Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, May 22, 1952, Image 8

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    ghd st the double
Bi vears and had been employ-
as an assistint bakery man-
ager in Philadeljhis.
fA graduate of Carvolitown
i class of 1940, he served
Othmar Waltz, OSB, officia-
“The bride was rn in mar
ge by her father. Miss Erma
sinter of the bride, was
Following a honeymoon trip to
Niagara Falls, the couple will re-
side Bast Carroll Township.
n * B=»
of Parochial
School Guests At Party
A party was held for the Sth
grade studwts of St. Benedict's
School, who took part in the one-
act comedy, "Love Hits Wilbur."
This party given to the
members of the by Mrs. Al
fred Lieb and Mrs. Donald Shar-
Games were and
wera Lome wan served ond 8
ftrobe last Sunday.
IR. C. Home Service
this Sunday afternoon at 2 o'-
s 9
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bearer and
daughter, Doris, of Johnstown,
visited Sunday in town at the
home of Mr. Bearer's parents
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Beaver.
Mr. and Mra Clarence Fara-
Bangh. of this place, announce the
of a daughter at Spangler
tal. on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mra. Blalr Wilson and
family of Lewistown, were week
end visitors from Lewistown al
the homes of Mr. and Mrs Al
fred Lied and Mr. and Mrs Tom
Owens, Jr.
Mrs. H M. Mohler on Sunday in~
cluded Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Miller |
and Billy, of}
Lynn, of
Nejman and son, Rick and dau
» . Y. § -
ghter, Nancy, of Swissvale.
Mr. and Mrs. ET. Schroth of
nos, Qe, 3,36
Richard Kelly, USN, soft of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul P. Kelly, visited
at his home here over the past
week end He is stationed aboard
the USS Balerno.
Mr. and Mrs. George Abler of |
Sunday |
and |
and Vincent
Warren, Ohio, visited
with Miss Hattie Lehmier
brothers, Herman
Week end visitors at the home
of Mrs. Rose Arble were Dr and
Mrs Robert Arble and daughter
of State College and Mr
of Altoona.
Ed Bearer, member of the U.
8 Air Fore spent a few days
leave here recently with his par
ents. Mr. and Mra. Francis Bear
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owens and
Mrs. BEd Bravin and Louis Luther
On 15-Hour Nofice
| Green Receives Word
At Midnight Thursday
The mobilization of about 500
air observers in the county to
‘man towers of a 24-hour basis
was unexpectedly called off late
| lmast hush sight. The 10 posts
in Cambria nly were told not
to operate on order issued Edwin
F. Green, Portage, chief county
| observer, from UU. 8. Air Force
{officers at the maim Western
| Pennsylvania filter station in
| Pittsburgh.
{i At the time the operations
| were cancelled. final details had
| been completed for the continu.
sons visited in Ligonier and La-i,ue operation of the posts begin-
; | min at 3 p. m. Friday. Mr. Green
Send us news you know for ' snid he had been wesu red by oh
publication in this eplumn. | servers in all parts of the county
that sufficient personnel had been
(trained U0 maintain continuous
operation of the posts
Ohservers, however, have been
| ask to stand in readiness for em-
ks ergency calls to man the stations
| Alr force officials hag called
for observation towers In most
| astern and Middle Atlantic Sta-
tes to be manned on a 24-hour
basis for training purposes
. Workers at the various towers
{have spent weeks in training
| additions] spotters and in work-
Ling out schedules for manning the
service cases | post. Most of the volunteers nad
Susquehanna | completed schedules which called
County | for two persons to be on duty at
Cross, | all times in each post.
Posts in. Cambria County are
Forty-three home
were handled
Branch of the
Chapter, American Red
during the first three months of
this year, according to a report | located at Patlon, Blandburyg,
by Miss Ethel Blair, chairman of | Dean, South Fork, Fhensburg.
the branch unit | Portage, Gallitzin, Hamesboro,
The service rendered included Nanty-Glo and Johnstown
the following .
Social history report for the!
i *
wiay, 3 eoervency. ose Young Farmer Unit
military, servicemen and their
miter +f eines 'n coi | Plan Annual Award
counselling in personal and fam-| 4
For Achievement
fly problema 9 and assistance to
Cambria County Young Farm.
veterafs relative to claims with
ghce case sx well as assistance ers Organization lust "harsday
{ he handled directly by Dr. Stull's |
| The government last Sunda)
Fudd of School Year | authartsed retail coal price in.
| crosses ranging up to 20 cents a
Plans for an extensive survey ton
of all public school buildings | The increases, approved by the
Cambrian County were disclosed | Office of Price Htablisation, are
atl meetings last Wednesday inthe exact dolisrs and-cents am-
Ebensburg and Johnstown {vunts of freight rate incriases
The mirveys are in anticipation | for coal authorized recently by
of fodersl ald in school building [the Interstate Commerce (Com: |
projects. Under pending legisia-| mission.
tion the federal government! Price officials said that amount
would contribute to repilfcement ; of the increases will vary in sed
or linprovement of school facilit- | tions of the nation. The ICC set
len ia maximum
Pennsvivania is one of ;
states that has approved state| The OPS sali that ia some
appropriations to match those of | Cases coal prices may not go up
the federal government, should | Decause coal now is selling! be
the national program go into ef-| low current oslings in many
fect | Areas.
: tha . | Officials said the action Wis
Details of the survey were 0X- | ecensary becase the earnings
sained to Cambria County i a $
. k {of coal retilers are below the
School leaders last Wednesday | * p
y ; 4 fee | government's warming standan)
by 13. Raymond Sollenberger, who ee
“i NuPVeV - i ss standard provides for price
is area survey director for the]
3 | increases when earnings <f wn
Department of Public Instrue-| oie industry falls
tion. He will be in charge of the] reef ¥ .
surveys in eight counlies in thin | P® nt of the average ini the
: : en ; ‘best three yasrs of 1646-49
section of the state | period
Mr. Sollenberger met Wednes- |
day morning at Johnstown vith
supervising principals of school
districts in Southern Cambrian. In od since the
the afternoon he held a similar January, 1981
meeting with supervising princi-| pi
pals of Northen Cumbrian dis : S »
tricts | t Be di t
The survey of all school build. | » ne C
ings in
price freelie od
All surveys will be under the | Miss Elizabeth Shrenkie, daujh-
supervision of Dr. A. M. Stull. | ter of Mr. and Mr. Gust Shrenblle.
county superintendent of schools | 8t. Benedict, Saturday became the
However, supervising principals | bride of John Karol, son of Stin-
will be directly responsible in| ley Karol. also of St Bonedict
their own districts. In those dis- | phy, double ring cOTemIonY WAS
trivts which do not have super: | oerformed by Rev Father V Kos
vising principals, the work willl uo g¢ Mary's Greek Catholic
Church, Barnesboro.
Robert Shrenkle, brother of the
Burvey geports will show de page gave her in marriage He
tailed information concerning | i. was best man. Mias Thelma
the capacities, facilities and the | go ie sister of the bride. was
conditions of all buildings. Parti | id of wonor and Mrs Anns
off jew
Robert A. Gleason, Westmont
was eonddrsed unanimously for
reelection as chairman of the
Republican county committee at
a meeting of the party's district
chairmen last Wednesday even
ing in Clark Powell's Restaurant,
Ebensburg. The action was not
unexpectei as Mr Gleason's
candidacy for reelection has not
retailers to pass on lo conmimers |
all freight rate increases approv- |
increase in frght |
the | rites of 26 cents per ton on a
stot HG
The OPS has authorized col |
the county's 58 districis | »
is to begin before the end of the | Is Bride Saturda i
current school vear 1
Get Out
From Under Those Bills!
Bills got you down? Short of ready cash
a quick, simple way te GET ON TOF of
financial sitaation—AND STAY 1 :
the slate clean of your debls with
srranged that you con pay it off in
ed monthly payments out-of-income.
sonal loans can be approved the same day apphi-
the Veterans Administration 5 |
There wis one financial assist- |
in securing certain certificates | night announced that it will hon-
for a veteran for filing with his or each year a county man for
In addition to the above exact
services given, there were quite a
pumber of rooms interviewed
and given information on a lime
fled service basis. Miss Blair fur.
visited with rela: | ther states that there has been a
marked increase in the amount of
service given to the branch.
The office hours for the branch,
at which a staff worker from the
chapter headquarters interviews
Will continue to be held from
11:30 a. mm. until 1} nm. enc
Thursday in the
tional! Bank Bldg. :
needed, families may con-
tact the home wservice branc
chairman. Mrs John Dumm (tele-
888:. or the
Lewisburg (F his
car careanad off the road near
here through a
ure On Picnic
Decoration Day
and stays
branch office on
the second floor of the First Na- |
outstanding work in promoting
agriculture. The meeting Was
‘held in Cambria County Legion
| Recreation Assn. Home, Ebens:
Lurg Fairgrounds
Walter Parrish, president
pointed out that the individual
igelected need not be a farmer
[The award, a life membership in
| the county unit, will be made in
| December
i It wis reported that a com
[mittee has informed J M Frye
idirector of agriculture extension
| Pennsyivania State College,
[that county farmers are support
Ling Herbert Terndrup to succeed
[H. C. McWilliams as county farm
iagent. Mr. McWilliams resigna-
‘tion will become effective this
i summer. Mr. Terndrup, at pre
(pent, ia assistant seent
Delegation which made the trip
Lincluded Mr. Parrish and John
[Pryce, who represented the
{ Young Farmers, and E J Fara-
ibaugh and Edward Jones, who
i ted the extension sxecu-
| A total of $15,666 has been re-
i ported to date for the 1962 can-
joer crusade of Cambria County
i timit. American Cancer Society,
| which officially ended last Fri-
cular attention is to be i to) :
Limek of facilities and obstlecence | Dubetaky, a of he a -
of buildings or equipment. The §100Mm, Was ideamaid. Ardy Lue
{ reports also will contain infor betsky was usher
mation relative to financial con- : :
ditions and tax structures of the | Sing dinner was served n
various school districts home of the bride's
Similir surveys already are un- couple will reside in
der way in many others siales ,
witich have adopted suitable le- | Phillips-Jones Corp. Barnesboro
giklation to participate in the! Her husband, a veteran of Work
federal sid program if and when War 11. is employed by the Rich
it in finally approved. Hill Coal Co, Hastings.
| oy Sma LE!
a a A +
Here's More For Your Money! 9 7/10 cu. it. Do Lune Meus!
4 ng the ceremony a ‘wed-
prefnita. The
t. Benedict
The biide is employed by the
e Coki-Wall Cooling ond Roll-t0-You Shelves
eo Full Width Super - Freezer Chest keeps o big
swpply of frozen fonds ond ice cubes
* Exclusive Quickube Trays with built-in Troy ond
Cuivre rolecses
® Twin, All-Porceloin Hydrutors
* New, more powerful Mater: Miser mechanism
He expressed the belief that |
| when all areas have reported. the
1830) goal will be topped. Mr
rady sald county areas have
sod $8.028 on a quota of $7,500
residents of Greater Johns.
ares have given $9.641 to-
a quota of $10,800.
airmen of areas in this sec-|
f the county are C. R To
‘resson; Mrs. Rose Naylor
t and Dr. J. J. Bakon of
rtion of your
to make sure
Por Big Needs — Smell Budgets! AA
76/10 cu. ft. Master Model 9 |
» Full.width Super-Freezer Chest heaps
® 3 Full-width Shelves
® Sling Chill Drawer
* Super-Powered Meter-Miser mechanism
® 1-Mece All-Porcelain Interior
A a a a a