SALA AN KTR TR RS By MRS MADALENE G. BUCK 36 Cleveland Street {lallitsin High School Alumni Asiiociation will elect five direc- tot Mar. 3. Nominations were Made at a meeting in the high school Monday evening. [Nominees inetude Lois Chir, Dally Hysong, Inez Bernardinel- Hi, Laura M. Clarks Michael God- frty, Pauline Sanders, Anna Marie Neel, Audrey Buck oe i» ky will be the pet wee basketball = tournament ll SAA ay A trp D. who has been a patient for | several weeks in Altoona Veter. | ior, B.C. is shown after Practice Alburia, Canada Sie 1s ' the | which the association will sponsor {in March | He will be assisted by Dante Ca riotti and Geo:ge Stevens. Lt was announced that mem- bers of each graduating class at- | tending alumni n.eetings until the iend of the present school year {will be totalled and a prize will] {be given to the class with the highest score. A recruiter Was | appointed in each class | Mrs. Margaret Myers of Rail road St. Gallitzin spent a few days last week at the home of { Mrs. Velda Calabore of Altoona { Mrs. Calabore fractured her back fn a fall down the fromt porch | steps of her home. Mra. Calabore [ix a niece of Mra. Myers | Miss Joanne Heiman and Miss | Ann Rosensteel of this place at- | tended the sophomore dance at | Maryland College, Baltimore, Md ‘| tast Saturday evening. Miss Hel- {man and Miss Rosensteel were guests of Mr. and Mrs Fred Chester and family of Baltimore | during their stay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston and Mra Annie Hormauer of this attended a Valentine Party and meeting of Unit 6 of the PRR Women's Auxiliary last Thursday in Canteen Building. Altoona Mrs. Bana Sylvester of Main St. is a medical patient in Altoo- na City Hospital {| Mra Angeline DiGennero of N Main St. is a medical patient at Altoons Hospital. Mrs. Agnes Knee of Tunneihill 81. visited last week with her daughter, Mr Dorothy Knee, in Washington, D. C. Norman Wilt of Everetl spent a few days last week visiting at fhe home of his sister, Mrs An. | pie Hormatter of this piace Lorane Crogan of Gallitzin R a . CARROLLTOWN | my MRS. THOMAS A. OWENS SR | Phone Malloy, Westrick Enter 'U. §. Navy On Tuesday Vineetit Malloy, son of Mrs Grace Malloy, and Ned Westrick igen of Mr and Mra Maurine i Westrick, of this place left on Tuesday of this week for Bain i bridge. Md. where they j enter iactive service with the UU. 8B INavy. The young men had teen Lenlisted in the Naval Reserve & Struck By Bus Monday fittie Miss Barbera Murphy | daughter of Mr. and Mrs Georg I Murphy, suffered when ighe was striwk by a howd DOs on Main St. on Monday afternoon * ® * Mrs. Marguerite Sharbaugh suf fered painful bruises of an arn in a fall on the street Sanday Mr. and Mrs James Jr, of Baltimore Md (past week end here I Thompson's mother, | guerite Bharbaugh, and with Mr | Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs | James Thompson mn Ebenstarg | Mra Ronald Zadai and family [are visiting with Sgt and Mrs i William Zadai in Baitimore, Md | having returned with the antler iwho had been visiting here I 11. A. Btoltz spent ast week in | Punxsutawney visiting at the {home of Mr. and Mrs Julian Bur | ley i Dr. and Mra | were visiting las: week | York Oty. Mrs Mary Hippos and Mrs Mar | garet Ager leit Tuesday fou | Pittsburgh, where they visited Mrs Blanche Nuige. caughler of Mrs. Ager. Mrs opps jefl om Dri ses Frederick Arbie in New ans Hospital, has veen discharged. | Mrs. Mary Wahi and son, R - | Mich. | | bert, visited in Detroit, this past week with relatives Sherman Iches and son Mr. and Mrs John Main SL. announces the birth of a Palko of | THE OLD HOME TOWN Hastings Couple to Be Wed On Television Show Mar. 1 0 Wednesday for Cleveland, Ohio where she will be wader medical oheervation at the Cleveland Me Heal Clinic Mike Buk and Bil Buck of this place spent several days last week in attendance at a Ranbey man's convention In Pittshargh Myr and Mes Maurice Westriek son. Ned and Mr. and Mrs Ad rian Semeleberger returned dur ing the pant week from a 80 jsurn of a few weeks in Florida Richard Kelly of the UU. S Navy, stationed in Virginia, spent a few. days here this past week with his parents Mr. and Mrs Paul PP. Kelly : Herman lehmier 8 i st hi nome on Bohth Main Street floors to Mr and Mrs Tommy Bemplaberger at Miners Hospital Spangler off Saturday. Feb $ 8 som Mrs Semelsberger? is the former Miss Bertha Dillon nag hter of Mr. and Mrz B. J Dhition Or and Mrs Robert Arble and farnity of State College spent last Sunday with the former's mother | Mrs Rose Arble here Mr and Mrs Ray Fessler of tehnatown were Sunday with Carroliitows relatives Banns of mstrimony were pub. lished for the first time in 8 visitors Benadict's Catholic Church Sun. | day for Raymond Waeakiand of this place and Miss Louise Noel of Patton. Thoraas A ing sever {rene Rye this in spend cava weak In Harrisburg where he is attending | 4 comferene of County Commis sioners fron over the stale NEW ZIRCULAR AVAILABLE A new rireninr on Frait Yari- ties for DPennevivanis published Penn Biate College agrienit extonimidn service is avail sible fromm Cambria County Agr cultaral Agtemt H.C. Me William 2! Fhenshury Courthouse STANLEY Foewml rT Nu .,. WHE YOUR REGULAR TEACHER 1S AWRY ( WAL, MISS MUSSELBOUND WILL TAKE OVER ~~~ L upo-~=-- | son, Sunday, Feb. 10, in Altooma | | Mr and Mrs. Russel Johnston | | of Detroit, Mich, are spending = short vacation with Mr. Jobing | i tow vr. and Ms a vacation Nelson of | | : i i $ | EE a hate i fw SH NIECE OMI rte : : it TNR SHEE om Er Mra Catherine vox of Detroit, | E g 1 $ SPS ANG NONE PEER BERR TE Le hy ores 2 SH 1S WEILL YMNOWE IN BOE, WRESTLE) FENCING, SOCCER AND PARLOR } kis cuit nashoasestiio fo hiro So tor of England. E Area Women BST I I I ff ceremonies ml Tune In Johnstown A Hastings couple and a Port § age man will amve millions of spectators at thelr weddings on Fob 27 and Mar 16 They'll appear on Ihe nsUON wide television show “Bride and Groom” over WIAC-TV, Johns town. The show is a fealiire sach weekday, Monday thru Fiiday, af 0.30 a m To be married on the program are Mise Virginia Ferry. (mughter ‘of Mr and Mrs Robert Bl Ferry land Ple Wendell H Roulch, son tof Mr and Mrs Em Romito h all of Hastings. The Portage man Lis Clyde Ritchey, som of Mr. and (Mrs Clyde Ritchey Sr. of Port. (age. He will marry Miss Doris | Hoover of Duytona Beach Fis | The Portagé man and his flan ices are to be on the New York. [telecast show Feb 27 The Hast ings couple will appear Mar 10 i For both couples the chance io sppesr on the FAM Means a good start on their married life In addition to supplying an ali expense-paid honeymoon trip for (the couples. the show liso pre- [sents the newivweds with many F valuable gills {m the progryam, Ihe marriage : that takes place is ihe thing. John Nelson, master 3 3 i £ Coupon 61 Wounded In Korean Fighting fe. Joseph GG. Serventi. 23. of Cemppran has beens reported wound- esd in acticm while serring with Company E of the 23rd Infantry Regiment in Korea The soldiers parents, Mr. and Mra [ois Serventh Hive recel- ved a telegram from the Depart- ment of Defense informing them that their snidier-son’ wis wound. od seriously Jan 200 Extent of Rin wounds or the cirdimstances upder which be was wounded have mt been jearnel By his family Pe. Rerventi entersdd the Army May 23 1901. and recsjved basic training a! Camp Breckenridge Ky He was shipped th the wa pone In November Prior fo entering sevice. PT Serventi was employsl by Ad toon Shoe Factory Three brow thers Jolin Frank andl Albert served in the armed furces dur ing World War II GET GARDEN SEEDS When the garden sew catalogs came in the mall it is Bot tox enrly 10 order. If you dad especi sity good results with the vd) planted last year, them repeal that order giviag the stock num- Ber of the variety or strane HBevolutionary War Fort Pitt in Pittshorgh was named in hon. or of William Pitt, prime miGia- a Ap a RANA HO 1 ian & Institute. Nyack, ! After the ceremony GB bide will YRS : States and apne SMILING Roy Young, 19, 8 retent graduate of Lindblom High Seibold in Chiragn, has been signed by the Detroit Tigers for » reported bonus of $33.000 A shortstop aml right-handed baiter, Young Wt ASS for his school nine last 5 a — iil New Horsepower —new Brake Power —and new Power Sieering blossom on Buick’s ROADMASTER for 1952 : AYRE you've heard -- horsepower bas hit a new high on the ROADMASTER. Brake power has done the same. But today, we'd like to concentrate on the third “member of the power trio— Buick’s own version of Power Steering, available on ROADMASTERS st a moderate extra cost. What is this Power Steering like? It's something like 8 helping hand, something like a “hydraulic slave” «that relieves you of sll steering strain, but lets you Power Steering is handled by a special hydraulic ". upit—and engineers can design this unit to take over any amount of steering cffort —even to a point where the wheel seems to float in your hand. But in that case, you'd surrender ail control to thet hy- draulic unit--get no steering “feel” from the wheel. Now suppose you're telling two agile tons of auto. mobile what to do in trafic. We think you'd like to have it know thet you're in command. And —out on the straightaway — wé believe that a part of the joy you get from owning w Buick is the senza- tion of haviag something alive snd eagerly willing So we're glad to announce that Buick engineers didn't spoil this thrill. They've kept the fun of driving, and imo} d the effort. When you're rolling slong smooth and straight, it takes almost no effort to keep any Buick on gourse, Thursday, February 14, 1962 SHOE SALE! Boyy’ Work Shoes «.: $2.98 Boyy’ Oxfords «.-.. $3.95 Boys’ Oxfords $1.98 Men's Work Shoes . . $3.95 Men's Dress Oxfords $4.95 Men's Oxfords o's va. .... $6.95 — KLIL, SHOES REDUCED -- JOE'S CUT-RATE STORE Theatre ts 3. Across from the Veroon PHILA. AVE. It almant steers itself, as every Buick owner knows, But—when you want to get away from » curb—back into a parking spet—make o turn—Buick’s Power Steering comes into action, saves four-fifths of the ing does the extra work. ; And —jn case you wonder what happens if Power S:cering gets out of kilter, the answer is nothing. Your Buick wteers just a8 it always has. That's why we've been saying, “This is Power Steering as it ought to be.” Come in. Try it out. We think you'll agree. Bow iant, imposter, S908 andl weoinie are subiont te shang wilhont medion, AT An, onli