Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, July 03, 1952, Image 4

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    las RM Ce
| Ware a Freac h fllasion finger-tip |
8 bio held in place by a crown of |
io fel over
Patton mt
Miss vied @ colonial bouquet of yellow
Jenny Macalus|=5 == breakfast was serv-
~ Bride of Rl Man Ved ut the bride's home. The wed-
ding dinner Was heid at the Pal
ton Fire Hall A reception was
A beautiful Juni wedding took | held in the afternoon at the Pat
at St Mary's Bess
eh, Patton, jsst Saturday.
ton Moose Ballroom. The ¢ ouple
left on a wedding trip
* June 28, at 9 o'clock when Miss] The bride is & graduate of the
Jenny Macalus' ditighter of Mr. Patton High Behool and is ewe
and Mrs. Michadl Maecalus of ployed by the Phillips Jones |
Patton became the - bride of | Corp, Patton. Mr. is a
Crawford Rose, sm of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Rose <I Revioe, Rev.
graduate of the Ebensburg-Cam-
brig High School, Ebenaburg, and
Father Rupert Stadtmiller, OSB,
paler, officiated at the double-
is employed by the Bethlehem
cereinony iinet ma the
Collieries, Revior, Pa.
Mpa High Maas which follow-
En vain Vt rate sil ir Women of Moose
we "he on Se 2a) Install New Officers
“Mother AL Your Feet I Am
Mrs. Elizabeth Petresky, seniol
Rhselng after = the Mass, at
w time the bi ide “ :
. _ Sauted A regent and other newly appointed
officers were installed al a meet
Berugiint of widie nies md
ed jo the Virgin. ing of Chapter $37, Women of
the Moose, Patton, lat Sunday
ihe $4 IRAE Has ki Yih al Biess 23"
e by her futher, Miss Madeline .
Rogers waa the mald of bono aftermoon in the local Moose
Miss Mary Shatrosky was| Home o :
the bridedtuabd. Cleo Hose and | Instaili officers Wete Mn
Hebert Rose. biwthers of the] Fieanor Hitch, chairman. rs
Bridegroom. served asx best pass | Pear Furiage, regent; Mis Hel
and usher, respectively fen Jewell, guide; Mra Ann bre
The bride wai) i gromont, chaplain and Mra Ca
attired In A ;
# Sally anise
white foor-length gown of chan- I instalied for
. tilly ace over pleated nylon andi
faffeln, With a en odie trim bans year Sry wi Forsy-
med with tiny teed pearls Bhe | sehio regen : '
{Lh 6 gradunte regent;
Mary big. chaplain; Mabel Yabh-
| net; junior regent; Madeline Car
recorder; ie Bone,
flyer bok with a white orehid | Corer: Isabel Contd, guide;
5 | urietine Falls, assistant guide;
Mabel McHugh Angus: E
cimes Lawson, sentinel and
Hoover, planist.
the oom
a blosapmms Bad carried a | ote
The mala of benor wore a blug
figor-length gowns of nvien net
Over taffeta with a matching piel Bast speakers were GO
% Bat and cirvied a colonial | Bloom, governor of Patton Moose
white | Lexige, 488. and William Jones
yore @ past governor
‘ollowd installation a lunch
floor-hmgth own of | » ng dng and enter
Wis served.
jlatiets with @ the evening were
of ye fiow and
bie basing id
: tainment for
matching Ret phere Ft and cars | Kine hy the Loyal Order
wf i hw ¥ eting #
were ini
i Bap tismal Servic
Is held At Reilly's
21 fhe Calvary Baptist Church st
Reilly's was the scene of Baptis-
mal services last Wednesday.
Jufie 35 at T50 p.m, with four
PrSuona being immersed in the
reh baptistry by the pastor,
ef Alter Baptismal serv pervicea recep
) members into _
ta Corrine, student
~=Paul Hoovers Plan
Observance of 2%
Years Married Life
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoover wel
known Patton R DD,
were marpied 20 years
Saturday, June 28, bul they
celebrate their silver wedding an-
niversary this Friday, July 4
Mr and Mrs Hoover will rensw
their nuptial vows st a High
Mans of a fam
as rider In Mary's ‘Catho-
lie Church, Pation. Rev. Father
Rupert Btadtmiller, OSB, pastor,
will officiate at Lhe ceremony.
Mr. Hoover. son of the late
Lawrence Hoover and Mary
LSharry) Hoover of Sarrolitown
R ah Anan AW,
Smithbower and Catherine
(Long) Smithbower of Loretto,
were married June 28, 19237 in
St. Michael's Catholic Church in
Loretto. Magr. Sass of Lovells
Parish, afliciated at the cere
ONY Attendants were Mrs
Marjorie Beatty, now of gp”
tacky, sister of Mr. Hoover,
Charles Bmithbower of a
brother of Mra. Hoover.
When they tensw Lheir vows
tomorrow their son and daughter,
Bert and Elaine, will be the al:
A family dinner will be served
it the Commercial Hotel, Pat
ton, and an open house from 7)
to 9 in the evening at their
home on Patton RD
Mr. and Mn
parents of 10 children, nine of
whom are living. A om,
died in infancy. Living chi ren
sre Richard of Patton, Eisine, R
N. at the Cresson Sanatorium,
surse Bt the
Pittsburgh Metey Hospital, Bert,
James. Leroy, Mary Catherine.
Tom snd Bob, all at home. There
are two grandchildren.
Mr. Hoover took over the dairy
business after the death of his
father. Bert and Jim are a»
sociated with their father in op
erating Ovrchardvale Farm be-
Swatn Patton and Carrciltown
Hoover is a director of the
oa. National! Bank. Petian,
which he helped Ww
= road tar of
tirector of Potato Industry at
Potate Oity, of Polate Growers
Association, and A. B. C. Beard
ind the Cambria County Exten-
don Board He is & member of
Patton Ameritan Lagion
Mary Gelormino Is
ide At >. Ne S
Toand students will bold = covered
Hoover are the!
| Inkand,
anise and
| commanding officer
p. He aise serves as
Patton Band t to Attend
lot on Warn, Taesiny even {and
"oe Patios Hi
{ twas youry service,
[Charles 0. Colberg Tew mm 3
Rites Held Sunday
Funeral services for Charles O.
Colberg, 87, of Patton were held
at 3: . om. Bundiy in Ward
H punersl Home here, followed by
additional services in Bwedish
Lutheran Church, Patton, by Rev
T J Homer pastor. Interment
was in the Fairview Cemetery
Mr. Colberg died at 12.50 p. m
jast Thursday He was born in
Sweden on Dee. 30. 1484
will Be Temporary
For One-Year Period
| Merger of two Cambria County |
@istricta of Adm. Robert Perry
| Council, Boy Scouts of Ameries,
ions approved by one of the we
Surviving are his widow, Mrs | ings snd Mra. Row Albani and | areas at & meeting Tuesday ev-
[da (Peterson) Colberg. and these | John GCelestor of Burgetistown, ening in Ebensburg Courthotmie.
children: Omar and Mrs Edith P. i Officials of Central Camis)
Melasughlin, both of Johnstown and Mrs Sulier and | District approved a proposal to)
Carl. New York City: Mrs Rus Pio pi Mrs. Bern Custanc of | wits with Northern Camiria |
sil Blanco and George. both of Bria, Mich. visited over the week | District. Action on the proposed |
Patton, ahd Mrs. J ¥V. lewis of at the home of Mrs. Marios | consolidation will be be Laken by of - | br
He was a brother Huper. LeRoy Buller is the ficials of Northern Cambria [is |
Barnesbhory r a Laioy Huber trict at a meeting Tuesday
Justine Anderson of Bert Sickier, former Psttonits Mahlon Baumgardner, Ceniral
Jamestown, N ; Y of Marble Falls. Texas is able to | District commissioner, said his
up nd about Again fellowing |§70up approved (he merger Ti %
Patton Firemen Win
First Prize At Dale
pens to word received by rels- | out that if the combined district
Patton Volunteer Fire Co cop
tives in Patton lis operating effectively al ihe end
the first prize money for | Patton,
the best-appesning fire com (EW
pahy in Bone of march atl the an Cari € and son, Andgew ww, | elected to head the joint distriet
a jubilee parade of Dale Voi- | of Rockway, N. Y. attended the | Mr Baumgardener sxid each of
gnteer Fire Co held Friday even | funeral of Car's father, Charles | the two merging district will ap
ning The sward was 0 | Colberg, who was buried on Sun | point a {hres anember commits
aatings won second honors inl day. June 19 ito select a slate of officers W
the same (alegory Mrs. John Couturiaux cluding = chairman and vies
Other prize winners were Fern | children, Johnnie, Joyce and rv | chatrman The commitles sls
dale, most men in line. Coverings spent last week with Mrs will recommend appointment of »
Hill. best ladies’ auxiliary. Upper iC a grandfather the con
Yoder, bes! pumper over 500 gal- | paijipsburg last week end and | sofidated district
tons; Ferndale, best pumper under |
$00 gallons; Windber, best appe- . Supa po ; Sunday |
ratus other than pumper. Neville |
reateat distance: Cone- | Recent visitors st the Cecil | trict.
ish Bard best senior | | Mitchel home were Mr. and Mra | Ber
© Bolivar, best junior dram | Blaine Fultom of Erlinger, Ky | officially,
and bugle corps. Ashville, second | Mrs. Pulton is 8 sister of Mrs | trict must
best drum and bugle corps and Mitchell | soot council.
Seward drum and bugle corps | Mr. and Mrs. John KE. Mitchell | taken probably at
* 2: and son Robert John and dau meeting in Oelober
& of Next tn of Central (Csr
Chattes A. Nagle Promoted | £hier, Joos, of Ng, a [ria District 1s scheduled oes
{ with Mr nding parents Mr | day, Ang 5
Charles A. Nagle won of Mr
: i | Mra. Coct Mitchell
gud Mra Oucar Nagle of 43 Me-|_M: nr Al 0’Connors Mark
"= 35th Anniversary
Mr and Mrs.
and Mrs Bernani Custano of |
Erie. Mich: Mr. std Mra Joseph +
Bottile, Bpangier ‘Mr. and Mrs |
; arrolitown Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charies Winslow | of the one-yesr period; the bon
of Lewisburg AnsOuURoe the birth solidation wil be nade :
of 5 son on Tuesday, July 1 ent
Charles Winslow, formerly of
is & son of Mr. and Mrs |
in the event Northern Cam
ria District leaders spprove the
| merger proposal, officers willl he
at | commissioner tov head
The mew unit will be known a
Kittanning Truil Boy Scout Din |
according to Baumgard: |
Before it can be recone
the proposed joant dis
he spproved by Ow
This action will be
the anual
heim returned home gw =
beens prosnoted to the rank
of | Lening after ay
Alrmas Second Class in the nit. feral days at
od States Air Forve, scearding Deleware.
word received from A-20 Nagle " Mr and Mrs. Quentin Blake
| Patton announce the birth of - Attorney
Nagle enlisted in the Air Force son, born June 36, at Miners’ | O'Connor of Loretto last Fish
on June 12 of Ist yenr and is} Hospital, Spangler | June 27, celebrated their Ith
currently wervi with the 3rd! Mr. and Mra Paul Verdaveir of | wedding anniversary. Now jes
Motor Vehich padron, Depol. | patton RB DD. snsounce the birth | icing in Ebenshurg. Attorney
gs Air Depot Wing. somewhere | lof a daughter on Monday, June | O'Connor served eight years as &
re. Miners’ Spangler member of the General Assnmbly
he - Huspital, pmam the Second District of Cam
| bria County in Harrisburg
The O'Connors were mirried
on June 27. 1917. by Rev. Father
| Ferdinand Kittell in St Mie hovel’
his | Catholic Church, Loretto, '®
of | which both ave active menibers
the parents of The
| children Capt. William O'Conmar
with the UU. 8 Army ot Eigin
Fleld. Florida: Albert Lo Jr
| Mapervising principal of Adana
State VFW Convention
John White Past 779 Veterans |
is week voles to send] week.
School Band to Calvary
the State V Convention to be | Churches.
held in Pittaburgh The unit will |
. | Putten Prost ylorian Oued
Lo andy | {Township High School and John
take yt in the parades on Fri
on Ema sigh. |R. tescher In a Brooklyn High
| nia uly 18 Plummer
arn a Survice. Bock af | School There are five grapdenil
| Corapels
| Patten Band Mothers ive a
Testaninster Pullow- | dren
EE Mrs. (Commor, the former Ka
Plan Covered Dish Lunch | £ a
ny MWign thisen E. Schwab a daughler of
The mothers of the Paiton Gy a ey an? > Jot |
wes, Pe I William and Elizabeth (very
Her aaa __ ny. 13-4 Supper m. The i Schwab. is a native of Lieto
" ee | Her husband, who was born WF
The Trisity Methodist Church | Jenners Township, Somerset
= Penstwermaer. | County. will he 80 next Aphl ile
Schoo at is 8 son of John Rand Mages
| lene (Graaser? O'Connor,
. eenGn. ew | A family dinner last Sumdey |
ning Worship | | nighlighted the anniversary.
dish luncheon at the Patton Re
srention Park next Monday July
7. 88 83) p m AH mothers are
mvited. Those planning to attend
sre requested to bring their own
silver anil drinking cups. Follow.
ing the hincheon jhe regular July
meeting of Pattoh Band Mothers
Association will be held at the
Sgt. Fred Gelormine
. Gelormino is a veteran of
1% months of
which wis spent in Korea. At the
im of his furlough he in}
to report te Indantown Cap for
urther jsstgnment. .
. sw
The IOBU will hold a regula :
m. in ons of Raly
Gon. Any members who
tend the annual pee
be in attendance as
be dacussed for thi
. ww
Xince Shero won the Big
Independence |
Legion Memorial Park Sunday.
Please turn 10
ianpe for addith
os go a conta
| ran mox.croum PICNIC
Marv's Junior Chair
of the! S
a in
in Johnstown K of C
order of Nights
Fourth 4 i» the e
gree is the Mighest|§
Prince Gallitas Aseernbiy has |
| members 8 most Cambria Coun
ty Council
(ther oflicers for the coming
FeRr are EN follows:
and Mrs Albeit «i
EB a ——
AO PH SEY comm a————
EN aan.
that §
6-8 of this
despite the seastmal in}
crease, the marriage trend still
is downward om an snoasal basis |
The June total of IIT marvisges
was the smallest for any Jume inj
Peter Murray, Johnstown. sdm- |
Philly Strittmatter, Ehons
Pad O Holts
To add an elegant touch for company
dinnurs or a festive detail for family
“potiuck™, Fostoria's Chintris the logi-
cal choice. This American handmade
ee aeeDiching is one-off many: delightil designs, avail
able in a complete assortment of pieces for every occasion
. . . and nothing nicer for gifts. Come in and me ow
EN A a sta]
yg cn dedi. a i : ad