. UNION PRESS .COURIER | Thursday, June ry graduating class of Windber Hos Mary Log Basil has accepted 2d wilh » hold a card payily and ra Charles B Noel of WW shers t At r pital School of Nugging. has suc. position In WitHan-Penn Ho no Fer 31 81 X50 Pn rn Moose Church 2t. over the week end y h ¢ sxfuily passed the = 4% Nusing Pittsburgh 4 YEP Gi : Sam e ’ ER Aa nyt = A 7) SAA or IRIs, ot 72 Examination She is a 1948 gradu- Charles MeHugh and = gg 7s om . 3 ve of Ebensburg-Cambria High DelBello returned home Tuesds GO Ruck of 305 } spening (yam Penn State Coleg FPIAnG LE of (he YEAS 1% a I cat fF 4 ; Fa . . . " y : ¥ re A ; os EE nh Wing 4 : ¢ ’ or Kooy x Week's tut d hefare Degly ! é 4 LY v nities ®¥ FY 5 ¥ yy 3 tind and scharged a . . rg the second semester ended o et ing f the group 3 and, is Bruno Domeniskelli, 30, ature : Hospital for lhe Pas runo vomen em, ' Feiondgs will be iad ; hE fay aflerpoon mm Lhe as ¥ . i SW o¥ 3 3 3 Fut ¥ oy | ORAS Te } y La anit ADMITTED Dies At Home Tuesday 3Yy J nS ory a. i ge} AA n Harraharg Mrs ¢ Baal Donald Hag Bruno Domenickelli, 30, of Bec ar : wee ; ii atin 1 the resHations Gobir, Rita Bmith, 3 sd Bireet Colver died at 3:30 Mr amit Mes Heward MoM ¥ £58 JROW TE ¥ own 88 gunn raurbny of Tvs W wd § win acd hen abury TUL * 55 5d x Re Berard ww Sorinkie Cathering § i at Bia Bame He was born On eg geil oF N TH casas Sponsibility of o x Travis id 4 | 1 in Caiver, § ; ’ : ; : y ; - .i wn Em ¢ : sisieng of DISCHARGED « and Antonia Leri) Me HE al: mad M 6 ar Atnons Mercy Hos. Loyalty Oth Bil dt ow Seis % §5 vg i 4 Gia SOIR ENY ¥ vhs w * Maia He é Cath ee fave AR ae TE ety Mest of Tide wore Ruenday (PEE } . en dSometime between Mar. os (lain. A (as ; Br sitors at the John Bhook ; d Mra Famer T Bran- Apr 1, all persons coming under ; 1 a : h : } ” y i Ey a ; ot § 4 fra pel 4 WM #5 ba 5 as " oF 5 i gad jae Plage gid including state and jocal ; er iN Rene partment Mylo Park Rundi y A : dey in governmental workers and 60 it the George Smith an ] pital, wheres she is 5 000 public school teachers will Jamies Rainey spent last W er be required lo tale onihs of al neadsy in Besihishem, © ’ ' j was Btonkhen. legiante to the government of the George Kogicki snd sinter, E fe A Vee Custhin | United States and of this state. 15 aperi? Lignin y 1 ratios ¥ yo {Ir paiaon » en pst x Ny Frans B Hi state sup the Joseph Hudak home, a A GeaN Tague of srintendent of public instruction, Mra James Rainey will : Sh ANY ot ond emphasized thet under the sci, rain nef pinochls ih on Frida Miss Loibe? Phat Johns gehieh had 8 stormy trip through evening " over the week end the Legisiuture, local school I, 81 en : ” Sat and Lewis Belin vieled is 4 me on CHAE pogede. and not bis department # Reem io £ § True & * % and $i i hi ¥ & . ¢ S41 LAF i ih 8 olanse arhiely ? ihe harden . Colver Little Colts Top b, a—-— eh _ : Fane WTR Eeats Plo “appointing aut ny Brities. IB Gallitzin Graders, 55-40 ¢ nome of his paren! | & i § aided §# ok ¥ PegbaE ENF LE DE JPEN i oH K 3 vy win to their jong het of © 4 MW this Friday on Holy Fam By MIE MADALENE 6 BLIK ARs a — Ra . cetories inst Tuesday when they (iy Ostholic ( urch Colver, bl ME Cleveland Stree . i - ' foaled aires 55.40 im wd Father John J u pasion Phone 168 : Sia Prime ¢ prreny of SEanin tai reer - Herald a maa Cr ade Es Pas $4 wf Err ent arity | #1y } én * Ninwspapermen attending the (Cambria County "bensburg Saturday included Rasketba Esa Bw met H4 imme (SMOLEry WERE Dancing School to Open Fremt row (left to right Larry Ranck, Barmesboro siedioff, Nanty-Gilo Journal; Tho- n ¢ allils ; Little te Are k » | M At A lL. H mas A. Owens, Union Press-Courier; back row—Jdames F. Thompson and David J. Thompson. Fhens re iid : ; wi fonday ‘ ome ‘pure Mountaineer-Hernld: Frank Cammarata. Tom Owens Jr. and Fred Owens, all from ‘nton Press ER at wdmw $s * | BIBLE CLASS BEING He. i Regis Harber of Aitoons Cottrier. Absent when the picture was taken were John Ward, Portage Dispatch, and Austin Houck to gh ach registration a North Cambria News, Histings. an Lesion ' ' A hie (Class an the ov Fladsy | Woven Bass YOU CAN SEE IT ALL CHEST SPRINGS cme. Muss n spending some as ho : ugh Schen roars of Coach Ant Many friends of Mr. and Mrs | The people of the communit took MBFEINE in ever) Len Hoover, who underwent op- {extend thelr syn pathy io the They took a 14-10 firs erations in Pittsburgh Hospital Frank Harizog family in the 7 sdge and added a 14-130 will be glad to hear they are ex- cent death of Mr. Hartzog and in the second round i pected to return home his week. aiso to the John Cheversko fam he intermission will i Mrs. Hilary Conrad and Mrs {fly in the death of their daughter TW winners charged back Robert Kelly were recent visitors | Catherine ! final two rounds, iin Alloons. Miss Bell Douglass. who fell in 12 respectively {| Mr and Mrs Charles McCoy her home and fractured her lel LAgAGS Was lop stor : hip several days sgo, is a pal- Colver squad with 14 | announce the birth of a daughter i, oo ny. Poin Moan bl Squmd wi Bl a RM. on k Sunday. Jan. 27, at Miners’ Hos ent at Johnstown Merqy Hospi- Wahl of Galiitzin took "= es nd Mra John ‘ {WOM Meeting Sunday ¥ Bn i i Rivis & oN ; tal Her condition ia Tair a1 10% high SCHring Foon alan y ) ped rr Wagnn 1 . PRs 3 ring Boars i | pital, Spangler : . writing saints The summary od Nan : ne Pmve Rioan rv | The midewinty oy! ; : — Mm y Celestine Dietrick Chet Brimmes, who is employed Colver -Plammer § 16 5 : % oe Like Women of The Monse wis i dacghter, Donna. of 8t. Law. in Youngstown, Ohio retarned oF Legane ¢ 14 Oosss g 13 Wb oh § fr apd Mike Dito. Mrs. | in Fhensburg last Sunda rence visited recently at Leo Sunday ater spending Two weeks Moore G& Cameron 9 6. Anns Hry ¢ Altoofia Were noon There were 38 | Dietrick home vacation with his wife and Tamil) Jones 2 A Pap Stl ¢ 33 1 cv plaitors al the John Mel . of Moose Chaple: 5 : Mrs. Stella Schenk, ard J = Morphy ¢ 8 Thier x Wal ; nyk hone Cia ili pi 1 attendance A BR a when a sha ¢ of the hand Weise, Ernest Kelly, Mr. and Mrs Ck h * Ratenford 1. Purbiay 8 R 8. Mi Migs Artmeds Zanandy CE sealed 4 igen * deal: It was 3 really Ronald Wyland attended eel. C No tices Pavia 3 Manley 3 Feiu fate bead ele ™a gent Lhe seek nd with : Pileen Harve: xt bey . rhe naily é willl up on respect for the a a . : ne : - Xl id a4 . Sid Hie vEpy wie Triendiipeous here today, y 3 ng in Lovretllo Monday svenaing Glasgow Chat TF, =i Churches wg ” i 4 . : : may Barents 5 ard Sirs Zanan g of Wa wt ad Shu pte Ay » RTE : " K thing : er ne Moth Club of (Chest Springs Bey OO E Seass Pastor Coal Stein BAe boo Aras anforence loader and Mra oe re a oo las palin Es 8 for ¥ 4 ra ! : -_ thought you meant Thin, - & 8 » are SPORSOTING A series of card Sundsy. Fob 3 : Mr 4 3 Bert Hil we ene Ruck past separ regent : v 2 ore : er bes ( i CR Allemansviile Churoh- Worship Se 2 Colv Nurses Pass ast Saturds Aattors in Johns Po ire , _ o~ that We safeguinnd all ® le for hanetit of St. Monica 3 shee at 230 a mm. and Sunday So er : : - faiiitain Cl : a with von by putting it ” : The events will begin OF 43 J00 & mm. Tressie ( fv : Sta Boar i 3 X Lown we of the cpifemny G 3 . ; . a Tressde Clinsgow sp Xamma on ; ’ 4 olindinsting any loam | Fob 5 in Grange Hall Chicken Pailentonder Chureh.. Worship 0 te d t 3 nd Mrs Jamies Rainey vie ship. | : ' ai E a Ara x ny ; 3 soup and cake will oN nerved and hes at on 6% & | frst Migs Erma Bath Stoile River O wk bok hy F at ‘ne BH Wineia Wa oy f std Fests i a Ly " oF wl % 7 ‘ n ¥ | prines awmrded. The public is in School at 330 a m ward ¥ Otsss. Nursing Staff of Colver Hospilss. | han y Dheswyy Y ahner . ro i . une today. £ oF i & 4 po . . 5 ' vited Mrs Bina Conrad and Mrs 8 a Plessnt Hill Chueh Wor recriverd word that she Jas an fo ET der Rall and | members i Mabel Little are chairiadies ship Servi at TD o o. 4 1 rematully pansed The Nate Narsing iar wore And son Vis endebip aliendaw . . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kelly visited day School af %30 3 ™ Charles Examination Miss Strifis #tler § q Sinn Raturday R i ; Monday with lady's brother, Re Cres. Supt Bd s graduate of Altoona Morey Hos john Plloek of NantyCllo spent MEETING KET FOR MONDAY : Utafiviiie Church-Bunday ] 4 ; Kis Dunegan, A patient &t Altoo- $35 a =. Elen Mier. supd pila School of Nursing the weal ond al the home of Mr Wanan of Moowe Chapter 209 ‘na Velerans Hospital Roaiand Chuareh- Hands Kehood at Miss Jean Marte Vicini daugh and Mrs Ceorge Smith Sr. His Clalitam wAll Bald a rey 4 Mr. and Rodney Schenk "2 » = Raymond Jeckeon. supt sar of Mr and Mes Baldo Vicinl wife. Alice. I viking wilh her meeting next Monday Feb ’ : X Rote Prayer Mesting Wedncaday { . . : mod daughter, Christine. of Holy 126 p m in Allesanseiile Church. of Colver. a member of the 1951 parents for a a Ee 8 pm in Moose Home he A A SON RE SER CHERISHES a a. sage a pr NN A SA : SE ARNE SAEs sei ~ EAE ULW EL ~~ MOVED! ALL STOCKS TO BE REPLENISH WERE IN OF Be Here Early ’ bh a | Be Here Early February 1st yi Children’s & Infants * DRESSES * COATS JOPPE . swearens: i