ET lL, aa 1941 Chevrolet Panel $185.00 Phone 4614 or 2171 PATTON, PA. Altoona’s Bridal and Corset Headquarters 1114 11th Ave. Dhlilr AlilS (Fy ® Bargains! 1961 FORD 2-Dwor, radio and healer 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-Door 1947 CHEVROLET Fleel- line 4-Door 1948 PLYMOUTH 2-Door 1942 PLYMOUTH Conver tible 1941 CHRYSLER 4 Door 1038 FORD Sedun £ itown; Mary Ann Rietscha, Car | UNION PRESS. COURIER | ENTANGLEMENT UNTANGLED The following is the list of patients admitted and discharged at the Miners’ Hospital, Spangler, from June 9 to June 16: | MEDICAL, ADMITTED Basista Della valle, Spangler; Mra. {on te rgely, Carroll | town R. D.; David Trimble, Gip- | : . Bpangler; | : h: Barry Patterson. Elmora; David Yure-! isin, Barnesbore; Mrs. Nora Me- | Dwain, Cherry Tree R D.; John Petrusky, Patton; Mra Tresea Kutsick, Marsteller; Mra. Mary Margaret Brown, Barnesboro; John Kunch, Barneshboro; Anth- ony Scarpo, Spangler; Mrs. Em- ily Lee, Glen Campbell; Mrs Lotiise Adamo, Barnesboro; Wm. | T. Fye, Emeigh;: John J. Galin-| ay. Buthashite fo; Christine Par. | onish, r; Troxell, Coals Baimneaboro Revo; ings; Dr. CL. McCoy, Hastings: | Louis Waitkunas Hastings: Ar! thur Becguet, Colver; Arthur Payne, Emeigh; Martha Shaw, Barnesboro, i SURGICAL, ADMITTED leonard Sobstsky, Spangler; Robert Aughenbaugh, Cherry | Troe; Rose Mary Smarsh, Spang- | ler; Marie Chura, Hastings; Wm. | Huffie, Bakerton: Elisabeth, Ela! ine and Gerard Kibler, Chest | Springs: Michael Kibler, Chest | Sp %; Norman Blum, Patton; | ra. Mary Ellen Cramer, Alver- | da: Mrs Pauline Bosar, Gipsy: | William Miller, Barnesboro: fees | Helen Penkasa, Barmmesboreo R. D.; | : Blaine aS 12S | pree R D.: Patricia Lawhead, Hillsdale: ty Jean Himes (Hastings; Rally Ann Christoft Hilisdua: | Int Farino, Mars | Barpesbore, Mra Cutherine Bw. teller; iy Ann Christoff, Bar : : Jeu Ra ive sesbore: J Ban : Lj ter, Spangler; od ann Desigiya, nesboro BR. D.: Rose Anns Miller, | sarrolitown Frank raver, R D: Carol Ann Hu | Emeigh. Robert Williams, Spang - . arsteller: Yvonne Shab ler; John Krasaikovich, Spangler: bik, Marsteller; Anna, | Donald Zuny Small, Gipsy. Wm : Carmine Byrnds, Hast- | T. Fye. Enjeigh. Michael Fedash . RB; | Snare; Joweph Zinsky. Bpangier, Judy Dillon, Carrolitown; r-land Dr. C. L. McCoy, Hastings garet louise Rietascha, Carroll | SURGICAL, DISCHARGED ‘ . | Norman Blum, Patton: Elaine Solitons; Rh Ti Bar | Elizabeth, Michael and Gerald sesbore R. D.: Barbers nn | Kibler, Chet Springs; Andrew 8 i ‘Carrolitown R® i Miller, Emwigh; Mrs. Violet Lind Sully Ann Louchart. Kbensbu ‘jahl, Marstaller. Reginald Yeager, Mrs. Lenerds Boring Be "E: | Patton; Blaine K. Himes, Hillis . 4 "dale; Lind Farine, Marsteller: Bre on I ata TIS. | Betty Jean Himes. Hillsdale: Joo tlauka Jr, Homer City RD. Vir ¢ hy iginia Buterabaugh, Commodore, | g i “IMyra McFadden Mahaffey: Rose Margaret Hales Patton R. b | | Anna Miller, Hastings RD Philip Chiomint ' Bakerton: Mrs | JOR Hhabbick, Marsteller Mis ret Manik , Mahal : Mi : Adele Haines, Barneshors Thoms gs Patton R. D. Tas Hesslir, Hastings: James ! Callahan, Carroiltown; Carol A Hudak, Marsteller: Marjorie L Rietacha, Carrolitown; Mary Ans Ristacha. (Carroiitown; Judy Dib dn, Carrplltown: Mrs Louise Adamo, Burmmesbore, Barbara A Faighner, Carrolitown; Kenneth Phillips, Parnesbore BR. D.: Mrs | Leda Lioyl Cherry Tree RD. Marie Churs, Hastings: Smaolke, Jr. Spangler, Mra Mary Bartkovich, Emeigh: Dole Jon Joseph Lusier, Hillsdale. James Caston, Alverda; Barnesboro ¥ {Hila Ratowsky, Patton; Frank! rgol, Carrolitown Dennis | Mattie, Emwigh:. Bernadine Gach,’ Barwesbory and Mrs. Margaret | Holes, La.ose peo rER wer Hear About Patties BR. DD. Barneshoro, AE ’ Semi MATERNITY Mr an {+ben 1) Mr amd Mra pneshoro R Db 2 Mr and Mes Mra Camplell R & ’ NECESSITY BEING (he mother of invention, watchmen attached to this Koje 1siand prison camp guard tower rig up a device (hat defies the barbed wire entanglements of the compounds. It's a sort of drawbridge which can span the fences protecting the tower. { International) Ted [:, son June fac Maddie, Rar. | sons, Jame 10 Robert Morris Nicktown, danghler, June 12 Mr. and Mra Patton, daughter Mr and Mra Patton. son, June Mr and Mra Mr and Mra Cherry Tree RB June 14 Mr and Mra August Quevy, June 13 Paul Wallace, 12 Robert Bakale, daughter, June 13 Francis Ligda. 2. 2. daughter George Finet, Hastings, son. June 14 Mr. and Mrs Son Mr and Mrs Patton FB. D.. son John * Sherdy, Michael! Prebihilo June 15 ‘Works Least Time The hired man on the farm works abot two idy than his fare Agriculta (in Washington, | this last week, #8 [average ¥iy bhoun : Farm emsloymumt continues to | John | declime, the department said, re- soent (he past week end at her hours leas each per Doss. mi Department 3 ©. reporting pid hired hands EF work a8 Gay. Stewart. IAB ie 7 A Sts PRE eS 5 EN ‘Miss Nancy Sullivan ‘Weds George Fisamick | Miss Nancy Sullivan, deaghter of Mr. and Mes. Wiliam Sullivan became the bride of Georgy Fa nick, son of Mrs. Anns i ! of Spangler, on Saturday, June 4, lat § a mm. In the Immaculvty The double ring oeremeny Wai officiated by Rev. Father ul The bride was given in marriign [by her father. She wove & flioN | length gown of white Ince ove | swtin with an insert of nylon set, | Her finger tip veil was attached to & pearl trimmed cap of math Ling lace and she carried & pray: lor Book with a white ovehid. | Miss Joan Sullivan was her iis. {ter's maid of honor She wor 0 | deep rose lace gown with mateh- ling scceasories and carried el Lonial Bouquet of white and Mud i carnations Vasil Pisanick, cousin of he | groom, Was best man A wedding breakfast and rev re RA ception was held at the bride's home Mrs. Fisanick is a graduate of ihe Hastings High School and in! employed by the Department | Commerce in Washington. Mr, | Pidanick is a graduate of St | Francia College, Lovelto, and eit: | | vod two years in the Army Lemployed by the Air Foree Duy. | partment in Washington, After a Bone § trip to Ni agara Falls and the Pocono Mix, i the couple will reside in Washing: fon CL Out-of-town guests attending the wedding were: Mr. and Mn Pete Bewinski and family and Mra. Phil Caretti, all of Detroil, Mich Mrs. Frank Siavik and son, Mickey, of Houston, Teta) Mr. and Mrs Bob Pawhaki, Hath Graget. and Margie Scilivan, wi of Baltimore, Md; Mr. and Mi Pete Clay. Mr. Appel and Mise | Hutehineon, all of Washington, [) uo . ry 9» Anthony Martueci was viNtor in Emporum on Sunday. Miss Pauline Nesdore in spengl ing a week with friends in Want Virginia Mrs Frank Grimes is spending sore lime visiting i Detrell, Michigan. Gerald Kline of Williamaport i» spending a week's vacation wm his home hore Clair Miller has gone to Cleve Hired Man On Farm | “5. pans sare we = caller in Barmesboro on Toesdiy Mr and Mrs Luther Hiring were callers in Barnesboro Min aay Mrs. Edgar Dillon and Pauline Nesdore wure visitors in Johine- town on Saturday. Miss Marie Skitxs of Evie "a. was at her home here over (he week end Mrs Phil Carefti of Purest, flecting Joss of wotkews 40 Ae none armed forces and to arden indus | tries ax well as i rise in the use’ sv Detroit, Mich, spent the jist The department said farm em ployment totals 10883.000, a de- “reuse of BRgo. The ravelling Salesman That Makes 3820 Calls | ach Week? — This travelling salesman story is no joke—it is absolutely true. Quite a record? Not at all, this salesman does every week and hopes to steadily increase his number of calls as the territory grows. 1500006 from a year | SR NRA Bik salaried: beyond the-rench- of the or small merchant? Re any single line of goods? Tr. ir is service can be bought for almost any amount 1 He sells everything, from soup to new sales message to 3820 Me * : PATTON 3161 sy! This super-salesman is Union Press-Courier in that can work for you and you and : ! 3 ores Bchrunkel, Barnesboro, Mrs of machinery and labor saving ok end st the Bd Link ham, | Mr. and Mra Bast Muley, Wil | iamaport visited heve the past week end. Bernie and Addie Dillon visited tin Cresson and Lilly last Helar- 3 | Sam Morealli of Erie, Fa, Vie ‘fled at his home hove the past week end i Jimmy Sullivan spending» | few weeks vacation st the Dome of his sister, Mra Pete Sewrppli, lin Detroit, Mich. | Mrs Hattie Elder of Sewichiey and Mra. Mary Murtha wer bere Saturday io sitend the widiing here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Clyde Kirsch and i here om 3 | Mr. and Mr John Dvinchak | and chikiren visited in Patios on He ib} ) ; 4 Mr and Mra George MWilted | children of Spangier, were visitors | Henry vania Folklore Society, Jers of some of the largest nstive | eliks ever killed in Pennsylvania | aboard are said to hang on the walls of Marietta. Up the former Cameron Mansion at | when no more King's Gap’ near Mount Holly Colonel Duffey Bprings, Cumberland County { hin demand for “Prior to the Civil War, Colonel would be kept James Duffey of Anderson's Fer- | fat : vy, now Murietta, Lancaster Co. shot established 2 gleey park at his ides home overbioking the Susquehan- largest na, where, with his friends. he sum | retired to stijoy much of the same eron is said to have [shooting ay still could be found ord head in 1867 Lin the foreits of Northern Penn-| those whose Boras {syivania,” Shoemaker said Gup. The killer was “To stoch this preserve, he em head, the meal consuimesd in 8 | ploved raftinen whe came tn Mav. | torchlight barbecue held af jetta, spring and fall, to sell “their the hunting camp Litany, Maat OF Tem WRKIRE OF. The jength of the Generals the return trip to their mountsin | dd horas were six feet onch hipmen “In early bfe Col Duffey had oi massive contours hunted in the Old Black Foresi _oioamely large and Reavy J Clinton, Poller and Tioga col i 5 Rhonds in he ties and had shot some Mammold | pesnayivania and New York, elke It was easy to soek BS oo weernl shreds in Port i pame park with the native deer, Chatiarsugus County, New headwaters of Conestoga Creel jo... covered with Pennayivanis us Lancaster County and in UW | 0 posns cach six feet in flue Mountains of Lebanon and. - eng Darmhin Chranties or i a——— “I'he oil were driven sk to! . . ‘a limited area in the north. the | No Lier Lives Cy Mik-Spring on the Jersey and Couddrsport turnpike, Ham, | Nets or Jal lerm mersleys Hork on Keltle Creek. | eT, and on Bannett's Branch of Bis (R D. remahoninit. The elk would come out a leende, Wan fran the lack Forest, principally * $100 fine and spend by their pith down Soldier's Run 0 the county jail, in court in single file: herds of a domen or ensburg on Monday more cows and calvesNed by s Be State Ldquios - innasively antieved bull toid of withessing “The very last herd to turn up | in Tioga (Coupty appearsd about 3871 or INTZ 18 in number and were roataded four or five miles north of Wellsboro on the rand to Adademy Corners, fear big spring shaded by immense i white pinus, where they were all’ but a feur, slaughtered and the rest captured. “Ome elk was Rept alive for a year in a barnyard with a high fence AS AAG NIRS wo SCOTT'S i Sa SI SE AI AR PA