Jack J jon Sunday Bobby Hollen. “Low Helen Wills will iteceive the gion awards that will be given on Monday night in the pain | High School for having made the | highest grades. ula Party Held Recently At | Le- | A party was held at the Elmer Crossman home recently. Those | attending were Mrs. Harry John | gon apd daughter, Theresa: Mra | Mark Fontanella, Mrs. Frank Gregg. Jr. Mrs. Gerald Jacobs, | Mrs. Bucky Conrad, Mrs. Fred] Jacobs all of Dear; and Mrs. Jack! 4 Conzo, Mrs. dames Cuomo, Mrs. | “Melvin Hale, Mrs. Joseph Zupon, | Miss Winifred Grimes, Mrs. Sos | Benzie, Mrs. Morris Mc- | Nuity, all of Dysart; Mrs. Rich-| , @rd Conzo of Altoona, Mra. Bert | ¥ Prac of Sinking Valley and =Mrs. Julia Conrail i 3 LE For 7-Year-Old Lad A surprise birthday party was ‘held on Sunday in honor of Ir , Cavalet Jr, who celebrated seventh birthday. Thome atl- fending were Cinda and Linda Ca- valet, of Dean: Jimmy snd Kenny ®. Joan Passionetti Deanna | the wingwal done by Pittsburgh Division for- PRR. . and Mrs. Wiliam Naylor | in } Dance . . . to the Area's Finest Bands at the E p PATTON a MEMORIAL DAY . . . Dancing 9:30 to 12:30 Mickey Lokey Orchestra) a rai Mrs. Fdward Swires, Jr, and daughter, of Dean, visited at the Paul Cionfriddo home on Sunday. | Graduation exercises were held | on Monday evening by the Cres- | son High School in the American Home. Those graduating from Dean Township are George Campbell, Joan Gionfriddo, Helen Naylor, Harry Conzo, Elwood Hale. Thomas Jones, Leroy Ber. | gamaschi, Evelyn Arnold and Bob Funicelli, and Donna Mae Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conway of Buckhorn were recent visitors al the William Naylor home. Visitors at the George Mans. field home on Sunday were Mr and Mrs. James Lutcher and fa- mily of Blandburg. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Coomo and family of Amsbry visited at the Patsy Cuomo home Sunday. Recent visitors at the Harold Naylor home were Mr and Mra Merle Bishop and family of Cres son: Edward Vachinsky, of De troit: Mrs. Kathryn Vachinsky and daughter, Kate, of Coalport and Nancy, Bernard and Walter Raffacz of Fallentimber. Visitors at the Rose Naylor home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Willlam C. Lowe of Altoona and Mr. and Mrs. Zack Beldin of Buckhorn, ! Carmen Gilonfriddo visited at] the Paul Glonfriddo home Sunday PRR Plans Repair Work On Bridge At Gallitzin The Chestnut Streel overpass of the Pennsylvania Railroad al Gallitsin will be widened and ve paired this summer. The bridge carries traffic over the easthound | tracks near the tunnel entrance There will be no change as far ims the roadway is concerned. The | grade will remain the same i The railroad plans to widen the south side of the bridge over its roadbed and to raise and repair | is. The work will be | ces of the ATR ND) MARRIAGE A John M len. Patton, and Colleen Callahan, Patton R. D. ER RAE SAIS RI PTI RIN FRIDAY NITE ops | tion was announced at a reorgan- Cigation meeting of the stale unit last Tuesday in Harrisburg | was retained for & second two- 8 i 2 | Mine 22 of Pennsylvania Coal & Coke Corp. Marsteller, at a meet. i nesciay night of last wee Troe Coal Co. Cle C competition, freee during the past month | 22.045 toms of cosl in the face of | 26.510 wanhours of exposure. Vie ‘tor Mine : Coad Co gave & talk an 1 Mrs. Madalene G. Buck On State Executive Board lof the executive commitiee of the | Site Democratic Commitien, County Unit to Take Opiton On Revioc Farm Menibers of Cambria County Fast Grands Association, Inde- pendent Onder of Odd Fellows, reelected all officers and adopted revised bylaws which change the organization's name at a mecting over the past week end in Gias gow Fred Korman, Glasgow, elected] grand warden Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, IOOF, was elscted to his second term as president of the group, now to be known as Cambria newly of the County Odd Fellows Association Other officers retained are Carl! Paul Cassler, Johnstown, secre | tary: John LL. Jones, Ebenshurg. | assistant secretary, and Edward Fenwick, Johnstown, treasurer Election held evening in Alleman IOOF, Glasgow In other action, group in struc ed a committee to take an option on a farm located along Route 422 near Revioc, for ume as a recreation center and a meeting place for Odd Fellows Annual memorial service Jor departed members and Rebekahs | is set tentatively for June 22 at a site to be named Caroline Troxell Lodge 576, Re- bekahs Glasgow, assisted the host lodge in serving refresh- ments and providing entertain- ment Satuniay faxige S040 was the | medal : | activities Limdequist, Patton, vice president; | Marsteller Mine 22 | Wins Safety Flag For Class A Mines The Class | Cambria Council, Joseph A. Hol | mes Safety Assen, was awarded to A hanner of North | Thomas Wed ing of the chapter in St Pariah Hotse, Barnesboro Victor No 17 Mine o Rerry Emelgh, won the Cinns B honoree Chest Creek Coal Co. Hastings fisished first in the AR three pits were accident The Marsteller mine produced 17 had an oulpnt of 21 746 tons. and the Chest Creek 2.152 tons FL J. MeGinnia, sales supervisory of Kennametal, Inc. of Latrobe showad flims on potash mining fn New Mexico. Federal Mine Inspector David Kreischer reported on a national Holmes meeting held last month Mrs. Madalene G. Buck of Gal Heine haz been named a member Bhe was among 20 whose elec- | Lieb Monahan, { Barbara { Sharbaugh, i Jacquelynn Voelker Maurice Spiain Jr. of Oil City year term ax state chairman. re tua If the Im of election srt register with you maybe it's because you didn’t. A ors sa ih i L J. Bearer Electric Ragley Maytag Co. Eagle Printing Co. Hoppy Lin's Caribardi’s Shoe Store Mondi’s Shoe Repair Charlson’s Furniture Store Fenchock’s T.V. Shop Watters Drug Store Forty Eighth Grade graduates of st. Benedict's Parochial School, Carrolitown, will take part in three separate ceremonies this coming Sunday and Monday The list of graduates Was an nounced today by Sister Angelica OSB, principal of the school The graduates will receive Holy Communion in a group at the 8 o'clock Mass on Sunday morning. At 7 o'clock Sunday evening they will receive their diplomas at services In the church The American Legion awards of Fox-Peale Post 308, American Legion, Carrolitown, will be made at that time. Daniel Venesky will aiso be given a for Christian Doctrine by the Knights of Columbus at the Sunday evening coremontes. On Monday moral at 8 o'clock the graduates will ging a High Mass of thanks giving The schoo of St term Rene Pdict's Sehool is scheduled to end on Tuesday of the follows Bernard Bearer, Cletus min, Gabriel Bodenski, Farabaugh, Richard Gaul Gooderham, John Haley, Heyden Kelly, Merle Kirsch, Stephen Krejnus, James Luther, Robert Moinar, Thomas Myers, Fred Neibaver, Edgar Sharbaugh, William Sharbaugh, Daniel Ven- eskey, Timothy Wentz, John Zoliner. Susanne Arble, Carol Ann Born, Anne Buck, Lorraine Con rad. Lois Eckenrode, Barbara Farabaugh, Joan Gray, Elisabelh Hayes. Hilda Himmel Nancy Hite, Carol Holtz, Caryle Koter- was Helen Kreinus, Mary Ann Mary A. MeKernan, Helen CHoria M Maore, Hharbaugh Shella Rebecca Sherry and morning. Members graduating class are as David , John West Carroll Twp. 8th Grade Students Graduate Tuesday Thirty-eight members of the West Carroll Township Eighth Grade were graduated atl exer. vises Tuesday evening of this week The exercises were oon ducnted in the auditorium of the school in Bakerton Presentation of certificates and awards were made by Edward F McGuire, assistant superintendent of Cambria County Schools The American [Legion Awards were made by Edward J Lipnic and Mrs. Ligouri Lacey of Fox-Peale Post 508, Carrolitown. High honor students of the clans were Margaret Crimsidi and Janet Bilko. Other honor students Donna Contro- chick, Al Roach, Michael Zeanchoclk. ( Judith Regan, Robert Strong, vy. Larry Myers, Patty Schilling, Patty Gormish, Robert Shrenkie and th Parat- ta Class mofte was “Do Your Part” Red and silver were the clans colors and the red rose Wis the class flower. Membets of the graduating Margaret Crimmnidy, Despina {ontroehick. ¥ Michael Beanchoek, 3 Robert Seong. Fred COrsy, Larry yors, Pally Schilling. Patty Cormish, Bonert Blymenkie, Paral wud ace Man Miss Alice Miller of St. Bene- dict and Gerald Anna of St. Bon- iface exc nuptial vows pre- ceeding a nuptial high mass Sat- urday in St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Spangler. Rev. Father John P. Reichert, pastor, officiated at the double- ring ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Miller of St. Benedict, and her hushand is a son of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Anna of St. Boniface. Miss Hazel Miller sister of the | bride. was maid of honor. Edgar | Anna. brother of the bridegroom was bost man. A wedding dinner was served at the Blue Goose Inn, near Nick. | town, and a reception held in the | St. Boniface Church Hall The bride ia ua graduate of the | Spangler High School and was! employed by Phillips-Jones Corp i at Bamesboro. Mr Anna is a graduate of Hastings High and is! a World War IT veteran He is] on the Ray Westrick | farm, Patton R. D. Dry Run School, East Carroll Township, closed a very happy and successful school term Tues- day of this week, May 27. Is astisining the honor were Carol Ann Kupetz, Grade 1; Patricia Legrande, Grade 2; James Lallemand, Grade 3. and Anns Marie Yukan- avich and David Fiasco, Grade 4 The above are pupils in Room 1 Pupils averaging the highest in their final exuninations were: | Judith Bobby, Grade 3: Nancy | Kirkpatrick, Grade 4; and Anns | Marie Yukanavich, Grade 4. The | following had perfect attendance | records Carol Anne Kupets | Grade 1: Frank Delattre, Grade | Grade 1: Patricia Legrande, | Grade 2. Johnny Delso, Grade 3 | and Alfred Delsttre, Grade 4 i Due to weather conditions the | school picnic was held indoors The pupils were ‘rested to a bus ride Monday evening to Patton | to see the motion picture “Ma and | Pa Kettle” by Miss FKEleanor Thomas Mrs Warner, teacher of Rooms 2. entertained both rooms to a travel movie conducted by Kenneth Rhody of Patton Both Mrs. Wamer and Miss Thomas received very nice gifts Tavior {lunch wan 1! Miss Eleanor Thomas half of the teachers of East Carroll Township wishes in Uhis way to publicly thank the board of education of the township and in be the parents of the students for their hearty cooperation and in terest throughout the school term. Mins Thomas wishes to thank her pupils for their kind Mr. and Mra Louis Galera and | children of Santa Barbara, Cabf., are spending a vation bere with the young lady's parents Mr and Mrs. Harry Rellandor and also with other relatives Past weelt end visitors at Une of Mr. and and Mr. and Davidson were Mr Mrs Kenneth Mra. Jack and Mm home | Lester Hetrick and Mrs George Stark Mrs of Fairmont, W. Va, and Curtis Hester of Minnl, Florida. My and Mra Paul Pellas | sree Lewis Fowler and daughters and Mr. and Mrs { Joseph Pellas and son cf Spang. jer The Ladies Ald members of the tock] Preshvterian Chirch held a meeting in the church dining room last Wedineaday evening. A served by Mra Ken. seth Trout and Mrs Clifton Sul oh Mr. and Mra Lewis Fowler wore last Saturday moming Vis tore in Altoona Mr and Mrs Walter McClell -_ and Mrs Praitk Ponin] i ughter, Karen 3 Troop Gardner, were recent visitors at! ay i Merle Tonkiti home in Fallentim- | pre : : | charter at ceremonies ber last Suniiay. | evening in the Colver Preshyters Mrs. Carl Lindahl is a surgical ign Church, sponsor of the troop. | Per Miners’ Hospital in| yopien Baumgardner, dlatriet fe | cominissbaner, gave the | Mr. sand Mrs William Fowler | 1o Rev. Ray ian institution i mnt daughtpr of Apollo visited | 4) representative E | Sunday at the home of Mr. and Eight scoull IMrs. Peter Boggio and Mr. and gwards at a comrt of homer whieh { | followed the presentation. They Mr. and Mrs Henry Hoak of are as follows: this place snd Mr. and Mrs A¥- | First class Robert Jones: Secs {thur Repind of Spangler visited ond clase Ronnld MeBugh, | Sunday at Bloomington Cemie- | james Moore, Charles Tyson and | tery Donald Vay; two-year © James Moore and John Max- well, and one-year servige Star — Robert ¥ and Aletha G Brick. | Ronald Griffith and James Kush- ler, of Hastings, purchased 25 | Aer, Who also received three mer acres of land in Reade Township | it badges euch | for sum of $5500 from Fred Ri Some 29 spouts from Troop 68 land June Opdenhoff of Reade of Nickiown were entertained as | Township i visitors at the session. sp i @ en Sr IANS of Col 1952-53 Sunday BUY READE TWP. LAND SAR SR LAE SE sap IT si ies ZANELLA'S—BARNESBORO _ { lh YARD GOODS CURTAINS BLANKETS SHEETS PILLOW CASES i @ OUNCING OUR GRAND OPENING AT A NEW LOCATION | Tenth Street . . . Next Door to Fridman's Saturday, May 31st’ LARGE. STOCK WORK CLOTHES LADIES’ SLIPS BRASSIERES EVERYTHING IN BABY NEEDS EVERYTHING thotighfulness and kindness dur ing the term Rose Bonatesta Is Bride, Barnesboro Miss Rose Bonstesta, davghter of Carmen Bonntesta of Barnes boro, and son of Mr. and Mrs Andrew On- decko Sr. of Emeigh, were mar vied at O a mm. Iast Saturday May 24. at Church, Barnesboro. Rev Father Charles Smyth, pastor. officiated at the double-ring ceremony. # given in mare Miss Rose RBonatesta, was maid of honor, and Andrew Ondecko, niece of “ orid War II. is employed the Rich Hill Coal Corp. Hast- ng». A wedding dinner and recep Andrew Ondecks Jr. i} Mt Carmel Catholic tion were held at the Barnesboro |} Sons of Naly Home Following ra Falls in @ SLACKS Tailored io pare nteed WhRYEe falirien © SUMMER STRAWS. Wier » bDandme straw Wr HOP off your eel outfit PERFECT COMBINATION ~~ FOR SUMMER e SLACKS * SUMMER STRAWS *SPORT COATS *SPORT SHIRTS ®* JACKETS Here they ate! The outfity with relaxation and fun in the you fieed to iminre a week end and offing. Find everything terrifiit Decoration Day Sumner to come. At prices that ure really comiortably low! CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON OF JUNE JULY AND AUGUST