NION PRESS-COU Serving ‘Northern Cambria (County PATTON. PA.. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1952 ; Vol. 59 No. 23 ESP» Two Sections ‘16 Pages Subscription EC tn Cambria O86, Outstde Oambris Patton School Board to Get 11 Student Nurses Capped At Ceremonies Thursday Night Hebron Lo Ralph Whit Patton Pres T. A. Hol oO Rev Trinity R iy Ol Work Project This S Renovate Buildings : * wore pects ut ruven, ser Holy Week Services vid by Cambria Qotinity, Hosts i Public Assistance last ursday. : Listed for Patton work on the three jobs : The relief projects were aith- ' District, Barnesboro Cemetery As- : sociation and the Portage Joint | Service Is- Scheduled I District. The Bamesboro! one Patton Ministerium this ne lon a Public School District | Schedule for the annual Union asked for the assignment of five Holy Week services of the Pro | testant Church of the sommmity give renovations to school build- The men and women will be Church, Rev Plummer Harve required to wurk eight bouts a speaker April 7 May 1 Lteran Church, Kev ve borers were asked for... Ker gro. The men will be : cleaning wp the cemetery and | byterian Church Rev ting grave markers. The pro- mer. speaker pipet was to start of this! Wednesday, April y ami continue of | Duncan, speaker oh gE or phereed Thursday, Aprii 10 Trimty Mee { thodist Church, Union Commun at of 20 men and four for general repairs, im- Friday, April 11--Patton Pres maintenance af byterian Church, Three Hour Ser ) | The Three Hours Service on Mv Ee pp 10 priday will begin at 12 noon and wy work out of their continue through to 3pm {yovest parent EE ataror The | service are as follows rate of ay ji based on an aver- The First Word, Rev. John Mil- a of a : Bescond Word, Rey. Gus Relief Recipients Will . ' P i : 4 nesboro and Portage were appro- | A total of 38 relief! recipients will ortoed for. Patton Public School 3-Hour Good Friday Jation a a nom OIEAR" | week announced the following men and two women for exten- A : y Sunday, April 6 First Baptist duy and {0 hours a week, begin-| Monday re ark by the Bat Tuesday, April § #1 late In Episcopal Church, t. The school has asked for | Service. grevemants and the high school buildings and the vice school s the are ministers to participate In this cents per hout. : dir- tave Edwin Anderson; Third rd BR. Golob, exectitive ; \ DPA. said Word, Rev. Paul F Smalley ae only \ 78 4 the Fourth Word. Rev. A. Ray How fis at Able premmt time jand: Fifth Word Rev William availa for full-time xuens: Sixth Word, Rey. Oren hese mes will be AmSign- | william, and Seventh Word, Rev fo She work \ projects nearest ic. RR. Doverspike Rev. Plammer 4 {Harvey and Rev. Ralph Whitmer i Was $ , . oad » hited ne | wilt preside at this service ge were 3.058 on feito Thurs {yen whieh Prejentation’ of a check from Bakerton Local 1280, UMWA, gave the 1982 Cancer Crusades pig boost at its Kickoff meeting e North Cambria ares held at the Nurses $1,000, the included from emn- | joes of Barnes & Tucker Con " Mines 15 and 20; $39% from i of Sterling Coal Co and 6; $47 from workers Coal Co. and 33 from drive Taenday ant clone Apr. 30. The goal for , cancer crusade is $18.300 mn] n at the event in Span- Lao F. Gerber, execulive | Pennsylvania Division. American Cancer Society. He maid | that one In four peopls who cor- | tract cancer die Deediessly. They | di He mid the soslety is not al % to / fis deh | saving of human no the srsdication of can- | the three: that medi i Caps were presented 1] wtndpn fast Thursday, when the above Adams and Sally Aan f.onchart science instroctor; Mary ney. t narses af impressive pleture was taken Jo Kirkpatrick and Mary Anna Mac Fryer, Virginia Finantek, RE INI 1 A ll Om the photo second row--Jean Mae W hited, fouine Pavel, Dolores Chuahran eremonies at Miners’ Hospita {3eft to right) Janis Roland and Wariem | { i | ie J Jamies Bodie Photo Patton) 1 Sehonl of Nursing First row—-Fllen Frances Voyike, Ann (har are: Mes ami thing row.—-Mary Westover County's Fire Convention Parade Give Your Help to Firemen SEL Vell 87 ddersiion om Harnmsieirg abel et 3 4 on % on $ # add in Fepubliicuns the statement if Ret BPR Me Fire. IRtY & samt sane blymen 3 wn Oe are MIRE NH Map Wan fopresiy a mecling of the ¥ paen es Assn Vicinity $ ud % ¥ ¥ : 2p Ls 3 SELLRE ‘sw inhyia i iW Dagny town RS . san Lopresti isctiss pertaining to fre sie Before the As sepnibly during Soe 1H Beason He todd Bremen hey ped An five jobbivistl Mn Harviaburg Fre Agsernhiy je Ri TRE ol BE j anreals Hue nssed fails the Cres Fire Company RAE sane from The ate Tor proofed ting the resem Riate Banalor jum. Stale gi Was stopped foliar years sgu. Pride 16 Thal tame the Crensnn volunteer unit Pere timp ox ne of 1 Patton Borough to Have Daylight Saving Time Patfon Boreugh will again observe Daylight Saving Time during the 1852 season. ft is explain DY borough soloms that the ballet taken during 1949 covered that year and all fTetare Years, ener no special actin In speeded to put DST into effect this year, Clocks will be tursed ahead enrly Sunday morning, April 27. the last Sunday of thin month, Most North Cambria com munities. it in helleved, will observe DRT the same an bast year. ha Oldest Patton Man, Mahlon S. Kirk, 97. Dies Here Monday Mahlon Seyler Kirk 97. died at’ the home of his daughter Mrs Howard L. © at 515 Beech Ave. Patton. onday of his week at 3 p wm iMys F. fond | in Be AIR | Music Lessee W | planned for Music Week, the date % | approval To Be Held During Evening Hours tet ng 3 1H Lia for pro TEER % 5 f JT id a a ok RE Wi Es Ame Civ ey? ie hat Held HEY TTiaT Gf Ine © lia Arey (need the nniial parade will be 2 8 ES 3% FREES ¥ Ped riage ¥ he Be coven tion About £7 fa ried The Fria £ 1% - ul os Wil Fi 5 $y VF A JRE fi Hel Was A FRR Ale patie peeling Johnstown af civil defen os in Unmbria tant tos LH 4.1 abet acini & ty nil Sot ms Ling Wi SPY fe 198 spon, $3 i Fads 8 Lilo eneniad at Win yee d t 4 k ge foi IR 1 ied BREAN tte gay Wer t EY rey Ihe ant Fe Fire Dept ge re Aghtin g fore IEW + Baa ped 13 companies The pest meeting will be Patton Music Club's Anniversary Event To Feature Concert Music Week, May 4-11, To Be Marked Here Plans for an sapiversary bans guet amd public concert. wera ont lined ut a meeting of the Palton Club Tuesday evening at Monte BPailroom Cagley JF thei sein suf 8 {6 £48 wt £1 held the local president, prreadeiedd atl 11. was aanoiinesi that the an meal anniversary bmaguel of ae plah will he helld sometime GUring Nations! Music Week, May 4 0 11. A public, copenrt in aise being ard other information ‘ ponneed. The State Convention Co | Pennavivania Pedecaiion of Music Clubs will be held this maath i | Williamsport Following te business ian enjoyable program was presenited Program is as lows: Vocal solo. “The Holy ¢ iby Mra Paul Kane, soecompanied by Mrs Nelsott Marvin; saxophone solo. "Mazurlia Neapolitan by | james Rhody, accompanied bY EE. Arble;. wvoesl solo “Smiling Thea the Yeara~® Mm | Paul Kane: sixophone solo, "lie: pestranm” James Rhody. Encores i ¢ “April Showers” by Mr ; “piles of Hoffman” by The two artists were well re- {osived by ciib members. It was the first muse club program in which Mr. Rhady participated. The board of directors will meet at the home of Mrs. John Dickson, 523 Beech Ave, this evening al 17 o'clock. to be 53 # 0% a £ : sion of mame § AE BA oR A Mra wait sly Crippled Children’s Fund This Easter House-to-House Visit Slated In Carrolitown x ¥ Chip displaying Ins ERLARL HN i will pein Lp fire Fos Ean y the ony Voatiels Fay eu bce} YiRAY filed hia ren ave frre elnilds LARS during CPR sodici led CRY fran fax} 5 whi, 24 The COLEINEY Fen in " § le iN £0 ne £3 & g aX & % $4 i Eas reaily 8 Worthy chaniy a when {itlie fui fel Fen £8 pide % {hee pany with Hed Fie sete] With FREN ie aid of mdern se lolees van bedome invalids for Life The Dundes fined during (he CRMpRIgn are iis] for Ehidren awn neighborhoods Regine al BONNE While eating amd other Navth Cambria Towns these Eas tor Rex! cans are pinced ony in Fre pan TR establishments BOTT poveinitien will have young ped rise Pest ss § Oo DROS O PR Particularly will this be a eet Boa ial 8 Carraillown {nations are ust what you want L Makike hem Any Ooin will be appreciated and will help And posing folks who will make the canvass [iKewise are doing a good deed fens fartinate Youths Dwi a onin In The e0in-cRi see on the counter of wauy neigh Barend Lary thee ab fhe yestlrgtor pnisents eit. You'll feel teller by dang ard canis pide # Yise ha Wes n Persia Eo Boa Le Carrolltown Plans To Curb Reckless Riding of Bicycles wresiitown Borough Council oh pled Daylight Saving Time for the summer months asd or dered a drive on reckless bicycle riding a! a session held Toesday evening of thix week. By resolution of the solos. the morough will afficially go on DST at 2 o'clock Sunday morning. April 27 As to Bicvele riding. courwilmen discussed the possibility of issi- ing lcensen for all bicycles and having their riders taking exam: on safety rates. similar to the int up in Patton Meanwhile, pil ride ing on sidewsiks will be Isannned. Cvelists are instructed to Hay on the right side of the road In mddition a resoluliim Was adopted tn enforce the pet capita tax collections again thi Year The solons aise plan to draw up & new parking ordinance lo res : place a present gtitmoded (ne now “Lan the books The progiu is subject to the : ei the hospital author ties. It will be put inte effect as anc practical yian is te 12 District Youths - Facing Induction Draft Board 38, with hmdguar ters in Ebensburg. Tuesday were potified to enll 12 own next Thursday, April 10, to be sworn inte the srmed forces at Pits burgh Induction center April's quota for the dralt board is the lowest in several months Draft officials apmounced they will be able to fll the en- tire month's quota with sen born prior to Dec. 31 180 Lt | racket places them in the An increase in voluntary enlist- I. i I H : I. | & i J Get Nurses’ Caps become Hope | | Hastings Couple No : ow irl anes sah DIM Alou sev JOR which 21 year-old : Johnstown Umit, will sponsor A pee cancer film and program this Wy ca Easter Programs Must Hal Placed Against Churches desiring to publish Holy Week or Easter servos sehedules are asked to have them in our hands ne later than Saturday of this week in arder to insure tion, The reason we ask this is so that our composing depart- ment may have time to wet schedules and programs in type before our publication deadiines, We cannot guaranties publi cation of such (tems ness they are in our shop by the stated time. 11 Young Women Thursday Evening wissen of of Mines Hospital Nursing, Spangler, &t ceremonies ast Thursday wening in the Nurmes Home CAPPING eXertines mua rioed ae completion of pre-clinical vork bv the students Principal speaker Was ithe Of Re hood reread vend Eleven Yoring HE ¢ aps The Clair J | viel, supervising principal of the He cen gualities of that the Hastings Publis Schools ered his talk on the 3 goat purse He stated ‘raining experienced in Ihe promt hres monies only a stan profession. He added thal wifl fo § throughout Lheds rder be godd nurses A Svdney Deringer + mentber of ! Board 051 gave he difdrens sr Rirtef PEATE were we Williaa MeMullen By ¢ president of the moar of trisiess Mra Frances nal retort. a ng. presented the Dew Ethel Blair resented (he CURDS Invasion was offered Hy Anderson Chureh 8 io fey they if eked Have lives iD eis [Spangler af oo dire. wel given Harnes- nosvtal’s ie 4 WE EYY Voy! Ma the eR 31h 4 * of Clams direior of Rov Sf Ba rneahnro ¥y ev sist ave paslor Firat Baptist % % smd Henediclion Father Fugens Neubert Haly £9 Spangler ‘Ship Refrigerator For TV Newlyweds gis «+n saator of Chamch at wis Catholic Have Silverware Set Af least one of the prises given ship. 1056 pre. and Mrs Wendell Routeh of Hastings will be delivered and in- stalled in the near future The couple Ww | age on the TV show Groom.” tride and Wednesday of thin week Louis | gcaminations CA. Halusks Rupply Co. fram Westinghouse Electric Corp that he was shipped Tuesday a FD-R4 model Westinghouse refi. gerator to Be delivered lo Mrs i Routeh at Hastings The refrig- erator will be installed in Ww ever location Mra Roulch desires. of Standard Motor in helping their | Shipment! to Patton will be ronisele | Shipment to Patton was made truck from Mansfield, Ohio Mere Routch already has re ceived a +118-plece silverware set as wel! as a toaster and ron which were given on the program, Yel th come Are a sweeper, Hines and Blankets Bay vi P¥ gq The hide 1s back at work af ammons’ Store in Hastings, vie BiH Approximately 150 persons at- | tended the third annual bangued of North Cambria Barkeeps Ad sociation last Sunday night in the Paton Moose Home. Joseph Gals vetll, peryed the welcoming Enterta State Sen in J hast- | and some other! Political Orgnnizations Swinging Into Action \ ip Politkes is in Lhe Mr once more. i After a delayed inlerim of inter } sat i pang I holt two meetings of {Tae {ors | Johpaitown last Friday night aye {for that Paw ing Lyte continue £1 Exams Tuesday, Wedne we 1ENOe | mare Mins | niirees, | i : 3 § i § 3 £ i % i : £ ton, who performed feats of mun ge; Joseph Green, : a. Barpesboro, | ‘tap dane and Margaret! | ' Milter, enadict vocal duet, eurruniga lion fclers are steps! ws the tempo. Democrats commitise and women and other lead. juring the pas! week. one in the AN the last ; tive session, particularly to his voting on labor legislation i i Other speakers her in Ebensbiurg Tuesday even- Go ing. Organisation csndidates wore nroenoted ftepublicans, under leaderaiip | Andy Gleason imtitied head of county GOP organization heen askad lo give support vey Sem Fisetihowver and have igted & number of lockl meelings purpose. (Mf cotrse, there i & slate of local candidates to promod Li, # £5l the Yon Highlighting tha meeting of the | IMmecrats &t Elbenaburg were tally by Atty. Amold Smorte, rorpiver assistant district atiorney. declared hen for Sem. John Flsluskta despite the fact that former bows, Ham R. DiFren- nus annoutioed support for anti-organiss lion ys chief follow-up address by i fie $a 4 saied arn teed that “Republican money are if the coiinty last Satur. day and a great portion of il was pha in hone town of Pats fon "Aud it Hy # not Democratic mon. Ta EE : for TOW candidate, % West There is a Tow among Defi oerats generally t Mr. Pa of paugh's past recahd as ve ader and outstanding farnhes ax made him & wise cheodce for indorsement. Whether the rank and file of Republican voters lke it or the Glegson ; ton controls the and Uhr ple of : thin asthe, On Apr. 15 There'll be one at 7.80 Le mi. im the Bes AL 9 pm the sme i te there'll b meeting Haluska hiniself who asser- ey Df A he " 18 a ye dae Neld in the Highway Shed at Bb ensburg at 730, snd at Cresson 106GF Hall at 9 o'clock ; These are tust a few of the numerous Republican gatherings planned for the county , 3 Bases: 0 Over 1,400 Given Free X-Ray 3 Mobile Unit Located At Ebensburg Today Well over | 400 persons reweived free chest Ry examinations Puesduy and Weanesday dwele at mobile X-ray conters wel ip in Patton ani marnesboro. The | sxpininations, geen by Johnstown Bewciety for Prevention of Tuber. culosie. will cintinue today at Ebenshuirg anil tomorrow at el : Over B00 pernons received X-ray exams in Patton yesterday. Of this number TAH of those examin. el were student Total number of adults examinnd in Pation was aot available ab press hme carly | t thie i Breskdown of the students oe Losteing X-1Ry morning 1s an follows Palen 370: Ht Mary's, Patton. 35° Hastings. 240; Reade Town: grid (‘hest Township, 6 A total of 500 students and adults from Harnesboro, Spang. or, Bare and Bosguehanna Town. ax married several weeks | ships recerved Xorny exuros st » ssabile center set up in Barnes- bore Skating Rink, Tuesday. wae Today The exatninitions will continue # on R $4 Patton received ward | today and lominrrow with students from Crrolitywn, Ebensburg and Cambria ToWiikhip areas beige ox amined at Ebensburg-Combria NORTH CAMBRIA PERSON ALITIES-NO. 154 of this OAR High School ym today and the Gallitzin, Cresson and Lilly ares being exam temortow at the Cressgn High Gym. The students will be examined (dt the Ebensburg ami Cresson centers during school hours sid X-rays of the gemeral public will be made from 7 lo 2 p wm each - day The survey is for students 15 veurs and older and all sdults Students being examined from various grade wm in the sre pwt the age mnt, It is pointed out that the X-1SN% take jess than a minute and thst po clothing is removed during the amination. All reporls are oon. Regardiess Of whether 8 i 1 vecelve ; en E ¥ ; X-ray filo will be on offies for vef- ference. A oport of any sbher mality will be sent to Une indivi duai’s family physician for fas ther oiinical study. The individual will be tw visit the physician for an explanation of the abnoramlity The free X-rays are a pat of the Johnstown Socwely’'s Program of tuberculosis prevention and are financed by the annual Chrisi mas ‘Beal salem. The Technical work is done by National X-Ray Sur ‘yeys of Orange N. JL ¥ Domenic lanniello Veteran Clay W her husband bas returned || address. i] t waa provided by uskn, Pat" | {and Mrs. Alice Lallemand, Patton | 8 vocal solo. Clifford (BAYT Thomas wika awarded a life membership in Ute J | amsoda tion, Thursday of Next Week Harber shops in Northern Cam. ris County will be open nex Thursday due to the Easter hall: dave. The shops will remain open anti] 6 p. on emch day next week. The ares barber shops closed Thursday of sach week ing the vear sxcept the Thursday preceding holidays. Ares barbers also announied that their shops will be front 12 noon until 3 p.m. on ' Good Friday. Cs EL Scheduled At Van Ormer he American Cancer Soviaty. day, Apr. + at 30 PB mw. in thie retter” Toi i are ploves of the Patlon dur | facturing ua resident of Patton jor almost 45 from nal pt closed | Hare Ver ince. i i 3 § i i Shops to Be Open 3 By UNRIL Ro STEVENS Domenie lannieilo. veleran sm. Clay Muau- Company, has been years. He imme here om Jihe, 12) 1907. and has Mr. lannielic portunities offe 1 was only 18 vears oid when he left his native country, but he remembers enough to realize the good chanes to eam a living in Americas a) compared country. | here are the chances “1 wouldh’t be here if it stated : pared to Daly. % to the ald weren't » (Jumes. Hiudio Phote, Patton) through of his TWO brother's, Phillip, whe 10 percent better than in