Corner and Nickiows
Some 58 boys and girls have
entered 72 steers in the baby
Beef contests--a new record in
toth the number of individual
competitors and the number of
inimais in this division
(11 others entered 20 animuls
1-H dairy competition
Ib | drug satisfactorily and something | Sng
iin the
iol An intersmiitient positive pressure
H. Miles will report on {limit activities at the lake stip CYCHNg Wiive..a devies developed
the medical supplies of World until further improvement phan | by the air force fo treat fers
| for & pereon
Health aid Welfare Fund for the
chub vegwtabile
Area 4-H Summer
Programs Ended
RT Goniug |
Thirty-se ren 4M members ai | Club
tered 51 pigs in that division and | roughost the winter
more is Readind
Dr. Hutey IL. Motley. director
(of Barton Mamorial v at
| Jefferson and ome of the aders
t of the pro
PRE, comivined tse nebulizer with
| suffering from lack of oxygen at
hi nitithdes
valve does the breathing
into the lungs ay gun - geutly
sucks out sg waste carbom dex |
ide. Combined with the
the valvn ;
A new grey of 250000 is tak
(ing to the Held y
Children going to schoo! for the
firs? time comprise this army.
The Boppital anid st the same
time it hes received a grant of
£52000 from the Anthracite
contingation of research for the!
trentonent of the dames The
money is to be spread over a per. ©
lod of Sour years. | Home will be apt to learn ra
| pidly, while offers lag behind
| dull and uninterssted.
GC raier.
of the
with such get-fogethers as taffy. |
Pig and beef schedules wil te |
held on Friday
judging took place Tuesdsy
Five High Schools
To Train Drivers
fram this year under Lhe spon
horship of the Johnstown Moti
Chul. This fis three more thin of-
fered the course jast year.
Fourteen already Rave the
sourse under way. and in the Aor
We tr
The bulk of t3ne |
pully, making Christmas gifts for o obtain trealment
mothers. ele.
Daring the 1962
there wire 20 Home Economies |
East Rasd St Augustine,
| Ebenshong,
| Colver Junior and Colver Senior, | During the first yar in Ȣ
Twenty-one district high schools | |
Will offer a driver-training pro : Bouth
: burg with
is the Cresson Joint | |
High School with Robert Primed
ha instroctor. The car is fornisn- |
td by Cresson Motor Co
Among schools which will of
for the course Inter this monih
od, CGallitzin
Hastings High
-Cambria High Sch
School and the
The glare of publicity thot
lend taal! to huming iy.
Cochran Auditorium
Sat. Eve. Oct. 4, 8:15 pn.
Star Studded
Cast of 75
n Cambria County
Blandburg. Fallentimber, Patton | :
Ash | eriocked by parents male it
Munster, North | ficult for a student to Keep
South Ebensburg. | with others in a classroom
ville, Lorelle
Niektown, Corner,
458 girls enrotied
These chibs were conducted hy!
S52 joonl adult leaders and
junior leaders
Of tha 458 girls
‘pereent cow
projeits from which girls may in Yokohams.
choone thelr summers. work | A nurse, LL Doughty received
AT her eomtusiashen in, SAY. 1961. and
was stationed Camp
b Russet) ¥. Makin Nicktown aR barry.
and Noi Steed
{Raa Aim Hempel Schant of Nurs
r Pursell J Emeigh formerly was employed
Novnm |. Weakiand. EE Fo EL
Vik Seng th hash rely i ema Hl Shas ore Waainghowst Hina ipee .
now seve up io 10 pallens pe mere of water on very wash plue glen savings
8 soap. You tvs wane and Mur on clothes . . . SAn counties hours of drudgery.
WEAR the ew 1953 CLOTHE BATRR |
Bow iby for clothes
a LLIN Just set
= automatic!