UNION PRESS. COURIER and sister, Miss Mildred Pleister. | | Williamson of Great Lekes, Ill. many frimnds wilh her a tr wore pecent & fe - i | Miss Kate Huber, registered | BD { T : 7p # : : ' SO oh { apent the week end as the Rejlis recovery, é nurse, of Pittsburgh was & hol i | oO N A $ ? ia g «il of eid TREY vis \ 1 i da OWENS SR. | day guest of her sister, Mr. Lena | | Warner and dred Wilkinson Ye | Enlow Cail hi g will tone] his 3 ” | gidentes herd today for 1% 9 1, An or 53 Stolz : Ce ; Pe Pale jarman of Chazule it Caan RA Sap iy i TTX Biss Joanne Farabaugh 51 S . 0» | Field, 10 ait (dae fave Kare ; : ‘S 2 re, , Spent spe sche time with Frog pis 2 pats i #2) } ¢ é ; ie oe x oor 1651 Spl Champion List Includes Baseball Origin 55 =" = VAN ORMER ployed al . recent holidays with ‘her parents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shomo. Mr and Mrs Cash 1 Jr. and sister i ¥ | visited in Johnstown recénlly. 5 d Mrs F © F yaa tig h [dsl ; Malloy, employed in ford, Pa Red Pag Baseball th Il, Boxi H k 60 Years Ago } Pyle Freq ~ «. Matoned A George nec J» spending A! Miss Sniriey Shome has return. oe 00 a Ring, oC cy : Ae ABOBRTE. VY Vo, spent (he | 30-day Eve with his parents. Mr | od to New York where she is em spent sev eral days | Capt. Fred J Fees Ir. Ko ‘3 as! week marked the 60th he a i : . a ha Sr the past week with | Marine Air Force veterafh, ‘wh r season of the game of basketball at e yr al 8 # oe a Ta and Mrs. Marene Cocca after ployed after spending the t la mother Mes (race Malloy. A | had been spending a month's fur pr ar folt. Women: LaVerne Haverly. Lou nvented between Christmas and] a0 an Toy ey ET 14 ng 4 yexr with armed forces Roitdays with her parents in Van bt the Naval Reserve, lough with his parents District | World CHF “ i Yankees) BOXING New Years 1801, by Df. James! . 4 family visit Re rm Rares | Ormer ! . Mally and Ned Weatrick of | Attorney gle and pa B's { NAanUS ie nA Nock (Hants : PROFESSIONAL A Naismith, with Dr Lather | and a {Fis i in J HOTA BES Mz. and Mrs Ponaid Hartman | ion AR AA A pe arrolitoin, also & member of the | Fees, reported for duly THs week Dittie World Sef y x Ye flea ht so Fad ut Gilick taking an active part a. a ; of Amstity visited recently at the! Boome folks bave #0 much laval Reserve, took examinations at the Quantic Va. Marine | in dd Waukee Breuer | Miinfiewsight Biny Robins BO ing IOnth Ian, 27 that) MT and Mrs. Py anaugh of | James Stint home MTC work or their minds they tan't 3 active service in Pittsburgh Base rptaaith BEY | Welterwaight.- Kid Gavi the first public sxhibition of ihe | Bellwood a ir. and Mea. ew; Mr and Mrs. Paul Kephart and | keep their minds om thets work ist Baturday and will report to Local American Legiont Au Fei $41 : : on j Lighto Ent Janes 4 ster game was given at Bpringfield Plick and ; a; £55 1 ! oasiégh Sekisth Sym ) pc . a —————— ————— l he Naval Base, Bainbridge. Md. ary unit will hoid a regu geet- | Southern Aust ARICIS veers | Bantaineetiht- Vie Towes Mass, training sehool spent last Suns ro ou Indie gf EEDFUATY. fing on Jan. 8B All men Bers ar pri. M Barons Pyweign) iy Moss : In giving the history of the | | Mike Evanské and Mrs Alfred Lieb and | revested to attend a Bike i ita SA game it is stated positively thal amily and Mr. and Mrs Tom, Brother Patrick Lacey, DSF, of NUAA OR | Pacific Const 8 peach baskets were first used, be ay SHE ae lo / hr Ji, and family spent Sun-|§t. Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe Awsourt Valley | oi jn TRALL oy Pe pr al ha oA y, P Bi | ie id LAE Laswrint Ct ba ty SERS 2 si Ss : de gym ‘hers the ball went out of ; " viens migy RARER Kor BUR Niln the Indies | spent the pas) holidays tal 11 ye LS ] a. £¥heks bounds, it went to the first man Trussell SPER 3 3 i g | Af ’ MY. and Mrs. John Short. |p fig : Shi £ Vota bord : ome of his parents, Mr. dnd Mrs |, ri his Fit very LR : wi ! sister of Mrs Lieb and Mrs | Legouri Lac pa da BH A rere EE satern — Priposto wiching it. This rule had been ; : Elizabeth MoeGaga- | ; raedtie or wmat . ay Le REE WY ALAR used by many teams in the early Mr. and Mrs William Conrad © Ad Teak Th se | Missouri VBI : $a va - hrs : . and daughter, Theresa, who | SEFitne | Midis Thres Letig jays, but was changed later when | § Hrs T inglin , = Huting here. returned i Carrolitown R D apnahce $14 {5 tr eh { ’ ’ s p a od f 4 Comat en § it war famed that there were 100 i crear y ‘ gat a Lautsuel a & A CPA, th them {hints OF Sp daughter ry at Miners | 1 ar Ei ‘ = wre . aany rolgh strimmages by slay itd a dk obey law ad A pail = AQ TE - fat Bosian Ft FMOSDiLA angler : : ¢.. Uienh ars it Pg in tes be . Eh a f . EE RAOR | Men. Mary Cymbor and daugh- | a and Mrs Regis Cunning: | neional Ba ie RAL oo LE err Mnryiat ed todd ball } sttempens Mtrisve had 3 An : ABayafus. dag tram Fs Agnes, have taken up resi. Lh : § daughter § pall Fs Rows ; a. : : } Frmstired Sotrritin 3 F138 The .k iva CF » i GLaifegn ; mw an apartment in the Arm and aughty if aR ino SR Be d Ww game bes Alfie 80 pop sila BO 4 py 4 LF ig Fa ‘ po ra building. Ma, Mr and | snona AAU-SBrewart Chevrolet | Mid-American Cincy quickly that it was brought oul land Mr f Atlee Love and Mrs. Al Kaylor | a J Te u is pes ! that many of the new player | | visited § : : y if ‘4 7 rE of Pittsburgh i Mr, and Mra. Merle Waber AR es N Et Conn. tian an Ft Wort) were playing with several teama | John Carlier hon alg gi BA Were | ear Carrolitown annofige : i ts apn Riir | . y The YM("As attempted to control Mr $i Ty t LAL E i relatives here during ‘ . oo ' HY wRriehan Young | U B Amateur Bi gwell Oddesan 11 0 ) SA of a daughter hen i a1 the | me Seven $ yw | British Open yy it bd the game but were Hnsuce exsful | daughter Debby, visited relatives A Lisi ors ‘Hospital in 8p angi 2o¥ ion ; | Heitish “Athateur - LRek © : he «nd asked the AAU to take con- jin Belw i amt AL 7 Mra Sars gre visiting with Mooney and family spent several days with Watt! Cine het wd ad i rab all the time even the AAl e's mother, Mra. Agn : a ¢ 0 fh in ao \ her Be Future Farmers Pn iiaaniphin i pe. | Rational Amatee Lot was unsuccesaful in attempting lilors in Altoona A ad Fihiiinsani Pes 7 pu © 3 & PELE § flmvita i re i : mi Joe Cha Atiants ud : Capa ta govern the game Mra Ar id won and «sigh ta and Mrs Back | Mexico 48 g sevsiicainte Larty | Titiehaolder Fad ' ’ isd ' ¥ ud 4 $ FETA E fonn i LEN 4 5 ¥ ¥ sry WaT ‘Wash DC, and Jara. Re ’ : § sl oid be Maren Haver CE Hi RE y oon aa 4 i i ; ‘he {anew il hers of Rio Je Jan- tera pi po | foe Cumnton, | ROPERS : I sarin | gold B L AZ 4 Per lant week i Wate baat , rts realise gat) ghaniey Cug Figwonts Maples | $ ! HR? Ce i Kentooky 8 National League preiit Redd W i 2 hj oSrhS ee th i ] A pcp be f of Mrs. Annie Myers A ‘plan was sel i ria bn . : LoL ‘ i ng lf { ) Mio Ie ; : NG Arrerionn Langue WW eRlers ' "ny SHIRLEY JEAN MASH Fhe § FEF f Tig 4 ul 4 stad ow Sul, : ¢ nd Mra. Bert Sharbaugh. re eventing for eres | Sinaine. Men a as een Le Eastern Divisio: ' Fie De 1643 1 ugh. | Thursday evening for th Birk BF Jousierd Detrot | Cleveland Barons, | drain Mr Mrs Oeotge Letcher ron, UF 1%. Mrs. Matthews i8] an Alsons Deas! WME hurst. N. 1 trol. But, with the game progres Jancy Evanskey an yee : 0 tikin ray Vin BL ALL: w- i Father Anselm Ober. | Seiad Women Tindllmon Ba fal Hultalo Bisons Play sind assistant pastor of | tof Northern and oh t Deities AN Benson and Bo U8 League Omalia ROSH visited in Altoona last Saturday | tricls of Cambria County (har ey i pods i it ev fF 8 Amateis Folosdes Mi % Mi M Wall M ’ 8 Church, now &ta- | Young Farmers of A ¥ reg a bt Fore ¢ snd Alms Den CNH . : Mi! and rs any anek i ! ep tie J NOAA Michigan Mra Mines being the farmer ¥l Discussion of the metE® 160k | a Breris. Milony Lindeman, De. | Pentagon) Brown eanor Fishel, visited the lady's he 1 & the | g¥ dt we . fs A o- - b ds | place zt & meeting of pasun parents, Mr and Mrs Lynn Fishei | fore] | organization in American girgon . recently They are from Altoona : | clubrooma, Ebensburg Sn sruid Funk Colver Little Colts : : Mrs Boyd Tompson and son | County unit officinls oe JA wii oped to Roseland Fac ent whet poor aitandance has promie the | ad. xecutive Defeat Gallitzin motored to Roseland recent, whorl | y pe. | METREr move A pee ial feeting | v 1] Iady's mother - | Was called for Jan. 24 WR bhi PIAA Colver Lirade BER iailse a Myr and Mrs, Francia Tompsor ago, and has [ficials urging all mem 4 | bie § ey i Ca Ab jefeated viniting Callitz Lh ’ nd children ‘visited in Philipsburg tle moat of his! i present to volee thelr jon on | ’ ark . oe prea i f AL ; Cid atin) ‘ ie | yucontly : are two ss. the props) | Penna va a ant Dhoe thall dike ’ Mr and Mrs Ralph David of | i Keller Jones of Ebenshifyp an oh » : a " a a : or Boon bina? Mo RM (t was he | Janesville visited hers last week i Bit} Modche of | Ben Troxell of Fall niimbg Sat ais . dires ¥ : of SE 2 Eo i 17th ih bi pA tal the Harry lLetther hone 1 elected delegates 1 ih sial iss ey gu ro. prim HAE Vranka a ¥ A HIS) Miss Joan Kay Scehmittle, whe = of Washington, D. | convention Jan 17 al the Brate(™ | 3 As BB > nascilive ASL. : smiploved in Harrisburg. is of it the past Bolidnys at his Farm Show in Hare shir ig : Fun WN fee ail oa wy Ra FAA {ake the jeRguUe 15 JrOnstp | hone in 8 holiday vacaslion Ww th HH I FRlection of officers Wa de hod | . og Sha” 1 Br ! i si oa { Ih i Lend pened Tas wr patents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Fathers Adain and Conal gyled for last Thursday dqening | BEYER op Ppl No jle lake B13 first pod wad | Behimitlle Ie O88, of 8 Vincent Arch but fo attepdance (or post j the pam fs a Was iS ’ u a. 1d hen snowed Ul i Lin Ming Laois janiowak, who is #m bey, Latrobe, spent several ponement. The gwup wil rear the death Rramunn O° iL IAS under with 13 ; y the | ployed In Cleveland, Ohio, spent | 2 week here | ganize at the Jan. 24 meelig fol Sept. 20 : gectirnd chaple The Winns held | the holidays at her home here Ho g Lea Y. Pleiater | lowing dieussion on the rE The new py 7% i # ri Fai $3 PH haiftin i i Mrs Lohr Nash ard Mrs = - 1, Who ARE 3 n Latrobe ™ 1 yi { ow (juli. (bert Nash Jr. and family were | | has been jilfipal of the Latrob tain took a 19-14 third | it | recent visitors In Tyrone i i r Fligh Bohofr the ast “4d Years edge and ended wih 8 i6 G edge! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bouch I He altendg Otterbein College, |, the final round i nis was and family were redem vigitorn Wentervilid fo, where he Bf | Lo enough 10 GVercol ha fit.lin Altoona ed his baclir Of aris degree tie Colts big first hal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A Nash | Cs Cage Gongs. Colt guard, pu {and daughter. Judy, and Dave] - ; ‘ ; de | Nash were lant Sunday visitors in | rnd fol- ¥ Tif i ok AAA Funk © feel 8 Mmaslers 1G goonies and 2 fouls for 3 i th | oli gree fromiie University of Chie {and the pame's scoring honors | Bellwood. i in e ove 1est off Funk the did not antici | MoMugh made 18 and Moore al Mr, and Mra. George Leleher | pate a any changes in the, oid the Colts win Wahl Was snd sons, George and Joe, visited | iA adiggatration {top scorer for Claliitein « 3 in Ashville Christmas Day : ~ fli hiat we can Carty On paints eclonely follpwed by Nocdeol Rev, and Mm, Andrew Mo | as weil a Wicht,” he smd with 18 counters The sUMMmary Niven dH men, ‘Donald, spent the | Funk Sis married smi the | Plummer ! 6 Moose [10 {te Christ mas holidays in Fredwick fal y ¢ S. Hildre & Cones 3 22 Hah ¢ 18 Haaiven Omtarin, Cansda, visilin bith the | father of §n Chilgren : : Han nK 5 oy 3 FEM oo [SRE 3, Cates B dusk 0 Hiehiks ® | feverent and his wife's parents Wicht, #8 tive of } lymoulh i Geliitein Ferry 1 Ee ¢ 1 8 Mrs Ollv Witherow and son Pa. wasar of high achool | Murphy © & A , Wahi g Th by a ke x tie i § ng £3 . sports fofBmont a guarter ene PRatchifoed 3 F 5B nee ©, Blan. FOE }, BELEN LOW. i ; : ; Hii p ey 1. Wincay few days last week at the Melv nl piry. Uni his leadership, the : . a 4 . Col ver 18 23 6 ” Fortney home and the Dave and PIAA © fram An organifalion | oonemn t9 th 18 nt i of Jess GR 100 schools to Hai wor a Thomas Nash residences ” at phe radii p af about Referee Charies Buterhsug George Rigvena and Denny | yl 1 Ei: Ey : B : ™ i Dra al . Fortney wert visitors in Hallen 1.100 Held in Harrisburg Hos e A pital afte) cerebral hemorrhage Armed Forces own Dee Akal. whe Is employ: | The BE of Control appoint. | | oy in Pittadurgh, returned home | o H Bj Berman, poe, farmer | ! N Deer ‘Hides spend the recent holidays with | vite pregpnt oO . 10 TO ; * . is 4 Min parents, Mr. and Mrs Lynr place | as president. Leber i When deer hides are nit pil 19 opp) . : incin ) frie at | Some use following sny deer sea ae i High - incipal of Ei i ison a valuable product of the Mr. and Mrs Ellwood Jackson, | hunt is — i) ane Saughian Buran, visited in| i . ia iv . eliw ristmas Day at ithe | : Now, especially, our armed ne to Be Up | forces are very desirous of se- | BOYS Jvckaeon residence January 15 | curling certain equipment, such Mrs. Harry Letcher and daugh- | as cold climate gloves made from Ler. Irune, spent some Lime in| for an area man ar | buckskin oblaine d from the hide Pittsburgh visiting friends and re connection ‘with the | market | Iatives aver the past holidays. | scandals will be re- Every year, many successful Mra. Mary MeNivens and Mrs | . 15 by Magistrate T. { hunters allow their deer hides no | Rllwood Jac } were last weel ; Pen Jr. in felony court | lie around until afler the hati Yi SA os #ed iF Nn gork City, ‘ day season, then eventually throw | Rn a. ' ney ash me hme ; The oe of Daniel Lamont of { them away. These hides should be port Last Week, a. pil Altoona Bas adjourned Dec. 20. | heavily salted, preferatily with a i Lamont still under investiga- | coarse salt. should be rolled up Mo lionior Fe bnér ny dra alt tion bye New York City's D. [flesh side in, and be kept in 8 o.antly, E | _ Lamont, a 44-year-old | cold place. | at, © NAbur kd ult tee, ve nar en cam] eat fe Kepneh Euglht i wae and derive profit Christmas Day at the Tom Nas! University ! 1 sand at the same residence here. Par with ome ant | time add to the comfort of their) Mr. and Mra Patrick McCuske: 8 y with Corne i Government's armed forces by Po > . aming thelr. deer skins to. hide of Enola sptnt the Christma New Styling! New Features! New Volvei famous Nittany Moun- dealers, tanners, fur buyers or : hn Sara Centre ayy were | | taxidermists, who are paving of lnm Ame here. Frank Warner of Whattver yout ; for eu : houss, town houte or Freezes ond stores ever 360 The. of foo: Nita-a-Nee, un Indian | good price this year for such hid-| Camp Hill. 8-N Darrold William opartment, there's o new Frigidaire Food Freezer to meet Len, | gon of Norfolk, Va. S-N Duane| hem. And nothing con mutch their wonderful convenience pm wires ern | 0} aconomy. They sove time, money, ond provide THERNECKS GIVE BLOOD TO FELLOW FIGHTERS | for i of oor ord devs oo Frigid se Food Freezer puts a super-morket right in your home, And look ct oll these features of the model shown, This 12 Cu. Fr. FREELER Here's convenient, economical frozen storage for over 400 Ibs. of food. Buy in lorger quantities, have delicious frozen food for any occa sion-anytimel BENDER CARRO