Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, May 08, 1952, Image 11

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    this week.
i in : : t | | | gE HRS rr Hore Ae BOR jis a
J |e tranamj tters Te pono : 38 Cresson Sanatorium | In sddition,
LF Mountain. : : 3 ge ve 8 of four
STATE SENATOR [i SY. oon 0g 1 : a has been assign. | Employees Take First-Aid | S005 000.5
a aa nd , WL IML UNIS | |ed two UHF frequencies, Chan-| ‘Total of I} employees of the | be followed in case of sm
- ———— : nels 19 and 25. | Cresson Stati Sanatorium have | attack. Mr.
_ . will male A 2 | Eventually, North Cambirians | completed fizift-aid instruction as | called :
8 nen tenet 8 jw Weel ee. Ly the | should have five TV stations close part of the civil defense setup. © instruct
§1 | heantime, we cannot help but us, \ : {at hand John Ord, Guilitain, first-aid in- | piration method.
look at the GOP picture A Re Sure t ‘Wash Collar Afford Boos gp - : structor of dge | —
s { 0 if you wish to ve a ful- Branch Caihbria
apparently, race has dled | = ; | fledged : to Cro
on to two men Taft and Eis-| States Refearch Center ———— |# NesLarse reves, nd Toney I notaer sina will Begin
Whi peop | I your friends shiff and turn Tel 13 - es Py A a 8
firm Re an) ale are | aside as if to say “get that amel- ; t |
: : ily dogg away from me” don't
definitely be the Republican stan- | = !
‘dard bearer, we, in this corner | blame the dog.
: } ’ 5 of <4 ¥ y f 16 Li . : jo
disagree with that thought When a dog has a smelly odor hy i . B j 8B Fo
BIg dis that Senator Taft | it can be atiributed to two rea-] KUISE ; po ¥ ; | - _ :
outdo Eisenhower and procure | sons, according to the Gaines $ B :
smd § I
! Wy " *
: ination for himself or, he | Dog Research Center, New York:
wih bein a position to swing his | Neglect by the owner in the
‘forces to some dark horse can- | dog's grooming or kennel care oi
didate. Senator Taft has waited | an indication that the dog has
a lifetime for the present moment | an ailment that should! receive
and we cannot, by any stretch of | veterina attention.
imagination, see him swing his| Doggy odors are very useful in
| tion and his political fol- | guiding the pel owner to more
jowers to Eisenhower if he, him | careful attention to his dog's
. J) garner sufficient | general health and can be easily
Ee aeveit dufinitely stated votes to procure the nomination De according to tie Center.
iA his letter to us that Mr. Harri- | Taft supporters are solid while | Thousands of glands in the skin 3 :
man is not only a “favorite son” | Eisenhower's suppbriers are WOT® | gipcharge a waxy secretion to Vv | wd
candidate, but is an avowed cen- | the late Wilkie type, or Putting | the hair folticles, which in time chi ee ai : a ES
Hdate and in the eee to the it in plain words, the glamorous | gevelop an acrid odor It the od- sr ————————————————— a. , -
: ype. | or seems to come from the cos * . '
We expect to nest both Mr.| While there is a possibility of more frequent Bbuthing, combing A | I M d f N
A Sha Ro ein Tt ers nd ruin wh wa ro] AA PPplication Is Made for €W I] ‘As the Ferguson Dealer in this community, we will publicly match the
Land we of | dog is constantly absorbing this .
ture we af-{ secretion and is often fhe source new and far more powerful Ferguson “30” against any other tractor. We
give : smelt. »0 an you w }
informa {for a transmitter is one-quarter | . “ a . . :
on + but, it] your dog, wash the collar Converted Sets Will Be | 10." 050 "or Frankstown Road dare to do this because the new Ferguson “30” is bigger in power, mn
hd nw. aking any St of | ceoirinad ss avticias wor or| Needed for Chanmel 56 | 10a", 3 utes samt of the con: |
s y gE & j centrated in a particular 0 located 1.2 miles east the cen- | : J o »” * .
- db or die with that | the coat, you may find that mat. located 13 MHlSE SAM Ont 1s 00! performance, in economy! At a “Showdown” demonstration we wall
present lime |ted Bair hus concesied a foréign| An applicution has heen MAGE | cot above average terrain. |
we are coming substance that Mas developed a |bY RUGH FERS CO of Johns |. .stimated cost of the sta- | prove that the Ferguson “30” with Ferguson System Implements, meets
the home stretch, it is out {bad odor. You may even find that ome Channel 56 in Johnstown ac- | ton has been sel "t $147 2. and | f Ie WEE
that the t men who willl jt covers an open or festering _o., ment by the |the Srm's estimated year oper- yr the . - & wu
the party banners In the | sore that should be treated, the F 3 oS nnatnCenSE Commis. | Sting cont ia 130000 Jower walk more 0 nee of more of the farmers « + « MNOFEe of the me . .. than
: il be none other | Center adds. ston jed for in he applicat-on & "0-> . : : a Eo»
ro | | kilowatts visual and 429 kilo-| any other tractor . . . outperfornaing them ::
. gy a a ea CE | Watts sural (sound). The tea. y i ng loing all of the following jobs
ia Co. | enough, or yards not kept clean, channel Siyfrad to Johnstewn by | Ae na tena and studio :
of our often cause the dog to earry the | ihe FOU a few weeks ago | equipment by Radio Corp. of Am-| . : :
men of | "The Rivoli firm's proposed site | erica. it was reported ® Moldboard Plowing ® Harrowing, Tandem Disc
— ful »e Mouth odors usually indicate ———————————————————— | Principals of the Rivoli concern ,
tartar formation, dirty, {are listed an Walter M
Thomas, ® Di . ® . -
ad Bh. Have OSTEOPATHIC president. tresmirer, owner of Disc Plowing Harrowing, Spring Tooth
reent; Dir. George D. Gartiand, ’ . ge
HEAL | tary. ower 0 513 poreen. ® Row Crop Cultivating © Side Delivery Rake
® Field Tilling ® Loading & Spreading
® Subsoiling ® Wood Saving
Neth g
Predovich KE Arkle MB. NO ve west.
Carvellteown, Ps. a jp
One of New UHF Channels
THE TOBACCO STORY Channel 58 in one of the 70 new
The part that the use of ODAC | channels set up by the FOC in
co plays in influencing health has | the UHV band Frequency of this
been and is discussed frequently | channel is 722 Wo = megacycles
and there is considerable disag-| All present TV sets in this dis
reement among doctors. To dale | trict will have to be converted in
there is no medical case against | some manner in order to receive
y tobacco, But the many experi- the new channel
ments Rave resulted in some in| Al present. only =
There you are, farmers! The stag » are willing fo prove these claims at a
sot far a "Showdowi.!' We know we “ Showdown” demonstration on your
have the best tractor mm the world ind own farm. Then get in toneh with ux
are ready to prove it to you Mateh these jobs a Fan , n- Tractor
We are not just claiming what the fer. ean do with Fergh stom Imple-
guson ‘30° gan do. We'll let his ments against similar Jobe any other
demonstration do the talking for us tractor claim to do . . . and you'll wee
eight hundred thousand new smo- | WIAC-TV, operates on C If you are thinking of buying a flew we ean do those jobs Better with our
teresting figures. of Channels 14 to 63 are being
In the United States alone, it | Assigned to U. 8. cities. Channels
ia estimated that sixty million above 88 still are unassigned and
are being held back as “Sexibil-
persons ocomsume four hundred ity channels
cighrets annually, Johnstown's present TV station,
cigarets a day. In one year the | FCC this station will change from what ather dealers toll vou their thae. to be the judge of how meh better we
money spent on tobacco and re-| Channel 13 to Channel 8 rena
mted is believed to be! The I ww of Channel 13 is
{2330 to ye When the |
| station moves to i 8 it will
‘operate on 82 to SR megacycies
two | Rh sated te gr ron
. : will provide
knows to n LObRC- | patter coverage of this district.
co axe nicotine and benzo-pyrene.! In addition, Gable's in Altoona,
and they are the possible sources which now operates radio station
of jury to health. WYFBG, has applied for permission |
Nicotine is & violent poison and 10 hee Channel 10 in the VFH
{ contained in two to *otup (which requires no change
; .iin receiving sets), and at present ‘Jy
tors ean do. Ask these dealers if hey do them,
Route 219 CARROLLTOWN Phone 2861
~~ : [ affects them in any way.
]_ Be ! Pe Sameee much in the news
ag today have caused doctors to
{ make many tests to discover whe-
who smoloed. and on 1000 who did |
pol, to tent the presence of heart
{disense. All of these men Were
in the non-smoker group one per
cent had coromary trouble and
among those who used tobace:
| |
CO. Phone 2171
AGE Phone 2181
as amet