= 151i. H isk Fresh Frying Chickens .. Fuily Dressed ready for the pan Lean Piece RD ... .“29¢ Whole or siab half . . . stock 1p Row Fresh Ground Beef ....... “59% Yous can be sure of the quality of Super Right ily ound beef Sliced Jumbo Bologna .. “49% Don't confuse this with jow quality bologns Fresh Buck Shad .......... Round . . . Fresh Roe Shad Round 1b T8e Rib Roast . ello 1 TSE ww J7¢ hy ne B45 Luncheon Meat 3 U* 1.29 ...1 4Se Canned . speed : Canned Hams... =" 179 ol teak Lb 49 Quarter hams . Crocker Crustquick .......2™ 31¢ et aie tay gus att iErastich Asparages ........... "2% Tomato Ketchup ................2""~ 35¢ Here's & teal garden fresh freat — o uly Crisp Red Radishes ......... 5% Canned Chicken, Pinafore ...."" ~~ 1.49 Solid bunches of truly crisp radishes Buy now at this low price amd saws it for wnekesd picnics WII mar « fine topping for your favorite steak These are excellent for stewing . . . 1b phy. Ile Largs sine 36's and 3's from Californie = 33 we =35¢c ee" "EB eee f “55¢ tHE BP BERENS RS 4 3 Evaporated Milk... 6= "7% White House . . . there's no finer . , enriched EC ms wnate wt win low price Seni ne «% 39¢ ll ss nanos es ee ww : ASP has been famous for tees fort over years Chili Powder .......™ 13¢ Baby Foods _ crennaes 3g Clapy's, Gerber's, Beechaut Crisp Cookies . he 38 Junior Foods..." 1% Beechnut ma 28 Dromedary Ginger Bread Gum Condien _, 5 ne 10¢ Y:Donuts 1 idee Sugaeed Donsts .... feed and slightly sptced he new Jane Parker cake sensation Vanilla Wafers ......0o=t Ps 25¢ Really grand for munching iedddid