UNION PRESS . COURIER str EE —_—— sp AEA A a - ET! A HP I PNR ©) BA Rr, BT —_— Tom Auberzinski and family, Mr. | Criste, Lanny Ross and Pete wi-| 300--The Big Payal [748 News Onraven aD ¢ " | 348. Mine at and Mrs. Sam Perry and daugh- | ler visited Carrolitown R. D. onl to fememy ee or 8 00—Groucho Marx ' jed0--Moraine Arm "ne | 108 Foe HAE Payot ters, Donna and Gloria, and Rob- | Sunday. 390 Hawking Falls 830- Keep Posted. Murtha Rountree 10: : | ne rs ert Captoce, all of Gaiditzin; 1irs.| Mrs. Alma Hertzog of Altoons| 313-Oabuy Hayes 9-00 Boss Lady | 10°45 Al Pearce § 0 ~Matine in New York : : { $90. Howdy Dood 9 30 Piaher : w Ouba 317 | 508 Hawkins Falls Martha Yeager of bi sidui.uce visited Mr. and Mrs. Owen God- ; y a aus | 3 | 315-Ceboy Bayes Mr. and Mrs. Charles bun and | frey Sunday. i pv Sq Movietone News i 05 Original Mur Dither > Groom | sao. Mowdy Doody family. Mr. and Mrs Havden| sr and Mrs Russel Btoy and With Pather § au Play. Durocher & Day 1278 -Search For Tomorrow | 890-0, FP Movietons News Grimes of Buckhorn: Mary Ci family, Jean, Russ, Roger and | 100- Mayor of Hotlywood ~ Pulse of the Cnty PB Crbett. Space therine Miller of Gallitzu.; wi |Jackie, of Windber, visited with | ——— REN sina TR on : : : { Ligh | E45. This Week's News in Review and Mrs. Warren Noe, M . w.ai Mr and Mrs. Don Mansfield Lin) m———— tem va . imi ‘ Mrs. Nelson Galiaghe! a.d dau ! the werk end. i — fh Ae > ateniled were Fran. ghter, Judy, and Joyce and Pa-| Dewey Beers transacted busi- | ae ber of 1.ock Haven: Mr. | tricia Gadagher, all of AsavLie. |pess in Ebensburg on Monday. | Ber | Betty Conrad, Teresu Hollern | : Ashville Borough School | sn Poss, Suinos spent Sunday | o Open Tuesday, Sept. 2 | A spaghetti vavper : wilg held ho ; { : ckhorn Inn one -} ; i ha will oy 1962.88 term on | ening, Aug. 8. Those who attand. | [oTHE FLOP FAMILY ] . 2 The children may attend | ed were Vera ‘Wills, Ann Branni- | the County Fair in the afternoon. gan, Doll Gibbons, Ann Gibbons, | MITE 16 ON THE | All the grades will remain in the Jean Hoffer Joan Krug, Rita Laf- | | Ashville School until the Cresson |ferty, Bernice Descanto, Olga 4 - En fui) us Joint Schools have a new build- | Chirdon, Pear! Chirdon, Jean Bas | =. WILLIE 8 Oo OF His ing, and it will be a few years|al Helen Lato, Irma Conrad | H Wa - HOU TALK To es ‘until that is accomplished At | Orace Gullagher, Bert Nagle, El | | that time the Tth and Sth grades | etha Burgoon and Rose Murphy. | | wilt attend the new school in or- at der to take advantage of the Ju- FARANTO AT WARFRONT nfor High activities. Anthony T. Taranto, son of | . ss: Mr. and Mrs Samuel Taranto of | Miss Joyce Gallagher spent hor | Spangler, is serving with the vacation in Philadephia and At-| g5th Infantry Division on the lantic City visiting with Miss An- | eastern sector of the Korean war- | na Lesniak. front. He is an ammunition bear- | Miss Doris Conrad spent a week | or in Company A, 36th Infantry with ber sister in Ohio Regiment. Pfc. Taranto entered | Jane Cogan of Loretto R. D. | the service In Apr. 1951 : spent Sunday with Shirley Con. : { rad, here, The kids were just as en-| John Suckinos was admitted to | thusiastic about school letting | the Altoona Mercy Hospital on out as mothers weren't, : Sunday where he will undergo a —————————————— | : 5 second eye operation § : Mg) : | — Mr. Mrs vin Laffert) - 8 . and en. Richa wee won| TELEV ISION | WILLIE. BROKE \T=LET HM WLO, MR. SMITH 7-1H15 15 ta rLoe-| [dae F oem been er SCHEDULE | pee 5074 SON BROKE one OF || | S&L friends of Teny Hincherick, who / {ity Se : Wor Ted Sunday, Aut. 10. WJIAC.TV, Channel 18 | esp Hoa ! AN HN00W$ - Mr. and Mrs. George Brown Johnstown, Pa. and son, and Nancy and Eileen - Published This Newspaper Punicelli of Dean, visited with Mr: As A ished oy Televishin Owners ng Mh Brown ha . | Changes Can Be Made Without Noties | Corps was awarded first prise at THURSDAY, AUGUST HM the Blair County Firemen's Con vention parade, heid at Lakemont tn Saturday. The Ashville Volunteer Firemen had a turnout of 22 men in Hne of march at the Biair County con- vention on Saturday. Eva Lacave ‘star of the Week”, $1.00, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ackers of Juniata Gap, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Dempsey Tuesday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ja- mes Brannigan are Luke and Wal- ter Gibbons. Over the webk end were Mr. and Mrs. Annie Colbert and children, Mary Ann and Skip- per, of Buffalo, N. Y.. Jack Col- bert of Hollidaysburg: Junior Gibbons and Jeanette Janaras, of NN as Kane Pri Eye AX r, who i Warten me Private stationed in abtat . Fisyhouse of Sw. “30 Hey days here with his parents 11 90-Diamond Theater, “The { Lora W had returned home| 1 of after spendi a vacation with FRIDAY AUGUST 1 her sister, Mrs. Jou Nagle, st : a 19:18 Morning News Mr. and Mrs. J camma-| 11 Sikes Rich rata of Patton and Mr. and Mrs | 1390-Bride ung Choom s¥¥3ycs t 3 c88ye rh ge iY $S8sesRERs i or A BER NEE EE AA 3 »’ 8 a Sat KASEY WENT £08 Di LOW (FOR Seite Suis . -®