ao i pir Lf aL Fos . ys ll Babe i a sop guati sais 3 3 EY i é Ed as - 7 4 A > 3 py re) AS SR BE MEA SR A oe NAL : Despite repealed warnings and he is the one legally authorized | | educational efforts v Penn- to take over in such case. © sylvanisns annually injure wild-| hie and break the law by taking | game administrators is the fawn | home birds snd roneously say re “lost’ or arc must do something about the] “motheriess.” | dapple little follow he or she dis- | Rarely is & fawn deer or cub | covers looking so pathetically | or its mother dead, ne | helpless and siome. It should be cessitating human assistance. Al- | known that when a deer is raised | doss & mother rabbit by humans it loses its ability of of RD ns DURA I IR i young. | cure for jtsell in the wild Such should tell even a | an animal alphost inevifably ends | 2 i 5 i the timid mother up in a 200, imprisoned for life ight of | because some misguided person the approach of humans | Was “humane” Y 9 M1 | : | | ¥ % 4 | For seversl it seemed | that the people of this state were learning that it was wrong and | | humane to pick up young birds | with a of | and animals. Then, in 1951, the killed by a dog | practice was resumed, this time | i A very | In almost unprecedented amount. | : i { ! i The Game Commission Warns | is one eorrect that wildlife must be left in the ~get in touch with | wild, must be enjoyed where it is who 1 fgeen at this time of year, that | ters rel, ging trained in mction will be brought against | wildlife care khow what those who bhisist om picking up | to do, and his position indicates | wildlife. ! t 3 ¥ § ibe played om the Italian Hal “| fiedd | It is planned to organize a lea- | | gue for players between the ages ‘of 13 and 15 who are ineligible | | for Little League competition. | Colver Colts Top | > i Cardiff Nine 11-3 | Colyer Loits romped over) Cardiff. 11-3, last Friday evening in a Cambtia County Industrialj League game at Cardiff, The vis- | {ors came from behind a first: inning 140 deficit with & five-run | outburst in the second frame. ! | Valeri spurked the 11-hit Coi-| i ver , with three hits in| six trips bat. Kosteinik took | the victory with 5 strike outs, 2 bases on balls as he issued pine hits. The summary: $ Orsiny ib. h , Kline Ib, Bcadero DANCE... "Susie By JOHNNY PANEK AND) HIS ORCHESTRA Creatare’s Mother Usually Near rif iv > ; | srs, but only about 20 percent of The animal of most concern t0|1pe young born each spring and | catise. vi of. Detako 35, RB. San |, FYCTYORE Rubs Kostelnik ®, Haxy 20, | hiCOUPS, harmiens enough provid ibest flight training given Ihe Cadet. Tm HR A SHA CATR years of age with at least two . In» on, they era tsi eee Pp mee SIN rs SRO ABS F335 tention is given eves, ears, heart Cardif—_Mehatko of. Ours. on and teeth. is traw 1b. Silko c. Shutak Fe, Accomplishing flying aptitide Popp Pp. Hen: | iogty and enlisting for omly two \ years will start interested voung : : 13 Colver O80 000 346-11 11 2 : e y one | ¢ | Cardaft G0 000 3 9° men off A Career with a definite eo STN A POOR MATURITY Wild rabbits are heavy breed summer live to reach the late AAAI, Lic aA a fn 3 ih { future. i As a Cadet, you carn § allownnee, with a free io wn gm 4 pe yeas of ddition, -— must be single, and in good | month physieat condition. Particular at- | qu and the very best in dental eare, $10,000 Government life insuran- | sam payment. ' ; ce policy. tAppleation Successfus completion of A-C mation are available from North a roaring | Lieutenant, E which you'll receive as 3 famige blanks and info pn | RE training and upon graduation the Cambrian U. 8 Army and U. 5. when hp took a 0 UY ins sla A ae i A HN ARAN SH oh A ai oe LAUGH WITH YO they er- deer. It seems that a persom just | ral hunting season sr SS SR Sl Gras Rasa JR FAVC tlt CR Scare Treatment THE FLOP FAMILY A SA Se Is Favorite Method FISHING DOWN A C'MON, WILLIE ~ WE'RE ALL GOW’ THE CREEK! A- 1 CANT GO-) GOTTA WATER THE LAWN AGAIN ! . For Hiccup Cure | FB [CO Boo! The scare treatment is & favorite with some folks for the curing of a person with hiccups They usually stop after a time, but warns the Cambria County Medical Society, when they are persistent and will not stop, it is time to see a doctor ! Hiccups can be due 10 a variety of causes and are sometimes | symptom of disease such as ap pendicitis, Hver trouble, diabetes, nleer or brain tumor Regardiess of their cause, hiccups are the sesult of a disorder of the din- ph This sheet of muscle, separa- ting the abdominal from the chest cavity. is one of the main respirs- ——. amt oy Clk = ~~ tory organs. As with other mus cles of the body, the diaphragm twitches or contracts whenever a nervous impulse reaches it by way of its motor nerve Anvihing that irritates the diaphragm oan mike it twiteh and so can any- thing that irritates the part of the brain where the respiratory center les A physician, faced with a Case of persistent hiccups. must jocate the seat of the trouble, be it in the diaphragm itself or the brain | or spinal cord oF somewhere | aieng the associated nerves i The diaphram produces invol- | uniary, jerky contractions which are irregular so that the sifferer of hiccups doesn't Know exactly when to expect the next Physi- cians endeavor to g5 beyond this mechanism to get at the basic We WROTE, FUN WRTERIN LAWN FoR OA has a pet cure for ing they stop. and the cure has Fis not brought about bodily injury The hiccup arising from & ser Be Aviation Cadet If You Can Qualify As an Aviation Cadet, you will be #t the controls in Alr Force fife. Aviation Cadet training long has been the springboard to suc- cons. | Many of America’s top leaders {in commercial aviation have be hind them, long service careers with the world's \'™y THE | PROVO OF - HIM ~~ 2 1 OIONT REALIZE THAT HE JORED \T 450 H = WHA Aviation Ce Those young men who may ap- ply must be between 19 and 28% Coe z ; ; ) wt Tes eo en * - TS EASA