BY JANET CC. KUNN Mr. anil Mrs Hiram Westover and family of Westover were re- gent visitors at the John Troxell The Curoline Troxell Rebekah Lodge wil hoki a regular meeting | at the lseal OOF Hall Friday evening, Mar 21. There will be election of officers and the annual capsule ister pariy. Al inembers are regoated attend Mr and Mrs Calvin MCartney smd chilliren of New York spend Saturday evening here with Mr amt Mrs John McCartney Miss Mary Lou Troxell Pitidmirgh spent the week with hey parents, Me and Harold 1 vel Mrs nes of spent ai i fay evening with Miss Janet Kuhn [ Lagat Wednesday evenindg ors with M Mra John Cariney wom Ar and Mrs es MeCartney, Mr and Mrs Trexeli and children, Roger Jerry, Mr rice Clauses TT OV Moartney Misa joanne 11 daughte of Mr (nd Mrx Herbert Troxell returned Lo her doties as a nurs at the Presbyterian Hospital Pittsburgh, after spending a va cation with her parents Mrs Anna Binnix and son, Bill were rent visitors at the Mervy! Gater home Miss loanse bufgh spent home hure Recent visitors with Mr and Mis Chilr Revnolds were Mr. and of end Mrs 5 Wal Jam pnd am fei axell of Pills her fonder the week ond at _ fester Hollen, Mr, and Mrs Chester Hollen and son, Tom Rey polls ad son, Pill, and Ray Rey Miss Dawn Haverly of Bellwood spent the week end with Mss Nisa Bowman Mr. dnd Mes. Chester Kuhn and doughtie, Janet, spent last Fri- day evming at the John Troxel bp Revaolds was = recent visitor In town. ‘Mrs. Herbirt Trowell and dav glitter, Joanne, were Inst Saturday ning visitors in Altoons. Mrs. Paw Brought and som of Mints indnio were recent visitors dy with the lady's parents, Mr aid Myre Merle Reffwer. Mrs. Dusky Kris of Hellen sent 1he week end at the Chester hn residence EMERSON SALES T Y AND ~ SERVICE ON ALL MARES & Expert Technicians # (naranteed Workmunship Altoona | visit. John | Ta Bellwood J © Hommer was a visitor Conlport last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lovell and sons were recent visitors at the Liovd Morrow home Mrs. J.T. Glasgow and A. OC. Halev were visitors Coalport last Thursday Mrs. Chester Kuhn and daugh- ter Janet were visitors in Beil wood last Saturday afternoon Miss Ren MeCartmey of Al tocna spent the week end at her home here attended a Mrs. Earl Dovison party in Coalport recently. haid py Women Moose of Coalpot { Lodge. A huncheon held in honor of Houtzdale Club Dorothy Davison the | teen-age club in Coalport last | Thursday evening. Mrs Earl Da- vison and Mrs Mune! Dougherty haperoned the gooup Mr and Mrs Clarence Dau sherty of this pac. attended a party in honor of their son Lon n Delrgpt, Mirch fast week Helen Naylor, Nancy and Eve yn Funicellt of Cresson High { School tumbling class under the firection of Mus Ardath Nelson | participated in an amateur con test in Ehensburg Monday even ling. They were selected for the aeonnd show to be given Apr a Mr &nd Mrs Frank Gregg left | by piane recently for San Anton io. Texas, th attended the gradu ation of their daughter, Flora who has been stationed there wilh 8 Air Force Please turn to Page 8-B for aaditional Dysart News. in Mrs in Of WAS Ladies attended {ge gt By SHIRLEY JEAN NASH Mra Thomas Nash and daugh- ter. Judv, and Mra. Dave Nash were last Saturday visitors in Al toons Mr. and Mra James Letcher end son. Jimmy, and daughter, of Philiprburg were recent visit. ors here at the Harry Letcher fe ee Mr and Mrs Kenneth E Doug- | jase and sons, Kenny and Dale, ' of Bellwood were Rast week visil- ors in town, Mr. and Mrs Boyd Thompson and son Were receal Visitors in : Irvona. Miss lea Magpie Lovell Was & recent ealler in Altoona Mra Thomas Nash was a Mon | day visitor in Harrisburg Mrs Iona MecHolien recent visitor in Altoona John Neighbaur of Irvona vis fied in town last Sunday Mr. and Mra Clair Edmiston ‘and Barbara and Connie Graham were recent visitors in RigRles Cap at the home of Mr. and Mrz jee Graham. Mrs Leo Graham amd son wore | Monday visitors at the home of { Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nash Was =a who are most difficult are often the most i SRE SRA AIPA, §_FREERN; T aa MASONIC GROUP HONORS TRUMAN GUEST AY A BREAKFAST gathering of Shriners and Masons In Wathe ington, President Harry S. Truman accepts scroll presented to him by officers In the group (L to r.) sre: Truman; Frank Land, Grand Sec. retary, DeMolay Council, Kenses City Masons. and William Jacobs, Potentate of Almas Temple, Washington, DC. Addressing the group, the Chief Executive said. “1 like the job of President” but added that the task was 8 hard one with little appreciation shown { International) BAKERTON By M. A PANCIZAK Sacred Heart Church Sodality Elects Officers At a recent meeting of the Young Ladies Sodality of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here the following girls were el ected officers ing year Einora Hovan, prefect Ruth Barnes vice prefect) rene Releaky, corresponding retary; Evelyn Sclesky, recording secre tary, and Bianche (HenohicK tréeantirer Fon pe ti Fol H%A four Lie re Mary By Robert Went wha Fai Fry serving with the 1 8 Army Engineer Corps Germany for the past Lhree arrived cently ami spenl a furlough the hone of his Mo Mrz Walter West Miss Deris Fiteh of New York City visited last week at the hot of her parents, Mr. and Mrs George PFilch Jerome Murphy of Salem, Ohio spent the week end here st the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs James Murphy Thomas Venesky, wha was tioned in Colorado with the UB Army, spenl a five-day leave al the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Venesky, before be- in re at 5 YS VORTHE, parents sth {ing transferred to » camp in Wis- | Teonsin : : Mr and Mra Robert Rogerzin- sky and son of McKeesport spent the week end herve al the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mon- ea Rogerzinsky ‘Main Intersection ‘At Cresson Again pital, condition seems fair, but that the : of his injuries has dot heent Also injured was of Callitzin, who suffe D. received » 8 gE § % i 1 | ear driven by on with i i ; of il x 8 i i 3 i fl YL : is : MOYIng ment that packs a thrill a minute {ali parts of the globe. wonder ~whose flights {rival ‘a whole pack of merriest, ion | MeDonald, 64, Lilly. He was re- brand new moved to the Altoona Mercy Hos. *umts to tickle your vista facul where attendants said his leo J Lenz, | from | of There will be une hundred and . one exeiting events lo claim the | attention. | | ‘order or a visit County War fis Frank Wirth Circus At War Memorial Middle Next Month Expect Indoor Event Will Draw Top Crowd Remember sway W akl dave when you Were shaver and the Hirst spring wan the bilipost ing the th t od Sra Ww posters telling was coming to id And the da) the OHCUE Can wietihed 4 fawn, streak grovmds and carrving wale: 3 a LH Yel Johnstown not bet apie fo etl a water for % 4 # Fon ¥ %33 LEE 16 agtaim, and the elephants deny the « he able In In i1his case Wirth ¢ held in wot ert Frank Fas Cambria Si Arena GIring April 14 fo 18 A 5 : SiEIRME ay seamen. The Tage ducer, Frank Wir, with some new nets ty make Lhin in & Feiwa Pre thrid Fast pro- WOW h eile nis CLroLs GYIGnCe the Aho Pe ENF i | segaon 1 show one of the great. ent galaxy of Hippotromatic stan that ever has been brought £0 gether in one Program It's whipped together in a fast kaleidincopic entertain. The acts have been garnered from Intrepid aerialists. who ‘will thrill you with their sensations! stunts hgh up in the air; daring acrobats whose rieky somersaults a something to at: performing animals that present the ulmost in animal ssgacity; astounding through the swallows and the air CWT mirth-provoking mimics with =» fine of side-sphitling ties All will be ineluded in the 18052 version of Frank Wirth Clrous But, this aljp is only a brief outline of the treat in store for area circus-lovers- young and old. | Eight performances of the big | indoor circus will be held at the Johnstown aretia. Six evening per- formances are scheduled for 8:15 'p. m. Monday through Saturday | and two matinees, with special price for children for matinees held at 2:30 pp. m Monday and Saturday. Tickets are available by mail| to Cambria | Memorial Arena, | Johnstown, or from several spon. | The dates again soring groups. ‘are April 14 through 19. i | NO sED ; NO SLEEP Ep Chester— (PNR) Charles Car | roll is losing some sleep over his | joss. He reported to police that pa rations commander of the American Leg- HO, Hen DUE ident Committee and general in charge Commander #88 coanme up gymnasts Legion Furthe Visit National Banquet to Be Held At Oriental Ballroom Cambria County continued pne- for next month's visit BR. Wilson, national 7 Donald commitiee in Ebengs- al a meeting of Sunday afternoon The national commander, a re of Clarksburg, W Va. 18 to visit the county on April 17 Wilts, Loretto, chairs Cambria County Legion chatrman of arrangements for Wilson's visit, named ard arnouncsd the hist vimting Legion dignitaries Program for (he countywide rally and banquet in Orienlal aiiroon. Gallitzin, will be IB of Walter J Stinson of Hb aw hesitled Fpursday, Paxil J rian of clugirmmen harge ie wir chairmen named by M include Frits Morley, Har neshora. tickets: Joseph LaRodra South Fork, gifts: Bernard Mie} vin, Johnstown, reception come and John W. Rose Gallit- in. ritual team Colver PTA to Hear Thomas L. Aitken Altken of Ebenabtirg Coal Company : teaching of cothical sed moral values at un meeting of {od Parent-Teacher A ssmorin at '% this avering TP Bom Rehoot muditor itiew Thomas L vice presi carn Ril dimeriss viv Colver Publi Program sien will ipchnde a apne] discussion by James Misiun Jt Ray Howlind Petty Kuncienian Mixierator will pres ient Firhasd a "ni Piuterh sug h Witham Lhiriey ars Nanos fe be Charlies the PTA rade of students will stage Friends from Health by Mra Havel The Elves and the By Mrs wt IO two plays jis raed serpe rvisesd "Bornton, and Shoe er syne rvised [enter Jones pekdition rected “ Siden Br vocal The grinervined by Minn Nipps, wiil present thre aod of Our Fathers Showing and Eas in William will solo girls’ chorus Patricia di Land JOH aime Are Parade Hastings Girl Signs For Duty With WAF Dorothy J. Lioyd, daughter of Me and Mes Blair Lloyd of Has tings, has entered the Wornen's Air Force (WAF: for a Uaree- year period, as announced by To 8gl. Robert Sayier of the! Bar peshore Recruiting Office Miss Lloyd i= a graduate of Lak rarpneshoro High Sehonl amd was employed by Phillips Jones Corp. rneshors, priory io enlistment The new WAF will repotft to seth Afr Force Indoctrination Wing Training Ceniler, Lackiand Air Force Base San Antonio, Texan where she will receive her basic training prior lo bDetnyl as signed to one of the many tech sical schools in the Air Folve Hoover Will Head Spangler Veterans Devan Hoover was nanted com. mander of McDonald Post 70503, VFW. Spangler, Inst Thursday at a reorganization meeting in the post home He succeeds Paul Lantsy Other officers are Paul Kirsch, senior vice commander: James Hoover, junior vice commander, Cleon Wyland quartermaster; John P. Lantsy, judge advocale; Robert Donnelly, chaplain, Dr. Jerome J. Sakon. surgeon. Joseph Falsetlli, trustee. and Mr. Wy land, Mr. Kirsch and Warren Lantzy, delegates Installation of officers will be Ee ol RAPA held on Thursday. Apr. 10. anlage rs Plans ana Benedict C. ... Every Farmer Is a \ Fo Commander Many national, Z.ate and coun- | ty Legion officials will be on hand | in 1s honor the national commander i National officers who expect to #80 include Paul Lackey commander be present guide to the nations) Harry K. Stinger commitieeman, state officers puaculive Among will western stale vice Attorme svalter E. Al past department com: candidate for na- at next in New Dietrich, ander; eusandront meander and » tional commande; ust's national convention York City Bernard Steir ter, department president Legion auxiliary; Mra Mury Wil son, department suxiliary tary-treasurer, and Mrs. Beasie McCready, western director of the | auxiliary County officers w+: include Mr Wills and Mra G, Eller, Johrs- town. county auxilinry president Mr Wills announced that program is expects he pleted at anothes sion Sunday, Mar tirg New Ruling Made On Fabric Labels Rayon, Acetate Must Be Plainly Marked LD Hin Ebens A new federal trade national | be | Jack R. Dodson, department com- | wander, and Mrs. Dodson; George | COM. Aug- | department | sergeant-at-arms; Mra. Ann Pain- | of the § pcre. | the | com. | committee 808 | commis. | sso cs - — | moved to California. i A former member of | County Medical Society and She . | staff of the Miners’ Hospital Dr. Bernard C. Healey, former | angler, he served as a captam in Barneshoro physician, died Mor: the medical corps during World day of inst week at the home of War | a sinter, Mrs. Maitgaret Pleferlle, Hollywood, Calif. Reaching down and lifting Dr Healey retired several years somebody up is the grandest of hecause of il health and’ exercises “CLIMBING LIKE ANGEL Cambria Ld won ruling will make it easter for | Pennsylvania nomemiakers to de cide between rayon amd acetiute | Reams? "N Ng fabrics This AOImen for vans vania Hilbert ing extension “The new ruling ciarfles the distinction between Tayon and colltilonse acetate and also requires tags on gestions new ruling will help select the correct purposes,” says La. Penn Stato cloth specialist care and As a result of this ruling, raven and acetate fabrics he labeled as to conten? ing to Miss Hilbert “Ravons are more Jike shrinkage. wrinkling tendencies Rayons fog in mg Cellulose acetate like have a low slow drying fibers ale nore fate Aber absorption. are fast sensitive hot nighly resistant Both fabrics maothproof and are only affected by perspiration Hilbert explains Robert J. Snyder io 8 west} are alike to in slightly Mina ‘Now Tech Sergeant Robert J. Snyder, commander of the 11. 8. Army and Air Force Recruiting Station in Harmesboro recently meeived a promolion to technical sergeant T Bg! Snyder has been assign. ed to the Pennsvivania Recruit. ing District with headquarters in Philadelphia. He will remain as wigned to the Barmesboro station ge far ax is known He has been stationed in town since November, 1004 He is a native of Lebanon, Pa and a graduste of Lebanon High School. He enlisted for the firat time in the Air Force in that city. T Sgt. Sayder is married to the Zormer Louise Roas of Riche | and. Towa, and is the father of one 20h, Michael Add 2 Regular lo To Co. Regular Ev mn; Two regular emplovees were added to the staff of Dennis L Westrick, Cambria County treas urer, at a meeting of the county salary board last Friday They are Joseph P. McCabe, Lilly and Milazzo, Johnstown who were emploved at the reas urer's office as per diem workers. | af the two men were | set ut $215 monthly. : Salaries $ £ fabric | the products giving sug- | handling. | all | mast | gecord- | cotions i and soil. have # high moisture absorbency and are | avion Ade | moisture | drying and | iron. They are | being the North Cambria’ jee it at CHAS. F. , PITT CO. 5 Phone 2222 PATTON, PA. | someone had liroken into his sec. - ond floor apartment apd took {of all things his bed. : I 1 ’ Band 3 dia Only $199.95 be It’s the Season for Bills in spring, it seems as if all the postman ever ss » 1 i i 2 ri PITT CO. Phone 2222 PATTON. PA : brings is one hill after the other Fall Ff course, a turns the bsist until then! We suggest vou eall on us for a eon. tide, whit te do venient nnn inst National Bank Carrolltown, Penna.