rally n nett PD week end. They left to-| : the stu- ric » 9.00 was raised to i A total be cil | : the Sehool Boy Patrol trip I £ § : L ; i as | Bg 2 it : 7 : 8 I cosssaRbsEaEsssabeas a IF it i ouri Lacey, Rose Shank and mier. Catholic Daughters Hold Callahan, Herman G 3 iss Hattie Leh- | Bender. Mrs Certruode Leslie and Mr. and Mrs. Will Visfo and two sons Timmy and Sammy, of Pitts- | burgh spent Sunday at the home and Mrs. H M. Mohler . 5% 9 at } f M Election At Church Hall Mrs. Leslie is a sister of Mrs Court Our the annual 4 ” i i . ¥ he | ! fies i 55 8 : . Bdward Braw 1 : Lady of Victory No.| Mohler 122, oamhont Daughters of Am. i ———— asidg_to send ! Ee: tives . # ¥ mon 3 A To The AAA| matting in St. Renchitls Church BAKERTON | of p this fall. List of sponsors. . Featuring the meeting was fy M. A. PANCZAK election Tarsus” Spada vaste Grade School Play Apr. 30) has $ Regent, s fond |Is Termed Huge Success inception of the Court Dream Boat was title of the chosen Were y presented last Wednesday Barnesboro, vice re- [evening April 30, in Bakerton wvaler, Carr- | Grade Sehonl auditorium. : Miss Rose Far-|gram Was as follows: ie | Misa third and fourth grade pupils; | {The Rhythm Band, First Grade | : Misa | students and Dream Boat, a two | . fact operetta. i Students taking part in the op- | eretta were Betty Jean Bames | Bobby Lowes, Virginia Murphy. | Bob Strong. Judy Regan, Theres | Roset- Hovan, Connie Smychynsky, Tom : Vallery and Tim Regan, all ny part of children. Dalba Cym- the queen and Mary and Janet Bilko | queen | i Land . Terry Contro- | chick, Shelby Sherry. Joan Gol- | : Barbara Edmiston, Fran- | _ Ray Boslett, Tom " Hovan, Dick Bas Charlies Sponsky, Ronald Charles Puleo, Norman Fred Gray. Alex Kot- | rick, Bdward Componation. Ron- | ley, Jr. laid McClimate, Patt Gormish. | } i i 3 Pro- | The Shoemaker and the Elves, ; : ¥ it Alr Base, at | Rosslyn Yarko, Paul Myers, Dia- a week end ne Patterson and Judy Green, The chorus was made up of | students in the Seventh and | . | Bighth Grades. Larry West and | James Muffie were property men H Mrs Walter Coatsworth of | I Salt Lake City, Utah, visited in | town last week at the home of | per brother and sister-in-law, Mr end Mrs. Otto Mortensen Thomas wwood of Akron, O { spent the week end at his home Stephen Stefunik is spending a : ys in New Haven, Conn Mr. and Mrs. Ray Véneaky of | t the week | sons, Larry and Dale, | ited at the James Stine home ro | Vo school. Ar Hi Tar A dbs Re AAA 0 ror BE AAs TE Dorothy, Eyer and Miss Eckley 5 Linda Fregly Elected Cresson attended a spaghetti sup- President of Colver 4H Linda da Fregly was elected Betty Conrad was a patient at | ient of Colwir +H Club at a in Chiver Presbyterian ut Kerem Po Shell. V : per at the home of Dorothy Pass Ars. Lovell ana | Ashville Volunteer Fire Co. fonitta in Dysart last week. n and Gary, visited ov- | Sf ge. fo Lp ehe home or Active In Brush Fire Calls | Altoona Mercy Hospital recently | mhseting The Ashville Fire Company Mr and Ms Lester Weld and guishing brush fires in this ares. | factory in Columbus, of Pitts: Friday, May 2, they were called Monday of this week blage at the Edward Ohio, on |B burgh, visited over the week nd tee Soe. ALL at the home of Mr. and Mrs Er e farm near Springs, | Greiner Air Base Mass, spent a | en, song mer Keith , and on Saturday. May 3, they | row days with his nts here | AMS leader, Mrs. Jack Hanns and deughier, answered an alarm to a forest] tly = of Johnstown, visited recently | fire at St. Augustine. Lr i . 2 » with local relatives. : westover Lost Children Found | Elayne Brannigan, Dorothy By- || | er, Prances Brannigan and Hilda § | Pugh visited with Louise Kane ini § Altoona on Bunday 'E Mr. and Mra Van and sons, of ARlloons, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. amd Only Gomg tor Walk Mr and Mrs John Gibbons o Mrs. Cash Gray Sr. . Three children were found wan- | Cresson were visitors in town ov Mr. and Mra. Donald Hartman dering down the road from Spin er the week end and family of Amsbry visited on dley City on Friday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs Paul Bieswenge Sunday at the home of Mr. and After much questioning from Bob | visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ber Mrs. James Btn. Edwards and several other people, | nard Beiswenger on Sunday Mr and Mri Russell Whittak- | Jim Burgoon finally succeeded in Hilda Billard and Mrs. Eleano | er and family of Coalport visited ascertainiig ‘heir names They Ingram spent Sundsy with Helen, § on Sunday at the home of Mr. | were Olesin Noel, Donna and Bob | Hollen 1 and Mrs. Arthvar Whittaker, | Shank, whe: decided to go for a| Mr. and Mrs. Ham HHinchericlt | § Misa Civitta of Blandburg vig. walk, None of them have started | of Altoona and Mrs Mary Hite § | were Sundav callers at the hone § cently. : : | a ang Mra. Tony Jupcheries 8 Miss O'Malle sent the week | i, i Mr. = rs. C. McCoy anti§ end with Tatler in Onceotn Ashville Dram & Bugle | children of Chest Springs visited | § Mrs Cash Gray and som, pon, | Corps Mr. and Mra Vince Bieswengelr | of Beaver Valley, visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs le . 9 Mrs Joseph Gaida won an a | rectric percolator and an electric] § Cash Gray Jv | oR ¢ | sss - Blair Myers of New Jersey vis Boe jron on the Home Town Amer § FRIDAY NITE . ‘day, May 1. Elected were Presi elit Fol Mrs od only. | dent, Jack Branuigan vice presi : : : | dent, Paul Brasnigen: secretary, Mr and Mrs Boland of Eben | 3 Lidwell; treasurer, Loi® 1.0 visit : wirg visited Warren Noel on Sul Mortgage At Ceremony can Program. Thix was the ainth| § weekly prize. iE MAY § | Kelly, Hy-Laws, Publicity and 8 4,¢ MAY W Cresson Lodge 188, Loyal Ord- | Dake sale committees also were Mr and Mra. Merle Hammor a1 er of Moose, last Tuesday night] Runtingdon | and sons, of , Visited! | | celebrated its freedom from debt! her mother, Mrs Germaine Me | by burning un $22.000 mortgage Sonny Wright has returned to Kinney, recently R on the improvement of their Erie, aftere spending the week ; home at 113 Asheroft Ave The end at home. renovations cost $75,000 three Mrs. Bd Scanlon visited with ple Years Ago Loverne Miller on Friday night The wonderfully new and . "Nn MAY 11 Why is that mo many peo | think that being broke is} MAY 13 something to write home about 7 | RK i A differant — It's a Food Freezer and erator combined! : ny! Lew Dascanio and Gene Eyer Church the other © Punxsutawney. have been very active in extin- | visited the Seagrave Fire Truck named to offite are Betty Lou Sunday All North ¢ ip ni & anibris Mothers Invited-