Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, January 24, 1952, Image 8

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Newspaper be dhe Ares
i 1808 Usion Press, Estab. 1
A short time ago
All-Out Fight for Mine Safety
we noted an editorial in the Christian Science
Monitor that struck our fancy, and, no doubt, will also prove of
iitetest to many Of our readers because so many of them are coal
miners. After all,
accepted the hazards
the Monitor's editosial, hitman carelwsness and evrors of judgment, |
mechanical failures, and the updo
6 me lr” sen in co =" arcss| (Jpposes Earned Income Tax Here
3 i a
p : i 2 : 7
\ «Ap fi 5 ‘hia z 5 No
isn't so dlany years ago when most miners
of their jobs as inevitable, and, paraphrasing
y of mature underground Were
thelr daily
{fall-off in draft calls. Burprise culs in the military budgels is suid]
to be responsible. The Army will take 20000 to 30.000 men monthly Amsbry, a
through spring and summer. Planners had talked of 50.000 men 2 Path
month of more The Air Force and the Navy won't resort to the
draft at all
| The Cheaper Way of Defense
; In these days and years of defense effort, and with no outlook | inal
{for any let-up in the forseeable future one of the best arguments
| favoring military training is the cost. It will be a jot cheaper to
| Fr
1 5 , dr. CHpsy
rrodintely | Wanda Woodside Westover R. D
§ LS | James B. Keith, Cherry Tree R
| give every young man six months of intensive military traning. and | : ; Pe
| then turn him back into civilian hfe in a reserve status than it will | tod with the Path as being s pert D. Afi M ie A Dor r
| be to maintain, for years ter come, a professional military farce of | Rot vi I ‘ all BL Bontars
full strength The United Stales has 10 Impose One OF the other. d of the orignal owners over whose | BIRTHS
| Russia is out to impose their authority om the rest of the world, | jand the path crossed with aren. | Mr. snd Mee Paul Kharbeangh
Linclnding us. They're already traveled far | date of survey and date of War. Carrolitown. deughter, Jan. 2
: [ranty. Those remders who have gs. James Fosse Fi
: ‘ud Mr and Mrs James Floss
The one way to stop the spread of that tyranny is by power. | Pres rved the cajiien of the Union | _ _' Cop Jan IM.
Much of this must be provided by the United States. This sation, re tes of ¥ trash Pits | Se. and Mra William Coy, Car
with all its vannted prosperity and resouross, cannot go on for i : rolltown. son, Jan. 15
perhaps & generation or jonger, draining ts sconomic ight to { Mr and Mra Raymond Lajowe
maintain a great standing army. And the only asltersative Is 38 | Some time ago a resoiution was Lajose, dnaghter, Jan. 15
large standing army onless a reserve force is created snd main | ipptoved by the Cambria County | Mr. and Mrs Laoyd Bartie-
tained under universial military training. | Historical Society to place 5 baugh Arcadia son Jas. 17
| marker on « plot of ground . Mr and Mrs Hemyy Morgan
| was acquired by the Soc free ; dngghter. Jan. 19
rode and Mr. and Mra Leonard Mr. and Mrs ddan Nichol
Yechtes This tract is at Bckes. Marion Center, son. Jan. IB
Patton Local, Brick-Clay Workers, |= fm =" = = | wi cies "fre “dtaguer 5
A stody is being made by the 19
Permsytrania Historical Commis 5 L084 Mrs George Lowmas-
: PD. daoghter
| Dear Eidtor posal of an Income Tax which Mr and Mrs. Robert Edwards
| Enclosed is a copy of a letter has been effected by the Pal. a conti | Ashville, son, Jan 20
iwhich has been mailed to both tom Council and Board covering U ——_ Ho
: on Be of jes of ma he ———————
ithe Pat! srough Council and Remon ¢ Hes, . : kb
i Patton Board of School Directors This Local Uniom has voled | ; : of R | i
| whieh Locsl Union Noo 431, Uni- onssimously against :
nestoro, Dies
ted Brick & Clay Workers of prosal and will take any section i
I America reguests you lo print in ReCOINRry te prevent iis pass
Lillian Jones, relired
| Baptist minister Sed inst Thurs
| your columns: '
| truly yours,
Max Gill, Recording Secy. jw day at her hope in Barnesboro
iBditor's Note: As published in She was 75 veurs of age and re
: Patton % Council
| and Beard of School Directors:
: At the ast regular meeting
| of Leen! 431, United Brick &
gs Clay Workers of America. » (ast week § sue, the meetin will | © isiwad from active ministry in
| we take exception to the pro- cussing such = fax)
Cie SS
resolution was passed wherens be only for the purpose of dis-| i possibilities | 00,
: wid The well-known Northern Cam
oa Sina
3 Lb
1of our county and others as well. Oris. minister was assighed to =
{1t is Roped ’ hat the e will Barnesboro Baptist Church oF
lowing her ordination Ot io
tt 9) By . .. [become a shrine to a iim
< “er STATE SENATOR | Path enthusiasts . 1930, and suived ne Somgregat nn
og | The Kittanning Path was used until rom then uniu hey
JORN J. RALUSKA iby Joma Hart s German trader retirement in IS ahe served a»
who with his 10 horses and = supply pastor for (he Stats
1 Sipe ofl in at the { Baptist Conference
| Beveral weeks ago Wwe wrote If the millage must be increas |» by his ” - Donfershon. the
‘what we thought was our final od then increase if if property | Sleeping Place Kittanning on the | Women's Missionary Society of
story regarding Gov. Fines ill- assessments must be sdjusted | Allegieny River may moll have 5, Baptist urchin Peansyi-
fated Income Tax. but. Jo and them readjust them. Is the coun - | heen called the Capital of the In | Lois and held many offices in
i behold, we have just learned that ofl spending oo freely * Then they | dians thae UE a an. Shy was na.
this obnoxious creature has been should sharpen thelr pencils and! Next week we plan to discuss ry 2! a. us. Tee
given new birth right in our own coghe down 10 earth. But, there is SL Joseph's Chureh, for her wo arong ¥ 1
community and already is knock- 0 ane good reason that can be ib ——————— PE wan & Sieber Of the Order
i of Eastern Star 38 years
Rev. Jones was born Now 5
1878 in Serantor. Her husband
advanced Sy the council that! ’
should give them the right tol
Rev M HH Jones died in 1936
place Patton in the category of | Hospital
: ,
citer defunct communities
EL Tax Would Injore Expansion
The Borough of Patton has | The following is the list of pet- : Baptist Church shortly before his
of | wert a sdmitied and dchargrd a th 3 a survived Wy Fee
the Miners’ Hospital Spangler, sig To vero
¢ | from Jan 13 to ch {children: Mrs. Martha Ror
“| SURGICAL ADMITTED pangh of Busneshoro and Argus:
la Jones of Baltimore, Md
Angeline Canteloupe,’ The deceased minister was a
: rn Willams of
[Paiageighin. and Sune en.
Lantzy, Spangler: Barbara Mos puners] services were held ot
kel, Barnesboro; Ernest Patter .., Long Puneral Home in Bar
son, Clymer RD. 2. Clyde Keith pore ast Saturday afternoon
Barneshbores BR. D.. Ray Shorten- py Rev. vs Edwin Anderson
rr Barsesboro William | oe. additional services . being
Emeigh; Homer Adam, waster ¥. Davies Funeral Home
; D.. Bernard Hatorsky. o Scranton. Interment was made
ir. Bursesboro: Mrs. Lydia Trex) . wWeshburn Strect Cemetery an
R. D. 1; Rowslind Leh goonton
: James BStrit- | in" :
D; Mr Just =» hibernate
Springs: | if you're satisfied with just a bear
AIO ey AAI Trl)
y. Hastings: Mrs. AEROS pug on Monday aticrnoon at the
yder :
U £ Air Forte Recouiting Sta
tion in Bamebore They are:
Frank Bublimec, 35. son of Mr
andl Mrs Steve Bublinec of Em
cigh Plc. Bublinec Bad spent 18
months with the Army in Korea
prioe to Me snlistionent 56 the Abr
Force He will . to Bolling
AFR Washington, D C. to start
nis present four year fers. Fle
attended Cherry Tree High School |
and formerly was : il by
Schaffer Brother Co, kL. AS &
ment ciitter. His Brother, Rdward
a mow serving with the UU 8
Army snd iv enroute fo hs home
from Korea
mernard FP. Nerks 17-year-old
som of Mr andl Mes. John Yarkoe
of Phicerton He atirnded Carroll §
sown High Bebool prior fo Ns
tour year enlistasent in the U. § |
Aly YVorce He will 1eport fo the
Bamgmon AFR Genera, N.Y. for
basic training. A brother, Harry,
@ mow silending Alr Force radio
semi 3t Beats AFR Dlineis
Backs Polio Drive
Tae 1903 fund drive to combat i
infantile paralyite hes heel 6.
dorsed by Cumbria County Com
mit ine of Ameritan Legion The
group sive assed a statement
supporting the Red Cross Pood |
Aomar DrOgTrAm A 3 meeting jaat |
Tuesday Al the Spangler Amer.
am Legion Hoone
A discussion ~f the American |
ame coimities’s 1853 pragrem
was presented by J F Bernard,
Saliitein, commities chairman. He
snnvramead that the )
snalid stress the Legion mits
Pua God and Coamtry”
A monthly reports wal given by
Bamue! Reooley' Jr Johnstown,
Amtries Srammmander The sent
meating will he held Toesday i]
Fay 19 at $6 41 & Hamme John
Malosky Secretary
Of Gallitzin Council
Gallizsin Boroogh Council comme
pleted ite annus] reorganisation
lat Tuesday by seleciing Robert
Malosky as seersiary
Previous atlempls 1 mame 8
borough secrelinry ended in vote
deafiocks. Other officers sre Ro
: William
Brices, vies prwsident, snd James
Marucos. A
im Cleveland Ohio. has not soll
fied council that Be will accept §
the position of chief of police. TU
til me informs council of bis de
cishon or sat a new Man is ap
pointed Wilkism Pluniett, present
aif, will remain on the job.
#ngineer Raymond '
Campbell |
reported om the borough's propos |
ed water sveiem improvement,
which would give the borough §
snniher eSSvOLr
soln a
Se va hs a