pelt Mote will he held at the > pA High School Friday of this week. May 16, with the p under the jupervision o. : Audrey Hoopes, the home economics instructor at the Reade School public is both invited and urged to attend andl to visit the few homemaking room, just com- pleted this present ichool term. During the program a home- “queen” will be crowned and a skit will be presented show- some of the things learned homemaking classes and héw will help the young men women in the fiature. fashion parade of clothes he by the girls {rom ninth to fwelfth grades also wilt be fea- as well as demonstrations different electrical appliances 1 during these courses. = At the concihusion of the even- Fa Sena will be served fo attend a Gaegow Charge EUB Churches = Rev. Clone £ Sease. Pastor Chvareh.- Noluhip Service 10°43 » mm. Sunday Schood at $30 m., Elen Miller. i forahip ud March Service Pp mm. snd Sunday Peto) at, Fo Ehurcli - i Sunday imitted to the Altoona ited o at 0 Bm. BF Olas sup | mansville Churely— The Sunday & mm. Tremsls Glasgow, | : Fah ote Fiano Wednesday at) rsa hy ¢ Church SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK CAMELS - HAIR . aa SA af fan CAMELS HAIR, Rak 4 ty or mid Sauines, © PRLEY JEAN NASW Mrs. Charles Wilsiko was. ad- recently. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs James Letcher and children of Philipsburg visi- Mr. Letcher's parents, Mr and Mrs. Harry Letcher Mrs. Clovd Irwin, Mrs Spencer, Rev. Andrew {Chester McNiven. {Mr and Mrs, Melvin Fortney and | daughter, Naomi, Mrs Ellwood Jackson and daughter, Deborah Jean Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rick- ard and daughter, Mra. Dave ash attended Soung n 's Meeting at Glasgow EUB Church on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Fortney the and son, David were callers in Ebensburg on Monday. Mr. and Mrs Mathias Glass and family of Van Ormer visited at the Dave Nash home here on y. Mr. and Mrs Richard Snyder and daughter. Donna Lee of New York visited here Tuesday of last week. Mra Leo Graham of Ri Gap visited at the home son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nash last Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Thompson | and son, Harold were callers in Altoona on Saturday. Five bovs from Blandburg Fle mentary School spent dave Inst week with the School Patrol group in Washington. D gx interest. They were Richard Hey. i erly. | Nash, George Mulhollen and Rob Lert Rimmers Mr. Hospital | Darleen. and | the | of thet | visiting historical places of | Ronald Rickard Richard and Mrs. Thomas McGowan Ord rh MAS A RY dward Letcher Land family of Buffalo, N. Y.. vis iter] here over the week end Po Mr. and Mrs Thos Nash and daughter, Judy, and Mr, and Mrs David Nash and daughter, Bhir- ley, were visitors in Altoona last week Mr. and Mra Francis sof and family were Bellwood last week. Mr. and Mra George Letcher and sons of Bellwood visited al the Harry Letcher home here last week Mr. amd Thomp- callers in Mra James children of Warren the week oid al the iady's parents. Mo Walter Garman Miss Martha Turner spent several dave visiting in Altooha recenly at the Joe Frye home Mr. and Mrs Charles Wilsiiko announce the birth of a son born recently at Altoona Hospital Mr. and Mrs John Letcher and Ray and Bernie Wilkinson spent several dave in Everelt recently Mr. ami Mra Glen Hioom tored to Hershey over the fend Mra Mike and “pent the Mies Cr Li hio hoy and in EE ha of fry week Evanskey and ren motored tn Portage Thursday To visit with i Gathagan and Mr anid Mrs ls Finck Velma few Sharon Woman Dies severnl In Car In Ebensburg A Sharon woman died tn in Ebenasburg on Sunday ing while on her way home from #8 Mother's Day init with a dau ghter, Mrs. Mary Daniels, who a patient at Cresson Sanatorium She was Mrs Ida Mae Dout, 87 ard County Corvener Joseph Go vekar said she died of a heart nttmek The coroner said Mra was riding In the rear the car with her daughter, Mra | Alice Gulley. A sm, Arthur, and hin wife were wenpants of The front seat of the auto Mra Dout was stricken abo! 5 p mas the party waa entering Ebhensborg from the ast on Route 20 Hymn Sing Sunday At Cresson Church The Cambria County Hymn Ning Asmciation will hold iis monthly sng beginning promptly at 2 p.m. (DST) In the Cresson Metheelist Church, Fifth St. and Ashweraoft Ave, this coming Sun (dny, May 18 Persons desinng the Bing for ihely own are re guested to contadt James Price : Eaeigh. Pa or I BE Bosworth Crosson, seeretary. The associa. Lion meets the third Bandey of fench month Books for congre ations] numbers are furnished Ey the mssocintion. "AN ale #Ven- ast seat of Hymn ; 5 Used Car at the Trading Post and if ‘we will refund your money as credit | WRITTEN 30- DAY GUARANTEE WITH BAUH DELIVERY BIGGEST DEALER . tation ied are im ¢ fraquently as 1 CSE 1 : itary Affairs this week promised i all National Guardsmen who were | employed on a full lime status before being called into federal service that thev would have the preference for any job vacancies wm the department The adjutant general's office coupled the announcement with an appeal for employers through ott the state tn follow suit The department said it had al ready rehired several former members of the 121st Transpo: Company, a Pine outfit that served months Korea. They are no the pumrd's slate maintenanc: shops Indiantown Gap National Guard employees, like civilians called to active du- 14 Ww ty. are not guranteed their jobs | when they are separated from ace | tive service since often the guard units in which they were employ still in federal service child. | fast Note Improvement At Westover Mine Fifteen between-inspection im- provements were completed at a Waestaver coal mine, according to the Bureau of Mines Making the improvements was the Cambrian Clearfield Mining Company's Springfield Pei which employs 280 men, with a daily production of 1.708 tons Improvements included adopted timbering plan, caved in areas inspected, working pia- TVW's Carn 8 wall rock dusted and two stoppings being wed in of entries Inspector 8 A vinited the miw roof support, removal of loose rot along havlagewnys cleaning up accumulations of fine coal and dust along roadways and use of water to allay dust while drilling rock with percussion arills 6 North Cambria Youths - - Waive Hearmgs Thursday Preliminary hearings were witived Inst Thursday YSy six Northern Cambria men charged with morals offenses Informa tions were filed by county detec before J. 11 Esch, Spangler. jistice of the peace Defendants are John W 25. Bt Benedict, and Xiike dos, 27. Andrew Magulick 2; Joseph J. Asheroft, 25. John £ Abramis, 1%. and. Fred K Morey Jr, 23. all of Spangler The case will go Wo the grand firy probably next month EAs of Magistrella who asked proper tives Stoltz Gay. Now comes the thine when people will spend weeks raising one radish instoad of a dime for » whole Bunch. SE TE A EM SRA A SR The State Department of Mil | Grove | if working at | un- | Order of Sons of Italy Bro ! Rev Laweheralli Palate Jr. Foil —_— L220 EL SER ARIE. District No. 10, Sons of Italy, Reelects Officers On Sunday in Cambria, Indiana and Somerset | Fmancial Secretaries Presented Rings Here of District 10 of in America were reelected for another term at the semi-annual meeting Sane All officers (day at Patten Lodge 310 home | K Theodore Magistro of Johns town, venerable of Lodge 1614 in that city, is deputy. Other offi- cers include Virgil A. Milazeo of Johnstown, recording ecretary, and Joseph Bonatesta, Bames- assistant secretary Principal speaker wis Vary Father Aupgusine Coestario of Immaculate Conception Province TOR. of 8t. Francis at Holidays Burg. Remarks also were given by Rev. Churles Smivth, Mt Car mel Catholic Church, Rep. John PP Bavior. Ben. John J Haluska, Judie A A Nolson torney Philip Lopresti. A. I. Mera Mary Dimatins of Als toona,. Albert Torguato, Me Mon. wa and Mr. Magistro BEI Counties and some 200 guests at. | tended Next district meeling will | he held Och. 12 in Johnstown | Lodge. 43 Baumer St The meal--a full course chic Ken | dinner auxiliary of the Patton Volunteer | Fire Co FACES MURDER CHARGE Harrisburg i PNS) tenrovear-old John Sarver faces ‘a murder charge in connection with the death of a playmate, 13-year-old Kenneth Teacher Jv who was accidentally shot then Knifed ‘Mother for 1952’ Barneshora: | At; Mil The mealing was climixed by a} hator who “ive rnin to financial tent bangiet sed relaries Has Ped their reg since 19489. Grand svivania yd entations Recaiving rings ane were | ta ta, Bammeshors:, Mra Cossniene, Windber: Men line Codispoli, Boswell; Raimondo. Homer City; and Joseph Rosen ana: Vite Schetiinlt. Barnesborn: Lec lLexaer. Nanty-Gio: Galling and August Bonera ver and Mrs Concetla and Patsy Allimore Albert Torquato, a grand tee in the rand xdge presided over the afternoon business ses sion. Joseph Cammarata was bans get chalrman. Falher Smythe delivered the invocation and bless. ing. Wealtoming remarks were given by Burgess Twi OF! of Pal. ton, and Ally. Amsold Smortio ser ved as toast master About a dflegater frm lodges Jobinsiown all : have | lodges | Addge of Penne awarded them gold rings | fudge Nelson made the pres | alambig | Joseph Cammara- Patton; Mra Theresa Ponates- | Angeline | Masta | Frank | Joseph | neti | Ranta! Cole : Magistro | tris. | CHINA-BORN Mrs. Toy Len Goon, of Portland, Me, has been selected » American Mother of 1953" by the nations! jury of the American Mothers Committee of the Golden Rule Foundation. Mrs. Len Goon, 57. came to the US 30 years ago and is the mother of eight chil» dren (Internationa) Exclusive) and i was served hy the ladies’ | Four | s i i fants Those quich to see the faults’ A dull party is often the best of others never do see their own insurance for you getting a good ‘night's sleep. don aun Want to IMPROVE Your T.V.? WE WILL IM- PROVE ANY SET NOT INSTALLED BY US OR IT COSTS YOU NOTHING! ® We Repair All Makes and Models ® Pioneers of T.V. m This Area ® First with the Finest, Always FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVI PHONE 4614 or 2171 tought a used sar from us and ISN'T SATISFIED! That's we guarantee our cars, and LIVE UP at the Trading Post loday and tell us UP TO THE WARRANTY! us your neds. . . BUICK - A DELUXE SELECTION 1952 PLYMOUTH Saver 1952 CHEVROLET . 1951 FORD . . 1951 PLYMOUTH 1951 BUICK . 1951 PONTIAC 1950 PONTIAC 1956 PONTIAC . 1950 CHEVROLET 1950 OLDSMOBILE 1949 BUICK . » 1949 MERCURY 1949 PONTIAC . 1949 BUKK . . 1949 CHRYSLER 1948 DESOTO . 1948 BUKK . . 1948 CHEVROLET 1948 HUDSON 1948 PONTIAC 1947 FORD . 1947 KAISER 1947 MERCURY 1946 PACKARD 1946 CHEVROLET 15 Pre-War Used Cars to Choose From!