Thursday, Jamuary 17, 1952 UNION PR ESS COURIER PAGE 5A TIE AS Sa reife ait some ed eA CHS PS AS A i — hn Th . Police Hold Key SHE BECOMES A MOTHER: AT 14 ey ep 3% a EE Loreto (Bexenrode a: Phone Mrs Callahan 3 “ ailaha press 2t Saturday Around P tt ial 2857 f i : a a be 3 ; i 1 1 a ; Noh sy . Ee 5 ghey o! her ATth anNIVErsary QCCCOIY rwon Framommier of upton see sor io + To Success of Civil { yout of oid nga aL Ne Ne ed Mrs. David Dial PP FY, {) She has Edge Out Patton VFW Auxiiary i gn ih wo Defense Program a BRL 7 a oem of 19 Li Members At Ebensburg Highways Must Remam Det Tn ie apartalist. tt a -Gloers, 56-49 1778, VFW, who at! Din: former Jean Hum aught Open Says Donovan aL J ET 0 a oe | TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HE iE Tater to's P burg on Sunday ir : Patt - F- i dost_r PAIR PINK SHELL-RIM ¥ 4 i w tained t vies Steve 4 1 i i . i 4 bs $ - — Th tough Nanty-Glo Rami cage squad. uska. John Skel 3 Eo li FT 100 Policemen Succeed ies In case. The case His 56-49, Tuesday night of this week and Leo Ri a TE E In Capturing G Dr FuffardR TES A in a game at Nantv-Glo It was arbors of : : : ; : n Lap uring Lunman vee Ave Patton Reward Pinder the firs Northern Cambria Lea: Auxiiarn yb tay ; 4 ¢ ais % Lh Pd i d TR: FINS M ' : : ¥ a Fite Press Cony gue wit for the locals who have for the ladies wer 48, Sy " Mo co EEE o eavily-ay S ner 1-47 a 1-2 slanding for third pla n Bailey, 1 i bie : : 1 : » A : rrackied doen and captured 8 gun the loop. The Panthers oot path Dillon. Cathe: bs 33 iy i j = : 7 ? roviged residents (iF NERA HANDYMAN anpack ts i ; 3 : ; 5 5 : Foy furniture mpal «ther league games by oni fog SATS hai SS 4-4 it : ne aa 3 . i" ; The Hams started fast wilh es ; : : ) pr ; : ; ; par on ta Mees # ' tH nile, 20-10 opening round, but the Pa! ih via ! rede : : CC : tne Sedu peni- 1 mn No : Fi tf ton lads Ty. al margin : ns : : : ke be ; Ju Ty. 8 % bop : a ® eda fF ROOMS FOR RENT Vor Light held a 23-21 iniérmissiom lead ' : 3 ; Be ; - oH 3 Bey {oor ram? bom following a 13-11 margin in 1h . We 4 ; A : ls, ! , hp ti : aT ii Pat Gh 1-17 second quarter. The Laurito hay Miss Erma R. Strittmatter Fa oe MARRIAGE APPLE ATIONS WANTED TO then began to roll as they push + . 3 ; : 5 4 a j . ; \ ed asids the home team with a Passes State Nurses’ Exam x "peter Kuichman an \ for peeps ee 20-8 aitburet | ne Rirg per : M : ¢ ' , : i gi . as 5 X i y i v4 : % 4 : ; \ : aha fod and capped he Ho ) y iN iaig % 4 ; : : " y : § ne 5 ~ v3 ¢ % 3 2 0} ior & Phone : § . ! 7? : HE require Urdon victory with an 13-10 margin in °° er . ' : il : Gi Sr 1 Neate n 5 2 v Boivpiy i * { 3 : . g 3 ] y : : i x the Patton squad and team gn | BiRLralios 4 | ¢ : — ny J. Geollerham and Malkin sp Pas oi a. ! : cH ; 7 ’ N, (} » bi ain ech D1, ae als of Care Ww | o ['m keepin him ors with 18 tallies Be ny a . . A MES GERALDINE HUDSON. 14 1s the cloding frame mink 12 markers By The Panther Cubs suffer oe bet ER Be RE Moo emer oe een, Job of Fh ACN, 1 es TE ( pete CHEVROLET on Jan. (4% i & 1 4 y } broader Fi fitsioger tallied 14 p Glo took the game's scoring hon ® BRAINS «© > "l P a Now ft ol 47-31. Iss in the preliminary con. © POVES ! A M / to SE€ the view (452 Women of Moose to Take 0 I Mamty. cio mich 1 18 Part In Conference Jan. 21 i vt ey i i } t : J of the peace lag! Si Valentine's { : § Had SUT Veal GE te min nr vaitis uti he Rev. ©. E. Washburn Jie 3 5% 1 local Mowe fiome laut Thursday. purghrer bane were Mr ro < John K. Murphy Is Giv.. F.riwell Serm tit ! ! Gives f rmon YFW AIDES TO MEET stated. : : | N PRR '< . The Patton VFW Auxiliary will ; ; ew | uper meet this Thursday evening % 4 a: a ; : ; § : ' i : ; | o'clock al the John W hi te : : : y i Home. The meeting will be fof . jowed By lunch and sntertainment Dues far the current year are now dus andl may be paid either to the soeretal fy or Lreasures . 8 g The Patton American Legion Aum wil oii hel rope | his N50) vo oo ono State Inheritance imo ae SL. Ba uss Bi, 6330 tagion . a con » cir future : ; Tax Clerk Named alan Do bnything necessary fo ramind you fo see if of WANT GET : { ; | Mrs. Lisetta Maurer’s : ed Con A Mas Thomas Duke, Barnesboro, MAIN STREET GARAGE, Carrolltown ® : Office In Courthouse r eclitoor in Is Promoted to Corporal » » . z . - THE Ahacision VATCH Barnesboro Board Acts On Increment Annsunce bnegagement Of Alverda Young Lady fattan Prashyterian hare h Hastings Volunteer Fire ” ¥ < * A # rE] fost fu f f i“ J ) Oman y installs Ofhcers A LIBERAL * | | i R. ¥, Lantzy Resigns ALLOWANCE FO i Rh Spangler Legion Ofhice YOUR OLD WAT : : . : Vs ¥ a : GS a. raxEnBE Ros Ey << enwisnono.m raven wena even SpeCia Teachers 70 es Meetings Jan, 29-31 “= In Courtroom 3 C. E. Fisher President Ehensburg Holmes Unit hat opin { huvvh 2.5 Bn FETT } FEL aay Lae $ # ei1aty Fe a1 Lith fey # Dr. William L. Hugh Ta ] Now Medica Sociely President , | $3.00 Wilbam L. Hughes of | | SE % town ws Et wi A OTHER DRESSES Medd t the annus reorgani. § i REDUCED ¥ ire SE Huw “ x § 1axt Thuradey e. | - $5 . $7 H {alvary Baptist Church JE Pretty Bucknell Student a BAR A eT : od hi P | fn ve BE GS ' oy Hour 63% pW «vac Found Dead In Bathtub Masgow EUB Charge Ee ER | | SMART HATS. $2 Lag AE i : Y A $ If : 4 : % i % ? i 3 rindi A PLE. AXING First Baptist Church, Patton icinia said the Ro 8.2m. Yummy Sie a= SLR THR) SELECTION of ITS $15 Prida SMART APFAREL FO I WOMEN. BARNESBORO he MOVINES innther