AVER VALLEY . and Mrc Raymond Kings pn of Barneshoro were Thursday | ing callers with Mr. and Mrs | arid Kingston. i Clarence mid Jimmy Gates Spent the past week with Mr. and Sirs. Clarence Hobba £t thei summer cottage at Cypher Beach. Harry Lenhart of Irvona was al Friday caller with Mr. and Mrs. | e Lenhart. i : Mr. and Mts. G Glass and | sons of Fallen imbeftwere Sunday | ng caller with Mrs. Frances © Misses Betly Hempsky, Char Ptte Gates arid Emma Gates, of | Altoona, sper. the week end at) their homes lere. { Ls terson, and other relatives Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burchill and daughter, Ruthann, Spent Inst Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bari Bollinger and sons. ¥ i i i Me. and Mrs Joseph Kendrick | were Sunday callers in Grass Fiat | with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gates and | son, Kenny, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. | G. M. Gates. Mr. and Mra. George Gates and Mr. and Mrs. William Flemming | and Gerald Mellott spent Sunday | evening with Mr. ana Mrs Ford] Trimble at Mahaffey. Mr. and Mrs. David Gates and | family of Colver speal Monday veping with Mr. and Mrs. Wi liam OO Shall Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Noel! igo ie rere An NR SD SN SAS ETA PRESS . I “Mr. and Mis. Chester Strayer “rer have returned to | Hospital Ri » pe 4d es H : . Hannalt Kubn has returned | : oth ee... WC nesday evening callers with M her hgme here after spending | ,nq4 Mrs. Harry Harpster week in Akron, Ohio, visit-| uy, and Mrs Ed Peterson and her sister, Mrs. Maggie Pat- | ...iv oi Baitimore, Md. were . : Rs eee | friday visitors here among rela In Fighting Mood tives and friends ; | Mrs. Heary Lester of Johns ; {town ig visiting with her son and | daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs : Lester and family | Miners Hospital, Spangler, as a macheal Jatiant. Dale vis. son of Mr. and Mrz. Calvin Davis of Colver was & recent of Mr. and Mrs David Yi in. s res. Delbert Lenhart and family of Carroiltown were Saturday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Harve Lenhart last and Monday evening caller Mrs. Harve Lenhart. Ceell Black of the week end here nd 1. O. Black , of Chester, Pa. former's mother, Frances Davia Mrs. Harve Davis of spent Sunday afternoon and Mrs. William Flem- A family gathering was held William O'Shall home i Bunday, in honor of the birthday aiiiversarias of both Mr. and Mex : . Those were Mr ville: g eid £ 4 at ¥ i Mr. and Mrs. Curtis O- Mr. { vid Gates snd children, Billy, El- iva Jeane, Eleanor, Harold and Jay, of Colver;: Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell and family of Lock Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd O- Shall and family of Couiport; Mr. and Mrs. | Marrow and fam- i} ot Davy Herbert Valley, and Mr. and ". O'Shall and fagnily of Buaver Valley. alt Good was admitted to the Ammon O'Shall of Utah | and Mrs. Ds BR SS ITI 10d BRR | announce the birth of a daughter lon Tuesday, July 15 in Altoona | Ohio, ifter spending some | 3, and Mrs James Flemming | i and famity of Ashville were Wed- he AT THE OSTEOPATHIC HOSPITAL tn Portland, Me, Mrs. Elizabeth Pinkham, 35, holds her arms sround her three girls snd a boy—ure reported doing well. Three of the four weighed over four pounds; the smallest hit the scale st three pounds, 14 ounces pew guadruplets. The bulbdes- Take Care In Boat If Going to Water Spot On Vacation, Changing seals in & Canoe i risky business and particularly iso in the ase of the folks who | don't live handy @aler-spol areas i It is one of the causes of the more than |L200 droenings in this country ewiry year involved with smal poate i | While small boat fiital accidents | | attract Jitthe widespread attegtion, i they contribute four out of¥five drownings that result from water transportation mishaps I It is in the summer months i when recrentional activiles are al ithe peak, hat most’ of such acc i dents occur. Motor-driven boats, expecially { those equipped with outboard mo {tors, are fevolved In shout three [fifths of drownings with row. | boats second | Canoes, rafts andl kayhcks are i respumsible for many fatal soc dents | Drownings involving sailboats {are rare, die no doubt to the fac? ‘that people who operate sailboats are usually expert in handling their crafll, and also in swimming Most of those drowns during | small-boat activity are persons engaged in Tishing. Sodden storms. high winds and ‘dangerous walers play & part in small boai sccidenis Many lore thelr lives when Lhe boats are swamped. capsized, or Ho ARR FY al ’ | are are pecupanis are swept overboard Carelessness and recklessness contriblary clhuses People stand up in boals boals overloaded and they are brought too nor dams Ninety percent of drownings from small boats are among males and occur st various periods of tite from high school age up fo oid age Boatirg in small craft is pleas ant and healthful recreation, bul it calls for safe conduct Warts Cause Some People to Worry Many worry about warts Warts are often unsightly and those on the soles of the feel are panfol A wait is a localized overgrone. akin oslla It a the sume color as the rest of the skin but due to its rough snd aneven surface it collects and retains debris and thas sppears darker than the parrounding skin th of LEate Warta do not chase pan except those on the soles of the feet, where pain from pressire may be severe enough bo incapacitate Warts are nol cancerous in spite of belie! that chronic brie tation may bring about mallg- rant changes Some skin cancers in their early | Ee stages resemble a wart which prompts this misconception Warts of the ehmmon type are thought to be dun to & vires and although this has not been proved sib ais BS Saaan S IRN i 5 ¥ IRA NIRS T | i $ a 3 ¥ i pas officially become a mimmber of the inter-agency planning com- | | mittee of Pennsylvania ' jective is to develop a th education program with sm phasis on home-school ommianity | relationships. SRR AAA Ar AA AS Aiding Program On | Start In Europe State Workshops Harrisburg The Medics! Soci | ety of the State of Pennsylvania’ No one is credited with | FETE he ate ont of doors by necessity. It was lke custom to eat out ily hosl- | The inter-agency planning com- mittee, representing the depart ment of health, the Pennsiyvamis Ky | department of weifare, the de | partment of public instruction and the Pennsylvania Tubesnzheis simi HMessih Sodiely, | for the past four years ® od health education workshops during the summer mon ths * (International Soundphoto) i may be wo In some Cases Warts often appear suddenly and may disappear suddenly, or remain indefinitely They are not communicable from one person to another There are kinds of warts and many kinds of trest- ment to remove them Treatments include drying by the use of eleatric caustics, dary te, X-TAY and surgical removal Warts can be difficult to depending on location sine and doration Self treatment! is unsafe and a skin specialist should be comsull- ed weveral uy ourrent, radium eradi- type CHECK BEFORE CULLING When hens drop in egg produc tion early in the summer culling may not be the solution fo the ‘problem, says FH Leuschner Penn State Extension poultry spe cinlist Pe sure that the hens are properly fed. that they are free from Hee and mites and that their housing uarisrs are oom. fortable. Seven young men from OGallit- gin last Wednesday left for Har-| paburg to complete processing snd enlistment in the U. 8 Air Force. They signed for tours of duty at the Altoona Recrujling Members of the group were Robert Becker, Sherman Troxell Richard Osnolineki, Stanley Knut elgki. John Stevens. Daniel Veta kis and John Felus i ins LADIES' SUITS Regular 1595 to 36.98 BOBBY BROOKS- LAMPE. PAT PRINGLE Valued st 16.9 = 38,98 y Teen SLIPS ..... sees 9-16... ..... Vwi w %__ 10c-15c-2 for ...Reg. 295 10595... 2: for $5 ». > 8 ODD LOTS & * & $2 JORTS—SUN SUITS A NR RR A These workshops provide in- service health sducation prepara- tio for school and comBunity or | ganization personnel, sthmiglate and promote an «ffective follow. up program. coordinate the ef- forte of Killed hesfith ageviiies stirmutate and promote interes in Llocal Resith units, and develop an swarencss of the place of nen tal health in the total health pro- gram of the home, school smi the community There are four health werk shops scheduled during the pres ent two months: The University of Pittsburgh June 9 to 17, Le nigh University, Slippery Rock State Tesachery College, all from June 23 te July 11. Enrollment rariges from #0 to 60 studmts at each workshop and problame of community or sthool worbem: or parents dealing with elemienisry and secondary age children will be stressed. The program ail the workshops runs sporodimately 3 weeks Scholarghips are arranged and paid for by the organizations sponsoring the pian as well as other interested groups It is the hope that’ ‘various county medical societion will spon- sor scholarship and sleet ndi- viduals to receive this intense ed- wostion in health. The Bom of Trustees of the Medical Benfety of Pennsylvania has allotted » sum of money to help Jy in structors and defray other ex. , penises connected with the Paimith education workshops. to B a ETH: hs AERP 3 HT Britaire developed the practice of having meals served for an en tire community outdoors simply | because no ote building could house sich a group. slong » placed an one large table snd peo t walled pei choosing what t | Ploguer” i= tf a ¢ | where the “pie” in plemic | "But sif sources of information | CONES nd and gers Come SE it TA ir. | {Jt is anticipatie that the Ovi | mel sWAtER and power (4-8 im any language. And J ime NEST fgg a va PR A PAN SII SR $s Sn $10 $12 Lr... 0c - 31-33 - §5 Ths18e 82 lL. She CT Small Size GIRDLES ...... $2 cease. 31-8150 bi nh a TE Coe a