Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, May 15, 1952, Image 7

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    by | ;
' commander of the Veter-,
ans of Foreign Wars, District 26
veterans braved the rain to pre-|
sent an all-day of acti-
vities, including a parade and a
testimonial dinrer.
Commander Hilton flew in
from New York City last Satur
in hemor of Michael Kreskosky!
of Nanty-Glo, iminediate past
rr of JDistiict 26.
3 at
1 pm with a parade. Fifty
: units from Cambria,
Indiana and Armstrong Counties
pafticipated in the hour-long
Commander Hilton, speaking |
before 300 veterans and guests atl
the testimonial dinner in Nanty-
Ge Fire Hall sald that “The
Veterans of Foreign Wars is the |
first echelon of defense for free!
pes Foo the American way
5 commander praised |
ihe VFW for its efforts to Better!
oe jons for Amyrican soldiers.
id for veterans. Last year, he
id there were 150.000 individual
sommunity projects carried out
the VFW in this country. He
praised District 28 veterans)
er’'s Vote
¢ im Friday of this week with
Simmons, department
of the VFW auxiliary.
partment, district and local VF'W
officials and guests spoke briefly.
More than $300 in cash prizes
was awarded to winners of the
parade. Winners are as follows:
Band Barnesbore High School,
$85: Patton High . . $0,
and Spangler High School, $25;
VFW bands — Blairsville, $20:
drum and bugle corps Bolivar,
$50, and Seal pg Lave. 0; floats
En ang ry, : Twin
Rocks auxiliary, $20 and Costlow
Motors, Nanty-Gio, $15.
Prizes also were awarded to
ritual teams from sport, Ash
ville, Barnesboro, naburg,
Lilly, Callitzin and Patton: auxi-
Ha from Twin Rotks Ebens
burg and Jackson Twp. and Boy
ad ny Scout Troops from Nan
ty .
sr HE ARR i
Twice As
ig As Field In 22nd District
General Gets 27,706
Votes to Taft's 7,969
Eisenhower got twice a1!
ly Republican votes as all his
ts combined in the recent
shown in a tally of
amnt from Cambria |
i and Arvast Coun
ie dis
Gives county’ totals for the
presidential preference vote
i Eisenhower for President although
imeither has committed himself
| publicly.
The offical vote tally for other
onal district offices,
which were uncontested in the
primary, follows:
‘Congress: Republican Rep. J
P. Savior, 38.104; Democrat
C. Hoppel,
or, IR 405.
delegate: Republican
Trimarchi, Jr. 17584.
=~... | People Adequately
To Begin On Friday
oo and at 10:30 p. m
her E
Program: for the annual spring
campores of North Cambria Boy
Scout District was announced this
week by George T. Adkins dis
trict chairman. The event will be
held May 16-18 at Harold Work
Camp, Beaver Run, along the
Cherry Tree-Westover road
The camnporee will start at 3 p
istration in headquarters tent
Supper at 6 p.m. will be follow
od by retreat at 7 p m. A meet.
ing of the unit leaders will be
held at 9 p. m. and taps will be
Reveille will be held at 6:30 a
m. Saturday, May 17, followed by
breakfast and cleanup at 7
Scouteraft skills and other activ
ities will take up the balance of
the morning. Lonch will be serv.
od at noon with scouterafts tak- |
ing up the balance of the morn
ing. Lonch will be served at noon
with seoutcrafts taking up the
afterncos until supper at 5:30
p m. Retreat will be at Tp Mm,
campfire at 5:30 and taps at
10:30 p. m.
Sunday's activities will begin
with reveille at 7 a. m. Following
that Catholic mass and Protestant
services will be held Dinner will
be served at noon and final re
treat ceremonies will be held at
2p m
Martha Legdon Is
Queen At Colver
Marthe Legdon was crowned
May Queen at a May dance and
party last Wednesday
for members of the eighth grade
gradusung class at Colver
hool. ¢ event was sponsorad
by Colver Parent-Teacher As
Joseph Lagand Jr. was named
king and placed the diadem on
the head of Miss Legdon, a dau
hter of Mr. and Mrs Frank
f opron of Colver. Joseph is the
son of Mr. and Mrs Joseph La-
gana Sr. Colver
The king and queen Were
chosen in = contest among the
44 members of the class. Mem
bers of the ‘S court were
PBeveriy Arford, Shirley Stefan
jek. Irene Melnyk and Elva Gat-
on Several first-grade pupils took
part in the ceremony. The event
was in charge of Misa Patricia
Nipps, music instructor at the
school, A program was presented,
which included several vocal sol
os by Timothy Ssafranski
State Can Feed Its
In Emergency Time
Department of Agricul
Secretary of Agricul
ture W. 8 Hagar, said this week
that “Wwe have more lowns under
10,000 population than any other
state and our food supplies are
He declared if Pennayivan.
ia were rnder enemy attack, this
fact would be an exceedingly im-
portant factor.
Hagar disciosed that the Penn
: Bakers’ Association is
working on s survey of
in Pennaylvania
Whereas: The annual sale of Buddy PF ss By the Veterans
of Foreign Wars, an organisation ¢ by the Congress, has
been : . and endorsed by the President of the
United States and the Veterans Administration. and
proceeds of this werthy fond raluing campaign
benefit of disabled and needy veter-
orphans of decenwrd veterans, and
¢ of the annual sale of Buddy
Ee by the VFW ix doguently reflected in the dedire to
“ the By Helping the Living”; therefore,
f. Theodore M. Ott. burgess of Patton, do hereby recognize
the patriotic merits of this cause by urging the citizens of this
community to contribute generously to its support through the
purchase of Buddy Poppies this coming Saturday, May 17. which
has been set aside for distribution of these symbols of loyalty in
this borough. I urge all patriotic citizens to wear a Buddy Poppy
as mute evidemee of our gratitude fo the men of this country
who have risked their Hyves in defense of the freedom which we
continue to enjoy as American ( Ttizens,
Attest: ALBERT L. HALUSKA, Borough Seeretary
evening |
U. S. Senate Passes Bill Putting
Teeth In Federal Mine Safety Law
8 Renate last Wednes And
a Will putting teeth in
focieral inspectors citi
order a mine closed down f They
foumt conditions Yi!
of danger. It would be 3
an operator to
with such an
The U
day passed
the federal mine safely
Inspectors of the
mines long have had
inspect Mines and
recommendations But The)
no enforcement powers Enforos
ment was lef entirely WU § Ba
states under
mine regulations
Under the new
secrelary of the
be permitied ti fix gafely stand.
ards for mines and it woul be a
misdemeanor for an opersls is
violate them
sutharity to
ku fot v
had The new bil, long sought
John 1. Lewis of (he 1 nile
Mine Workers now goes 10 the
House. where a bill differing in
some respects is aw.ating
Renate passage Was BY & voice
their HE the
jeg isla tion
interior vole Was no
fight on it. Hut several
CANS ex preamed
Bd Martin (B-Pa.:
Aol ase BOW Dassage
Fept $i
It's a Food Freezer and
Refrigerator combined!
| would bring about greater
| vania law
inst December
erg lost Laer
2 mear West Frankfort, IH.
in Orient Mine |
in which 119 min.
lives, helped make
it easter for Lewis and his union |
1a get a favorable vole,
Ren Neely (DW. Vai,
sponsored the measure, told
Renate the West Frankfort disas- |
ter couild have been prevented if’
federal inspectors had had pow.
erg to snforce ther safely recom-
Work On Route 53
Starts This Week
A SAO 0HD modernization pro-
ject on Route 53. near Gallitsn,
started Monday of this week.
highway will be widened
fein 18 to 22 feet and resurfac-
d for 8&8 distance of 7%
pile Ths aanrovenent
begin #t Gallitzin Borough
Wf the road previously Bait
With Intent project,
highway between Cresson
will be completely mod.
The work will be done
ant rac! A.M Moreau
Inc, Indiana
Rtate Highways
anid trafic will be
14 Jong ag possibile
a detoair 8 ordered
f hae
& Ronse
§ ie
When poultry [itter gets about
8 inehex deep and stays dry. At
will help Brevent coccidiosis
Fxtenaion specialists of
the Bote
of a
work will |
fine |
continue south to the ssction
[than now is provided by Pennayl- |
$ +
Be Pine™
UNITED MATIINS Conimander 1s Kores, Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway re-
ports that thy Communists are
using the period #f the armistice nego
tistions to build a crude but strdily line of fortifications scross the pene
insula. The LLN. coniinander estimates that the enemy has massed 8
ground {cree of more than three quarters of a million men, well armed
snd ready to strike st any time. More than 1.500 Red sircraft, mostly
jet, sre base} st sirfields in oearby Manchuria Heavy increases in
enemy artillery and armor, such as new Soviet-designed rocket lsunci-
ers. have als) been noted in the reports of Allied cheervers
fine indicate) tentative armistice and seutrs] some. (Central Press)
deep in the jtliter cannot
There wouldn't be near as O°
gen, and they die. There alsn are many rich men if folk didn’t
fewer organinins per square inch fit by the mistakes the rest us
inn the deep liiteg
a I