Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, February 14, 1952, Image 3

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    T ui day, February HM, . UNION PRESS. COURIER
dni _—
pr - ie - Ts A HAIR Au iB Ar I a or gd on &
III nui EVEN AS YOU AND t MEFTING SET FOR MONDAY . . e wl act _ 8 _ 4 . :
: The American Legion Auxiliary | CANT CLOSED : :
v fl Pp be i j : ; anit. Patton, will hold their re. : ants : EX -
O : — f gular meeting next Monday, Feb | discontinued Suring de Blas Landis
un d on Unie Press-Courier a. j 1X at 8 p m .n the Lagion | Lente son. Putas plane £ :
Dial 316 Home The mepibership is urged | | new meamire was
a ! | g ; ¥ ; Si
: n 3 to attend 'a Sa a pe | “If we are not under the new
| their lusbands are condially in . 8 © FS . | in cn dt Liaw, them we are under Bo Be
vited to attend this partly i M~ anid Mrs Gordon This ane | Ha Hoover of Wellsburg, W | strictionrs on feen he said. “We
The president requests that alt L + § ; daughters, Adelaide and Anis, of | VA, returned last Friday after a : oan charge whatever foes We fool
mothers of band ite see that hee 4 Hastings visited relatives in Pat- | *pe ing two weeks among fri: Attorney General hs {like.” he added hon
| their respective child's band uni & . ton RD. last Bunday | ends and relatives here. . Asked to Make Ruling Altea A McDonald, &
: form be cleaned and ready [of B ; : ; TA , Myr and Mra Max Gill spint | My. and Mm Ray Rarihetm Pennaylvania’ aldettnen’ | Ebensburg, counsel for the ames
Next Week exchange. if necessary, by ihe | } Sunday with Mr. and Mm gy | Jr of Erie visited over the past fe ee 03 cation, was instructed fo seek A
first week in March gi j Gilt fh Altoona, The ladies are}week and at the home of the for fas et may work to the bmefit! jing from the attorney .
| : yoo alton sisters | mer's father. Ray Kaviheim andi magistintes unless an 3d- | office.
Mrs. Leslie Albright was elected 3 also with other relatives. verse ruling i made by the ati Ty, wp
secretary to fill the vacancy - : fd F Mr. ie Mrs yu Mtrittuatiog Ani Swab of the Pit qn} Verney general | higher rate of fees sidermen ; may -
created by the recent mec | Donna Hennessey } ll RE > gePRng announce the birth of a moll. CU Maroy Hospital Behool anus Nuri | The new act, which repeated all | collect for different types of oie :
i Ed
of Mrs. Henry Hofer at a regular FE Ta BR Tuesday, Feb. 12. at the Mercy week | ptevious such acts, sets Up & ies such as felonies. misdemenn
a ; : % Hospital, Altoona ng, spent the end at theo : or as - it
resting of the Pasion Bane 3o- Homored Af Shower ah pi : home of her parents, Mr. ang | Xhedule of charges for cases ors, and:
thers Association Tuesday even- : Sunday evening guess at Une | of Chaties Swab nandled by abilermen and justices civil suits
of this week 5 : § home of Mr. and Mrs James! _ » of the peace. Under navivania | ATT a
ing 5 : AER Pen i The magistrates and constables
During the session the associa- | : 3 Healy were Mins Margaret Arne | Patricia Hoover, student DUNN | ae “ cannot penefit | attended the final session of the
tion presinted the following band | : § 01d and Joe Flemming of Beda 8 MECH Hospital School of | from any pay rewes during theif | course tn civil law and its proces
studimts with sweatres as an | : | ford and Mr Lotter of Altoona | Nursing. Pi ! spent UN iggee of offive | dures Tuesday night ¢
Mah A xa shower was held ir ’ hd Mrs Farl Kibler and Week end here With het phrents | oe the ve does McDonald
n Patty | honor of Miss Donna Hennesso) ey “ LR Hl : som Jimmy, of Altoona spent (Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hoover ol aot ly 8 or 00k | he na a. :
Patti Cos- | TUesdny evening, Feb 13, at the J dig ; Sunday with Mrs Kibler mo- | Palmer Ave. : oo Paldermen and la of the |Isunched by fore: Distriet Ate
Flova K home tM and M Thomas y : & E ther Mrs Victoria Riner it the Pet. Edgar Callahan of Camp : : : m do ; | torney Samuel K Dif rancescs.
e He elly, ! of : re. Hoi : : i home of Mea Riner's ser ina | Pleats Va. spent the week ami panos eg in: fio other fea}! ey Sami Re Prac
ee Da | wks of Patton iD egor| 1AYING SOMEONE STARE at you Si day can Bu very fatigung So 00, dsvehter Mod Mrs a HAE MOPS ok Callahan. Mr | IE RO Or ey are at liberty toi Feb. 38 or 38 lo arrange fry
| Hennessey and Anthony Neste Pandora, the Philadeiphis Zoo's four-yesr-old Chimpanzee likes to Ciarence Athright. Charles FUAGT | * . | det thelr own fees gradustion banquet
: | Jr. of Holsopple will be married relax with her evening when the 200 shuts t alin of Altoona, spent Hunday | Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Murphy ant | : aii
{Fed 22. Pandora's quite 8 pir so nets Der the night. with his mother | family of Altoona spent the pas The problem was Aimrumed al NNOU
| Hostesses were Rita Smith wh Dey pan ueradtional) Among the out-of-town people] week end at the home of Mr. and meeting of Cambria County A :
attending the funeral of the ite | Mrs. Lewis Hoover. Mr. Murphy wd Constables As-
| Mrs Thomas Crooks, Mra Mich . - :
{sel Kachmar., Mrs Harold Ga H N d 2 Life Memberships to Be Attorney Francis Trexter iw a twother of Mrs. Hoover. weny might of this Mary oC
| prielson and Mra. Vivian Hutchi- | ey. arvey ame Qaturday were: Mea Charlotle| eek (0 Ebensbury. Alderinan J. | Loretto last
peat Given At Moose Meeting Trexier and Mr and Mrs Hurold| IT Maloy of 10th Ward. Johns: |£ at Altoona Hospital
To To Church Post Two life memberships will be rrexier of Detroit, Mich. Mr and Barvey, STM, . : ots
: given away it the regular meet. Mrs Herman Trexler of Altoona: | getvoot, Deloss B dant: 1 an REC session _— :
: Man Onis © Se eB i : hin
Brotherhood ;
2 ing of the Loyal Order of Moose, Mr. and Mrs Theodore Bearer, |
Rupert Brawley. Miss Hennessey EY. Jnl Mes Phan Patton. on Thursday, Feb 21 at Mr. and Mra ( Aarense Banree
received man fis Attendin FIL G is ! i "RY # “ Myr and Mra Gordon Swoetl &
J included the ny ¥lof this week Where Me Furvey Ip family Mri. Bernice Makin, Geo-
EM : : fa attended a meeting of Blairsville rge Trexier, Ada Paulite and |
Bu Wir: wre hay Presbytery. Rev. Mr. Harvey was Home will be discontinued until Paul Trexier, Milton Beaver and|™
* " : “i ome of two ministers and two eld sisi sas ' not wd MM and Mrs |
Mrs. Edward Gabrielson, Mrs. J [70 ho son, Alvin, and Mr. an
| 7. Sheehan, Miss Catherine Mor. i r3 Who were elected to attend | further not o.. es Warren Trexer. all of Akron. |
: John man ithe General Assembly of the Ohio: Attarney Milan Chorles of hostess
| man, Mrs, M Masel in es Prestyterian Church in the | CELEBRATES MTH BIRTHDAY Detroit Mich. Thomas Downs of | 1 meeting ¢ re phe. Westmme
8, 3. Ivan “limited States of America. The : y . ; » ; ¢ 5 ¢ Ey
Mrs. Anthony Anna, Mrs. Carol EE Lr <u} oy New Emma Weakland of Troy Pa Houtzdale” Mr and Mrs James Potiowsh Presuvner
Hennessey, and daughter. Virginia Assembly will be held In SEW! formerly of Pation will celobrale Fucks {"alver Mr and Mra
Brawley, Mrs. Jack! OIE City in May her 84th birihdsy anniversary on Risir Trexier of Creksod Ronald
Mrs. Melvin Yahner, Mrs The other miniater elected Was | prgqy, Feb 15. Mins Weakland Trexler of Fuss, U 8. Navy, New
and daughter Rev. Hagold Post DD of the operated a restaurant in Patton Port R I: Mr and Mix Paul
First Presbyterian Church 8 gy many years soil is ¥nown by Rice and farsily of Pottstown,
Greensburg. Ministers and elders all of our readers Khe left Pat- Pa. and Mrs Verna Himmel and | |
to the number of over A thousand |, some three years ago fol: sons Allen and David, of Spring
will gather from all parts of the lowing her retirement City Pa :
United States to take part in
this highest body of the church
: Ly gr he yas ¥ i N A L
{imo of Nanty-Glo op * winx
Ee t. Ella M. Gill 4 rn ar ces | ff )
& Cap C / | supper tn Social Jal & L » / no
Mrs. Mary Tinnick ‘Home From Korea eacgarance means. renner seer! 2 XX > watching
Uv. 8 a
: : p Marie Gill,
months i Korea, and 35 months i a i PRET new Oyromatic. It winds itself!
ft was announced that the
Teenage Club socials al the Mowe
Paith Junior cholr will
Tuesday. Ped
in Tokyo General Hospital, Ja-
pan. spent & 30-day leave hare |
; at the home of her parents Mr. | / Ao, 2 3
a I Jarly Was held Bet | ,pd Mrs. Max GOI of Mellon | _ Ped. 13-Mid-week pray: | 3 protects itsell from shock and witer’
o Avenue 4 3 a 5 ¥ : .
onic = tion, who last Satgrday, Feb 9. Capt invitation, to tae In ni 8 b in fast, you'tt look at the Gyro-
celedra th y An. oat for her new base al the v toons. 143 on your Sli § matic only to gat accurate, dependable
y, Feb. 13 and .. o , Jespital Fort Mammouth
the birthday anMvashries few Jersey, Oapt. Gill hits been . Bf .
; “lin the regular army for seven 3 a. Pig &, ;
Sa Fs DRESSES $8. $5 and $7
. John 3 Mertens Patty SUITS $185 and up
nar, Hainetn Stasko. Jean HATS $1 . . . BLOUSES $2
ys ®
ret LL. Grant, APM
of $d
Large of smull short or tall . | . We calty
the type and size clothing yea are looking for.
See us soon for your spring and summer ward-