Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, January 03, 1952, Image 2

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Miners to Pay $2 Monthly Ebensburg’s Lake
Special Assemment to U MW Rowena May Have
Official Word Received |
kt [1951Is Relatively More Wafer Area |
In District Last Friday
Coal miners will vy a $2-a- unsatisfac auditions at the |
month special ne at vs urs d fos at Good Year for Coal riew Lake 4% g in Fhansbur :
nonthe The were disclose ba 4 Friis i
i Adm i :
least the next three
levy is designed to i] 0 * According
human and union defen : ng S Deaeme
The official UMW circulars ar and wate
flouricin the special levy Were 85 sr ing :
Ton at the X Hat 2 United Present Contract Runs the waler level the dan
Mine Workers office in Ebensburg Out | F rch 31 1952 fhe shallowness of the water :
last Friday, Word of 1} 5 5 Sees He ’ wher 144 farm was © wre pd tel last |
ment then was placed the mails Off to a slow start, with three SHIRmer was a source of disap
for district locals, most of which or four working days, at the be- ntment to Fhensburg residents |
held their sessions er the week ginning of the Year the coal in to Ad mral Dracmel himself
end. dustry went out of 18951 with ai, Bal 8
The circular say tha 1 £2 full work week. RS : : slate
Mid IE iis
LY oan ent & 4 : i The highligh ; on og closing The project
e 7 cenr was the saddencss of a $160}
present agreemet is in the anthra pay boost granted the coal ig ng a? a
Cite and bituminous districts gers The voluntary pay hike Riise =
The earliest terminalio date came at the start of the year oN
for the present cont: is Apr. without! a strike or u name being a
1 of this year called — something @ifferent for
The special assessment was de- | Lhe industry Few people even
eidetd upon at a meeting of the had any idea John l.. Lewis andj?’
UMW executive board in Wash. Harry M. Moses, who heads the | Who has laken an :
figton Dee 18 No previous an new bituminous operalors gEroup i promating the Lake Rowena pro
pouncements of pis . v were even bargaining. Lewis call { Jeet
had been given ed the pay increase ‘a bread and | Lake Rowena atre
According to the Hirenlns GG hitler agresment | the eastern edge of
distributed to union dear the The raise, negotiated Jan. 18 [and represents the resto
special levy | us K sy w went ito effect Feb | The new j& former dam destroys i y the! 3 . i ;
“med forthoomin ‘ ‘ desrnent 8 boost raised the basic daily wag: 84 wl waters of 1938 The recy ny KX | Ll k | | | k U A Q |
and to “plan for human/and union of the UMW members to $168.35 cnal area includes abwal 55 acer) b : AN i
defenses © said the highest for any indus } il 10 of these now are | CONOMY SALE r F | ECONOMY bY 18:
The circular signed by ! 5 trigh- workers funder wi ¥ The lake ares is ex \
chiel John 1 | hos - Di ith_anly a scatlering of local! pected 1! be increased By the |
top officials. states: aX strikes, the vear wat marked by | tate smiprovement project Mr
“We must not or iy chnsolidate harmonious Iabor relations t Joan has turned the lptter Over
our maine 5 nut oh [Th fidgte Late in the year Lewia wrote to FEhensburg Borough Council Ye : v
h ’ hie te go re . th a letter to his followers to refrain Ast September when the dam " 3 iil 1 | in Bed Tes
t f possible oo safeguard he fram wildeat strikes pointing 10 way completed. it was turned over ; ; Uy! $5
equities of our membership and the pact which set tp machinery i. ihe gs awh for Iainlenant : : a 4 Ls ot $ 97
. e additions) insurance by
to create additi nsurance by to settle grievances hy the
tape at mri
% 4 8 TT) § v8 F 4
Fypegri ty
states plans
in & ietler writlen hy At tr
frame] to Herman T ores
prominent Ebeanstn rg regident
i yeeial SL % #4 # :
erec ling financial bulwarks to The present contract runs until A den 3 enninel anid that ihe :
take care of any emergency that Mar i 1852 AMready the nia 3" aah . ; Sen £ dS ad
wr sr meet in the ature s y . : ’ new plans call for flashbosrds oi i g i he, dig » 5 ne at ¢
€ MAY 1 in ihe iiture is {I'MW's 200-mar goes bi § Ff SEE & > — Ti, al : 5
affecting the welfare of our mem- tee has met to blueprint policies { i : : bee
bership and the security of our {ou be followed In voal contract
snion. : negotiations. The union's execy
Bitter experience has taught tive ommitice was directed to
us that we cannot rely upon ROv- follow any course it desmed best | PrOted
but" we a yi Pautie Sn, in contract Regutin’ uns. {ee BH em | Me 's Hanki : ; Wasteb asket po $2. | J
resgih, courage and solidarity " P . : * n H es ;
a 8 arait aan i y £ G B * e i Kiwanis Activities " 52 3
surmount our difficulties ana | Of Lt. Sheldon Schettig Jr. | | C In C
marth luwiind a the XoUd's Ba marriage of Miss =: Reviewed Thursday for Pound : or Ly 2 Secale
Hitehing £ er psd
A $20 y ary-March special Ms Wilken ig RE ar hh Cunningham sw 8 Cheek sheets
rpg rr phe ardered during Hollidaysburg to LiL Bobert J ¥ih North Cambria K an : A rare saving! These pare Cluster of ering, fresh pes A worth while saving on big beratory tested
¥ Xe tive board fol- | gq hettizg. son of Mr. and Mrs lub. had chatie of hel irograr: | white satin stripe handker nuts coated with rich han kitehen write baskeln hp [hey ave
lowing negotiation of a $1602 | gyigon © Schettig Sr. of Cres. | at last weed sting in Carroll chiefs are worth much more! clous chorolute. A tempting They're all aaeial and » large Ef tons staple
h pay raise for the inihets SOE t oi place Wedne aes ee Eh % A i bi Yop 4 bos | Neat Finest stardy treat at & remmrkable saving. in guar sie, Red or yellow of bong wha
365 a hat Ri 19. in Winchester, Va : ' ties of the club during thel] "tion fabric. Get a supply. Dont miss it. with white, white wilh red Filipe woven in-
then ta a The newlyweds returned io bedy tyoe 1258
ment the union announced gt CToAsON ob Christmas Day follow bd muslin « «
that time, was to “build up finan. | Pf 3 southern wedding trip, and |c peed to louder
cial Bulwurks to ward off the on- | Were honored at a wedding recep | of 806 ( * year. He further] y fr to your som.
slaughts from our adversaries ” tion at the home of the bride Ws <i 3 We Pro gif FYE. 3 t.{ ~fiean
| groom's parents Christmas right. mittee had been on the job and | Batis A “ i bm,
3 3 Etat 3
A promise of less work for Sa Bre straight and
mort money never materializes, A vicious e¢ircle the more mesting The programs Were val e
for less work can only result in | powder some wives use, the more ied with speakers, music and mo
less money. | husbands blow up. | tions pictures. Three interciub ses |
—|—— - . . : . pi - ts semi iene © wie Wore held The annual picniv | 4 ; oil big Bien ait i FTV ad inter:
Twas held at Roselyn Lodge and |
ihree Ladi’ Nights were held : five
i Kiwanis will relurn to Patan in " ! k w :
[for Hs January meelings con | / ear,
PATTON, PA. | vening for dinner in the Come |
so mercial Hotel this Thursday, Jan
Presents 3. at 8 pom It is planned 0 have |
FINEST BANDS the new Lieutenant Governor A |
(E Long of Indiana present a»!
Pthis mesting vo conduct instalin
Pleasant Atmosphere | tion of officers | UP
courteous seRvice | Colyer Hospital | 55.5.5 2 =
. Patients’ Record
FRIDAY NITE. JANUARY ¢ The following is the list of pat.
jents admitied and discharged a!
t Colver BW ital fe Hi "a
JOE BOES & HIS ORCHESTRA (he Cover. Towpia for the pas
SATURDAY NITE, JANUARY 5 Getting, Kathryn Hancharick JANUARY
oy wit delir be
BOBBY PEAKS THE STARDUSTE a Suita and Adeline Bull ECONOMY by 1R 4
DISCHARGED a. | : nk hl i
Ys iryst sii} i the pig 8
duress and alan that a few feel
be pXeaval i the Qbper or
wm Bf the dan THe work is ex
ble Bed Sizes
£5 a A sarily spring
RR program or exch |
BALLOON CONTEST | Ted Lapina, Tulio Vieini, Mar.
ot Hagens, Josephine Burkey, 7% E po Ry
SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 6 Kathieen Gettings and Peart Lut. || #0 | pa ds Toi
_ FREE BINGO from 2:30 P. M. mai BIRTH S © ' 1) ECONOM
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bullivan,
BL. Boniface, son, Dec, 29
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bukovils,
Colver, son. Dec, ».
wen YOU oan't Slams Semen for
not liking to answer false aiarma
wants to be told to go to
blazes for nothing a Ta oN b oe > WU | i ia
Crisp ehoealste
ar vandlla waters
with rich cream c
Blled centers