Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, June 12, 1952, Image 19

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    ea eA epee THAR ER
~ Torquato Renamed County Whee! of Fortune Riri: Man New Head | in he VFW ome. Johmatien er Sor Sn Se— in
Mrs Sus Revie wis
C fi ; T obligation from Mrs Mary Lam-|
crati Part hai Of ri-Count VF Ww Dhstrict named president to succeed Mrs [bert Johntown, department | ane
suxilinry officers are Mrs Folth | sre Evelin Wood. New Caste. a -
at's the oi ¢ : = * Hes and Edward Lewis, Sealp Level Crispin, Kittanning, senior vice Ca
Mrs. Helen Beattie Also ih Sat t soclatsm. T Big Rally At Gallitzin WY an SHAPE Senior vice [past department president outlined at ny nde
; {GOP battle plan. They tested in \p p hi h | national council] of prior Bred | ternoon in St Mary's Bate
i ‘in 1948 with the slickest, phon- | » : Te Be Held July 26 The new officers will assume Summerhill, junior vice pri member.
5 ing ol ; fest campaign in our history They | ; oti their duties following the or he dent; Mrs Zeta Whalen, Spang- A gift was presented to the a} iase lie ap ian kent -
{uate going to use it again, full | wr : | Dean P. Wyant, Kittanning ¢nNeampment Twenty-nine the ler, treasurer; Mra. Helen Stall tiring preqident. It was announe- | h hy
= | : M VFW posts in the dhabriet Ebensburg, of n: Mra Mitty 4 th event will be held
et Pray night | blast, this year. | {was elected commander of Dis . at BP : . that [hHstrict 28 is over to | 17. in New Germany.
e a were represented by approxi- | Helm. Ford conduct res. 1op with Inembership having 102
tern a he by The county cansrman landed the ‘ } Hriel 26, Veterans of Forgn mately 300 delegites and Mrs. Dorothy Diviney, WB oercent. aa wd
oc Démocra sami asser-- § l (Wars, at a meeting Su f "i A hk ¥ i Rocks, guard i :
conven | ting that the people have more J | {ternoon in Menoner Po ve Ga Tak ~ ay in Appointive officers include RATD WADE AT eortacr
and | money after taxes than in all the | PY in Johnstown He succeeds Zonas i The new state loyalty oath Mrs Dora Castes! Johnstown Swarthnjore (PNB)
Ronen He . tod sours, {previous administrations In Our a | Hogar, Sr diana Oars we “will be given to the massed mem- secretary; Mre Ethel Lockrd, imembers (Hf the Athletic
Eon y ; y Ham Beni, JOWAS pership at the affair Tnddinns p instrator: ment of Swarthmore o
opposition. State Sen. John J. Haluska, 3 : OWA. first commander of the dis A district picnic was announce Mrs Carnet pton, Indiana staged in reverse the _——
Likewise, Mis. Helen Beattie, of Patton, sttacked the Republican ” gy +H oars | Cw Lod for July 13 at the VEW Home Mistorian. Mrs. Mary Brown and enstehing erase” which has run | 7
, Was reelected vice state administration, declaring 3 Jifler ONXErs are 73 ¥* along Route 22 near ’ Mrs Genevieve Little. both of rampant on more than two
; iy land, Spangler senior be ¥ near Blairsville .
ehairman for | second term. Both | that a statement recently mac: | “5: er: Michael Dov Next district meeting will be helg One Mrs. Hattie Beets of score colleges throughott the na- |
Mr. Torquato and Mrs. Besetie | by Gov. Fine proves his conten | : ar CIty posing Yok CV on Rept. 14 in Kittanning. Dis Nanty-Glo wed Mrs Edna Htull tion, when they made an un |
were reclected by a standing vote. | tion that a state income Lax was A EH | Stephen Bender, Homer (uty ret 26 embraces Cambria, Indi Leechburg oF hearers. Myc tdchisduled rad gn "some male
When a milion was made to pot needed. | Gtr rate ar LILY. | can and Armstrong Counties Fulslia Godfrey, Ashville, and dormitorids to pick up shorts
"have Mr. Torgaato's election made. «pe R hed at m ¥ whiggrimew Anas x Mrs Mary MeCloskey Aly. and Tahits being worn regular.
epubncans laug " . { Indlana. judge advocate: Dy. © Auxiliary Elects Officers b honrert® Mes Kons an. Iv ha .
by acclamation, the only opposi- pen | said the proposed vicious ‘Db Z ; : : : banner bearers: Meas Alma John Iv by students at the expense of
tion voiced came from John OBE | ees tax was pon § A pn. Homer (ity, surgeon At a meeting of the district son. Johnstown, pianist, and Mrs the college.
odo, party dovmmitteeman from { Sen Haluska anid. i : : : A S——_—— . I es i
the First Diftrict of the First] om, statement made by Gov. | :
Ward, Johnstown. He tol the po. that there would be a sur. |
188 commitisdmen and women in r of $29.3 miition n
attendance thit Mr. Torqusto had | Jus ols I ry proves that 1
, : reslection a5 | was correct. 1 saved the people
Chi- | of Pennsylvania $130 million for
A biennium through efforts,
whe Ma antipathy 1 Me Tor. |e omesty defeating the |
0, he would continue to work | vielous income tax proposal.
or the party. { Sen. Haluska declarsd that he |
Pollowu nis election, Mr. Tor- | believes former District Aftorney
quate dedlarell that the Republi- | Samuel BR. DiFrancesco “will be
can strategy in 1852 will be to | with ue i the coming election” | gu so coon Preiss, New
“lay down a fog of confusion | Mr. DiFrsncesco supported Geo | Ne Model. way 8 Nittle git she
tistort snd misrepresent every J. Paviick, the senstors opponent, |
, every personality. in the | in the primaries. laughed at pictures of her bloom
| | Judge Ivan J. Mc Kenrick laud. | er-cisd grandmas riding & bike.
R b { odd the Jelegmes for reclecting Mr | Since styles go In cycles, it lent
; strange that Caren should become
eng si x it ts Je. 4 personally owe » debt of | “Miss Bicycle of 1851." Her selec
: : ratitha to to Mr. Torguato and tion has just been announced by
a 'imocrat Teberes in’ a fe _Heattle,” Judge MeKenrick | i the Bicyele Institute of America.
anid “Your choice reflects credit
‘on yourselves and party. ~ :
Rep. Louis Rovansek, Cone |
mangh. candidate for reslection. |
| urged support of the entire Dem |
{ peratic ticket
| George C. Hoppel, Patton, and |
Ransom Reeder, Westmont, dele
gates to the National Convention,
were urged in a resolution, unani-
\ § mously sdopted, to confer with:
: and abide by the wishes of the |
state leadership of the Democrat. |
ic Party at the next convention
hd gives to the family every 1 Attorney William Shettig, nom- |
day . + + let's remember him on th. Bons hogan ir attaeied |
Bunda t publican partly, urging ine
7, June 18! people tn think back 10 the duys |
of the depression :
Former Rep Lewia Evans, of |
Colver, served as acting chairman |
during the seamion,
Domestic Relations
| Conference Days
| Changed By Cou
A change in the dar Os
brie County court bie
agreed upon last Wadtasday
county's judges and
§ trict attorney's office.
i In the future, all domestic
iiations ceases and al
§ from summary convietions
be heurd hy (he court
fourth Monday of each
: bet
: wd
Hil a
oter court matters which
Maly come up on the first
Want o summet cotloge? A college somretoplecss!” You'll get inspira-
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