$50.00 allowance for your old range SEVERAL GOOD USED RADIOS Famtuus makes ab Pe SO TE SAN A Ce NI EASA IS SS § Li By JANET C. XUAN Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cree and sons spent Sunday with Rev. and Mea A. L. Barnett of Sidman, r. and family of Filinton were re- cen’ visitors at the Harve Davis home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hommer are spending a4 month's vacation in Mexico. Mrs. Chester Kuhn and daugh- | ters, Janet and Joan, Mrs. James MoCartney and Mrs. Clair Rey- nolds were last Wednesday after noon visitors in Altoona. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Charles Bowman were lust Thursday visitors In Johnstown. Miss Janet Kuhn spent the past week end ‘with Miss Rea McCart- iney. Mrs. J. C. Hommer and Mrs Charles Bowman were last Friday afternoon visitors in Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. James McCartney were recent visitors in Coalport Miss Joan Kuhn spent last Sat- urday afternoon with Miss Nina Bowman a | ASHVILLE ! § i By MES CRORGIA LIDWELL MEETING SET FOR MONDAY Mra. June Qriffith, home econ | omics representative of Cambria (County, wil hold a meeting | the school building at 1:30 p. © | next Monday, Jan. 21 for the pur | pose of organizing a home econ- ,omics cud in Ashville. All are | welcome to attend. a " Miss Patricia Suchinos of the | WAF, spent a furlough at CR before the sccident rr a ak Poh alee: ITTREEINANGT rE and Mrs William Nelson | Can Sag meee TID wil ABR TLVER, AU AREMIA 7 Adis LL Srdool ROUSE on MARCH 10, 54, =m Rage, ekaan UNION PRESS. COURIER rs SLL » a oe Wf ok Tan Lh 1951 Year Of Extremes In Weather; - Both Record Rains, Drought Occur Heavy Thaw During Past Week Welcome Folks will remember 1951 aa # year of extremes as far aa the weather was concerned With thawing weather carrying through the final day of last year moderate temperatures gave a warm welcome in Keept with the scanty attire of the If in- fant. The past year can go down on record az a year of baffling wea. ther as far as statistics show. It was a year of record rains; it was a year of 4 t It was a year of exceptionally §id winter weather during its mtial phase and then wound up bringing some of the heaviest mber snows during its wan ys. : heavy thaw that moved in g the past 10 days rapidly melted away much of the saow and joe blanket in time for the arrival of the new year December's Inte ihaw was In sharp contrast to the arctic storm that earlier. in the montr hrought 1851 its coldest weather of the year. The mercury dipped to one below Dec. 16 and agin Dec. 17 The year's previous low was 3 shove Ped. 3 | killing frost {There followed a 182-day growing While the area got! its share of wintry spow and onld during the Inst month, it fared more for- | tunately in January and February Mid-January brought a mild wave that shot the mercury to as high ax 70 on Jan. 21. Aside from the initial cold snap, February had ita share of mild weather with the mercury soaring as high asx 72 on Feb 27 Spring came early with the last recorded Apr. 21 season with the mercury keeping above freezing until Oct. 0 A new rainfall record was sel in June when a 9563-inch fall of rain gave the area its wellest Jure on record Tables were re versed) just two months Iater when 1.11 inches of rain in Aug ust whan the scantiest total ev reno for this month Augast marked the first of three-month drought that oon tinged through October reducing riral water supplies and culling crop production. Only 183 inches of rain fell during the three mon tha Ample rains and snow ugh November and December ended the drought and restored wells and springs that long had been dry Snow Plows to Be Permitted To Go Across County Lines Road Condition Data To Reach Police Faster A broad new program to aid motorists in winter travel through out Pennsylvania hag been institu. ted by the Etate Highways De- partment. Gn oe State. poles. telephone oars to patrol the ately on the statewide state pol ice teletype system. The Harris | burg officeg of the Keystone Aut- | omobile Club and the Pennsyl | vania Motor Federation ‘on the astwark. Other ‘plan to join it soon “Previously, the | into our office here where (hey were edited and then | etvecked before being released, offices reports cam danger spots and permitting the ' The department also has in- to croms county limes | stalled radio-t Ee tr. ot county ge 1 Br 0 pions back when they nd leaving a wy we’ hive been a! Bank | | Joeate ay yl i rae 4 .| elephone Rymtams in| ‘sone 330 of its trouble-shooting | ears. This has helped fo! enumipment to dange: spots broken-down machines | Gallitzin Loan Unit Elects Pelliccioni officera of Gall tein Savings & Loan Associalion were elected at 3 meet last | Wednesday night in First } Building. Gallitzin be: FElected directors at the share | : hodders’ | Pelliccioni Sr. Jobeph M. Vargo | : : F. Bernard Panels meeti were Albert | A180 Are : {Harrishaurg) | the highways as well Aa tol AT I NS EA EA MON BAA TS TIS WMI SOS WHE SIE y y RTO a la SES y Probed By Coroner During Past Year Falls In Home Rates: Next to Highway Toll Cambria County's road toll had a marked increase in 1851, ac enrding to the annual report Coroner Joseph OGovekar » of | Thirty-one persong were killed | an county roads during the past | 12 months Thin 5 seven mors than in 1950 when two dosen per sons Jost their lives In te ast a five-year low Omly three of the 31 met deatl on Johnstown city streete as com pared with six in 190 Of the 31 dealin, 14 wore pad. estrians. 7 were aulo passengers 8 wep drivers ami 2 were boy bicyrlists . Cambria a 1681 trafic marred by two S08ilenty that re. sited in double deiths. Ons wan the deaths of a CoBemanugh BR. D 1 couple Apr. 3 and The other was the fatal injuring of two men In & truck crash 2Op mintain Jan 22 Cresson | traffie Smart, new styling and im performance farther distinction to the 1952 Chevrolet Bel A In in appearance, the latest models are marked by vivid two-tone color combinations and Juxurious interiors that make use of fine fabrics and harmeniving tional obi Meme at iE 28 oledged VE TIF ane H my ay fog host Tes during "An overall picture of the gor- | off Oe of 5% the activities deaths inst year ANer 8 total during 487 ware violent deaths Azide from trafic, homes was he threat Of these reveals al investigated i 54 were Adtardl desthih #94 107 fallin in} next greatest to life of Cambria County renidents. Fourtesn died from fails | in homes and ight others were injured fatally in falls on glee or in buildings The past year brought a wel come slash nn mine fats alities There were 10 deoathy in counly mind operations last year Thre | were 15 in 1950 Building fires resulted in five deaths. including three Barnes Bare Kiddies and a Johnstown ity fireman Four others Were bum sd or scalded fatally in acc dents i the home. There were four ex of suffocation and three deaths resulting from tractor aoc ents Theres wee three deaths fron drosening last year 8% with five in 1950 Reif. mficted can | 14 KK: mn ligoe ean thin | oN xt meeliing Als pitai Haosnita tHe atEwils fae] what ¥ hospi i wen wih siresentad on the secand Frids § aomish aPyas syst is chmnared deaths also dropped from IS in, 1950 to 11 last year There were teen cases of homicide During the year ihe affice conducted 25 Inquents District FW Unit Seeks Lower Cost On Parcels fo Gls 26 Posts Represented Sunday At Ebensburg Dedication of colors of Dastric 36. Velerans of Forgigm Wars took place during a d@sinct meet mg Sunday afternoon in Ebens purg VIFW Home, | Tone dedication was in charge lof Michael Kreskosky of Nanty- Gio, state department inspector District colors, a maroon aad | white banner bearing the VFW emblem, were purchased recently | the district, which includes Cambria, Indiana snd Armstrong | Stapies said. “That often meant 2 Counties. * the three or fourdwour delay.” Approximately 100 Veterans | | representing 2 of the district’ posts, attended the meeling | [The district auxiliary met a = | separate . SOSSIOR ‘ Fire Hall Among guests were John Mat. | tux, burgess of Ebensburg, who | } rol an address of welcome, snd CC. Pike of Harrisburg. Tet membership chairman : an Hoover, district , Waa given two resolutions | ewe a at the Feb. § mest] at he department council of istration in #1. Stanwix Hotel wy gobo CWE. in Ebensburg deo | . x fAOremer’s Ry SHIRIEY JEAN NASH Mr Mra [ews ££ gun i spud and Valma fie BP f dowd and reat er SAE Mike 3 EASTER 14 arheing Mra Pat Kavananes | last W dite | day evening {i John Rocoaki is 2a i: the Patten rel Mere ervde wd say nt Hos - hit & very | ie bowed American Aux ary wili hold a monthly mesling Jan { president revpaests that {bers attend Legion regular 22. The AF mem § Miss Nola Fisher and George Edmiston of Bellwood visited here last Saturday. Ssturday visitors in Allosng on | Saturday intloded Men wer. Misses Joyes Wilkipson Nancy Evanskey and Betly lak and Mr and Mrs Da Nash | A CPE § : con } The first will concern Lhe ain | | triet's efforts to reduce postage | | ing sent to servicemen in Korea | amd other aversens basen As a second resolution, the district will | 8k that life members of the | ation- | rates on packages and mail be | A AO a SQA AREA TRH Emve Cheater | Span- { add beather trim. Increased comfort through nex and Mr eh fay faughier, god Mra Thatvss N Judy, und Mr Nuh were Sunday in Mam! Union Mr and Mrx Filiwood Jackson and daughter, Deborah Jean, and Melvin Fortney and family Ad in Van Ormer recently Olive Witleraw of Hollen sited here Weel Shirley aah and and Mra Yidiiars TRME 5 Ihiriey Nash viafted in and James Holléntown re Paty Flav saw nf dovd Weviindt and daugh- Finllentows and My. and Mes Mathias Classi and son Ivan and daughters Thelma Mase and [rng Rose of Van visi here laat Sundny Andrew MeNevin attend ai services in Grantham throe avs ast week Hianche Oliiham of Wi i Wee ed Hew Mra | mounts and modified shock Wisaive ejerstion through carburetor incorporat a = ed in all new Chevrelein. Op wif} envy get sutamthe for yaar eh HT Plan for It Save for It OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT HERE TODAY he if aeddd up viarries when large sums LET US SHOW YOU IT PAYS SHINee $4 Laer 8% 548 the $ ; i i how {heer dad eK iY it hued wet gr BO Tighe cles To Ry aut WHY TO PAY BY CHECK! FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT PATTON, PA. atime tai aad