Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, April 03, 1952, Image 13

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    ny MRS. G.
Manavane BUCK
Melvin Pollock, past president
of Gallitsin Lions Club and op-
$rator of Pollock's Dept. Store,
was Bopored at his ressdence on
the gefasion of a bigthélay anni-
versary, Mar. 213
Mr. Polléék 1s a son of the
te Bamuel and Lena (Hollander)
k and was born Mar. 23,
1918. He is married to the form-
er Beverly King of Xllants Ga.
Mr... Pollock
Weorsd war II
UV. 8 Air For
of Dv. Arthur
. He is a brother
k of Altoona
Cancer Mavia to Be Shown
Monday At Moose Home
~~ Next Monday, Apr. +, at 8 p.
m. & film on Stomach Cancer will
be shown in the CGallitzin Moose
ome. The film is being -
ed hy Women of Moose Chapter
266 and Gallitzin Women's +r
The Cancer Fund Campaign will
begin April 7. Mrs Madalene
Buek is chairman of the fan
campaign in GaBitzin
tion in honor of one of its mem-
bers, Mrs Jane Rowland of Fors
est St. last Friday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mix Vernon
Rowland. Attending wire the fol!
Mrs John Ord, vy Russel)
Chase, Mra Hazel Hebdon, Mrs |
Elva Ww Am Pat
igsey. Mrz Ro-
} Plunkett,
is a veteran of
gerving with the
| Mes. Adex Lira, Ms Gladys
| Fulton and Mrs. Jane Rowlund.
3 ££ % 3
David Fulton of Wilson St an
Leonia Plankett of Forest St. vis-
ited in PFairoaks over the week
‘end with Mr
family. Mrs. John ruiton, the for
mer Dorothy Plunkett of Gallit
pital in New Brignion, Pa
Mrs. Madalene Buck, a mem
ber of the Democdratic State Com
mittee attended a premod
State Executive Committee uo
Harrisburg Mar. 31 to seject a
Democratic nominee for th: spec
ial election in the Eighth Bena
torial District (Philadelphia: oh
Aprii 22 Former Democratic
State Senator John F. Byrne, re.
signed recently after having ooo
elected to the
Council and a special election is
being held to elect his SUCCHSNON
American Legion Auxiliary und
174. Callitzin, will hold a bake
sale Saturday. Apr. 12 from © a
m. p.m. in the Gallitnn
and Mo Store Main St
Charles Johnston of 8X)
Main 8t recently celebruted
83rd birthday anniversary
Mr. and Mrs Anthony Dizabo
roof Portage 8t. announce the birlh
of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ansiem Julian re
cently moved to their new home
on Bt. Thomas St
Faber T. Brannan of Wilsm ut
is a surgical patient in the Al
{tooma Mercy Hospital
To Take Loyalty Oath
The State Loyaity Oath will be
administered to members of the
Cambria County Magistrates and
Constables Assn. at ¢ pm. next
‘Monday, Apr. 7. in Ebensburg
One of the Cambria Oounty
| jadges will be selected to admin
ister the oath. All magistrates
and corastabdles in the county are
| requested to take the onth
plete. We've everything
you wanil. Trout season
— day Is emily 12
be sure you
pn Tor it.
Fulton's. son ano |
is a padent in General Hos |
rite |
Philadelphin i |
& 3
R ;
‘Beave Valley Homemekers!
Meet At O'Shall Home
a The home of Mrs Twilda O'-
Shall was the scene of & meeting
{of the Beaver Valley Homemakers |
{ Club ast Tuesday, Mar. 25
10:30 a wm. Attending
{ the following
Mrs Patricia Kendrick,
Gertrude MceKee, Mrs Gladys
Gates, Mra Margaret
i Mrs. Hannah Kuhn Mis. Berths
| Shope Mrs. Ida Black Mrs Pear! |
| Esch. Mrs. Paul Kuotruff, Mrs
| Suzanne Hemskey, Mrs # Edna
| Lester, Mrs. Dessie Good,
| James McMullen, Mes John Nag
je. Mra Twildas O'Shall and Mra
June Griffith, home economics re
presentative of Cambria County
| who had charge of the seasion
Next Tuesday, April 8 the nex
rseting will be held at the hom
of Bertha Shore at 10 30a Mm
: 9»
An Easter Sunrises Services wil
be held Easter Sunggy morning
April 13, at 6 a. m. In the Owen
tack Oelds near town
Mr. and Mrs Eugene Yeagie
annotnce the Mrth of a son. Mon.
day Mar 24. at Miners’ Hospital
in Spangler. The child has been
named Joseph Elwood
Mra Mary Mellott of Beaver
Falls spent the week end with
her parents. My and Mrae Wm
i Mr and Mra Cecil Black and
Louise Shope and Mrs Sally
Johnson of Franklin visited over
week end at the Benjamb
Shope home
amy and Harry Richardson
and Bill and John Porter of Ches-
ter spent the week end with rela-
fives here
Bobby Barnhart and Bud Gates
were past week end callers in
Chevonlannt. Ohio
wh and Mra Junior Gray and
daughter, Cathy, of Van Ormer
were recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs Cash Gray
An infant daughter was bom Ui
Mr and Mrs. Richard Black on
Thursday, Mar. 27. The child has
heen named Beéverly Busan
Mrs Wm Flemming and Mra
| Wen Barnhart and son, Billy, vis
ited in Mahafley Themtsay with
Mra Ford Trimble
Mr. ami Mrs Melvin Monshan
includes |
Everhart |
Mrs |
Tw the Cash Gray Sr. home,
en. Joey. Himnie, Raymond Bnd
Mrs. Joseph Lyncha and child- |
Joanne of Grass Fiat spent Sun- |
day afternoon with Mr
Joseph Kendrick
| of the Incal EUR Church will
{present an [Easter program
so0d Friday svening. All are
Frame to attend
Migs Cinra
seek end with
ieph Fresh and
: Tyrone
| toona
| Hew
MoKee spent
Mo Mra
Mra Joseph
K|aturday callerg in Ab
pas wl
fliat from Roanoke
{| est Apa Rel the
dave at the local
Milk Prices to Stay
ary svange
Milk prices, with
of the Philadelphia
pected to stay the
gntil July in all sect
It wig
Bs TY Ve
are ex.
al least
wns of Penn
ont red
hearings and prepare new
revigiana. The ob BEvwW
way of colleiting data
fois paris of the stale
The Johnstown-Alloonhn area
which North Cambria is a part
has had two price. increases dur
ing the past year
Milk went up
April, 1901
ong for
jemton 10 hold
from Var
cent a goat
anntheay Ofe-
half cent in July Kine J
ant vear standard n
selling in this ares for
quart and homogenized
23 conta
Hamelton (PNR
swooped down on
in a sarprise raid pie edd ap
36 slot machines at the Kika (Chub
ard the Drake-Wenr Post of the
YRFW. (Om informant ealled to tell
of the impending rad hat the
F bartender roplied Inte
they're here now.’
St ale
Pu ies
“lithe here
tis fons
and family of Beaver Dams visit.
Led Sunday at the Jahn Sneath
| home here
Mrs. Sars Forcey of Philips
‘burg visited last Wednesday at
ithe Michael Nedimyer home
Mr. and Mrs. David Gates and
{ family of Colver were Bunday vis
tors here
C Mr. and Mrs Clarewce roxslh
set ehikiven of Mountaindale wore
recent callers at the Edwin Gales
home here
waipn Huttesloch was admitted
to the Philipsborg Hospital last
| Friday morning. Mr. Huttenloch
Lis wished a speedy and complete
| recovery
| Misses - Ipene and Marjori
| Strayer of Johhatown spent Uw
i past week end al the home of
| thelr mother, Mra. Mary Strayer
Let us take over the worry
of keeping your car on the
road aml in goad service ad
justment. A tired, sick anto-
mobile is doomed to div un
Jenn It min the proper care
Mr. and Mes. Boyd Dizon and
| doughter of Flinton spent Sunda)
at the Georpe Dixon home
Mr. and Mrs Joseph Freec
and daughter, Suman,
| were Sunday visitors with Mrs
| Gertrude McKee.
of Tyrone
children of Glasgow visited last |
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noel and |
Saturday evening at the Willian
a hers,
Mra. Vera Glass of Fallentimbe
with |
spent last Frida: coeni
her mother. Mra Frances via
Misses Emma Gaten Betly Bar:
nett, Betty Humshey and Chariot
te Gates, who are smproyed in A)
toonn, spent the week ond her |
at their
Mr. and
tive homes,
to Invite unnevesary wear.
Service Station
Oormer Fifth & Park Aved
Fly. that kite - - and fly it high, wide and
handsome! But, play safe, take it out to an
‘openfield sway from all wires where there
¢ 'or'your playmates. And
{ family
Miss Helen Weaver, Reade Twp
and Mra | High School teacher, has return-
&1 to her home in Johnstown to
The Adam Glass Youth Fellow. [pend the week end.
Robert E
ney were
Nash and Elroy Fort-
visitors in Bellwisod re
and Mrs Lewis Noel and
of Homestead visited here
{aver the week end with they form-
parents, Mr. and Mis Ro
Ibert B Nash,
Kendrick |
Mrs Nelson Grove and three
daughters and son and brother of
Turtle Creek visited recetitly at
i the Harry Letcher home.
was the
Mr. and Mrs Elmer Thmpson
| of Irvona visited at the Francis
{| Tompson home and Boyd ‘Thomp-
son home recently
the exception i
| daughter,
tors in Riggles Gap.
the |
hh L 0
inder- |
| was a recent visitor at the home
(of her
of | wey in Altoona over the week end.
of |
silt has beefy |
cents x
visitors at
' Bellwood visited
| home of the Jzdy's parents, Mr
home after 4 visit In
' Ma .
Mra. Ethel Conley of Holler.
{ town spent Monday at the Tom
Until ; § Nash home
Same Summet | and Thomas Lovell were last Sat-
Mrs. Iva Thomas and sot, Lynn
visitors in Bellwood
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nish and
July, were Sundmy vis
and Robert EE. Brown
recent visitors
James R
Bellwood were
Miss Barbara LaRue McHugh
mother, Mra. Phillis Bel.
John Edmiston was a recent
visitor in AROONS.
Misses Verla Wilson and Shir
| ley Mann were in Bellwood recent.
and Mrs. George Letcher
sovis, Cleorge and Joey, of
recently at the
Mrs. Hurry Letcher
Harry Letcher returned to his
for a few dava at the C. KE
Powell home
Mr and Mra Chester Spanser
were recent visitors in Altoona.
Robert KE Nash and son
Robert B. Nath were
the home of Jennie
MeCracken in Bellwood moeently
Mr. and Mra Lester Briggs and
family of Bellwood were Suiday
snd Mrs
: visitors hern
Mr and Mra Clair Edmiston
Fand Barbary snd Connie Graham!
Cwere Sunday
visitors in Rigglen
Mra Dave Nash was a Sunday
visitor in Hollentown.
Cand son. Kenny,
£. BEB Douglas
of eltwiod visit-
My. and Mrs
Led here recently
Mra Violet Yngling snd Mrs
Joseph Brown visited in Coalport
Mr, and Mrs Harold Firigga of
| Bellwood visited here recently.
Mra Elwood Jaen and children
spent some UUme in Bellwood at
| the Boyd Juckson home
Mr. and Mra Romert Beers vis
Litedd in Altona recently
Mr. and Mrs Charles Frye of
| Allemansville. Mr. and Mra Merle
Frye of Irvons, Mr. and Mrs Tim
Freeman and family of Lyleville
| Mrs. Lillian Igoe of Altona and
Mr and Mrs
Earle Turter were
recent visitors with Mary Turner
Mr and Mya EE! Turner vis
ited at the Walter Willey home
mn Coalport recently
Jim Frys of Altoona and Mr
and Mr. ang Mrs Waltir Willey
and family of Coalport were re
cent callers at the home of Mary
Mrs. Joe Richards and son of
Jusiats were BA Wintors at
the Mike Vigng Rar
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightner!
and daughter and Mra, George
Lightner visited wei in Lew
istown, Enola and Camp Hill last |
Arthur Lightner of Gary, Ind,
is visiting with his parents, M
and Mrs. George Lightner, re
cently. :
Mr. and Mrs Dennis Lightner
and family and Ronald Lightner
of Cleveland spent the week end
at the George Lightner home. |
Mrs. Mmrgaret Gartnan and)
children, Joyce, Earl and Joyce
Wilkinsort and Nancy Evanskey
Wednenday callers in Altoona.
Mrs. Ivan Thomas Min Walter
Carman were recent visitors in
Mrs. Sarah Evanskey and enild- |
Philadelphia a (PNS) Od dob |
bin has bean pushed another notch |
into the background BY. the Dela
ware River Joint
which has ruled that
now need special ity to crom
ry Brian
it seems that only 14 pd at-
tempted the feat since 1943 and |
many of those became Sightenad
| and had to be led neross
Misses Thelma and
Hollis of Washingten, D. C. spent
the weék end visiting al the home
of their parents, Mr and Mes
Ciibert Hollis
Mr and Mrs
were Monday
Mr and Mra Leonard Nicker-
son and children of Akon Ohio
45 a Gest ntiv st the home of
the lady's parents Me and Mrs
Blair Keith
Alvie Blair Myers of Paulsboro
N. J. spent several days visiting
relatives here
Mra Charlies
Alfaretta Kopp
Michael RB. Matish
SVERIing visitors In
Cora and Mary Glase
Matthew, Mrs
id Mrs Howard
F. Glass attended] a regular mee!
ing of Elen Wilson Rebekah
Lodge 88 in Coalport Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Ernest Traveny
and daughte: Bearviet. of «Coal
port visited last Thursday at the
Bovd CC O'Hara soo
Mra Howard ¥ Glass and Mis
Lorraive |
Jp ‘Mrs Froe
| visitors in Altoona. | Belefield. W. Va.
Glendon B mg Hoe §
Mra. Walter Ban and Mys. | Mr and Mrs. Senn Le
|B. J. Coy visited Thursday at the ond sons, Fugene ahe
Russell Beck home in Tyrone. visited Nein ut ne Latyf
Mrs. Frantes Davis of Beaver home in ver Valley. Soa
Valley ted Thursday at the Mrs Verda Steven¥ ahd child
CG. 1. Glass home. : ren of Flinton visited Sunday
Miss Doloris Tonkin of Altooas | the Glendon B. Kough home,
spent the werk end visiting at the | : ve
Employes Get Benefits i
home of her parents, Mr and Mrs |
Iohn F. Tonkin.
Paul D. Jenkins of Cleveland, Twenty-nine
Obi, spent the week end visit. TeCeIVing benefits Tron ‘Cas
ing at the home of his parents, | SOUBLY Em oyeas
Mr. and Mrs, Charles W. Jenkins. Lond
Bernard (lates and John M. | Controller Mm.
Gates of Cleveland, Ohis, and Monthly pension hac to
Thomas Catis of Youngstown, O, 20 former employees total he :
spent the work end at thelr hém | 4 slight increus:: Gee
paid out last year. M
48 here par
Calvin 1. Edmiston of Cleve | iibutions to the fund by 3H | up 413
Tent, Ohio, spent the week ond $3.138 I figure is increased
visiting at Uhe home of his par a spunty's com
Ba tion
nts; Mr and Mrs Wnt Edmiston |
Mr. and Mra Robert lawson On Mar 1 the fund was
ind children were last Saturday S515 670 in government wr
vigitors in Altoona. $19.5618 in cash
UF AB Bi aA 5 or Ber pol
Choice of Men Everywhere
Barnesboro’s Newest Men’s Store
Brings You New Spring’
mi 4
ey (iad se é &3iii88 {5
at prices you can afford to pay!
Top Quality, All Wool |
Gabardines . . . Sharkskins
At Easter Time as idwuys, you
will find Penshire your best
buy! Most complete stocks of
latest in Men's Sprimy
* Leading: Mill Fabrics
* Latest Styles
*Al Models, Sizes
* EYE * TRY *
Buy Penshire Clothes *
Guaranteed Savings and Satisfaction or Money Back
Ee a SS SS